#!/bin/sh # Proposed wrapper to keep gccxml syntax compatibility # Author: Andreas Tille if [ $# -ne 2 ] ; then echo "Usage: `basename $0` input_file.cc -fxml=output_file.xml" exit 1 fi if [ ! -e "$1" ] ; then echo "`basename $0`: Input file $1 not found" exit 1 # more clean would be to return proper POSIX exit code fi output=`echo $2 | sed 's/-fxml *= *//'` if [ "$2" = $output ] ; then echo "Usage: `basename $0` input_file.cc -fxml=output_file.xml" echo " You need to use old gccxml syntax with -fxml= option before output file" exit 1 fi castxml --castxml-gccxml "$1" -o "$output"