#!/usr/bin/python # # Simple script which convert the FITS headers associated to Brian McLean DSS images into simplified JSON files # Fabien Chereau fchereau@eso.org # import sys import os import math import Image from astLib import astWCS import skyTile levels = ["x64", "x32", "x16", "x8", "x4", "x2", "x1"] # Define the invalid zones in the plates corners for N and S plates removeBoxN=[64*300-2000, 1199] removeBoxS=[480, 624] def getIntersectPoly(baseFileName, curLevel, i,j): """Return the convex polygons in pixel space defining the valid area of the tile or None if the poly is fully in the invalid area""" scale = 2**(6-curLevel)*300 if baseFileName[0]=='N': box = removeBoxN x=float(box[0]-i*scale)/scale*300. y=float(box[1]-j*scale)/scale*300. # x,y is the position of the box top left corner in pixel wrt lower left corner of current tile if x>300. or y<=0.: # Tile fully valid return [[[0,0], [300, 0], [300, 300], [0, 300]]] if x<=0. and y>=300.: # Tile fully invalid return None if x<=0.: assert y>0 assert y<=300. return [[[0,y], [300, y], [300, 300], [0, 300]]] if y>=300.: assert x>0 assert x<=300. return [[[0,0], [x, 0], [x, 300], [0, 300]]] return [[[0,0], [x, 0], [x, 300], [0, 300]],[[x,y], [300, y], [300, 300], [x, 300]]] else: box = removeBoxS x=float(i*scale-box[0])/scale*300. y=float(box[1]-j*scale)/scale*300. # x,y is the position of the box top right corner in pixel wrt lower left corner of current tile if x>0. or y<=0.: # Tile fully valid return [[[0,0], [300, 0], [300, 300], [0, 300]]] if x<=-300. and y>=300.: # Tile fully invalid return None if x<=-300.: assert y>0 assert y<=300. return [[[0,y], [300, y], [300, 300], [0, 300]]] if y>=300.: assert x<=0 assert x>-300. return [[[-x,0], [300, 0], [300, 300], [-x, 300]]] return [[[-x,0], [300, 0], [300, 300], [-x, 300]],[[0,y], [-x, y], [-x, 300], [0, 300]]] def createTile(currentLevel, maxLevel, i, j, outDirectory, plateName, special=False): # Create the associated tile description t = skyTile.SkyImageTile() t.level = currentLevel t.i = i t.j = j t.imageUrl = "x%.2d/" % (2**currentLevel)+"x%.2d_%.2d_%.2d.jpg" % (2**currentLevel, i,j) if currentLevel==0: t.credits = "Copyright (C) 2008, STScI Digitized Sky Survey" t.infoUrl = "http://stdatu.stsci.edu/cgi-bin/dss_form" # t.maxBrightness = 10 # Create the matching sky polygons, return if there is no relevant polygons if special==True: pl = [[[0,0], [300, 0], [300, 300], [0, 300]]] else: pl = getIntersectPoly(plateName, currentLevel, i,j) if pl==None or len(pl)==0: return None # Get the WCS from the input FITS header file for the tile wcs=astWCS.WCS(plateName+"/"+levels[currentLevel]+"/"+plateName+"_%.2d_%.2d_" % (i,j) +levels[currentLevel]+".hhh") naxis1 = wcs.header.get('NAXIS1') naxis2 = wcs.header.get('NAXIS2') t.skyConvexPolygons = [] for idx,poly in enumerate(pl): p = [] for iv,v in enumerate(poly): pos = wcs.pix2wcs(v[0]+0.5,v[1]+0.5) p.append(pos) t.skyConvexPolygons.append(p) t.textureCoords = [] for idx,poly in enumerate(pl): p = [] for iv,v in enumerate(poly): pos = (float(v[0])/naxis1,float(v[1])/naxis2) p.append(pos) t.textureCoords.append(p) v10 = wcs.pix2wcs(1,0) v01 = wcs.pix2wcs(0,1) v00 = wcs.pix2wcs(0,0) t.minResolution = max(abs(v10[0]-v00[0])*math.cos(v00[1]*math.pi/180.), abs(v01[1]-v00[1])) if (currentLevel>=maxLevel): return t # Recursively creates the 4 sub-tiles sub = createTile(currentLevel+1, maxLevel, i*2, j*2, outDirectory, plateName) if sub!=None: t.subTiles.append(sub) sub = createTile(currentLevel+1, maxLevel, i*2+1, j*2, outDirectory, plateName) if sub!=None: t.subTiles.append(sub) sub = createTile(currentLevel+1, maxLevel, i*2+1, j*2+1, outDirectory, plateName) if sub!=None: t.subTiles.append(sub) sub = createTile(currentLevel+1, maxLevel, i*2, j*2+1, outDirectory, plateName) if sub!=None: t.subTiles.append(sub) return t def generateJpgTiles(inDirectory, outDirectory): # Create a reduced 256x256 version of all the jpeg for curLevel in range(0,len(levels)): fullOutDir = outDirectory+"/x%.2d" % (2**curLevel) if not os.path.exists(fullOutDir): os.makedirs(fullOutDir) print "Create directory "+fullOutDir for i in range (0,2**curLevel): for j in range(0,2**curLevel): baseFileName = "x%.2d_%.2d_%.2d" % (2**curLevel, i,j) im = Image.open(inDirectory+"/"+levels[curLevel]+"/"+inDirectory+'_'+"%.2d_%.2d_" % (i,j)+levels[curLevel]+".jpg") # Enhance darker part of the image im3 = im.point(lambda t : 2.*t-256.*(t/256.)**1.6) im2 = im3.transform((256, 256), Image.EXTENT, (0,0,300,300), Image.BILINEAR) im2.save(fullOutDir+'/'+baseFileName+".jpg") def plateRange(): if len(sys.argv)!=4: print "Usage: "+sys.argv[0]+" prefix startPlate stopPlate " exit(-1) prefix = sys.argv[1] outDir = "/tmp/tmpPlate" nRange = range(int(sys.argv[2]),int(sys.argv[3])) for i in nRange: if os.path.exists(outDir): os.system("rm -r "+outDir) os.makedirs(outDir) plateName = prefix + "%.3i" % i generateJpgTiles(plateName, outDir) # Create all the JSON files masterTile = createTile(0, 6, 0, 0, outDir, plateName) masterTile.outputJSON(qCompress=True, maxLevelPerFile=2, outDir=outDir+'/') command = "cd /tmp && mv tmpPlate "+plateName+" && tar -cf " +plateName+ ".tar "+plateName+" && rm -rf "+plateName print command os.system(command) command = "cd /tmp && scp " +plateName+".tar vosw@voint1.hq.eso.org:/work/fabienDSS2/"+plateName+".tar" print command os.system(command) command = "rm /tmp/" +plateName+ ".tar" print command os.system(command) def mainHeader(): # Generate the top level file containing pointers on all outDir = "/tmp/tmpPlate" f = open('/tmp/allDSS.json', 'w') f.write('{\n') f.write('"minResolution" : 0.1,\n') f.write('"maxBrightness" : 13,\n') f.write('"subTiles" : \n[\n') for prefix in ['N', 'S']: if prefix=='N': nRange = range(2, 898) if prefix=='S': nRange = range(1, 894) for i in nRange: plateName = prefix+"%.3i" % i ti = createTile(0, 0, 0, 0, outDir, plateName, True) assert ti != None f.write('\t{\n') f.write('\t\t"minResolution" : %.8f,\n' % ti.minResolution) f.write('\t\t"worldCoords" : ') skyTile.writePolys(ti.skyConvexPolygons, f) f.write(',\n') f.write('\t\t"subTiles" : ["'+plateName+"/x01_00_00.json.qZ"+'"]\n') f.write('\t},\n') f.seek(-2, os.SEEK_CUR) f.write('\n]}\n') f.close() if __name__ == "__main__": import psyco psyco.full() plateRange()