/* * The big star catalogue extension to Stellarium: * Author and Copyright: Johannes Gajdosik, 2006, 2007 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA. */ #ifndef _STARWRAPPER_HPP_ #define _STARWRAPPER_HPP_ #include "StelObject.hpp" #include "StelApp.hpp" #include "StelCore.hpp" #include "StarMgr.hpp" #include "Star.hpp" #include "StelSkyDrawer.hpp" #include template class SpecialZoneArray; template struct SpecialZoneData; //! @class StarWrapperBase //! A Star (Star1,Star2,Star3,...) cannot be a StelObject. The additional //! overhead of having a dynamic type would simply be too much. //! Therefore the StarWrapper is needed when returning Stars as StelObjects, e.g. for searching, and for constellations. //! The StarWrapper is destroyed when it is not needed anymore, by utilizing reference counting. //! So there is no chance that more than a few hundreds of StarWrappers are alive simultanousely. //! Another reason for having the StarWrapper is to encapsulate the differences between the different kinds of Stars (Star1,Star2,Star3). class StarWrapperBase : public StelObject { protected: StarWrapperBase(void) : ref_count(0) {;} virtual ~StarWrapperBase(void) {;} QString getType(void) const {return "Star";} QString getEnglishName(void) const {return "";} QString getNameI18n(void) const = 0; //! StarWrapperBase supports the following InfoStringGroup flags
  • Name //!
  • Magnitude //!
  • RaDecJ2000 //!
  • RaDec //!
  • AltAzi //!
  • PlainText
//! @param core the StelCore object //! @param flags a set of InfoStringGroup items to include in the return value. //! @return a QString containing an HMTL encoded description of the StarWrapperBase. QString getInfoString(const StelCore *core, const InfoStringGroup& flags) const; virtual float getBV(void) const = 0; private: int ref_count; }; template class StarWrapper : public StarWrapperBase { protected: StarWrapper(const SpecialZoneArray *a, const SpecialZoneData *z, const Star *s) : a(a), z(z), s(s) {;} Vec3d getJ2000EquatorialPos(const StelCore* core) const { static const double d2000 = 2451545.0; Vec3f v; s->getJ2000Pos(z, (M_PI/180.)*(0.0001/3600.) * ((core->getJDay()-d2000)/365.25) / a->star_position_scale, v); return Vec3d(v[0], v[1], v[2]); } Vec3f getInfoColor(void) const { return StelSkyDrawer::indexToColor(s->bV); } float getVMagnitude(const StelCore* core) const { Q_UNUSED(core); return 0.001f*a->mag_min + s->mag*(0.001f*a->mag_range)/a->mag_steps; } float getBV(void) const {return s->getBV();} QString getEnglishName(void) const {return QString();} QString getNameI18n(void) const {return s->getNameI18n();} virtual double getAngularSize(const StelCore*) const {return 0.;} protected: const SpecialZoneArray *const a; const SpecialZoneData *const z; const Star *const s; }; class StarWrapper1 : public StarWrapper { public: StarWrapper1(const SpecialZoneArray *a, const SpecialZoneData *z, const Star1 *s) : StarWrapper(a,z,s) {;} //! StarWrapper1 supports the following InfoStringGroup flags:
  • Name //!
  • CatalogNumber //!
  • Magnitude //!
  • RaDecJ2000 //!
  • RaDec //!
  • AltAzi //!
  • Extra (spectral type, parallax) //!
  • Distance //!
  • PlainText
//! @param core the StelCore object. //! @param flags a set of InfoStringGroup items to include in the return value. //! @return a QString containing an HMTL encoded description of the StarWrapper1. QString getInfoString(const StelCore *core, const InfoStringGroup& flags) const; QString getEnglishName(void) const; }; class StarWrapper2 : public StarWrapper { public: StarWrapper2(const SpecialZoneArray *a, const SpecialZoneData *z, const Star2 *s) : StarWrapper(a,z,s) {;} }; class StarWrapper3 : public StarWrapper { public: StarWrapper3(const SpecialZoneArray *a, const SpecialZoneData *z, const Star3 *s) : StarWrapper(a,z,s) {;} }; #endif // _STARWRAPPER_HPP_