------------------------- Installation instructions ------------------------- 1. Requirements --------------- FileZilla depends on the following libraries: - libfilezilla 0.3.0 or greater - wxWidgets 3.0.2 or greater - libidn (only if not on Windows and not having gettaddrinfo with AI_IDN support) - GnuTLS 3.1.12 or greater - libdbus on *nix - sqlite3 3.7 or greater To compile FileZilla 3, the following tools need to be installed: - A C++14 compiler, e.g. a recent GCC or Clang - GNU make - GNU gettext Optional tools: - recent automake, autoconf if you plan to change configure.in or any of the Makefile.am files - CppUnit if you want to run the tests - NSIS if you want to create the Windows installer If crosscompiling, a native wxrc tool, which is part of wxWidgets, has to exist or compilation will fail 2. Compilation -------------- If using source from the project's Subversion repository, execute autoreconf -i first to generate configure. This step is not necessary for source distributions. Assuming you are in the top source directory, execute the following commands: mkdir compile cd compile ../configure make make install