/* license {{{ */ /* wmctrl A command line tool to interact with an EWMH/NetWM compatible X Window Manager. Author, current maintainer: Tomas Styblo Copyright (C) 2003 This program is free software which I release under the GNU General Public License. You may redistribute and/or modify this program under the terms of that license as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. To get a copy of the GNU General Puplic License, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* }}} */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define _NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE 0 /* remove/unset property */ #define _NET_WM_STATE_ADD 1 /* add/set property */ #define _NET_WM_STATE_TOGGLE 2 /* toggle property */ /* help {{{ */ #define HELP "wmctrl " VERSION "\n" \ "Usage: wmctrl [OPTION]...\n" \ "Actions:\n" \ " -m Show information about the window manager and\n" \ " about the environment.\n" \ " -l List windows managed by the window manager.\n" \ " -d List desktops. The current desktop is marked\n" \ " with an asterisk.\n" \ " -s Switch to the specified desktop.\n" \ " -a Activate the window by switching to its desktop and\n" \ " raising it.\n" \ " -c Close the window gracefully.\n" \ " -R Move the window to the current desktop and\n" \ " activate it.\n" \ " -r -t Move the window to the specified desktop.\n" \ " -r -e Resize and move the window around the desktop.\n" \ " The format of the argument is described below.\n" \ " -r -b Change the state of the window. Using this option it's\n" \ " possible for example to make the window maximized,\n" \ " minimized or fullscreen. The format of the \n" \ " argument and list of possible states is given below.\n" \ " -r -N Set the name (long title) of the window.\n" \ " -r -I Set the icon name (short title) of the window.\n" \ " -r -T Set both the name and the icon name of the window.\n" \ " -k (on|off) Activate or deactivate window manager's\n" \ " \"showing the desktop\" mode. Many window managers\n" \ " do not implement this mode.\n" \ " -o , Change the viewport for the current desktop.\n" \ " The X and Y values are separated with a comma.\n" \ " They define the top left corner of the viewport.\n" \ " The window manager may ignore the request.\n" \ " -n Change number of desktops.\n" \ " The window manager may ignore the request.\n" \ " -g , Change geometry (common size) of all desktops.\n" \ " The window manager may ignore the request.\n" \ " -h Print help.\n" \ "\n" \ "Options:\n" \ " -i Interpret as a numerical window ID.\n" \ " -p Include PIDs in the window list. Very few\n" \ " X applications support this feature.\n" \ " -G Include geometry in the window list.\n" \ " -x Include WM_CLASS in the window list or\n" \ " interpret as the WM_CLASS name.\n" \ " -u Override auto-detection and force UTF-8 mode.\n" \ " -F Modifies the behavior of the window title matching\n" \ " algorithm. It will match only the full window title\n" \ " instead of a substring, when this option is used.\n" \ " Furthermore it makes the matching case sensitive.\n" \ " -v Be verbose. Useful for debugging.\n" \ " -w Use a workaround. The option may appear multiple\n" \ " times. List of available workarounds is given below.\n" \ "\n" \ "Arguments:\n" \ " This argument specifies the window. By default it's\n" \ " interpreted as a string. The string is matched\n" \ " against the window titles and the first matching\n" \ " window is used. The matching isn't case sensitive\n" \ " and the string may appear in any position\n" \ " of the title.\n" \ "\n" \ " The -i option may be used to interpret the argument\n" \ " as a numerical window ID represented as a decimal\n" \ " number. If it starts with \"0x\", then\n" \ " it will be interpreted as a hexadecimal number.\n" \ "\n" \ " The -x option may be used to interpret the argument\n" \ " as a string, which is matched against the window's\n" \ " class name (WM_CLASS property). Th first matching\n" \ " window is used. The matching isn't case sensitive\n" \ " and the string may appear in any position\n" \ " of the class name. So it's recommended to always use\n" \ " the -F option in conjunction with the -x option.\n" \ "\n" \ " The special string \":SELECT:\" (without the quotes)\n" \ " may be used to instruct wmctrl to let you select the\n" \ " window by clicking on it.\n" \ "\n" \ " The special string \":ACTIVE:\" (without the quotes)\n" \ " may be used to instruct wmctrl to use the currently\n" \ " active window for the action.\n" \ "\n" \ " A desktop number. Desktops are counted from zero.\n" \ "\n" \ " Specifies a change to the position and size\n" \ " of the window. The format of the argument is:\n" \ "\n" \ " ,,,,\n" \ "\n" \ " : Gravity specified as a number. The numbers are\n" \ " defined in the EWMH specification. The value of\n" \ " zero is particularly useful, it means \"use the\n" \ " default gravity of the window\".\n" \ " ,: Coordinates of new position of the window.\n" \ " ,: New width and height of the window.\n" \ "\n" \ " The value of -1 may appear in place of\n" \ " any of the , , and properties\n" \ " to left the property unchanged.\n" \ "\n" \ " Specifies a change to the state of the window\n" \ " by the means of _NET_WM_STATE request.\n" \ " This option allows two properties to be changed\n" \ " simultaneously, specifically to allow both\n" \ " horizontal and vertical maximization to be\n" \ " altered together.\n" \ "\n" \ " The format of the argument is:\n" \ "\n" \ " (remove|add|toggle),[,]\n" \ "\n" \ " The EWMH specification defines the\n" \ " following properties:\n" \ "\n" \ " modal, sticky, maximized_vert, maximized_horz,\n" \ " shaded, skip_taskbar, skip_pager, hidden,\n" \ " fullscreen, above, below\n" \ "\n" \ "Workarounds:\n" \ "\n" \ " DESKTOP_TITLES_INVALID_UTF8 Print non-ASCII desktop titles correctly\n" \ " when using Window Maker.\n" \ "\n" \ "The format of the window list:\n" \ "\n" \ " \n" \ "\n" \ "The format of the desktop list:\n" \ "\n" \ " [-*] \n" \ "\n" \ "\n" \ "Author, current maintainer: Tomas Styblo <tripie@cpan.org>\n" \ "Released under the GNU General Public License.\n" \ "Copyright (C) 2003\n" /* }}} */ #define MAX_PROPERTY_VALUE_LEN 4096 #define SELECT_WINDOW_MAGIC ":SELECT:" #define ACTIVE_WINDOW_MAGIC ":ACTIVE:" #define p_verbose(...) if (options.verbose) { \ fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); \ } /* declarations of static functions *//*{{{*/ static gboolean wm_supports (Display *disp, const gchar *prop); static Window *get_client_list (Display *disp, unsigned long *size); static int client_msg(Display *disp, Window win, char *msg, unsigned long data0, unsigned long data1, unsigned long data2, unsigned long data3, unsigned long data4); static int list_windows (Display *disp); static int list_desktops (Display *disp); static int showing_desktop (Display *disp); static int change_viewport (Display *disp); static int change_geometry (Display *disp); static int change_number_of_desktops (Display *disp); static int switch_desktop (Display *disp); static int wm_info (Display *disp); static gchar *get_output_str (gchar *str, gboolean is_utf8); static int action_window (Display *disp, Window win, char mode); static int action_window_pid (Display *disp, char mode); static int action_window_str (Display *disp, char mode); static int activate_window (Display *disp, Window win, gboolean switch_desktop); static int close_window (Display *disp, Window win); static int longest_str (gchar **strv); static int window_to_desktop (Display *disp, Window win, int desktop); static void window_set_title (Display *disp, Window win, char *str, char mode); static gchar *get_window_title (Display *disp, Window win); static gchar *get_window_class (Display *disp, Window win); static gchar *get_property (Display *disp, Window win, Atom xa_prop_type, gchar *prop_name, unsigned long *size); static void init_charset(void); static int window_move_resize (Display *disp, Window win, char *arg); static int window_state (Display *disp, Window win, char *arg); static Window Select_Window(Display *dpy); static Window get_active_window(Display *dpy); /*}}}*/ static struct { int verbose; int force_utf8; int show_class; int show_pid; int show_geometry; int match_by_id; int match_by_cls; int full_window_title_match; int wa_desktop_titles_invalid_utf8; char *param_window; char *param; } options; static gboolean envir_utf8; int main (int argc, char **argv) { /* {{{ */ int opt; int action = 0; int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; int missing_option = 1; Display *disp; memset(&options, 0, sizeof(options)); /* just for sure */ /* necessary to make g_get_charset() and g_locale_*() work */ setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); /* make "--help" and "--version" work. I don't want to use * getopt_long for portability reasons */ if (argc == 2 && argv[1]) { if (strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0) { fputs(HELP, stdout); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "--version") == 0) { puts(VERSION); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } } while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "FGVvhlupidmxa:r:s:c:t:w:k:o:n:g:e:b:N:I:T:R:")) != -1) { missing_option = 0; switch (opt) { case 'F': options.full_window_title_match = 1; break; case 'G': options.show_geometry = 1; break; case 'i': options.match_by_id = 1; break; case 'v': options.verbose = 1; break; case 'u': options.force_utf8 = 1; break; case 'x': options.match_by_cls = 1; options.show_class = 1; break; case 'p': options.show_pid = 1; break; case 'a': case 'c': case 'R': options.param_window = optarg; action = opt; break; case 'r': options.param_window = optarg; break; case 't': case 'e': case 'b': case 'N': case 'I': case 'T': options.param = optarg; action = opt; break; case 's': options.param = optarg; action = opt; break; case 'w': if (strcmp(optarg, "DESKTOP_TITLES_INVALID_UTF8") == 0) { options.wa_desktop_titles_invalid_utf8 = 1; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown workaround: %s\n", optarg); return EXIT_FAILURE; } break; case 'k': case 'o': case 'n': case 'g': options.param = optarg; action = opt; break; case '?': return EXIT_FAILURE; default: action = opt; } } if (missing_option) { fputs(HELP, stderr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } init_charset(); if (! (disp = XOpenDisplay(NULL))) { fputs("Cannot open display.\n", stderr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } switch (action) { case 'V': puts(VERSION); break; case 'h': fputs(HELP, stdout); break; case 'l': ret = list_windows(disp); break; case 'd': ret = list_desktops(disp); break; case 's': ret = switch_desktop(disp); break; case 'm': ret = wm_info(disp); break; case 'a': case 'c': case 'R': case 't': case 'e': case 'b': case 'N': case 'I': case 'T': if (! options.param_window) { fputs("No window was specified.\n", stderr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (options.match_by_id) { ret = action_window_pid(disp, action); } else { ret = action_window_str(disp, action); } break; case 'k': ret = showing_desktop(disp); break; case 'o': ret = change_viewport(disp); break; case 'n': ret = change_number_of_desktops(disp); break; case 'g': ret = change_geometry(disp); break; } XCloseDisplay(disp); return ret; } /* }}} */ static void init_charset (void) {/*{{{*/ const gchar *charset; /* unused */ gchar *lang = getenv("LANG") ? g_ascii_strup(getenv("LANG"), -1) : NULL; gchar *lc_ctype = getenv("LC_CTYPE") ? g_ascii_strup(getenv("LC_CTYPE"), -1) : NULL; /* this glib function doesn't work on my system ... */ envir_utf8 = g_get_charset(&charset); /* ... therefore we will examine the environment variables */ if (lc_ctype && (strstr(lc_ctype, "UTF8") || strstr(lc_ctype, "UTF-8"))) { envir_utf8 = TRUE; } else if (lang && (strstr(lang, "UTF8") || strstr(lang, "UTF-8"))) { envir_utf8 = TRUE; } g_free(lang); g_free(lc_ctype); if (options.force_utf8) { envir_utf8 = TRUE; } p_verbose("envir_utf8: %d\n", envir_utf8); }/*}}}*/ static int client_msg(Display *disp, Window win, char *msg, /* {{{ */ unsigned long data0, unsigned long data1, unsigned long data2, unsigned long data3, unsigned long data4) { XEvent event; long mask = SubstructureRedirectMask | SubstructureNotifyMask; event.xclient.type = ClientMessage; event.xclient.serial = 0; event.xclient.send_event = True; event.xclient.message_type = XInternAtom(disp, msg, False); event.xclient.window = win; event.xclient.format = 32; event.xclient.data.l[0] = data0; event.xclient.data.l[1] = data1; event.xclient.data.l[2] = data2; event.xclient.data.l[3] = data3; event.xclient.data.l[4] = data4; if (XSendEvent(disp, DefaultRootWindow(disp), False, mask, &event)) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot send %s event.\n", msg); return EXIT_FAILURE; } }/*}}}*/ static gchar *get_output_str (gchar *str, gboolean is_utf8) {/*{{{*/ gchar *out; if (str == NULL) { return NULL; } if (envir_utf8) { if (is_utf8) { out = g_strdup(str); } else { if (! (out = g_locale_to_utf8(str, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL))) { p_verbose("Cannot convert string from locale charset to UTF-8.\n"); out = g_strdup(str); } } } else { if (is_utf8) { if (! (out = g_locale_from_utf8(str, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL))) { p_verbose("Cannot convert string from UTF-8 to locale charset.\n"); out = g_strdup(str); } } else { out = g_strdup(str); } } return out; }/*}}}*/ static int wm_info (Display *disp) {/*{{{*/ Window *sup_window = NULL; gchar *wm_name = NULL; gchar *wm_class = NULL; unsigned long *wm_pid = NULL; unsigned long *showing_desktop = NULL; gboolean name_is_utf8 = TRUE; gchar *name_out; gchar *class_out; if (! (sup_window = (Window *)get_property(disp, DefaultRootWindow(disp), XA_WINDOW, "_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK", NULL))) { if (! (sup_window = (Window *)get_property(disp, DefaultRootWindow(disp), XA_CARDINAL, "_WIN_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK", NULL))) { fputs("Cannot get window manager info properties.\n" "(_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK or _WIN_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK)\n", stderr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } /* WM_NAME */ if (! (wm_name = get_property(disp, *sup_window, XInternAtom(disp, "UTF8_STRING", False), "_NET_WM_NAME", NULL))) { name_is_utf8 = FALSE; if (! (wm_name = get_property(disp, *sup_window, XA_STRING, "_NET_WM_NAME", NULL))) { p_verbose("Cannot get name of the window manager (_NET_WM_NAME).\n"); } } name_out = get_output_str(wm_name, name_is_utf8); /* WM_CLASS */ if (! (wm_class = get_property(disp, *sup_window, XInternAtom(disp, "UTF8_STRING", False), "WM_CLASS", NULL))) { name_is_utf8 = FALSE; if (! (wm_class = get_property(disp, *sup_window, XA_STRING, "WM_CLASS", NULL))) { p_verbose("Cannot get class of the window manager (WM_CLASS).\n"); } } class_out = get_output_str(wm_class, name_is_utf8); /* WM_PID */ if (! (wm_pid = (unsigned long *)get_property(disp, *sup_window, XA_CARDINAL, "_NET_WM_PID", NULL))) { p_verbose("Cannot get pid of the window manager (_NET_WM_PID).\n"); } /* _NET_SHOWING_DESKTOP */ if (! (showing_desktop = (unsigned long *)get_property(disp, DefaultRootWindow(disp), XA_CARDINAL, "_NET_SHOWING_DESKTOP", NULL))) { p_verbose("Cannot get the _NET_SHOWING_DESKTOP property.\n"); } /* print out the info */ printf("Name: %s\n", name_out ? name_out : "N/A"); printf("Class: %s\n", class_out ? class_out : "N/A"); if (wm_pid) { printf("PID: %lu\n", *wm_pid); } else { printf("PID: N/A\n"); } if (showing_desktop) { printf("Window manager's \"showing the desktop\" mode: %s\n", *showing_desktop == 1 ? "ON" : "OFF"); } else { printf("Window manager's \"showing the desktop\" mode: N/A\n"); } g_free(name_out); g_free(sup_window); g_free(wm_name); g_free(wm_class); g_free(wm_pid); g_free(showing_desktop); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }/*}}}*/ static int showing_desktop (Display *disp) {/*{{{*/ unsigned long state; if (strcmp(options.param, "on") == 0) { state = 1; } else if (strcmp(options.param, "off") == 0) { state = 0; } else { fputs("The argument to the -k option must be either \"on\" or \"off\"\n", stderr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } return client_msg(disp, DefaultRootWindow(disp), "_NET_SHOWING_DESKTOP", state, 0, 0, 0, 0); }/*}}}*/ static int change_viewport (Display *disp) {/*{{{*/ unsigned long x, y; const char *argerr = "The -o option expects two integers separated with a comma.\n"; if (sscanf(options.param, "%lu,%lu", &x, &y) == 2) { return client_msg(disp, DefaultRootWindow(disp), "_NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT", x, y, 0, 0, 0); } else { fputs(argerr, stderr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } }/*}}}*/ static int change_geometry (Display *disp) {/*{{{*/ unsigned long x, y; const char *argerr = "The -g option expects two integers separated with a comma.\n"; if (sscanf(options.param, "%lu,%lu", &x, &y) == 2) { return client_msg(disp, DefaultRootWindow(disp), "_NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY", x, y, 0, 0, 0); } else { fputs(argerr, stderr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } }/*}}}*/ static int change_number_of_desktops (Display *disp) {/*{{{*/ unsigned long n; if (sscanf(options.param, "%lu", &n) != 1) { fputs("The -n option expects an integer.\n", stderr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } return client_msg(disp, DefaultRootWindow(disp), "_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS", n, 0, 0, 0, 0); }/*}}}*/ static int switch_desktop (Display *disp) {/*{{{*/ int target = -1; target = atoi(options.param); if (target == -1) { fputs("Invalid desktop ID.\n", stderr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } return client_msg(disp, DefaultRootWindow(disp), "_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP", (unsigned long)target, 0, 0, 0, 0); }/*}}}*/ static void window_set_title (Display *disp, Window win, /* {{{ */ char *title, char mode) { gchar *title_utf8; gchar *title_local; if (envir_utf8) { title_utf8 = g_strdup(title); title_local = NULL; } else { if (! (title_utf8 = g_locale_to_utf8(title, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL))) { title_utf8 = g_strdup(title); } title_local = g_strdup(title); } if (mode == 'T' || mode == 'N') { /* set name */ if (title_local) { XChangeProperty(disp, win, XA_WM_NAME, XA_STRING, 8, PropModeReplace, title_local, strlen(title_local)); } else { XDeleteProperty(disp, win, XA_WM_NAME); } XChangeProperty(disp, win, XInternAtom(disp, "_NET_WM_NAME", False), XInternAtom(disp, "UTF8_STRING", False), 8, PropModeReplace, title_utf8, strlen(title_utf8)); } if (mode == 'T' || mode == 'I') { /* set icon name */ if (title_local) { XChangeProperty(disp, win, XA_WM_ICON_NAME, XA_STRING, 8, PropModeReplace, title_local, strlen(title_local)); } else { XDeleteProperty(disp, win, XA_WM_ICON_NAME); } XChangeProperty(disp, win, XInternAtom(disp, "_NET_WM_ICON_NAME", False), XInternAtom(disp, "UTF8_STRING", False), 8, PropModeReplace, title_utf8, strlen(title_utf8)); } g_free(title_utf8); g_free(title_local); }/*}}}*/ static int window_to_desktop (Display *disp, Window win, int desktop) {/*{{{*/ unsigned long *cur_desktop = NULL; Window root = DefaultRootWindow(disp); if (desktop == -1) { if (! (cur_desktop = (unsigned long *)get_property(disp, root, XA_CARDINAL, "_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP", NULL))) { if (! (cur_desktop = (unsigned long *)get_property(disp, root, XA_CARDINAL, "_WIN_WORKSPACE", NULL))) { fputs("Cannot get current desktop properties. " "(_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP or _WIN_WORKSPACE property)" "\n", stderr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } desktop = *cur_desktop; } g_free(cur_desktop); return client_msg(disp, win, "_NET_WM_DESKTOP", (unsigned long)desktop, 0, 0, 0, 0); }/*}}}*/ static int activate_window (Display *disp, Window win, /* {{{ */ gboolean switch_desktop) { unsigned long *desktop; /* desktop ID */ if ((desktop = (unsigned long *)get_property(disp, win, XA_CARDINAL, "_NET_WM_DESKTOP", NULL)) == NULL) { if ((desktop = (unsigned long *)get_property(disp, win, XA_CARDINAL, "_WIN_WORKSPACE", NULL)) == NULL) { p_verbose("Cannot find desktop ID of the window.\n"); } } if (switch_desktop && desktop) { if (client_msg(disp, DefaultRootWindow(disp), "_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP", *desktop, 0, 0, 0, 0) != EXIT_SUCCESS) { p_verbose("Cannot switch desktop.\n"); } g_free(desktop); } client_msg(disp, win, "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); XMapRaised(disp, win); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }/*}}}*/ static int close_window (Display *disp, Window win) {/*{{{*/ return client_msg(disp, win, "_NET_CLOSE_WINDOW", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); }/*}}}*/ static int window_state (Display *disp, Window win, char *arg) {/*{{{*/ unsigned long action; Atom prop1 = 0; Atom prop2 = 0; char *p1, *p2; const char *argerr = "The -b option expects a list of comma separated parameters: \"(remove|add|toggle),<PROP1>[,<PROP2>]\"\n"; if (!arg || strlen(arg) == 0) { fputs(argerr, stderr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if ((p1 = strchr(arg, ','))) { gchar *tmp_prop1, *tmp1; *p1 = '\0'; /* action */ if (strcmp(arg, "remove") == 0) { action = _NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE; } else if (strcmp(arg, "add") == 0) { action = _NET_WM_STATE_ADD; } else if (strcmp(arg, "toggle") == 0) { action = _NET_WM_STATE_TOGGLE; } else { fputs("Invalid action. Use either remove, add or toggle.\n", stderr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } p1++; /* the second property */ if ((p2 = strchr(p1, ','))) { gchar *tmp_prop2, *tmp2; *p2 = '\0'; p2++; if (strlen(p2) == 0) { fputs("Invalid zero length property.\n", stderr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } tmp_prop2 = g_strdup_printf("_NET_WM_STATE_%s", tmp2 = g_ascii_strup(p2, -1)); p_verbose("State 2: %s\n", tmp_prop2); prop2 = XInternAtom(disp, tmp_prop2, False); g_free(tmp2); g_free(tmp_prop2); } /* the first property */ if (strlen(p1) == 0) { fputs("Invalid zero length property.\n", stderr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } tmp_prop1 = g_strdup_printf("_NET_WM_STATE_%s", tmp1 = g_ascii_strup(p1, -1)); p_verbose("State 1: %s\n", tmp_prop1); prop1 = XInternAtom(disp, tmp_prop1, False); g_free(tmp1); g_free(tmp_prop1); return client_msg(disp, win, "_NET_WM_STATE", action, (unsigned long)prop1, (unsigned long)prop2, 0, 0); } else { fputs(argerr, stderr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } }/*}}}*/ static gboolean wm_supports (Display *disp, const gchar *prop) {/*{{{*/ Atom xa_prop = XInternAtom(disp, prop, False); Atom *list; unsigned long size; int i; if (! (list = (Atom *)get_property(disp, DefaultRootWindow(disp), XA_ATOM, "_NET_SUPPORTED", &size))) { p_verbose("Cannot get _NET_SUPPORTED property.\n"); return FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < size / sizeof(Atom); i++) { if (list[i] == xa_prop) { g_free(list); return TRUE; } } g_free(list); return FALSE; }/*}}}*/ static int window_move_resize (Display *disp, Window win, char *arg) {/*{{{*/ signed long grav, x, y, w, h; unsigned long grflags; const char *argerr = "The -e option expects a list of comma separated integers: \"gravity,X,Y,width,height\"\n"; if (!arg || strlen(arg) == 0) { fputs(argerr, stderr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (sscanf(arg, "%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld", &grav, &x, &y, &w, &h) != 5) { fputs(argerr, stderr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (grav < 0) { fputs("Value of gravity mustn't be negative. Use zero to use the default gravity of the window.\n", stderr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } grflags = grav; if (x != -1) grflags |= (1 << 8); if (y != -1) grflags |= (1 << 9); if (w != -1) grflags |= (1 << 10); if (h != -1) grflags |= (1 << 11); p_verbose("grflags: %lu\n", grflags); if (wm_supports(disp, "_NET_MOVERESIZE_WINDOW")){ return client_msg(disp, win, "_NET_MOVERESIZE_WINDOW", grflags, (unsigned long)x, (unsigned long)y, (unsigned long)w, (unsigned long)h); } else { p_verbose("WM doesn't support _NET_MOVERESIZE_WINDOW. Gravity will be ignored.\n"); if ((w < 1 || h < 1) && (x >= 0 && y >= 0)) { XMoveWindow(disp, win, x, y); } else if ((x < 0 || y < 0) && (w >= 1 && h >= -1)) { XResizeWindow(disp, win, w, h); } else if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && w >= 1 && h >= 1) { XMoveResizeWindow(disp, win, x, y, w, h); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } }/*}}}*/ static int action_window (Display *disp, Window win, char mode) {/*{{{*/ p_verbose("Using window: 0x%.8lx\n", win); switch (mode) { case 'a': return activate_window(disp, win, TRUE); case 'c': return close_window(disp, win); case 'e': /* resize/move the window around the desktop => -r -e */ return window_move_resize(disp, win, options.param); case 'b': /* change state of a window => -r -b */ return window_state(disp, win, options.param); case 't': /* move the window to the specified desktop => -r -t */ return window_to_desktop(disp, win, atoi(options.param)); case 'R': /* move the window to the current desktop and activate it => -r */ if (window_to_desktop(disp, win, -1) == EXIT_SUCCESS) { usleep(100000); /* 100 ms - make sure the WM has enough time to move the window, before we activate it */ return activate_window(disp, win, FALSE); } else { return EXIT_FAILURE; } case 'N': case 'I': case 'T': window_set_title(disp, win, options.param, mode); return EXIT_SUCCESS; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown action: '%c'\n", mode); return EXIT_FAILURE; } }/*}}}*/ static int action_window_pid (Display *disp, char mode) {/*{{{*/ unsigned long wid; if (sscanf(options.param_window, "0x%lx", &wid) != 1 && sscanf(options.param_window, "0X%lx", &wid) != 1 && sscanf(options.param_window, "%lu", &wid) != 1) { fputs("Cannot convert argument to number.\n", stderr); return EXIT_FAILURE; } return action_window(disp, (Window)wid, mode); }/*}}}*/ static int action_window_str (Display *disp, char mode) {/*{{{*/ Window activate = 0; Window *client_list; unsigned long client_list_size; int i; if (strcmp(SELECT_WINDOW_MAGIC, options.param_window) == 0) { activate = Select_Window(disp); if (activate) { return action_window(disp, activate, mode); } else { return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (strcmp(ACTIVE_WINDOW_MAGIC, options.param_window) == 0) { activate = get_active_window(disp); if (activate) { return action_window(disp, activate, mode); } else { return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else { if ((client_list = get_client_list(disp, &client_list_size)) == NULL) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } for (i = 0; i < client_list_size / sizeof(Window); i++) { gchar *match_utf8; if (options.show_class) { match_utf8 = get_window_class(disp, client_list[i]); /* UTF8 */ } else { match_utf8 = get_window_title(disp, client_list[i]); /* UTF8 */ } if (match_utf8) { gchar *match; gchar *match_cf; gchar *match_utf8_cf = NULL; if (envir_utf8) { match = g_strdup(options.param_window); match_cf = g_utf8_casefold(options.param_window, -1); } else { if (! (match = g_locale_to_utf8(options.param_window, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL))) { match = g_strdup(options.param_window); } match_cf = g_utf8_casefold(match, -1); } if (!match || !match_cf) { continue; } match_utf8_cf = g_utf8_casefold(match_utf8, -1); if ((options.full_window_title_match && strcmp(match_utf8, match) == 0) || (!options.full_window_title_match && strstr(match_utf8_cf, match_cf))) { activate = client_list[i]; g_free(match); g_free(match_cf); g_free(match_utf8); g_free(match_utf8_cf); break; } g_free(match); g_free(match_cf); g_free(match_utf8); g_free(match_utf8_cf); } } g_free(client_list); if (activate) { return action_window(disp, activate, mode); } else { return EXIT_FAILURE; } } }/*}}}*/ static int list_desktops (Display *disp) {/*{{{*/ unsigned long *num_desktops = NULL; unsigned long *cur_desktop = NULL; unsigned long desktop_list_size = 0; unsigned long *desktop_geometry = NULL; unsigned long desktop_geometry_size = 0; gchar **desktop_geometry_str = NULL; unsigned long *desktop_viewport = NULL; unsigned long desktop_viewport_size = 0; gchar **desktop_viewport_str = NULL; unsigned long *desktop_workarea = NULL; unsigned long desktop_workarea_size = 0; gchar **desktop_workarea_str = NULL; gchar *list = NULL; int i; int id; Window root = DefaultRootWindow(disp); int ret = EXIT_FAILURE; gchar **names = NULL; gboolean names_are_utf8 = TRUE; if (! (num_desktops = (unsigned long *)get_property(disp, root, XA_CARDINAL, "_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS", NULL))) { if (! (num_desktops = (unsigned long *)get_property(disp, root, XA_CARDINAL, "_WIN_WORKSPACE_COUNT", NULL))) { fputs("Cannot get number of desktops properties. " "(_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS or _WIN_WORKSPACE_COUNT)" "\n", stderr); goto cleanup; } } if (! (cur_desktop = (unsigned long *)get_property(disp, root, XA_CARDINAL, "_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP", NULL))) { if (! (cur_desktop = (unsigned long *)get_property(disp, root, XA_CARDINAL, "_WIN_WORKSPACE", NULL))) { fputs("Cannot get current desktop properties. " "(_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP or _WIN_WORKSPACE property)" "\n", stderr); goto cleanup; } } if (options.wa_desktop_titles_invalid_utf8 || (list = get_property(disp, root, XInternAtom(disp, "UTF8_STRING", False), "_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES", &desktop_list_size)) == NULL) { names_are_utf8 = FALSE; if ((list = get_property(disp, root, XA_STRING, "_WIN_WORKSPACE_NAMES", &desktop_list_size)) == NULL) { p_verbose("Cannot get desktop names properties. " "(_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES or _WIN_WORKSPACE_NAMES)" "\n"); /* ignore the error - list the desktops without names */ } } /* common size of all desktops */ if (! (desktop_geometry = (unsigned long *)get_property(disp, DefaultRootWindow(disp), XA_CARDINAL, "_NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY", &desktop_geometry_size))) { p_verbose("Cannot get common size of all desktops (_NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY).\n"); } /* desktop viewport */ if (! (desktop_viewport = (unsigned long *)get_property(disp, DefaultRootWindow(disp), XA_CARDINAL, "_NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT", &desktop_viewport_size))) { p_verbose("Cannot get common size of all desktops (_NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT).\n"); } /* desktop workarea */ if (! (desktop_workarea = (unsigned long *)get_property(disp, DefaultRootWindow(disp), XA_CARDINAL, "_NET_WORKAREA", &desktop_workarea_size))) { if (! (desktop_workarea = (unsigned long *)get_property(disp, DefaultRootWindow(disp), XA_CARDINAL, "_WIN_WORKAREA", &desktop_workarea_size))) { p_verbose("Cannot get _NET_WORKAREA property.\n"); } } /* prepare the array of desktop names */ names = g_malloc0(*num_desktops * sizeof(char *)); if (list) { id = 0; names[id++] = list; for (i = 0; i < desktop_list_size; i++) { if (list[i] == '\0') { if (id >= *num_desktops) { break; } names[id++] = list + i + 1; } } } /* prepare desktop geometry strings */ desktop_geometry_str = g_malloc0((*num_desktops + 1) * sizeof(char *)); if (desktop_geometry && desktop_geometry_size > 0) { if (desktop_geometry_size == 2 * sizeof(*desktop_geometry)) { /* only one value - use it for all desktops */ p_verbose("WM provides _NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY value common for all desktops.\n"); for (i = 0; i < *num_desktops; i++) { desktop_geometry_str[i] = g_strdup_printf("%lux%lu", desktop_geometry[0], desktop_geometry[1]); } } else { /* seperate values for desktops of different size */ p_verbose("WM provides separate _NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY value for each desktop.\n"); for (i = 0; i < *num_desktops; i++) { if (i < desktop_geometry_size / sizeof(*desktop_geometry) / 2) { desktop_geometry_str[i] = g_strdup_printf("%lux%lu", desktop_geometry[i*2], desktop_geometry[i*2+1]); } else { desktop_geometry_str[i] = g_strdup("N/A"); } } } } else { for (i = 0; i < *num_desktops; i++) { desktop_geometry_str[i] = g_strdup("N/A"); } } /* prepare desktop viewport strings */ desktop_viewport_str = g_malloc0((*num_desktops + 1) * sizeof(char *)); if (desktop_viewport && desktop_viewport_size > 0) { if (desktop_viewport_size == 2 * sizeof(*desktop_viewport)) { /* only one value - use it for current desktop */ p_verbose("WM provides _NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT value only for the current desktop.\n"); for (i = 0; i < *num_desktops; i++) { if (i == *cur_desktop) { desktop_viewport_str[i] = g_strdup_printf("%lu,%lu", desktop_viewport[0], desktop_viewport[1]); } else { desktop_viewport_str[i] = g_strdup("N/A"); } } } else { /* seperate values for each of desktops */ for (i = 0; i < *num_desktops; i++) { if (i < desktop_viewport_size / sizeof(*desktop_viewport) / 2) { desktop_viewport_str[i] = g_strdup_printf("%lu,%lu", desktop_viewport[i*2], desktop_viewport[i*2+1]); } else { desktop_viewport_str[i] = g_strdup("N/A"); } } } } else { for (i = 0; i < *num_desktops; i++) { desktop_viewport_str[i] = g_strdup("N/A"); } } /* prepare desktop workarea strings */ desktop_workarea_str = g_malloc0((*num_desktops + 1) * sizeof(char *)); if (desktop_workarea && desktop_workarea_size > 0) { if (desktop_workarea_size == 4 * sizeof(*desktop_workarea)) { /* only one value - use it for current desktop */ p_verbose("WM provides _NET_WORKAREA value only for the current desktop.\n"); for (i = 0; i < *num_desktops; i++) { if (i == *cur_desktop) { desktop_workarea_str[i] = g_strdup_printf("%lu,%lu %lux%lu", desktop_workarea[0], desktop_workarea[1], desktop_workarea[2], desktop_workarea[3]); } else { desktop_workarea_str[i] = g_strdup("N/A"); } } } else { /* seperate values for each of desktops */ for (i = 0; i < *num_desktops; i++) { if (i < desktop_workarea_size / sizeof(*desktop_workarea) / 4) { desktop_workarea_str[i] = g_strdup_printf("%lu,%lu %lux%lu", desktop_workarea[i*4], desktop_workarea[i*4+1], desktop_workarea[i*4+2], desktop_workarea[i*4+3]); } else { desktop_workarea_str[i] = g_strdup("N/A"); } } } } else { for (i = 0; i < *num_desktops; i++) { desktop_workarea_str[i] = g_strdup("N/A"); } } /* print the list */ for (i = 0; i < *num_desktops; i++) { gchar *out = get_output_str(names[i], names_are_utf8); printf("%-2d %c DG: %-*s VP: %-*s WA: %-*s %s\n", i, i == *cur_desktop ? '*' : '-', longest_str(desktop_geometry_str), desktop_geometry_str[i], longest_str(desktop_viewport_str), desktop_viewport_str[i], longest_str(desktop_workarea_str), desktop_workarea_str[i], out ? out : "N/A"); g_free(out); } p_verbose("Total number of desktops: %lu\n", *num_desktops); p_verbose("Current desktop ID (counted from zero): %lu\n", *cur_desktop); ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; goto cleanup; cleanup: g_free(names); g_free(num_desktops); g_free(cur_desktop); g_free(desktop_geometry); g_strfreev(desktop_geometry_str); g_free(desktop_viewport); g_strfreev(desktop_viewport_str); g_free(desktop_workarea); g_strfreev(desktop_workarea_str); g_free(list); return ret; }/*}}}*/ static int longest_str (gchar **strv) {/*{{{*/ int max = 0; int i = 0; while (strv && strv[i]) { if (strlen(strv[i]) > max) { max = strlen(strv[i]); } i++; } return max; }/*}}}*/ static Window *get_client_list (Display *disp, unsigned long *size) {/*{{{*/ Window *client_list; if ((client_list = (Window *)get_property(disp, DefaultRootWindow(disp), XA_WINDOW, "_NET_CLIENT_LIST", size)) == NULL) { if ((client_list = (Window *)get_property(disp, DefaultRootWindow(disp), XA_CARDINAL, "_WIN_CLIENT_LIST", size)) == NULL) { fputs("Cannot get client list properties. \n" "(_NET_CLIENT_LIST or _WIN_CLIENT_LIST)" "\n", stderr); return NULL; } } return client_list; }/*}}}*/ static int list_windows (Display *disp) {/*{{{*/ Window *client_list; unsigned long client_list_size; int i; int max_client_machine_len = 0; if ((client_list = get_client_list(disp, &client_list_size)) == NULL) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* find the longest client_machine name */ for (i = 0; i < client_list_size / sizeof(Window); i++) { gchar *client_machine; if ((client_machine = get_property(disp, client_list[i], XA_STRING, "WM_CLIENT_MACHINE", NULL))) { max_client_machine_len = strlen(client_machine); } g_free(client_machine); } /* print the list */ for (i = 0; i < client_list_size / sizeof(Window); i++) { gchar *title_utf8 = get_window_title(disp, client_list[i]); /* UTF8 */ gchar *title_out = get_output_str(title_utf8, TRUE); gchar *client_machine; gchar *class_out = get_window_class(disp, client_list[i]); /* UTF8 */ unsigned long *pid; unsigned long *desktop; int x, y, junkx, junky; unsigned int wwidth, wheight, bw, depth; Window junkroot; /* desktop ID */ if ((desktop = (unsigned long *)get_property(disp, client_list[i], XA_CARDINAL, "_NET_WM_DESKTOP", NULL)) == NULL) { desktop = (unsigned long *)get_property(disp, client_list[i], XA_CARDINAL, "_WIN_WORKSPACE", NULL); } /* client machine */ client_machine = get_property(disp, client_list[i], XA_STRING, "WM_CLIENT_MACHINE", NULL); /* pid */ pid = (unsigned long *)get_property(disp, client_list[i], XA_CARDINAL, "_NET_WM_PID", NULL); /* geometry */ XGetGeometry (disp, client_list[i], &junkroot, &junkx, &junky, &wwidth, &wheight, &bw, &depth); XTranslateCoordinates (disp, client_list[i], junkroot, junkx, junky, &x, &y, &junkroot); /* special desktop ID -1 means "all desktops", so we have to convert the desktop value to signed long */ printf("0x%.8lx %2ld", client_list[i], desktop ? (signed long)*desktop : 0); if (options.show_pid) { printf(" %-6lu", pid ? *pid : 0); } if (options.show_geometry) { printf(" %-4d %-4d %-4d %-4d", x, y, wwidth, wheight); } if (options.show_class) { printf(" %-20s ", class_out ? class_out : "N/A"); } printf(" %*s %s\n", max_client_machine_len, client_machine ? client_machine : "N/A", title_out ? title_out : "N/A" ); g_free(title_utf8); g_free(title_out); g_free(desktop); g_free(client_machine); g_free(class_out); g_free(pid); } g_free(client_list); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }/*}}}*/ static gchar *get_window_class (Display *disp, Window win) {/*{{{*/ gchar *class_utf8; gchar *wm_class; unsigned long size; wm_class = get_property(disp, win, XA_STRING, "WM_CLASS", &size); if (wm_class) { gchar *p_0 = strchr(wm_class, '\0'); if (wm_class + size - 1 > p_0) { *(p_0) = '.'; } class_utf8 = g_locale_to_utf8(wm_class, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else { class_utf8 = NULL; } g_free(wm_class); return class_utf8; }/*}}}*/ static gchar *get_window_title (Display *disp, Window win) {/*{{{*/ gchar *title_utf8; gchar *wm_name; gchar *net_wm_name; wm_name = get_property(disp, win, XA_STRING, "WM_NAME", NULL); net_wm_name = get_property(disp, win, XInternAtom(disp, "UTF8_STRING", False), "_NET_WM_NAME", NULL); if (net_wm_name) { title_utf8 = g_strdup(net_wm_name); } else { if (wm_name) { title_utf8 = g_locale_to_utf8(wm_name, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else { title_utf8 = NULL; } } g_free(wm_name); g_free(net_wm_name); return title_utf8; }/*}}}*/ static gchar *get_property (Display *disp, Window win, /*{{{*/ Atom xa_prop_type, gchar *prop_name, unsigned long *size) { Atom xa_prop_name; Atom xa_ret_type; int ret_format; unsigned long ret_nitems; unsigned long ret_bytes_after; unsigned long tmp_size; unsigned char *ret_prop; gchar *ret; xa_prop_name = XInternAtom(disp, prop_name, False); /* MAX_PROPERTY_VALUE_LEN / 4 explanation (XGetWindowProperty manpage): * * long_length = Specifies the length in 32-bit multiples of the * data to be retrieved. */ if (XGetWindowProperty(disp, win, xa_prop_name, 0, MAX_PROPERTY_VALUE_LEN / 4, False, xa_prop_type, &xa_ret_type, &ret_format, &ret_nitems, &ret_bytes_after, &ret_prop) != Success) { p_verbose("Cannot get %s property.\n", prop_name); return NULL; } if (xa_ret_type != xa_prop_type) { p_verbose("Invalid type of %s property.\n", prop_name); XFree(ret_prop); return NULL; } /* null terminate the result to make string handling easier */ tmp_size = (ret_format / 8) * ret_nitems; ret = g_malloc(tmp_size + 1); memcpy(ret, ret_prop, tmp_size); ret[tmp_size] = '\0'; if (size) { *size = tmp_size; } XFree(ret_prop); return ret; }/*}}}*/ static Window Select_Window(Display *dpy) {/*{{{*/ /* * Routine to let user select a window using the mouse * Taken from xfree86. */ int status; Cursor cursor; XEvent event; Window target_win = None, root = DefaultRootWindow(dpy); int buttons = 0; int dummyi; unsigned int dummy; /* Make the target cursor */ cursor = XCreateFontCursor(dpy, XC_crosshair); /* Grab the pointer using target cursor, letting it room all over */ status = XGrabPointer(dpy, root, False, ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask, GrabModeSync, GrabModeAsync, root, cursor, CurrentTime); if (status != GrabSuccess) { fputs("ERROR: Cannot grab mouse.\n", stderr); return 0; } /* Let the user select a window... */ while ((target_win == None) || (buttons != 0)) { /* allow one more event */ XAllowEvents(dpy, SyncPointer, CurrentTime); XWindowEvent(dpy, root, ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask, &event); switch (event.type) { case ButtonPress: if (target_win == None) { target_win = event.xbutton.subwindow; /* window selected */ if (target_win == None) target_win = root; } buttons++; break; case ButtonRelease: if (buttons > 0) /* there may have been some down before we started */ buttons--; break; } } XUngrabPointer(dpy, CurrentTime); /* Done with pointer */ if (XGetGeometry (dpy, target_win, &root, &dummyi, &dummyi, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy) && target_win != root) { target_win = XmuClientWindow (dpy, target_win); } return(target_win); }/*}}}*/ static Window get_active_window(Display *disp) {/*{{{*/ char *prop; unsigned long size; Window ret = (Window)0; prop = get_property(disp, DefaultRootWindow(disp), XA_WINDOW, "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW", &size); if (prop) { ret = *((Window*)prop); g_free(prop); } return(ret); }/*}}}*/