#!/usr/bin/python3 import os import sys from gi.repository import Gtk from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True) # we could use this as the base for the MockController as well # from ubiquity.frontend.base import Controller # for testing online status from ubiquity.misc import add_connection_watch class MockController(object): def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent self.oem_user_config = None self.oem_config = None self.dbfilter = None self._allow_go_foward = True self._allow_go_backward = True def go_forward(self): self.parent.button_next.clicked() def get_string(self, s, lang): return "get_string: %s (lang=%s)" % (s, lang) def add_builder(self, builder): pass def allow_go_forward(self, v): self._allow_go_forward = v self.parent.button_next.set_sensitive(v) def allow_go_backward(self, v): self._allow_go_backward = v self.parent.button_back.set_sensitive(v) if __name__ == "__main__": """ Run with: ./plugin-viewer-gtk.py ubi-timezone """ def _on_button_next_clicked(button): stop = page_gtk.plugin_on_next_clicked() if not stop: Gtk.main_quit() # setup env for envvar, path in ( ("UBIQUITY_PLUGIN_PATH", "./ubiquity/plugins"), ("UBIQUITY_GLADE", "./gui/gtk")): if os.path.exists(path): os.environ[envvar] = path # ... and then import the plugin_manager from ubiquity.plugin_manager import load_plugin plugin_name = sys.argv[1] plugin_module = load_plugin(plugin_name) win = Gtk.Window() win.button_next = Gtk.Button("next") win.button_back = Gtk.Button("back") mock_controller = MockController(win) page_gtk = plugin_module.PageGtk(mock_controller) page_gtk.plugin_translate("en") win.button_next.connect( "clicked", _on_button_next_clicked) win.button_back.connect( "clicked", lambda b: page_gtk.plugin_on_back_clicked()) add_connection_watch(page_gtk.plugin_set_online_state) # fake debconf interface: page_gtk.db = {'netcfg/get_hostname': 'test hostname'} button_box = Gtk.ButtonBox(spacing=12) button_box.set_layout(Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle.END) button_box.pack_start(win.button_back, True, True, 6) button_box.pack_start(win.button_next, True, True, 6) box = Gtk.VBox() box.pack_start(page_gtk.page, True, True, 6) box.pack_start(button_box, True, True, 6) win.add(box) win.connect("destroy", Gtk.main_quit) win.show_all() Gtk.main()