# Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3
# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the license, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this library. If not, see .
### Definitions for wrapping Gtk+ ###########
# must start with wrap
wrap: glib
file: GLib-2.0.gir
file: GModule-2.0.gir
addAliases: start
public alias uint uid_t;
public alias int pid_t;
version( Windows )
alias int glong;
alias uint gulong;
else version( X86_64 )
alias long glong;
alias ulong gulong;
alias int glong;
alias uint gulong;
version( Windows )
enum _utfPostfix = "_utf8";
enum _utfPostfix = "";
version (Windows)
private import core.stdc.stdio;
static if( !is(typeof(fdopen(0, null))) )
extern (C) FILE* fdopen(int, char*);
static if ( __VERSION__ >= 2063 )
public import std.typecons : scoped;
template Scoped(T)
alias typeof(scoped!T(cast(typeof(T.tupleof[0]))null)) Scoped;
// I'm getting the following error on the older dmd versions:
// this for Scoped_store needs to be type Scoped not type inout(Scoped!(T)).
// Unlike the phobos version this does use GC alocated memory for the object.
// Within GtkD this is used to make sure destroy is called on the object
// so it releases the resources it holds.
struct Scoped(T)
T payload;
alias payload this;
@disable this();
@disable this(this);
auto scoped(T, Args...)(auto ref Args args) if (is(T == class))
Scoped!(T) result = void;
result.payload = new T(args);
return result;
* Get the length of a zero terminated array.
size_t getArrayLength(T)(T* arr)
size_t len;
for ( ; arr[len]; len++ ){}
return len;
assert(getArrayLength("aaaaaaaaa\0".ptr) == 9);
Type* gMalloc(Type)()
import glib.c.functions;
return cast(Type*)g_malloc0(Type.sizeof);
alias void* GIConv;
addAliases: end
addEnums: start
enum GPriority
HIGH = -100,
HIGH_IDLE = 100,
LOW = 300
addEnums: end
struct: Array
class: ArrayG
struct: Base64
move: base64_decode_step Base64 decode_step
move: base64_decode_inplace Base64 decode_inplace
noCode: decode_step
array: decode_inplace Return out_len
code: start
* Incrementally decode a sequence of binary data from its Base-64 stringified
* representation. By calling this function multiple times you can convert
* data in chunks to avoid having to have the full encoded data in memory.
* The output buffer must be large enough to fit all the data that will
* be written to it. Since base64 encodes 3 bytes in 4 chars you need
* at least: (@len / 4) * 3 + 3 bytes (+ 3 may be needed in case of non-zero
* state).
* Params:
* inn = binary input data
* len = max length of @in data to decode
* output = output buffer
* state = Saved state between steps, initialize to 0
* save = Saved state between steps, initialize to 0
* Return: The number of bytes of output that was written
* Since: 2.12
public static size_t decodeStep(string inn, ref ubyte[] output, ref int state, ref uint save)
auto p = g_base64_decode_step(Str.toStringz(inn), cast(int)inn.length, cast(char*)output.ptr, &state, &save);
return p;
code: end
struct: BookmarkFile
out: load_from_data_dirs full_path
array: set_groups groups length
struct: ByteArray
class: ByteArray
struct: Bytes
noCode: new_take
noCode: new_static
struct: Checksum
noCode: get_digest
code: start
* Gets the digest from checksum as a raw binary vector and places it
* into buffer. The size of the digest depends on the type of checksum.
* Once this function has been called, the Checksum is closed and can
* no longer be updated with update().
* Params:
* buffer = output buffer
* digestLen = an inout parameter. The caller initializes it to the size of buffer.
* After the call it contains the length of the digest.
* Since: 2.16
public void getDigest(ref ubyte[] buffer)
size_t digestLen = buffer.length;
g_checksum_get_digest(gChecksum, buffer.ptr, &digestLen);
buffer = buffer[0 .. digestLen];
code: end
struct: ConstructionException
code: start
class ConstructionException : Exception
this(string message)
override string toString()
return "Construction failure, " ~ msg;
code: end
struct: DateTime
structWrap: gpointer DateTime
noCode: new_now_utc
noCode: new_now_local
noCode: new_from_unix_local
noCode: new_from_unix_utc
noCode: new_from_timeval_local
noCode: new_from_timeval_utc
noCode: new_local
noCode: new_utc
noCode: hash
code: start
* Creates a DateTime corresponding to the given Unix time t
* Unix time is the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01
* 00:00:00 UTC, regardless of the local time offset.
* This call can fail (ConstructionException) if t represents a time outside
* of the supported range of GDateTime.
* You should release the return value by calling unref()
* when you are done with it
* Params:
* t = the Unix time
* utc = If true use utc else use the local timezone.
* Throws: ConstructionException GTK+ fails to create the object.
* Since: 2.26
public this (long t, bool utc = true)
GDateTime* p;
if ( utc )
p = g_date_time_new_from_unix_utc(t);
p = g_date_time_new_from_unix_local(t);
if(p is null)
throw new ConstructionException("null returned by g_date_time_new_from_unix_local(t)");
this(cast(GDateTime*) p);
* Creates a DateTime corresponding to the given TimeVal tv.
* The time contained in a TimeVal is always stored in the form of
* seconds elapsed since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC, regardless of the
* local time offset.
* This call can fail (ConstructionException) if tv represents a time outside
* of the supported range of DateTime.
* You should release the return value by calling unref()
* when you are done with it.
* Params:
* tv = a GTimeVal
* utc = If true use utc else use the local timezone.
* Throws: ConstructionException GTK+ fails to create the object.
* Since: 2.26
public this (ref GTimeVal tv, bool utc = true)
GDateTime* p;
if ( utc )
p = g_date_time_new_from_timeval_utc(&tv);
p = g_date_time_new_from_timeval_local(&tv);
if(p is null)
throw new ConstructionException("null returned by g_date_time_new_from_timeval_local((tv is null) ? null : tv.getTimeValStruct())");
this(cast(GDateTime*) p);
/** */
override bool opEquals(Object rhs)
DateTime date = cast(DateTime)rhs;
if ( date is null )
return false;
return equal(this, date) != 0;
/** */
override int opCmp(Object rhs)
DateTime date = cast(DateTime)rhs;
if ( date is null )
return int.min;
return compare(this, date);
/** */
override nothrow @trusted hash_t toHash()
return hash();
* Hashes datetime into a guint, suitable for use within GHashTable.
* Since 2.26
* Params:
* datetime = a GDateTime
* Returns: a guint containing the hash
public nothrow @trusted uint hash()
return g_date_time_hash(gDateTime);
catch(Exception e)
return 0;
code: end
struct: Dir
class: Directory
struct: Error
class: ErrorG
move: propagate_error Error
move: set_error_literal Error
out: set_error_literal err
out: propagate_error dest
struct: GException
import: glib.ErrorG
import: glib.Str
code: start
class GException : Exception
ErrorG error;
this(ErrorG error)
super( Str.toString(error.getErrorGStruct().message) );
this.error = error;
code: end
struct: GLib
code: start
static import glib.Version;
deprecated("moves to the glib.Version module")
alias glib.Version.Version Version;
code: end
struct: HashTable
class: HashTable
struct: Hmac
noCode: get_digest
move: compute_hmac_for_data Hmac
move: compute_hmac_for_string Hmac
array: compute_hmac_for_data data length
array: compute_hmac_for_string str length
code: start
* Gets the digest from checksum as a raw binary array and places it
* into buffer. The size of the digest depends on the type of checksum.
* Once this function has been called, the Hmac is closed and can
* no longer be updated with update().
* Params:
* buffer = output buffer
* Since: 2.30
public void getDigest(ref ubyte[] buffer)
size_t digestLen = buffer.length;
g_hmac_get_digest(gHmac, buffer.ptr, &digestLen);
buffer = buffer[0 .. digestLen];
code: end
struct: IConv
noStruct: true
ref: iconv inbuf
out: iconv inbytes_left
array: iconv inbuf inbytes_left
ref: iconv outbuf
out: iconv outbytes_left
array: iconv outbuf outbytes_left
struct: Idle
class: Idle
code: start
/** Holds all idle delegates */
bool delegate()[] idleListeners;
/** our idle ID */
uint idleID;
* Creates a new idle cycle.
* Params:
* interval = the idle in milieconds
* dlg = the delegate to be executed
* fireNow = When true the delegate will be executed emmidiatly
this(bool delegate() dlg, bool fireNow=false)
idleListeners ~= dlg;
idleID = g_idle_add(cast(GSourceFunc)&idleCallback, cast(void*)this);
if ( fireNow )
if ( !dlg() )
idleListeners.length = 0;
* Creates a new idle cycle.
* Params:
* dlg = the delegate to be executed
* priority = Priority for the idle function
* fireNow = When true the delegate will be executed emmidiatly
this(bool delegate() dlg, GPriority priority, bool fireNow=false)
idleListeners ~= dlg;
idleID = g_idle_add_full(priority, cast(GSourceFunc)&idleCallback, cast(void*)this, null);
if ( fireNow )
if ( !dlg() )
idleListeners.length = 0;
/** */
public void stop()
if ( idleID > 0 )
idleListeners.length = 0;
* Removes the idle from gtk
* Adds a new delegate to this idle cycle
* Params:
* dlg =
* fireNow =
public void addListener(bool delegate() dlg, bool fireNow=false)
idleListeners ~= dlg;
if ( fireNow )
if ( !dlg() )
idleListeners.length = idleListeners.length - 1;
* The callback execution from glib
* Params:
* idle =
* Returns:
extern(C) static bool idleCallback(Idle idle)
return idle.callAllListeners();
* Executes all delegates on the execution list
* Returns:
private bool callAllListeners()
bool runAgain = false;
int i = 0;
while ( i 0 ) --l;
return line[0..l];
extern(C) static void childWatchCallback(int pid, int status, Spawn spawn)
//writefln("Spawn.childWatchCallback %s %s", pid, status);
spawn.exitStatus = status;
if ( spawn.externalWatch !is null )
public bool endOfOutput()
if ( standardOutput is null ) return true;
return feof(standardOutput) != 0;
public bool endOfError()
if ( standardError is null ) return true;
return feof(standardError) != 0;
string getOutputString()
return Str.toString(strOutput);
string getErrorString()
return Str.toString(strError);
int getExitStatus()
return exitStatus;
* Executes a command synchronasly and
* optionally calls delegates for sysout, syserr and end of job
public int commandLineSync(
ChildWatch externalWatch = null,
bool delegate(string) readOutput = null,
bool delegate(string) readError = null )
string commandLine;
foreach ( int count, string arg; argv)
if ( count > 0 )
commandLine ~= ' ';
commandLine ~= arg;
int status = g_spawn_command_line_sync(
if ( readOutput != null )
foreach ( string line ; splitLines(Str.toString(strOutput)) )
if ( readError != null )
foreach ( string line ; splitLines(Str.toString(strError)) )
if ( externalWatch != null )
return status;
code: end
struct: Str
import: core.stdc.stdio
import: core.stdc.string
import: gobject.c.types
code: start
* Convert C-style 0 terminated string s to char[] string.
* copied from phobos
public static string toString(const(char)* s, size_t len = 0)
if ( s is null )
return cast(string)null;
if ( len == 0 )
len = strlen(s);
return s[0 .. len].idup;
* Convert array of chars s[] to a C-style 0 terminated string.
* copied from phobos
public static char* toStringz(string s)
if ( s is null ) return null;
char[] copy;
if (s.length == 0)
copy = "\0".dup;
// Need to make a copy
copy = new char[s.length + 1];
copy[0..s.length] = s[];
copy[s.length] = 0;
return copy.ptr;
/** */
public static char** toStringzArray(string[] args)
if ( args is null )
return null;
char** argv = (new char*[args.length]).ptr;
int argc = 0;
foreach (string p; args)
argv[argc++] = cast(char*)(p.dup~'\0');
argv[argc] = null;
return argv;
/** */
public static char*** toStringzArray(string[][] args)
if ( args is null )
return null;
char**[] argv = new char**[args.length];
int argc = 0;
foreach( string[] p; args )
argv[argc++] = toStringzArray(p);
argv[argc] = null;
return argv.ptr;
/** */
public static string[] toStringArray(const(char*)* args)
if ( args is null )
return null;
string[] argv;
while ( *args !is null )
argv ~= toString(*args);
return argv;
/** */
public static string[] toStringArray(const(char*)* args, size_t len)
string[] argv = new string[len];
for ( int i; i < len; i++ )
argv[i] = toString(args[i]);
return argv;
/** */
public static string[][] toStringArray(char*** args)
string[][] argv;
if ( args is null )
return null;
while ( *args !is null )
argv ~= toStringArray(*args);
return argv;
/** */
public static void freeString(char* str)
/** */
public static void freeStringArray(char** str)
/** */
public static void freeStringArray(char*** str)
while ( *str !is null )
code: end
struct: String
class: StringG
struct: Thread
noCode: new
struct: Timeout
class: Timeout
code: start
/** Holds all timeout delegates */
bool delegate()[] timeoutListeners;
/** our gtk timeout ID */
uint timeoutID;
* Creates a new timeout cycle with the default priority, GPriority.DEFAULT.
* Note that timeout functions may be delayed, due to the processing of other
* event sources. Thus they should not be relied on for precise timing.
* After each call to the timeout function, the time of the next timeout is
* recalculated based on the current time and the given interval
* (it does not try to 'catch up' time lost in delays).
* Params:
* interval = the timeout in milieconds
* delegate() = the delegate to be executed
* fireNow = When true the delegate will be executed emmidiatly
this(uint interval, bool delegate() dlg, bool fireNow=false)
timeoutListeners ~= dlg;
timeoutID = g_timeout_add(interval, cast(GSourceFunc)&timeoutCallback, cast(void*)this);
if ( fireNow )
if ( !dlg() )
timeoutListeners.length = 0;
* Creates a new timeout cycle.
* Params:
* interval = the timeout in milieconds
* delegate() = the delegate to be executed
* priority = Priority for the timeout function
* fireNow = When true the delegate will be executed emmidiatly
this(uint interval, bool delegate() dlg, GPriority priority, bool fireNow=false)
timeoutListeners ~= dlg;
timeoutID = g_timeout_add_full(priority, interval, cast(GSourceFunc)&timeoutCallback, cast(void*)this, null);
if ( fireNow )
if ( !dlg() )
timeoutListeners.length = 0;
* Creates a new timeout cycle with the default priority, GPriority.DEFAULT.
* Params:
* delegate() = the delegate to be executed
* seconds = interval in seconds.
* fireNow = When true the delegate will be executed emmidiatly
this(bool delegate() dlg, uint seconds, bool fireNow=false)
timeoutListeners ~= dlg;
timeoutID = g_timeout_add_seconds(seconds, cast(GSourceFunc)&timeoutCallback, cast(void*)this);
if ( fireNow )
if ( !dlg() )
timeoutListeners.length = 0;
* Creates a new timeout cycle.
* Params:
* delegate() = the delegate to be executed
* seconds = interval in seconds.
* priority = Priority for the timeout function
* fireNow = When true the delegate will be executed emmidiatly
this(bool delegate() dlg, uint seconds, GPriority priority, bool fireNow=false)
timeoutListeners ~= dlg;
timeoutID = g_timeout_add_seconds_full(priority, seconds, cast(GSourceFunc)&timeoutCallback, cast(void*)this, null);
if ( fireNow )
if ( !dlg() )
timeoutListeners.length = 0;
/** */
public void stop()
if ( timeoutID > 0 )
timeoutID = 0;
timeoutListeners.length = 0;
* Removes the timeout from gtk
* Adds a new delegate to this timeout cycle
* Params:
* dlg =
* fireNow =
public void addListener(bool delegate() dlg, bool fireNow=false)
timeoutListeners ~= dlg;
if ( fireNow )
if ( !dlg() )
timeoutListeners.length = timeoutListeners.length - 1;
* The callback execution from glib
* Params:
* timeout =
* Returns:
extern(C) static bool timeoutCallback(Timeout timeout)
return timeout.callAllListeners();
* Executes all delegates on the execution list
* Returns:
private bool callAllListeners()
bool runAgain = false;
int i = 0;
while ( i