#include "tp_magic_api.h" #include "SDL_image.h" #include "SDL_mixer.h" unsigned int img_w, img_h; static Uint8 string_r, string_g, string_b; static int string_ox, string_oy; static int string_vertex_x, string_vertex_y, string_vertex_done, string_vertex_distance; static SDL_Surface * canvas_backup; enum string_tools{ STRING_TOOL_FULL_BY_OFFSET, STRING_TOOL_TRIANGLE, STRING_TOOL_ANGLE, STRING_NUMTOOLS}; Mix_Chunk * string_snd[STRING_NUMTOOLS]; // Custom function declarations void string_callback(void * ptr, int which_tool, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * snapshot, int x, int y); void string_draw_triangle(magic_api * api, int which, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * snapshot, int ox, int oy, int x, int y, SDL_Rect * update_rect); void string_draw_angle(magic_api * api, int which, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * snapshot, int ox, int oy, int x, int y, SDL_Rect * update_rect); void string_draw_triangle_preview(magic_api * api, int which, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * snapshot, int ox, int oy, int x, int y, SDL_Rect * update_rect); void string_draw_angle_preview(magic_api * api, int which, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * snapshot, int ox, int oy, int x, int y, SDL_Rect * update_rect); void scale_xcoord(int * xcoord); void scale_ycoord(int * ycoord); void scale_coords(int * ox, int * oy, int * x, int * y); void string_draw_wrapper(magic_api * api, int which, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * snapshot, int ox, int oy, int x, int y, SDL_Rect * update_rect); void string_set_vertex(int x, int y); void compute_middle( int start_point, int end_point, int vertex, int * middle); // Prototypes for required functions void string_drag(magic_api * api, int which, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * snapshot, int ox, int oy, int x, int y, SDL_Rect * update_rect); Uint32 string_api_version(void); int string_modes(magic_api * api, int which); void string_set_color(magic_api * api, Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b); int string_get_tool_count(magic_api * api); SDL_Surface * string_get_icon(magic_api * api, int which); char * string_get_name(magic_api * api, int which); char * string_get_description(magic_api * api, int which, int mode); int string_requires_colors(magic_api * api, int which); void string_release(magic_api * api, int which, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * snapshot, int x, int y, SDL_Rect * update_rect); int string_init(magic_api * api); void string_shutdown(magic_api * api); void string_switchin(magic_api * api, int which, int mode, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * snapshot); void string_switchout(magic_api * api, int which, int mode, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * snapshot); void string_click(magic_api * api, int which, int mode, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * snapshot, int x, int y, SDL_Rect * update_rect); // Required functions Uint32 string_api_version(void) { return(TP_MAGIC_API_VERSION); } int string_modes(__attribute__((unused)) magic_api * api, int which) { if (which == STRING_TOOL_FULL_BY_OFFSET) return(MODE_PAINT); else return(MODE_PAINT_WITH_PREVIEW); } void string_set_color(__attribute__((unused)) magic_api * api, Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b) { string_r=r; string_g=g; string_b=b; } int string_get_tool_count(__attribute__((unused)) magic_api * api) { return STRING_NUMTOOLS; } SDL_Surface * string_get_icon(magic_api * api, int which) { char fname[1024]; switch (which) { case STRING_TOOL_FULL_BY_OFFSET: snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/images/magic/string_art_full_by_offset.png", api->data_directory); break; case STRING_TOOL_TRIANGLE: snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/images/magic/string_art_triangles.png", api->data_directory); break; case STRING_TOOL_ANGLE: snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/images/magic/string_art_angles.png", api->data_directory); break; } return(IMG_Load(fname)); } char * string_get_name(__attribute__((unused)) magic_api * api, __attribute__((unused)) int which) { switch (which) { case STRING_TOOL_FULL_BY_OFFSET: return strdup(gettext_noop("String edges")); break; case STRING_TOOL_TRIANGLE: return strdup(gettext_noop("String corner")); break; default: return strdup(gettext_noop("String 'V'")); } } char * string_get_description(__attribute__((unused)) magic_api * api, int which, __attribute__((unused)) int mode) { switch (which) { case STRING_TOOL_FULL_BY_OFFSET: return strdup(gettext_noop("Click and drag to draw string art. Drag top-bottom to draw less or more lines, left or right to make a bigger hole.")); break; case STRING_TOOL_TRIANGLE: return strdup(gettext_noop("Click and drag to draw arrows made of string art.")); break; default: return strdup(gettext_noop("Draw string art arrows with free angles.")); } } int string_requires_colors(__attribute__((unused)) magic_api * api, __attribute__((unused)) int which) { return 1;} void string_release(magic_api * api, int which, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * snapshot, int x, int y, SDL_Rect * update_rect) { int dx, dy; if (which==STRING_TOOL_TRIANGLE) string_draw_triangle((void *) api, which, canvas, snapshot, string_ox, string_oy, x, y, update_rect); if (which==STRING_TOOL_ANGLE) { if(!string_vertex_done) // maybe we face small children, draw square angles aligned to the drag { dx=string_ox - x; dy=string_oy - y; y=y + dx; x=x - dy; } string_draw_angle((void *) api, which, canvas, snapshot, string_ox, string_oy, x, y, update_rect); } } int string_init(__attribute__((unused)) magic_api * api) { char fname[1024]; snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/sounds/magic/string.ogg", api->data_directory); string_snd[STRING_TOOL_FULL_BY_OFFSET] = Mix_LoadWAV(fname); snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/sounds/magic/string2.ogg", api->data_directory); string_snd[STRING_TOOL_TRIANGLE] = Mix_LoadWAV(fname); snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/sounds/magic/string3.ogg", api->data_directory); string_snd[STRING_TOOL_ANGLE] = Mix_LoadWAV(fname); return(1); } void string_shutdown(__attribute__((unused)) magic_api * api) { int i = 0; if (canvas_backup) SDL_FreeSurface(canvas_backup); while (i < STRING_NUMTOOLS) { if (string_snd[i] != NULL) Mix_FreeChunk(string_snd[i]); i ++; } } void string_switchin(__attribute__((unused)) magic_api * api, __attribute__((unused)) int which, __attribute__((unused)) int mode, SDL_Surface * canvas, __attribute__((unused)) SDL_Surface * snapshot) { canvas_backup=SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_ANYFORMAT, canvas->w, canvas->h, canvas->format->BitsPerPixel, canvas->format->Rmask, canvas->format->Gmask, canvas->format->Bmask, canvas->format->Amask); } void string_switchout(__attribute__((unused)) magic_api * api, __attribute__((unused)) int which, __attribute__((unused)) int mode, __attribute__((unused)) SDL_Surface * canvas, __attribute__((unused)) SDL_Surface * snapshot) { SDL_FreeSurface(canvas_backup); canvas_backup=NULL; } // Interactivity functions void string_callback(void * ptr,__attribute__((unused)) int which, SDL_Surface * canvas,__attribute__((unused)) SDL_Surface * snapshot, int x, int y) { magic_api * api = (magic_api *) ptr; api->putpixel(canvas, x, y, SDL_MapRGBA(canvas->format, string_r, string_g, string_b,255)); } void string_click(magic_api * api, int which,__attribute__((unused)) int mode, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * snapshot, int x, int y, SDL_Rect * update_rect) { SDL_BlitSurface(canvas, NULL, canvas_backup, NULL); string_ox=x; string_oy=y; string_vertex_distance=0; string_vertex_done=0; string_drag(api, which, canvas, snapshot, x, y, x, y, update_rect); } static void string_draw_full_by_offset(void * ptr, __attribute__((unused)) int which, SDL_Surface * canvas, __attribute__((unused)) SDL_Surface * snapshot, int x, int y, SDL_Rect * update_rect) { magic_api * api = (magic_api *) ptr; int u; int i; int o; //offset // int n=y/5; int ** a; float step_w, step_h, aux; int side=(int)(y/3); SDL_BlitSurface(snapshot,0,canvas,0); if (side<3) side=3; o=(int)(side*4*x/canvas->w); step_w=canvas->w/(float)side; step_h=canvas->h/(float)side; a=malloc(sizeof(int*)*side*4*2); for (i=0;ih; } else if (i<(int)(side*3)) { a[i][0]= canvas->w; a[i][1]= (int)(canvas->h - (float)((i%side)*step_h)); } else if (i<(int)(side*4)) { a[i][0]=(int)( canvas->w-((float)((i%side)*step_w))); a[i][1]= 0; } } for (i=0;iline((void *) api, which, canvas, snapshot,a[i][0],a[i][1],a[u][0],a[u][1],1, string_callback); } for (i=0;ix=0; update_rect->y=0; update_rect->w=canvas->w; update_rect->h=canvas->h; } void scale_xcoord(int * xcoord) { if (*xcoord < string_ox) *xcoord=string_ox-(string_ox - *xcoord)*4; else *xcoord=string_ox+(*xcoord-string_ox)*4; } void scale_ycoord(int * ycoord) { if (*ycoord < string_oy) *ycoord=string_oy-(string_oy - *ycoord)*4; else *ycoord=string_oy+(*ycoord-string_oy)*4; } void scale_coords(int * ox, int * oy, int * x, int * y) { scale_xcoord(ox); scale_xcoord(x); scale_ycoord(oy); scale_ycoord(y); } void compute_middle( int start_point, int end_point, int vertex, int * middle) { *middle=min(start_point,end_point)+(max(start_point,end_point)-min(start_point,end_point))/2; *middle=min(*middle,vertex)+(max(*middle,vertex)-min(*middle,vertex))/2; } void string_draw_triangle_preview(magic_api * api, int which, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * snapshot, int ox, int oy, int x, int y, SDL_Rect * update_rect) { int middle_x, middle_y; int w, h; scale_coords(&ox, &oy,&x, &y); w=max(string_ox,x)-min(string_ox,x); h=max(string_oy,y)-min(string_oy,y); /* This is enouth if you move the mouse slowly, but if you move the mouse fast, there are rests of old previews left around. update_rect->w=max(max(string_ox,x),max(ox,x))-min(min(string_ox,x),min(ox,x)) +80; update_rect->h=max(max(string_oy,y),max(oy,y))-min(min(string_oy,y),min(oy,y)) +80; update_rect->x=min(string_ox,x) -40; update_rect->y=min(string_oy,y) -40; */ update_rect->x=0; update_rect->y=0; update_rect->w=canvas->w; update_rect->h=canvas->h; SDL_BlitSurface(canvas_backup,update_rect,canvas,update_rect); compute_middle(x, string_ox, string_ox, &middle_x); compute_middle(y, string_oy, string_oy, &middle_y); api->line((void *) api, which, canvas, snapshot, string_ox,string_oy, string_ox , y,1, string_callback); api->line((void *) api, which, canvas, snapshot, string_ox,string_oy, x , string_oy,1, string_callback); api->line((void *) api, which, canvas, snapshot, middle_x,middle_y, x , string_oy,1, string_callback); api->line((void *) api, which, canvas, snapshot, string_ox,y, middle_x , middle_y,1, string_callback); } void string_draw_angle_preview(magic_api * api, int which, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * snapshot, __attribute__((unused)) int ox, __attribute__ ((unused)) int oy, int x, int y, SDL_Rect * update_rect) { int w, h; int middle_x, middle_y; int dx, dy; w=max(string_ox,x)-min(string_ox,x); h=max(string_oy,y)-min(string_oy,y); update_rect->x=0; update_rect->y=0; update_rect->w=canvas->w; update_rect->h=canvas->h; SDL_BlitSurface(canvas_backup,update_rect,canvas,update_rect); api->line((void *) api, which, canvas, snapshot, string_ox,string_oy, string_vertex_x , string_vertex_y,1, string_callback); if(!string_vertex_done) { // if(!string_vertex_done) // maybe we face small children, draw square angles aligned to the drag //{ dx=string_ox - x; dy=string_oy - y; y=y + dx; x=x - dy; } compute_middle(string_ox, x, string_vertex_x, &middle_x); compute_middle(string_oy, y, string_vertex_y, &middle_y); api->line((void *) api, which, canvas, snapshot, string_vertex_x,string_vertex_y, x , y,1, string_callback); api->line((void *) api, which, canvas, snapshot, string_ox,string_oy, middle_x , middle_y,1, string_callback); api->line((void *) api, which, canvas, snapshot, x, y, middle_x , middle_y,1, string_callback); } void string_draw_angle(magic_api * api, __attribute__((unused)) int which, SDL_Surface * canvas, __attribute__((unused))SDL_Surface * snapshot, __attribute__ ((unused)) int ox, __attribute__ ((unused)) int oy, int x, int y, SDL_Rect * update_rect) { float first_arm_step_x, first_arm_step_y, second_arm_step_x, second_arm_step_y; int i; int max_wh , steps; int max_separation=10; update_rect->x=min(min(string_ox,string_vertex_x),x); update_rect->y=min(min(string_oy,string_vertex_y),y); update_rect->w=max(max(string_ox,string_vertex_x),x)-update_rect->x; update_rect->h=max(max(string_oy,string_vertex_y),y)-update_rect->y; SDL_BlitSurface(canvas_backup,update_rect,canvas,update_rect); max_wh= max( max(max(string_ox,string_vertex_x),x)- min(min(string_vertex_x , x),string_ox) , max(max(string_oy , string_vertex_y),y)- min(min(string_vertex_y ,y),string_oy)); steps=max_wh/max_separation; first_arm_step_x=(float)(string_ox-string_vertex_x)/(float)steps; first_arm_step_y=(float)(string_oy-string_vertex_y)/(float)steps; second_arm_step_x=(float)(string_vertex_x-x)/(float)steps; second_arm_step_y=(float)(string_vertex_y-y)/(float)steps; for (i=0;i<=steps;i++) { api->line((void *) api, 0, canvas, snapshot, string_ox-first_arm_step_x*i,string_oy-first_arm_step_y*i, string_vertex_x-second_arm_step_x*i,string_vertex_y-second_arm_step_y*i,1, string_callback); } } void string_draw_triangle(magic_api * api, __attribute__((unused)) int which, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * snapshot, int ox, int oy, int x, int y, SDL_Rect * update_rect) { SDL_BlitSurface(canvas_backup,0,canvas,0); scale_coords(&ox, &oy,&x, &y); string_vertex_x=string_ox; string_vertex_y=string_oy; string_ox=string_vertex_x; string_oy=y; y=string_vertex_y; string_draw_angle((void *) api, which, canvas, snapshot, string_ox, string_oy, x, y, update_rect); } void string_draw_wrapper(magic_api * api, int which, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * snapshot, int ox, int oy, int x, int y, SDL_Rect * update_rect) { if (which==STRING_TOOL_FULL_BY_OFFSET) string_draw_full_by_offset((void *) api, which, canvas, snapshot, x, y, update_rect); else if (which==STRING_TOOL_TRIANGLE) string_draw_triangle_preview ((void *) api, which, canvas, snapshot, ox, oy, x, y, update_rect); else if (which==STRING_TOOL_ANGLE) string_draw_angle_preview ((void *) api, which, canvas, snapshot, ox, oy, x, y, update_rect); } void string_set_vertex(int x, int y) { int dx, dy; if (string_vertex_done) return; dx=max(string_ox,x)-min(string_ox,x); dy=max(string_oy,y)-min(string_oy,y); if(dx+dy>string_vertex_distance) { string_vertex_distance=dx+dy; string_vertex_x=x; string_vertex_y=y; } if(dx+dy+30w)&&(yh)&&(oxw)&&(oyh)&&((signed)x>0)&&((signed)y>0)&&((signed)ox>0)&&((signed)oy>0)) { string_set_vertex(x,y); string_draw_wrapper((void *) api, which, canvas, snapshot,ox,oy, x, y, update_rect); api->playsound(string_snd[which], (x * 255) / canvas->w, 255); } }