@echo off REM Translation files copying script (by Bogdan Marinov) REM This script copies compiled translation files from the build directory to REM the project's root directory, allowing translations to be tested without REM packing Stellarium or manually copying files. REM REM Can be run from Qt Creator if added in "Tools"->"External"->"Configure..." REM Just set the "Working directory" field to "%{CurrentProject:Path}" REM REM WARNING: The .cmake file just generates the script, you need the .bat file REM generated after CMake is first run! setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion rd @PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR_WINPATH@\locale cd @PROJECT_BINARY_DIR_WINPATH@\po\stellarium for %%f in (*.gmo) do ( set d=@PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR_WINPATH@\locale\%%~nf\LC_MESSAGES\ md !d! copy .\%%f !d!\stellarium.mo )