/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Matthias Klumpp * * Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the license, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this software. If not, see . */ module asgen.config; import std.stdio; import std.array; import std.string : format, toLower; import std.path : dirName, getcwd, buildPath, buildNormalizedPath; import std.conv : to; import std.json; import std.typecons; static import std.file; public import gi.appstreamtypes : FormatVersion; import asgen.utils : existsAndIsDir, randomString; import asgen.logging; public immutable generatorVersion = "0.6.4"; /** * Describes a suite in a software repository. **/ struct Suite { string name; int dataPriority = 0; string baseSuite; string iconTheme; string[] sections; string[] architectures; bool isImmutable; } /** * The AppStream metadata type we want to generate. **/ enum DataType { XML, YAML } /** * Distribution-specific backends. **/ enum Backend { Unknown, Dummy, Debian, Ubuntu, Archlinux, RpmMd } enum GeneratorFeature { NONE = 0, PROCESS_DESKTOP = 1 << 0, VALIDATE = 1 << 1, NO_DOWNLOADS = 1 << 2, STORE_SCREENSHOTS = 1 << 3, OPTIPNG = 1 << 4, METADATA_TIMESTAMPS = 1 << 5, IMMUTABLE_SUITES = 1 << 6, PROCESS_FONTS = 1 << 6 } final class Config { private: private string workspaceDir; private string exportDir; private string tmpDir; // Thread local private static bool instantiated_; // Thread global private __gshared Config instance_; private this () { formatVersion = FormatVersion.V0_10; } public: FormatVersion formatVersion; string projectName; string archiveRoot; string mediaBaseUrl; string htmlBaseUrl; Backend backend; Suite[] suites; string[] oldsuites; DataType metadataType; uint enabledFeatures; // bitfield bool[string] allowedCustomKeys; // set of allowed keys in tags string dataExportDir; string hintsExportDir; string mediaExportDir; string htmlExportDir; string caInfo; static Config get () { if (!instantiated_) { synchronized (Config.classinfo) { if (!instance_) instance_ = new Config (); instantiated_ = true; } } return instance_; } @property string formatVersionStr () { import asgen.bindings.appstream_utils; import std.string : fromStringz; return fromStringz (as_format_version_to_string (formatVersion)); } @property const string databaseDir () { return buildPath (workspaceDir, "db"); } @property const string cacheRootDir () { return buildPath (workspaceDir, "cache"); } @property string templateDir () { // find a suitable template directory // first check the workspace auto tdir = buildPath (workspaceDir, "templates"); tdir = getVendorTemplateDir (tdir, true); if (tdir is null) { immutable exeDir = dirName (std.file.thisExePath ()); tdir = buildNormalizedPath (exeDir, "..", "data", "templates"); tdir = getVendorTemplateDir (tdir); if (tdir is null) { tdir = getVendorTemplateDir ("/usr/share/appstream/templates"); } } return tdir; } /** * Helper function to determine a vendor template directory. */ private string getVendorTemplateDir (const string dir, bool allowRoot = false) @safe { string tdir; if (projectName !is null) { tdir = buildPath (dir, projectName.toLower ()); if (existsAndIsDir (tdir)) return tdir; } tdir = buildPath (dir, "default"); if (existsAndIsDir (tdir)) return tdir; if (allowRoot) { if (existsAndIsDir (dir)) return dir; } return null; } private void setFeature (GeneratorFeature feature, bool enabled) { if (enabled) enabledFeatures |= feature; else disableFeature (feature); } private void disableFeature (GeneratorFeature feature) { enabledFeatures &= ~feature; } bool featureEnabled (GeneratorFeature feature) { return (enabledFeatures & feature) > 0; } void loadFromFile (string fname) { // read the configuration JSON file auto f = File (fname, "r"); string jsonData; string line; while ((line = f.readln ()) !is null) jsonData ~= line; JSONValue root = parseJSON (jsonData); workspaceDir = dirName (fname); if (workspaceDir.empty) workspaceDir = getcwd (); this.projectName = "Unknown"; if ("ProjectName" in root) this.projectName = root["ProjectName"].str; this.archiveRoot = root["ArchiveRoot"].str; this.mediaBaseUrl = ""; if ("MediaBaseUrl" in root) this.mediaBaseUrl = root["MediaBaseUrl"].str; this.htmlBaseUrl = ""; if ("HtmlBaseUrl" in root) this.htmlBaseUrl = root["HtmlBaseUrl"].str; // set the default export directory locations, allow people to override them in the config exportDir = buildPath (workspaceDir, "export"); mediaExportDir = buildPath (exportDir, "media"); dataExportDir = buildPath (exportDir, "data"); hintsExportDir = buildPath (exportDir, "hints"); htmlExportDir = buildPath (exportDir, "html"); if ("ExportDirs" in root) { auto edirs = root["ExportDirs"].object; foreach (dirId; edirs.byKeyValue) { switch (dirId.key) { case "Media": mediaExportDir = dirId.value.str; break; case "Data": dataExportDir = dirId.value.str; break; case "Hints": hintsExportDir = dirId.value.str; break; case "Html": htmlExportDir = dirId.value.str; break; default: logWarning ("Unknown export directory specifier in config: %s", dirId.key); } } } this.metadataType = DataType.XML; if ("MetadataType" in root) if (root["MetadataType"].str.toLower () == "yaml") this.metadataType = DataType.YAML; if ("CAInfo" in root) this.caInfo = root["CAInfo"].str; // allow specifying the AppStream format version we build data for. if ("FormatVersion" in root) { immutable versionStr = root["FormatVersion"].str; if (versionStr == "0.8") formatVersion = FormatVersion.V0_8; else if (versionStr == "0.9") formatVersion = FormatVersion.V0_9; else if (versionStr == "0.10") formatVersion = FormatVersion.V0_10; } // we default to the Debian backend for now auto backendName = "debian"; if ("Backend" in root) backendName = root["Backend"].str.toLower (); switch (backendName) { case "dummy": this.backend = Backend.Dummy; this.metadataType = DataType.YAML; break; case "debian": this.backend = Backend.Debian; this.metadataType = DataType.YAML; break; case "ubuntu": this.backend = Backend.Ubuntu; this.metadataType = DataType.YAML; break; case "arch": case "archlinux": this.backend = Backend.Archlinux; this.metadataType = DataType.XML; break; case "mageia": case "rpmmd": this.backend = Backend.RpmMd; this.metadataType = DataType.XML; break; default: break; } auto hasImmutableSuites = false; foreach (suiteName; root["Suites"].object.byKey ()) { Suite suite; suite.name = suiteName; // having a suite named "pool" will result in the media pool being copied on // itself if immutableSuites is used. Since 'pool' is a bad suite name anyway, // we error out early on this. if (suiteName == "pool") throw new Exception ("The name 'pool' is forbidden for a suite."); auto sn = root["Suites"][suiteName]; if ("dataPriority" in sn) suite.dataPriority = to!int (sn["dataPriority"].integer); if ("baseSuite" in sn) suite.baseSuite = sn["baseSuite"].str; if ("useIconTheme" in sn) suite.iconTheme = sn["useIconTheme"].str; if ("sections" in sn) foreach (sec; sn["sections"].array) suite.sections ~= sec.str; if ("architectures" in sn) foreach (arch; sn["architectures"].array) suite.architectures ~= arch.str; if ("immutable" in sn) { suite.isImmutable = sn["immutable"].type == JSON_TYPE.TRUE; if (suite.isImmutable) hasImmutableSuites = true; } suites ~= suite; } if ("Oldsuites" in root.object) { import std.algorithm.iteration : map; oldsuites = map!"a.str"(root["Oldsuites"].array).array; } if ("AllowedCustomKeys" in root.object) foreach (ref key; root["AllowedCustomKeys"].array) allowedCustomKeys[key.str] = true; // Enable features which are default-enabled setFeature (GeneratorFeature.PROCESS_DESKTOP, true); setFeature (GeneratorFeature.VALIDATE, true); setFeature (GeneratorFeature.STORE_SCREENSHOTS, true); setFeature (GeneratorFeature.OPTIPNG, true); setFeature (GeneratorFeature.METADATA_TIMESTAMPS, true); setFeature (GeneratorFeature.IMMUTABLE_SUITES, true); setFeature (GeneratorFeature.PROCESS_FONTS, true); // apply vendor feature settings if ("Features" in root.object) { auto featuresObj = root["Features"].object; foreach (featureId; featuresObj.byKey ()) { switch (featureId) { case "validateMetainfo": setFeature (GeneratorFeature.VALIDATE, featuresObj[featureId].type == JSON_TYPE.TRUE); break; case "processDesktop": setFeature (GeneratorFeature.PROCESS_DESKTOP, featuresObj[featureId].type == JSON_TYPE.TRUE); break; case "noDownloads": setFeature (GeneratorFeature.NO_DOWNLOADS, featuresObj[featureId].type == JSON_TYPE.TRUE); break; case "createScreenshotsStore": setFeature (GeneratorFeature.STORE_SCREENSHOTS, featuresObj[featureId].type == JSON_TYPE.TRUE); break; case "optimizePNGSize": setFeature (GeneratorFeature.OPTIPNG, featuresObj[featureId].type == JSON_TYPE.TRUE); break; case "metadataTimestamps": setFeature (GeneratorFeature.METADATA_TIMESTAMPS, featuresObj[featureId].type == JSON_TYPE.TRUE); break; case "immutableSuites": setFeature (GeneratorFeature.METADATA_TIMESTAMPS, featuresObj[featureId].type == JSON_TYPE.TRUE); break; case "processFonts": setFeature (GeneratorFeature.PROCESS_FONTS, featuresObj[featureId].type == JSON_TYPE.TRUE); break; default: break; } } } // check if we need to disable features because some prerequisites are not met if (featureEnabled (GeneratorFeature.OPTIPNG)) { if (!std.file.exists ("/usr/bin/optipng")) { setFeature (GeneratorFeature.OPTIPNG, false); logError ("Disabled feature `optimizePNGSize`: The `optipng` binary was not found."); } } if (featureEnabled (GeneratorFeature.NO_DOWNLOADS)) { // since disallowing network access might have quite a lot of sideeffects, we print // a message to the logs to make debugging easier. // in general, running with noDownloads is discouraged. logWarning ("Configuration does not permit downloading files. Several features will not be available."); } if (!featureEnabled (GeneratorFeature.IMMUTABLE_SUITES)) { // Immutable suites won't work if the feature is disabled - log this error if (hasImmutableSuites) logError ("Suites are defined as immutable, but the `immutableSuites` feature is disabled. Immutability will not work!"); } } bool isValid () { return this.projectName != null; } /** * Get unique temporary directory to use during one generator run. */ string getTmpDir () { if (tmpDir.empty) { synchronized (this) { string root; if (cacheRootDir.empty) root = "/tmp/"; else root = cacheRootDir; tmpDir = buildPath (root, "tmp", format ("asgen-%s", randomString (8))); } } return tmpDir; } }