/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Matthias Klumpp * * Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the license, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this software. If not, see . */ module asgen.handlers.desktopparser; import std.path : baseName; import std.uni : toLower; import std.string : format, indexOf, chomp, lastIndexOf, toStringz; import std.array : split, empty; import std.algorithm : startsWith, endsWith, strip, stripRight; import std.stdio; import std.typecons : scoped; import glib.KeyFile; import appstream.Component; import appstream.Provided; import appstream.Icon; static import std.regex; import asgen.result; import asgen.utils; import asgen.config : Config, FormatVersion; private string getLocaleFromKey (string key) { if (!localeValid (key)) return null; auto si = key.indexOf ("["); // check if this key is language-specific, if not assume untranslated. if (si <= 0) return "C"; auto locale = key[si+1..$-1]; // drop UTF-8 suffixes locale = chomp (locale, ".utf-8"); locale = chomp (locale, ".UTF-8"); auto delim = locale.lastIndexOf ('.'); if (delim > 0) { // looks like we need to drop another encoding suffix // (but we need to make sure it actually is one) auto enc = locale[delim+1..$]; if ((enc !is null) && (enc.toLower ().startsWith ("iso"))) { locale = locale[0..delim]; } } return locale; } private string getValue (KeyFile kf, string key) { string val; try { val = kf.getString (DESKTOP_GROUP, key); } catch { val = null; } // some dumb .desktop files contain non-printable characters. If we are in XML mode, // this will hard-break the XML reader at a later point, so we need to clean this up // and replace these characters with a nice questionmark, so someone will clean them up. // TODO: Maybe even emit an issue hint if a non-printable chacater is found? auto re = std.regex.ctRegex!(r"[\x00\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F]", "g"); val = std.regex.replaceAll (val, re, "#?#"); return val; } /** * Filter out some useless categories which we don't want to have in the * AppStream metadata. */ private string[] filterCategories (Component cpt, GeneratorResult gres, const(string[]) cats) { import asgen.bindings.appstream_utils; string[] rescats; foreach (string cat; cats) { switch (cat) { case "GTK": case "Qt": case "GNOME": case "KDE": case "GUI": case "Application": break; default: if (!cat.empty && !cat.toLower.startsWith ("x-")) { if (as_utils_is_category_name (cat.toStringz)) rescats ~= cat; else gres.addHint (cpt, "category-name-invalid", ["category": cat]); } } } return rescats; } Component parseDesktopFile (GeneratorResult gres, string fname, string data, bool ignore_nodisplay = false) { auto fnameBase = baseName (fname); auto df = scoped!KeyFile (); try { df.loadFromData (data, -1, GKeyFileFlags.KEEP_TRANSLATIONS); } catch (Exception e) { // there was an error gres.addHint (fnameBase, "desktop-file-error", e.msg); return null; } try { // check if we should ignore this .desktop file auto dtype = df.getString (DESKTOP_GROUP, "Type"); if ((dtype.toLower () != "application") && (dtype.toLower () != "zomando")) { // ignore this file, it isn't describing an application return null; } } catch {} try { auto nodisplay = df.getString (DESKTOP_GROUP, "NoDisplay"); if ((!ignore_nodisplay) && (nodisplay.toLower () == "true")) { // we ignore this .desktop file, shouldn't be displayed return null; } } catch {} try { auto asignore = df.getString (DESKTOP_GROUP, "X-AppStream-Ignore"); if (asignore.toLower () == "true") { // this .desktop file should be excluded from AppStream metadata return null; } } catch { // we don't care if non-essential tags are missing. // if they are not there, the file should be processed. } /* check this is a valid desktop file */ if (!df.hasGroup (DESKTOP_GROUP)) { gres.addHint (fnameBase, "desktop-file-error", format ("Desktop file '%s' is not a valid desktop file.", fname)); return null; } // make sure we have a valid component to work on auto cpt = gres.getComponent (fnameBase); if (cpt is null) { // try with the shortname as well if (fnameBase.endsWith (".desktop")) { auto fnameBaseNoext = fnameBase[0..$-8]; cpt = gres.getComponent (fnameBaseNoext); } } if (cpt is null) { cpt = new Component (); // strip .desktop suffix if the reverse-domain-name scheme is followed and we build for // a high AppStream version. if (Config.get ().formatVersion >= FormatVersion.V0_10) { immutable parts = fnameBase.split ("."); if (isTopLevelDomain (parts[0])) cpt.setId (fnameBase[0..$-8]); else cpt.setId (fnameBase); } else { cpt.setId (fnameBase); } cpt.setKind (ComponentKind.DESKTOP_APP); gres.addComponent (cpt); } void checkDesktopString (string fieldId, string str) { if (((str.startsWith ("\"")) && (str.endsWith ("\""))) || ((str.startsWith ("\'")) && (str.endsWith ("\'")))) { gres.addHint (cpt, "metainfo-quoted-value", ["value": str, "field": fieldId]); } } immutable hadExistingCptName = !cpt.getName ().empty; immutable hadExistingCptSummary = !cpt.getSummary ().empty; size_t dummy; auto keys = df.getKeys (DESKTOP_GROUP, dummy); foreach (string key; keys) { string locale; locale = getLocaleFromKey (key); if (locale is null) continue; if (key.startsWith ("Name")) { if (hadExistingCptName) continue; immutable val = getValue (df, key); checkDesktopString (key, val); /* run backend specific hooks */ auto translations = gres.pkg.getDesktopFileTranslations (df, val); translations[locale] = val; foreach (key, value; translations) cpt.setName (value, key); } else if (key.startsWith ("Comment")) { if (hadExistingCptSummary) continue; immutable val = getValue (df, key); checkDesktopString (key, val); auto translations = gres.pkg.getDesktopFileTranslations (df, val); translations[locale] = val; foreach (ref key, ref value; translations) cpt.setSummary (value, key); } else if (key == "Categories") { auto value = getValue (df, key); auto cats = value.split (";"); cats = filterCategories (cpt, gres, cats); if (cats.empty) continue; foreach (ref c; cats) cpt.addCategory (c); } else if (key.startsWith ("Keywords")) { auto val = getValue (df, key); auto translations = gres.pkg.getDesktopFileTranslations (df, val); translations[locale] = val; foreach (ref key, ref value; translations) { auto kws = value.split (";").stripRight (""); if (kws.empty) continue; cpt.setKeywords (kws, key); } } else if (key == "MimeType") { auto value = getValue (df, key); immutable mts = value.split (";"); if (mts.empty) continue; Provided prov = cpt.getProvidedForKind (ProvidedKind.MIMETYPE); if (prov is null) { prov = new Provided (); prov.setKind (ProvidedKind.MIMETYPE); } foreach (ref mt; mts) { if (!mt.empty) prov.addItem (mt); } cpt.addProvided (prov); } else if (key == "Icon") { auto icon = new Icon (); icon.setKind (IconKind.STOCK); icon.setName (getValue (df, key)); cpt.addIcon (icon); } } return cpt; } unittest { import std.stdio: writeln; import asgen.backends.dummy.dummypkg; writeln ("TEST: ", ".desktop file parser"); auto data = """ [Desktop Entry] Name=FooBar Name[de_DE]=FööBär Comment=A foo-ish bar. Keywords=Flubber;Test;Meh; Keywords[de_DE]=Goethe;Schiller;Kant; """; auto pkg = new DummyPackage ("pkg", "1.0", "amd64"); auto res = new GeneratorResult (pkg); auto cpt = parseDesktopFile (res, "foobar.desktop", data, false); assert (cpt !is null); cpt = res.getComponent ("foobar.desktop"); assert (cpt !is null); assert (cpt.getName () == "FooBar"); assert (cpt.getKeywords () == ["Flubber", "Test", "Meh"]); cpt.setActiveLocale ("de_DE"); assert (cpt.getName () == "FööBär"); assert (cpt.getKeywords () == ["Goethe", "Schiller", "Kant"]); // test component-id trimming res = new GeneratorResult (pkg); cpt = parseDesktopFile (res, "org.example.foobar.desktop", data, false); assert (cpt !is null); cpt = res.getComponent ("org.example.foobar"); assert (cpt !is null); // test preexisting component res = new GeneratorResult (pkg); auto ecpt = new Component (); ecpt.setKind (ComponentKind.DESKTOP_APP); ecpt.setId ("org.example.foobar"); ecpt.setName ("TestX", "C"); ecpt.setSummary ("Summary of TestX", "C"); res.addComponent (ecpt); cpt = parseDesktopFile (res, "org.example.foobar.desktop", data, false); assert (cpt !is null); cpt = res.getComponent ("org.example.foobar"); assert (cpt !is null); assert (cpt.getName () == "TestX"); assert (cpt.getSummary () == "Summary of TestX"); assert (cpt.getKeywords () == ["Flubber", "Test", "Meh"]); // legacy Config.get ().formatVersion = FormatVersion.V0_8; res = new GeneratorResult (pkg); cpt = parseDesktopFile (res, "org.example.foobar.desktop", data, false); assert (cpt !is null); cpt = res.getComponent ("org.example.foobar.desktop"); assert (cpt !is null); Config.get ().formatVersion = FormatVersion.V0_10; }