/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Matthias Klumpp * * Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the license, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this software. If not, see . */ module asgen.image; import std.stdio; import std.string; import std.conv : to; import std.path : baseName; import std.math; import core.stdc.stdarg; import core.stdc.stdio; import asgen.bindings.cairo; import asgen.bindings.rsvg; import asgen.bindings.gdkpixbuf; import glib.c.types; import glib.c.functions; import asgen.logging; import asgen.config; import asgen.font : Font; import core.sync.mutex; private __gshared Mutex fontconfigMutex = null; enum ImageFormat { UNKNOWN, PNG, JPEG, GIF, SVG, SVGZ, XPM } private void optimizePNG (string fname) { import std.process; auto conf = asgen.config.Config.get (); if (!conf.featureEnabled (GeneratorFeature.OPTIPNG)) return; // NOTE: Maybe add an option to run optipng with stronger optimization? (>= -o4) auto optipng = execute (["optipng", fname ]); if (optipng.status != 0) logWarning ("Optipng on '%s' failed with error code %s: %s", fname, optipng.status, optipng.output); } /** * Helper method required so we do not modify the Fontconfig * global state while reading it with another process. * * This prevents a weird deadlock when multiple threads are * redering stuff that contains fonts. **/ private void enterFontconfigCriticalSection () @trusted { if (fontconfigMutex is null) return; fontconfigMutex.lock (); } /** * Helper method required so we do not modify the Fontconfig * global state while reading it with another process. * * This prevents a weird deadlock when multiple threads are * redering stuff that contains fonts. **/ private void leaveFontconfigCriticalSection () @trusted { if (fontconfigMutex is null) return; fontconfigMutex.unlock (); } public void setupFontconfigMutex () @trusted { fontconfigMutex = new Mutex; } final class Image { private: GdkPixbuf pix; public: private void throwGError (GError *error, string pretext = null) { if (error !is null) { auto msg = fromStringz (error.message).dup; g_error_free (error); if (pretext is null) throw new Exception (to!string (msg)); else throw new Exception (format ("%s: %s", pretext, to!string (msg))); } } this (string fname) { GError *error = null; pix = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (fname.toStringz (), &error); throwGError (error, format ("Unable to open image '%s'", baseName (fname))); } this (ubyte[] imgBytes, ImageFormat ikind) { import gio.c.functions; import gio.MemoryInputStream; auto istream = new MemoryInputStream (); istream.addData (imgBytes, null); GError *error = null; pix = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_stream (cast(GInputStream*) istream.getMemoryInputStreamStruct (), null, &error); throwGError (error, "Failed to load image data"); } ~this () { if (pix !is null) g_object_unref (pix); } @property uint width () { return pix.gdk_pixbuf_get_width (); } @property uint height () { return pix.gdk_pixbuf_get_height (); } /** * Scale the image to the given size. */ void scale (uint newWidth, uint newHeight) { auto resPix = gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple (pix, newWidth, newHeight, GdkInterpType.BILINEAR); if (resPix is null) throw new Exception (format ("Scaling of image to %sx%s failed.", newWidth, newHeight)); // set our current image to the scaled version g_object_unref (pix); pix = resPix; } /** * Scale the image to the given width, preserving * its aspect ratio. */ void scaleToWidth (uint newWidth) { import std.math; float scaleFactor = cast(float) newWidth / cast (float) width; uint newHeight = to!uint (floor (height * scaleFactor)); scale (newWidth, newHeight); } /** * Scale the image to the given height, preserving * its aspect ratio. */ void scaleToHeight (uint newHeight) { import std.math; float scaleFactor = cast(float) newHeight / cast(float) height; uint newWidth = to!uint (floor (width * scaleFactor)); scale (newWidth, newHeight); } /** * Scale the image to fir in a square with the given edge length, * and keep its aspect ratio. */ void scaleToFit (uint size) { if (height > width) { scaleToHeight (size); } else { scaleToWidth (size); } } void savePng (string fname) { GError *error = null; gdk_pixbuf_save (pix, fname.toStringz (), "png", &error, null); throwGError (error); optimizePNG (fname); } } final class Canvas { private: cairo_surface_p srf; cairo_p cr; int width_; int height_; public: this (int w, int h) { srf = cairo_image_surface_create (cairo_format_t.FORMAT_ARGB32, w, h); cr = cairo_create (srf); width_ = w; height_ = h; } ~this () { if (cr !is null) cairo_destroy (cr); if (srf !is null) cairo_surface_destroy (srf); } @property uint width () { return width_; //! return srf.cairo_image_surface_get_width (); } @property uint height () { return height_; //! return srf.cairo_image_surface_get_height (); } void renderSvg (ubyte[] svgBytes) { // NOTE: unfortunately, Cairo/RSvg uses Fontconfig internally, so // we need to lock this down since a parallel-processed font // might need to access this too. // This can likely be optimized by checking whether it's really // a Font that is holding the lock (= make only fonts increase the // Mutex counter) enterFontconfigCriticalSection (); auto handle = rsvg_handle_new (); scope (exit) { g_object_unref (handle); leaveFontconfigCriticalSection (); } auto svgBSize = ubyte.sizeof * svgBytes.length; GError *error = null; rsvg_handle_write (handle, cast(ubyte*) svgBytes, svgBSize, &error); if (error !is null) { auto msg = fromStringz (error.message).dup; g_error_free (error); throw new Exception (to!string (msg)); } rsvg_handle_close (handle, &error); if (error !is null) { auto msg = fromStringz (error.message).dup; g_error_free (error); throw new Exception (to!string (msg)); } RsvgDimensionData dims; rsvg_handle_get_dimensions (handle, &dims); auto w = cast(double) cairo_image_surface_get_width (srf); auto h = cast(double) cairo_image_surface_get_height (srf); // cairo_translate (cr, (w - dims.width) / 2, (h - dims.height) / 2); cairo_scale (cr, w / dims.width, h / dims.height); cr.cairo_save (); scope (exit) cr.cairo_restore (); if (!rsvg_handle_render_cairo (handle, cr)) throw new Exception ("Rendering of SVG images failed!"); } /** * Draw a simple line of text without linebreaks to fill the canvas. **/ void drawTextLine (const ref Font font, string text, uint borderWidth = 4) { import asgen.bindings.freetype : FT_LOAD_DEFAULT; enterFontconfigCriticalSection (); scope (exit) leaveFontconfigCriticalSection (); auto cff = cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_ft_face (font.fontFace, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT); scope (exit) cairo_font_face_destroy (cff); // set font face for Cairo surface auto status = cairo_font_face_status (cff); if (status != cairo_status_t.STATUS_SUCCESS) throw new Exception ("Could not set font face for Cairo: %s".format (to!string (status))); cairo_set_font_face (cr, cff); cairo_text_extents_t te; uint textSize = 128; while (textSize-- > 0) { cairo_set_font_size (cr, textSize); cairo_text_extents (cr, text.toStringz, &te); if (te.width <= 0.01f || te.height <= 0.01f) continue; if (te.width < this.width - (borderWidth * 2) && te.height < this.height - (borderWidth * 2)) break; } // draw text cairo_move_to (cr, (this.width / 2) - te.width / 2 - te.x_bearing, (this.height / 2) - te.height / 2 - te.y_bearing); cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); cairo_show_text (cr, text.toStringz); cairo_save (cr); } /** * Draw a longer text with linebreaks. */ void drawText (const ref Font font, string text, const uint borderWidth = 4, const uint linePad = 2) { import asgen.bindings.freetype : FT_LOAD_DEFAULT; enterFontconfigCriticalSection (); scope (exit) leaveFontconfigCriticalSection (); auto cff = cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_ft_face (font.fontFace, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT); scope (exit) cairo_font_face_destroy (cff); // set font face for Cairo surface auto status = cairo_font_face_status (cff); if (status != cairo_status_t.STATUS_SUCCESS) throw new Exception (format ("Could not set font face for Cairo: %s", to!string (status))); cairo_set_font_face (cr, cff); // calculate best font size uint linePadding = linePad; auto lines = text.split ("\n"); string longestLine; if (lines.length <= 1) { linePadding = 0; longestLine = text; } else { ulong ll = 0; longestLine = lines[0]; foreach (line; lines) { if (line.length > ll) longestLine = line; ll = line.length; } } cairo_text_extents_t te; uint text_size = 128; while (text_size-- > 0) { cairo_set_font_size (cr, text_size); cairo_text_extents (cr, longestLine.toStringz, &te); if (te.width <= 0.01f || te.height <= 0.01f) continue; if (te.width < this.width - (borderWidth * 2) && (te.height * lines.length + linePadding) < this.height - (borderWidth * 2)) break; } // center text and draw it auto xPos = (this.width / 2) - te.width / 2 - te.x_bearing; auto teHeight = te.height * lines.length + linePadding * (lines.length-1); auto yPos = (teHeight / 2) - teHeight / 2 - te.y_bearing + borderWidth; cairo_move_to (cr, xPos, yPos); cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); foreach (line; lines) { cairo_show_text (cr, line.toStringz ()); yPos += te.height + linePadding; cairo_move_to (cr, xPos, yPos); } cairo_save (cr); } void savePng (string fname) { auto status = cairo_surface_write_to_png (srf, fname.toStringz ()); if (status != cairo_status_t.STATUS_SUCCESS) throw new Exception (format ("Could not save canvas to PNG: %s", to!string (status))); optimizePNG (fname); } } unittest { import std.file : getcwd; import std.path : buildPath; import asgen.utils : getTestSamplesDir; writeln ("TEST: ", "Image"); auto sampleImgPath = buildPath (getTestSamplesDir (), "appstream-logo.png"); writeln ("Loading image (file)"); auto img = new Image (sampleImgPath); writeln ("Scaling image"); assert (img.width == 134); assert (img.height == 132); img.scale (64, 64); assert (img.width == 64); assert (img.height == 64); writeln ("Storing image"); img.savePng ("/tmp/ag-iscale_test.png"); writeln ("Loading image (data)"); ubyte[] data; auto f = File (sampleImgPath, "r"); while (!f.eof) { char[300] buf; data ~= f.rawRead (buf); } img = new Image (data, ImageFormat.PNG); writeln ("Scaling image (data)"); img.scale (124, 124); writeln ("Storing image (data)"); img.savePng ("/tmp/ag-iscale-d_test.png"); writeln ("Rendering SVG"); auto sampleSvgPath = buildPath (getTestSamplesDir (), "table.svgz"); data = null; f = File (sampleSvgPath, "r"); while (!f.eof) { char[300] buf; data ~= f.rawRead (buf); } auto cv = new Canvas (512, 512); cv.renderSvg (data); writeln ("Saving rendered PNG"); cv.savePng ("/tmp/ag-svgrender_test1.png"); writeln ("Font rendering"); auto font = new Font (buildPath (getTestSamplesDir (), "NotoSans-Regular.ttf")); cv = new Canvas (400, 100); cv.drawText (font, "Hello World!\nSecond Line!\nThird line - äöüß!\nA very, very, very long line."); cv.savePng ("/tmp/ag-fontrender_test1.png"); }