/* This file is part of the GSM3 communications library for Arduino -- Multi-transport communications platform -- Fully asynchronous -- Includes code for the Arduino-Telefonica GSM/GPRS Shield V1 -- Voice calls -- SMS -- TCP/IP connections -- HTTP basic clients This library has been developed by Telefónica Digital - PDI - - Physical Internet Lab, as part as its collaboration with Arduino and the Open Hardware Community. September-December 2012 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA The latest version of this library can always be found at https://github.com/BlueVia/Official-Arduino */ #include #include GSM3ShieldV1SMSProvider::GSM3ShieldV1SMSProvider() { theGSM3SMSProvider=this; }; //Send SMS begin function. int GSM3ShieldV1SMSProvider::beginSMS(const char* to) { if((theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.getStatus() != GSM_READY)&&(theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.getStatus() != GPRS_READY)) return 2; theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.setPhoneNumber((char*)to); theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.openCommand(this,BEGINSMS); beginSMSContinue(); return theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.getCommandError(); } //Send SMS continue function. void GSM3ShieldV1SMSProvider::beginSMSContinue() { bool resp; // 1: Send AT // 2: wait for > and write text switch (theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.getCommandCounter()) { case 1: theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.setCommandCounter(2); theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.genericCommand_rq(PSTR("AT+CMGS=\""), false); theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.print(theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.getPhoneNumber()); theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.print("\"\r"); break; case 2: if(theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.genericParse_rsp(resp, ">")) { if (resp) theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.closeCommand(1); else theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.closeCommand(3); } break; } } //Send SMS write function. void GSM3ShieldV1SMSProvider::writeSMS(char c) { theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.write(c); } //Send SMS begin function. int GSM3ShieldV1SMSProvider::endSMS() { theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.openCommand(this,ENDSMS); endSMSContinue(); while(ready()==0) delay(100); return theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.getCommandError(); } //Send SMS continue function. void GSM3ShieldV1SMSProvider::endSMSContinue() { bool resp; // 1: Send #26 // 2: wait for OK switch (theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.getCommandCounter()) { case 1: theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.setCommandCounter(2); theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.write(26); theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.print("\r"); break; case 2: if(theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.genericParse_rsp(resp)) { if (resp) theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.closeCommand(1); else theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.closeCommand(3); } break; } } //Available SMS main function. int GSM3ShieldV1SMSProvider::availableSMS() { flagReadingSMS = 0; theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.openCommand(this,AVAILABLESMS); availableSMSContinue(); return theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.getCommandError(); } //Available SMS continue function. void GSM3ShieldV1SMSProvider::availableSMSContinue() { // 1: AT+CMGL="REC UNREAD",1 // 2: Receive +CMGL: _id_ ... READ","_numero_" ... \n_mensaje_\nOK // 3: Send AT+CMGD= _id_ // 4: Receive OK // 5: Remaining SMS text in case full buffer. // This implementation really does not care much if the modem aswers trash to CMGL bool resp; //int msglength_aux; switch (theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.getCommandCounter()) { case 1: theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.genericCommand_rq(PSTR("AT+CMGL=\"REC UNREAD\",1")); theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.setCommandCounter(2); break; case 2: if(parseCMGL_available(resp)) { if (!resp) theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.closeCommand(4); else theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.closeCommand(1); } break; } } //SMS available parse. bool GSM3ShieldV1SMSProvider::parseCMGL_available(bool& rsp) { fullBufferSMS = (theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.theBuffer().availableBytes()<=4); if (!(theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.theBuffer().chopUntil("+CMGL:", true))) rsp = false; else rsp = true; idSMS=theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.theBuffer().readInt(); //If there are 2 SMS in buffer, response is ...CRLFCRLF+CMGL twoSMSinBuffer = theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.theBuffer().locate("\r\n\r\n+"); checkSecondBuffer = 0; return true; } //remoteNumber SMS function. int GSM3ShieldV1SMSProvider::remoteSMSNumber(char* number, int nlength) { theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.theBuffer().extractSubstring("READ\",\"", "\"", number, nlength); return 1; } //remoteNumber SMS function. int GSM3ShieldV1SMSProvider::readSMS() { char charSMS; //First char. if (!flagReadingSMS) { flagReadingSMS = 1; theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.theBuffer().chopUntil("\n", true); } charSMS = theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.theBuffer().read(); //Second Buffer. if (checkSecondBuffer) { checkSecondBuffer = 0; twoSMSinBuffer = theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.theBuffer().locate("\r\n\r\n+"); } //Case the last char in buffer. if ((!twoSMSinBuffer)&&fullBufferSMS&&(theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.theBuffer().availableBytes()==127)) { theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.theBuffer().flush(); fullBufferSMS = 0; checkSecondBuffer = 1; theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.openCommand(this,XON); theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.gss.spaceAvailable(); delay(10); return charSMS; } //Case two SMS in buffer else if (twoSMSinBuffer) { if (theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.theBuffer().locate("\r\n\r\n+")) { return charSMS; } else { theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.theBuffer().flush(); theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.openCommand(this,XON); theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.gss.spaceAvailable(); delay(10); return 0; } } //Case 1 SMS and buffer not full else if (!fullBufferSMS) { if (theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.theBuffer().locate("\r\n\r\nOK")) { return charSMS; } else { theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.theBuffer().flush(); theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.openCommand(this,XON); theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.gss.spaceAvailable(); delay(10); return 0; } } //Case to read all the chars in buffer to the end. else { return charSMS; } } //Read socket main function. int GSM3ShieldV1SMSProvider::peekSMS() { if (!flagReadingSMS) { flagReadingSMS = 1; theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.theBuffer().chopUntil("\n", true); } return theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.theBuffer().peek(0); } //Flush SMS main function. void GSM3ShieldV1SMSProvider::flushSMS() { //With this, sms data can fill up to 2x128+5x128 bytes. for (int aux = 0;aux<5;aux++) { theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.theBuffer().flush(); theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.gss.spaceAvailable(); delay(10); } theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.openCommand(this,FLUSHSMS); flushSMSContinue(); } //Send SMS continue function. void GSM3ShieldV1SMSProvider::flushSMSContinue() { bool resp; // 1: Deleting SMS // 2: wait for OK switch (theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.getCommandCounter()) { case 1: theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.setCommandCounter(2); theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.genericCommand_rq(PSTR("AT+CMGD="), false); theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.print(idSMS); theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.print("\r"); break; case 2: if(theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.genericParse_rsp(resp)) { if (resp) theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.closeCommand(1); else theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.closeCommand(3); } break; } } void GSM3ShieldV1SMSProvider::manageResponse(byte from, byte to) { switch(theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.getOngoingCommand()) { /* case XON: if (flagReadingSocket) { // flagReadingSocket = 0; fullBufferSocket = (theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.theBuffer().availableBytes()<3); } else theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.openCommand(this,NONE); break; */ case NONE: theGSM3ShieldV1ModemCore.gss.cb.deleteToTheEnd(from); break; case BEGINSMS: beginSMSContinue(); break; case ENDSMS: endSMSContinue(); break; case AVAILABLESMS: availableSMSContinue(); break; case FLUSHSMS: flushSMSContinue(); break; } }