#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (C) 2009 Fabien Chereau # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA # 02110-1335, USA. # Tool which converts a large image + FITS headers into a bunch of multiresolution tiles + JSON description files # Fabien Chereau fchereau@eso.org import sys import os import Image import math from astLib import astWCS from skyTile import * from optparse import OptionParser from optparse import IndentedHelpFormatter def sphe2rect3d(lng, lat): cosLat = math.cos(lat) return [math.cos(lng) * cosLat, math.sin(lng) * cosLat, math.sin(lat)] def dot(v1, v2): return v1[0]*v2[0]+v1[1]*v2[1]+v1[2]*v2[2] def lengthSquared(v): return v[0]*v[0]+v[1]*v[1]+v[2]*v[2] def angularDist(v1, v2): return math.acos(dot(v1,v2)/math.sqrt(lengthSquared(v1)*lengthSquared(v2))); def createTile(currentLevel, maxLevel, i, j, wcs, im, doImage, tileSize): if (currentLevel>maxLevel): return None # Create the jpg sub tile realTileSize = tileSize*2**(maxLevel-currentLevel) box = ( i*realTileSize, j*realTileSize, min((i+1)*realTileSize, im.size[0]), min((j+1)*realTileSize, im.size[1]) ) if (box[0]>=im.size[0] or box[1]>=im.size[1]): return None imgName = 'x%.2i_%.2i_%.2i.jpg' % (2**currentLevel, i, j) if doImage: region = im.crop(box) r2 = region.resize((tileSize, tileSize), Image.ANTIALIAS) r2.save(imgName) # Create the associated tile description t = SkyImageTile() t.level = currentLevel t.i = i t.j = j t.imageUrl = imgName v00 = wcs.pix2wcs(box[0]+0.5,im.size[1]-box[3]+0.5) v10 = wcs.pix2wcs(box[2]+0.5,im.size[1]-box[3]+0.5) v01 = wcs.pix2wcs(box[0]+0.5,im.size[1]-box[1]+0.5) v11 = wcs.pix2wcs(box[2]+0.5,im.size[1]-box[1]+0.5) t.skyConvexPolygons = [[ [v00[0],v00[1]], [v10[0],v10[1]], [v11[0],v11[1]], [v01[0],v01[1]] ]] t.textureCoords = [[ [0,0], [1,0], [1,1], [0,1] ]] t.minResolution = max( angularDist(sphe2rect3d(v10[0]*math.pi/180., v10[1]*math.pi/180.), sphe2rect3d(v00[0]*math.pi/180., v00[1]*math.pi/180.)), angularDist(sphe2rect3d(v01[0]*math.pi/180., v01[1]*math.pi/180.), sphe2rect3d(v00[0]*math.pi/180.,v00[1]*math.pi/180.)) )*180./math.pi/tileSize # Recursively creates the 4 sub-tiles sub = createTile(currentLevel+1, maxLevel, i*2, j*2, wcs, im, doImage, tileSize) if sub!=None: t.subTiles.append(sub) sub = createTile(currentLevel+1, maxLevel, i*2+1, j*2, wcs, im, doImage, tileSize) if sub!=None: t.subTiles.append(sub) sub = createTile(currentLevel+1, maxLevel, i*2+1, j*2+1, wcs, im, doImage, tileSize) if sub!=None: t.subTiles.append(sub) sub = createTile(currentLevel+1, maxLevel, i*2, j*2+1, wcs, im, doImage, tileSize) if sub!=None: t.subTiles.append(sub) return t def main(): # Program options management parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog imageFile [options]", version="0.1", description="This tool generates multi-resolution astronomical images from large image for display by Stellarium/VirGO. The passed image is split in small tiles and the corresponding index JSON files are generated. Everything is output in the current directory.", formatter=IndentedHelpFormatter(max_help_position=33, width=80)) parser.add_option("-f", "--fitsheader", dest="fitsHeader", help="use the FITS header from FILE to get WCS info", metavar="FILE") parser.add_option("-g", "--gzipcompress", dest="gzipCompress", action="store_true", default=False, help="compress the produced JSON index using gzip") parser.add_option("-t", "--tilesize", dest="tileSize", type="int", default=256, help="output image tiles size in pixel (default: %default)", metavar="SIZE") parser.add_option("-i", "--onlyindex", dest="makeImageTiles", action="store_false", default=True, help="output only the JSON index") parser.add_option("-l", "--maxLevPerIndex", dest="maxLevelPerIndex", default=3, type="int", help="put up to MAX levels per index file (default: %default)", metavar="MAX") parser.add_option("-b", "--maxBrightness", dest="maxBrightness", default=13., type="float", help="the surface brightness of a white pixel of the image in V mag/arcmin^2 (default: %default)", metavar="MAG") parser.add_option("-a", "--alphaBlend", dest="alphaBlend", action="store_true", default=False, help="activate alpha blending for this image") parser.add_option("--imgInfoShort", dest="imgInfoShort", type="string", help="the short name of the image", metavar="STR") parser.add_option("--imgInfoFull", dest="imgInfoFull", type="string", help="the full name of the image", metavar="STR") parser.add_option("--imgInfoUrl", dest="imgInfoUrl", type="string", help="the info URL about the image", metavar="STR") parser.add_option("--imgCreditsShort", dest="imgCreditsShort", type="string", help="the short name of the image creator", metavar="STR") parser.add_option("--imgCreditsFull", dest="imgCreditsFull", type="string", help="the full name of the image creator", metavar="STR") parser.add_option("--imgCreditsInfoUrl", dest="imgCreditsInfoUrl", type="string", help="the info URL about the image creator", metavar="STR") parser.add_option("--srvCreditsShort", dest="serverCreditsShort", type="string", help="the short name of the hosting server", metavar="STR") parser.add_option("--srvCreditsFull", dest="serverCreditsFull", type="string", help="the full name of the hosting server", metavar="STR") parser.add_option("--srvCreditsInfoUrl", dest="serverCreditsInfoUrl", type="string", help="the info URL about the hosting server", metavar="STR") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # Need at least an image file as input if len(args) < 1: print "Usage: "+os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])+" imageFile [options]" exit(0) imgFile = sys.argv[1] # We now have valid arguments if options.fitsHeader!=None: # Try to read the provided FITS header file to extract the WCS wcs = astWCS.WCS(options.fitsHeader) else: # Else try to generate the WCS from the xmp informations contained in the file header import libxmp print "Try to import WCS info from the XMP headers in the image" libxmp.XMPFiles.initialize() xmpfile = libxmp.XMPFiles() xmpfile.open_file(imgFile, libxmp.consts.XMP_OPEN_READ) xmp = xmpfile.get_xmp() ns = 'http://www.communicatingastronomy.org/avm/1.0/' nxpix=int(xmp.get_array_item(ns, 'Spatial.ReferenceDimension', 1).keys()[0]) nypix=int(xmp.get_array_item(ns, 'Spatial.ReferenceDimension', 2).keys()[0]) ctype1='RA---TAN' ctype2='DEC--TAN' crpix1=float(xmp.get_array_item(ns, 'Spatial.ReferencePixel', 1).keys()[0]) crpix2=float(xmp.get_array_item(ns, 'Spatial.ReferencePixel', 2).keys()[0]) crval1=float(xmp.get_array_item(ns, 'Spatial.ReferenceValue', 1).keys()[0]) crval2=float(xmp.get_array_item(ns, 'Spatial.ReferenceValue', 2).keys()[0]) cdelt1=float(xmp.get_array_item(ns, 'Spatial.Scale', 1).keys()[0]) cdelt2=float(xmp.get_array_item(ns, 'Spatial.Scale', 2).keys()[0]) crota=float(xmp.get_property(ns, "Spatial.Rotation")) equinox=xmp.get_property(ns, "Spatial.Equinox") if equinox=='J2000': equinox=2000 elif equinox=='B1950': equinox=1950 else: equinox=float(equinox) coordFrameCstr=xmp.get_property(ns, "Spatial.CoordinateFrame") header = astWCS.pyfits.Header() header.update('SIMPLE', 'T') header.update('BITPIX', 8) header.update('NAXIS', 2) header.update('NAXIS1', nxpix) header.update('NAXIS2', nypix) header.update('CDELT1', cdelt1) header.update('CDELT2', cdelt2) header.update('CTYPE1', 'RA---TAN') header.update('CTYPE2', 'DEC--TAN') header.update('CRVAL1', crval1) header.update('CRVAL2', crval2) header.update('CRPIX1', crpix1) header.update('CRPIX2', crpix2) header.update('CROTA', crota) header.update('EQUINOX', equinox) header.update('RADECSYS', coordFrameCstr) wcs = astWCS.WCS(header, mode='pyfits') im = Image.open(imgFile) nbTileX = (im.size[0]+options.tileSize)//options.tileSize nbTileY = (im.size[1]+options.tileSize)//options.tileSize maxSize = max(im.size[0], im.size[1]) nbLevels = 0 while 2**nbLevels*options.tileSize