#include #if FZ_MANUALUPDATECHECK #include "buildinfo.h" #include "updater.h" #include "Options.h" #include "file_utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include // This is ugly but does the job #define SHA512_STANDALONE typedef unsigned int uint32; namespace { #include "../putty/int64.h" #include "../putty/sshsh512.c" } BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(CUpdater, wxEvtHandler) EVT_FZ_NOTIFICATION(wxID_ANY, CUpdater::OnEngineEvent) EVT_TIMER(wxID_ANY, CUpdater::OnTimer) END_EVENT_TABLE() // BASE-64 encoded DER without the BEGIN/END CERTIFICATE static char s_update_cert[] = "\ MIIFsTCCA5ugAwIBAgIESnXLbzALBgkqhkiG9w0BAQ0wSTELMAkGA1UEBhMCREUx\n\ GjAYBgNVBAoTEUZpbGVaaWxsYSBQcm9qZWN0MR4wHAYDVQQDExVmaWxlemlsbGEt\n\ cHJvamVjdC5vcmcwHhcNMDkwODAyMTcyMjU2WhcNMzEwNjI4MTcyMjU4WjBJMQsw\n\ CQYDVQQGEwJERTEaMBgGA1UEChMRRmlsZVppbGxhIFByb2plY3QxHjAcBgNVBAMT\n\ FWZpbGV6aWxsYS1wcm9qZWN0Lm9yZzCCAh8wCwYJKoZIhvcNAQEBA4ICDgAwggIJ\n\ AoICAJqWXy7YzVP5pOk8VB9bd/ROC9SVbAxJiFHh0I0/JmyW+jSfzFCYWr1DKGVv\n\ Oui+qiUsaSgjWTh/UusnVu4Q4Lb00k7INRF6MFcGFkGNmOZPk4Qt0uuWMtsxiFek\n\ 9QMPWSYs+bxk+M0u0rNOdAblsIzeV16yhfUQDtrJxPWbRpuLgp9/4/oNbixet7YM\n\ pvwlns2o1KXcsNcBcXraux5QmnD4oJVYbTY2qxdMVyreA7dxd40c55F6FvA+L36L\n\ Nv54VwRFSqY12KBG4I9Up+c9OQ9HMN0zm0FhYtYeKWzdMIRk06EKAxO7MUIcip3q\n\ 7v9eROPnKM8Zh4dzkWnCleirW8EKFEm+4+A8pDqirMooiQqkkMesaJDV361UCoVo\n\ fRhqfK+Prx0BaJK/5ZHN4tmgU5Tmq+z2m7aIKwOImj6VF3somVvmh0G/othnU2MH\n\ GB7qFrIUMZc5VhrAwmmSA2Z/w4+0ToiR+IrdGmDKz3cVany3EZAzWRJUARaId9FH\n\ v/ymA1xcFAKmfxsjGNlNpXd7b8UElS8+ccKL9m207k++IIjc0jUPgrM70rU3cv5M\n\ Kevp971eHLhpWa9vrjbz/urDzBg3Dm8XEN09qwmABfIEnhm6f7oz2bYXjz73ImYj\n\ rZsogz+Jsx3NWhHFUD42iA4ZnxHIEgchD/TAihpbdrEhgmdvAgMBAAGjgacwgaQw\n\ EgYDVR0TAQH/BAgwBgEB/wIBAjAmBgNVHREEHzAdgRthZG1pbkBmaWxlemlsbGEt\n\ cHJvamVjdC5vcmcwDwYDVR0PAQH/BAUDAwcGADAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUd4w2verFjXAn\n\ CrNLor39nFtemNswNgYDVR0fBC8wLTAroCmgJ4YlaHR0cHM6Ly9jcmwuZmlsZXpp\n\ bGxhLXByb2plY3Qub3JnL2NybDALBgkqhkiG9w0BAQ0DggIBAF3fmV/Bs4amV78d\n\ uhe5PkW7yTO6iCfKJVDB22kXPvL0rzZn4SkIZNoac8Xl5vOoRd6k+06i3aJ78w+W\n\ 9Z0HK1jUdjW7taYo4bU58nAp3Li+JwjE/lUBNqSKSescPjdZW0KzIIZls91W30yt\n\ tGq85oWAuyVprHPlr2uWLg1q4eUdF6ZAz4cZ0+9divoMuk1HiWxi1Y/1fqPRzUFf\n\ UGK0K36iPPz2ktzT7qJYXRfC5QDoX7tCuoDcO5nccVjDypRKxy45O5Ucm/fywiQW\n\ NQfz/yQAmarQSCfDjNcHD1rdJ0lx9VWP6xi+Z8PGSlR9eDuMaqPVAE1DLHwMMTTZ\n\ 93PbfP2nvgbElgEki28LUalyVuzvrKcu/rL1LnCJA4jStgE/xjDofpYwgtG4ZSnE\n\ KgNy48eStvNZbGhwn2YvrxyKmw58WSQG9ArOCHoLcWnpedSZuTrPTLfgNUx7DNbo\n\ qJU36tgxiO0XLRRSetl7jkSIO6U1okVH0/tvstrXEWp4XwdlmoZf92VVBrkg3San\n\ fA5hBaI2gpQwtpyOJzwLzsd43n4b1YcPiyzhifJGcqRCBZA1uArNsH5iG6z/qHXp\n\ KjuMxZu8aM8W2gp8Yg8QZfh5St/nut6hnXb5A8Qr+Ixp97t34t264TBRQD6MuZc3\n\ PqQuF7sJR6POArUVYkRD/2LIWsB7\n\ "; void version_information::update_available() { if( !nightly_.url_.empty() && COptions::Get()->GetOptionVal(OPTION_UPDATECHECK_CHECKBETA) == 2 ) { available_ = nightly_; } else if( !beta_.version_.empty() && COptions::Get()->GetOptionVal(OPTION_UPDATECHECK_CHECKBETA) != 0 ) { available_ = beta_; } else if( !stable_.version_.empty() ) { available_ = stable_; } else { available_ = build(); } } static CUpdater* instance = 0; CUpdater::CUpdater(CUpdateHandler& parent, CFileZillaEngineContext& engine_context) : state_(UpdaterState::idle) , engine_(new CFileZillaEngine(engine_context)) { AddHandler(parent); engine_->Init(this); } void CUpdater::Init() { if( state_ == UpdaterState::checking || state_ == UpdaterState::newversion_downloading ) { return; } raw_version_information_ = COptions::Get()->GetOption( OPTION_UPDATECHECK_NEWVERSION ); UpdaterState s = ProcessFinishedData(FZ_AUTOUPDATECHECK); SetState(s); AutoRunIfNeeded(); update_timer_.SetOwner(this); update_timer_.Start(1000 * 3600); if( !instance ) { instance = this; } } CUpdater::~CUpdater() { if( instance == this ) { instance =0; } delete engine_; } CUpdater* CUpdater::GetInstance() { return instance; } void CUpdater::AutoRunIfNeeded() { #if FZ_AUTOUPDATECHECK if( state_ == UpdaterState::failed || state_ == UpdaterState::idle ) { if( !COptions::Get()->GetOptionVal(OPTION_DEFAULT_DISABLEUPDATECHECK) && COptions::Get()->GetOptionVal(OPTION_UPDATECHECK) != 0 && LongTimeSinceLastCheck() ) { Run(); } } #endif } void CUpdater::RunIfNeeded() { build const b = AvailableBuild(); if( state_ == UpdaterState::idle || state_ == UpdaterState::failed || LongTimeSinceLastCheck() || (state_ == UpdaterState::newversion && !b.url_.empty()) || (state_ == UpdaterState::newversion_ready && !VerifyChecksum( DownloadedFile(), b.size_, b.hash_ ) ) ) { Run(); } } bool CUpdater::LongTimeSinceLastCheck() const { wxString const lastCheckStr = COptions::Get()->GetOption(OPTION_UPDATECHECK_LASTDATE); if (lastCheckStr.empty()) return true; fz::datetime lastCheck(lastCheckStr.ToStdWstring(), fz::datetime::utc); if (!lastCheck.empty()) return true; auto const span = fz::datetime::now() - lastCheck; if (span.get_seconds() < 0) // Last check in future return true; int days = 1; if (!CBuildInfo::IsUnstable()) days = COptions::Get()->GetOptionVal(OPTION_UPDATECHECK_INTERVAL); return span.get_days() >= days; } wxString CUpdater::GetUrl() { wxString host = CBuildInfo::GetHostname(); if (host.empty()) host = _T("unknown"); wxString version(PACKAGE_VERSION, wxConvLocal); version.Replace(_T(" "), _T("%20")); wxString url = wxString::Format(_T("https://update.filezilla-project.org/update.php?platform=%s&version=%s"), host, version); #if defined(__WXMSW__) || defined(__WXMAC__) // Makes not much sense to submit OS version on Linux, *BSD and the likes, too many flavours. wxString osVersion = wxString::Format(_T("&osversion=%d.%d"), wxPlatformInfo::Get().GetOSMajorVersion(), wxPlatformInfo::Get().GetOSMinorVersion()); url += osVersion; #endif #ifdef __WXMSW__ if (wxIsPlatform64Bit()) url += _T("&osarch=64"); else url += _T("&osarch=32"); #endif wxString const cpuCaps = CBuildInfo::GetCPUCaps(','); if (!cpuCaps.empty()) { url += _T("&cpuid=") + cpuCaps; } return url; } bool CUpdater::Run() { if( state_ != UpdaterState::idle && state_ != UpdaterState::failed && state_ != UpdaterState::newversion && state_ != UpdaterState::newversion_ready ) { return false; } auto const t = fz::datetime::now(); COptions::Get()->SetOption(OPTION_UPDATECHECK_LASTDATE, t.format(_T("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), fz::datetime::utc)); local_file_.clear(); log_ = wxString::Format(_("Started update check on %s\n"), t.format(_T("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), fz::datetime::local)); wxString build = CBuildInfo::GetBuildType(); if( build.empty() ) { build = _("custom"); } log_ += wxString::Format(_("Own build type: %s\n"), build); SetState(UpdaterState::checking); m_use_internal_rootcert = true; int res = Download(GetUrl(), wxString()); if (res != FZ_REPLY_WOULDBLOCK) { SetState(UpdaterState::failed); } raw_version_information_.clear(); return state_ == UpdaterState::checking; } int CUpdater::Download(wxString const& url, wxString const& local_file) { wxASSERT(pending_commands_.empty()); pending_commands_.clear(); pending_commands_.emplace_back(new CDisconnectCommand); if (!CreateConnectCommand(url) || !CreateTransferCommand(url, local_file)) { return FZ_REPLY_ERROR; } return ContinueDownload(); } int CUpdater::ContinueDownload() { if (pending_commands_.empty()) { return FZ_REPLY_OK; } int res = engine_->Execute(*pending_commands_.front()); if (res == FZ_REPLY_OK) { pending_commands_.pop_front(); return ContinueDownload(); } return res; } bool CUpdater::CreateConnectCommand(wxString const& url) { CServer s; CServerPath path; wxString error; if( !s.ParseUrl( url, 0, wxString(), wxString(), error, path ) || (s.GetProtocol() != HTTP && s.GetProtocol() != HTTPS) ) { return false; } pending_commands_.emplace_back(new CConnectCommand(s)); return true; } bool CUpdater::CreateTransferCommand(wxString const& url, wxString const& local_file) { CFileTransferCommand::t_transferSettings transferSettings; CServer s; CServerPath path; wxString error; if( !s.ParseUrl( url, 0, wxString(), wxString(), error, path ) || (s.GetProtocol() != HTTP && s.GetProtocol() != HTTPS) ) { return false; } wxString file = path.GetLastSegment(); path = path.GetParent(); pending_commands_.emplace_back(new CFileTransferCommand(local_file, path, file, true, transferSettings)); return true; } void CUpdater::OnEngineEvent(wxFzEvent& event) { if (!engine_ || engine_ != event.engine_) return; std::unique_ptr notification; while( (notification = engine_->GetNextNotification()) ) { ProcessNotification(std::move(notification)); } } void CUpdater::ProcessNotification(std::unique_ptr && notification) { if (state_ != UpdaterState::checking && state_ != UpdaterState::newversion_downloading) { return; } switch (notification->GetID()) { case nId_asyncrequest: { auto pData = unique_static_cast(std::move(notification)); if (pData->GetRequestID() == reqId_fileexists) { static_cast(pData.get())->overwriteAction = CFileExistsNotification::resume; } else if (pData->GetRequestID() == reqId_certificate) { auto & certNotification = static_cast(*pData.get()); if (m_use_internal_rootcert) { auto certs = certNotification.GetCertificates(); if( certs.size() > 1 ) { auto ca = certs.back(); unsigned int ca_data_length{}; unsigned char const* ca_data = ca.GetRawData(ca_data_length); wxMemoryBuffer updater_root = wxBase64Decode(s_update_cert, wxNO_LEN, wxBase64DecodeMode_SkipWS); if( ca_data_length == updater_root.GetDataLen() && !memcmp(ca_data, updater_root.GetData(), ca_data_length) ) { certNotification.m_trusted = true; } } } else { certNotification.m_trusted = true; } } engine_->SetAsyncRequestReply(std::move(pData)); } break; case nId_data: ProcessData(static_cast(*notification.get())); break; case nId_operation: ProcessOperation(static_cast(*notification.get())); break; case nId_logmsg: { auto const& msg = static_cast(*notification.get()); log_ += msg.msg + _T("\n"); } break; default: break; } } UpdaterState CUpdater::ProcessFinishedData(bool can_download) { UpdaterState s = UpdaterState::failed; ParseData(); if (version_information_.available_.version_.empty()) { s = UpdaterState::idle; } else if (!version_information_.available_.url_.empty()) { wxString const temp = GetTempFile(); wxString const local_file = GetLocalFile(version_information_.available_, true); if (!local_file.empty() && fz::local_filesys::get_file_type(fz::to_native(local_file)) != fz::local_filesys::unknown) { local_file_ = local_file; log_ += wxString::Format(_("Local file is %s\n"), local_file); s = UpdaterState::newversion_ready; } else { // We got a checksum over a secure channel already. m_use_internal_rootcert = false; if (temp.empty() || local_file.empty()) { s = UpdaterState::newversion; } else { s = UpdaterState::newversion_downloading; auto size = fz::local_filesys::get_size(fz::to_native(temp)); if (size >= 0 && size >= version_information_.available_.size_) { s = ProcessFinishedDownload(); } else if( !can_download || Download( version_information_.available_.url_, GetTempFile() ) != FZ_REPLY_WOULDBLOCK ) { s = UpdaterState::newversion; } } } } else { s = UpdaterState::newversion; } return s; } void CUpdater::ProcessOperation(COperationNotification const& operation) { if( state_ != UpdaterState::checking && state_ != UpdaterState::newversion_downloading ) { return; } if (pending_commands_.empty()) { SetState(UpdaterState::failed); return; } UpdaterState s = UpdaterState::failed; int res = operation.nReplyCode; if (res == FZ_REPLY_OK || (operation.commandId == Command::disconnect && res & FZ_REPLY_DISCONNECTED)) { pending_commands_.pop_front(); res = ContinueDownload(); if (res == FZ_REPLY_WOULDBLOCK) { return; } } if (res != FZ_REPLY_OK) { if (state_ != UpdaterState::checking) { s = UpdaterState::newversion; } } else if( state_ == UpdaterState::checking ) { s = ProcessFinishedData(true); } else { s = ProcessFinishedDownload(); } SetState(s); } UpdaterState CUpdater::ProcessFinishedDownload() { UpdaterState s = UpdaterState::newversion; wxString const temp = GetTempFile(); if( temp.empty() ) { s = UpdaterState::newversion; } else if( !VerifyChecksum( temp, version_information_.available_.size_, version_information_.available_.hash_ ) ) { wxLogNull log; wxRemoveFile(temp); s = UpdaterState::newversion; } else { s = UpdaterState::newversion_ready; wxString local_file = GetLocalFile( version_information_.available_, false ); wxLogNull log; if (local_file.empty() || !wxRenameFile( temp, local_file, false ) ) { s = UpdaterState::newversion; wxRemoveFile( temp ); log_ += wxString::Format(_("Could not create local file %s\n"), local_file); } else { local_file_ = local_file; log_ += wxString::Format(_("Local file is %s\n"), local_file); } } return s; } wxString CUpdater::GetLocalFile(build const& b, bool allow_existing) { wxString const fn = GetFilename( b.url_ ); wxString const dl = GetDownloadDir().GetPath(); int i = 1; wxString f = dl + fn; while (fz::local_filesys::get_file_type(fz::to_native(f)) != fz::local_filesys::unknown && (!allow_existing || !VerifyChecksum(f, b.size_, b.hash_))) { if (++i > 99) { return wxString(); } wxString ext; int pos; if (!fn.Right(8).CmpNoCase(_T(".tar.bz2"))) { pos = fn.size() - 8; } else { pos = fn.Find('.', true); } if (pos == -1) { f = dl + fn + wxString::Format(_T(" (%d)"), i); } else { f = dl + fn.Left(pos) + wxString::Format(_T(" (%d)"), i) + fn.Mid(pos); } } return f; } void CUpdater::ProcessData(CDataNotification& dataNotification) { if( state_ != UpdaterState::checking ) { return; } int len; char* data = dataNotification.Detach(len); if( COptions::Get()->GetOptionVal(OPTION_LOGGING_DEBUGLEVEL) == 4 ) { log_ += wxString::Format(_T("ProcessData %d\n"), len); } if( raw_version_information_.size() + len > 131072 ) { log_ += _("Received version information is too large"); engine_->Cancel(); SetState(UpdaterState::failed); } else { for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (data[i] < 10 || (unsigned char)data[i] > 127) { log_ += _("Received invalid character in version information"); SetState(UpdaterState::failed); engine_->Cancel(); break; } } } if( state_ == UpdaterState::checking ) { raw_version_information_ += wxString(data, wxConvUTF8, len); } delete [] data; } void CUpdater::ParseData() { int64_t const ownVersionNumber = CBuildInfo::ConvertToVersionNumber(CBuildInfo::GetVersion().c_str()); version_information_ = version_information(); wxString raw_version_information = raw_version_information_; log_ += wxString::Format(_("Parsing %d bytes of version information.\n"), static_cast(raw_version_information.size())); while( !raw_version_information.empty() ) { wxString line; int pos = raw_version_information.Find('\n'); if (pos != -1) { line = raw_version_information.Left(pos); raw_version_information = raw_version_information.Mid(pos + 1); } else { line = raw_version_information; raw_version_information.clear(); } wxStringTokenizer tokens(line, _T(" \t\n"), wxTOKEN_STRTOK); if( !tokens.CountTokens() ) { // After empty line, changelog follows version_information_.changelog = raw_version_information; version_information_.changelog.Trim(true); version_information_.changelog.Trim(false); if( COptions::Get()->GetOptionVal(OPTION_LOGGING_DEBUGLEVEL) == 4 ) { log_ += wxString::Format(_T("Changelog: %s\n"), version_information_.changelog); } break; } if( tokens.CountTokens() != 2 && tokens.CountTokens() != 6 ) { if( COptions::Get()->GetOptionVal(OPTION_LOGGING_DEBUGLEVEL) == 4 ) { log_ += wxString::Format(_T("Skipping line with %d tokens\n"), static_cast(tokens.CountTokens())); } continue; } wxString type = tokens.GetNextToken(); wxString versionOrDate = tokens.GetNextToken(); if (type == _T("nightly")) { fz::datetime nightlyDate(versionOrDate.ToStdWstring(), fz::datetime::utc); if (!nightlyDate.empty()) { if (COptions::Get()->GetOptionVal(OPTION_LOGGING_DEBUGLEVEL) == 4) { log_ += _T("Could not parse nightly date\n"); } continue; } fz::datetime buildDate = CBuildInfo::GetBuildDate(); if (!buildDate.empty() || !nightlyDate.empty() || nightlyDate <= buildDate) { if( COptions::Get()->GetOptionVal(OPTION_LOGGING_DEBUGLEVEL) == 4 ) { log_ += _T("Nightly isn't newer\n"); } continue; } } else { int64_t v = CBuildInfo::ConvertToVersionNumber(versionOrDate.c_str()); if (v <= ownVersionNumber) continue; } build* b = 0; if( type == _T("nightly") && UpdatableBuild() ) { b = &version_information_.nightly_; } else if( type == _T("release") ) { b = &version_information_.stable_; } else if( type == _T("beta") ) { b = &version_information_.beta_; } if( b ) { b->version_ = versionOrDate; if( UpdatableBuild() && tokens.CountTokens() == 4 ) { wxString const url = tokens.GetNextToken(); wxString const sizestr = tokens.GetNextToken(); wxString const hash_algo = tokens.GetNextToken(); wxString const hash = tokens.GetNextToken(); if( GetFilename(url).empty() ) { if( COptions::Get()->GetOptionVal(OPTION_LOGGING_DEBUGLEVEL) == 4 ) { log_ += wxString::Format(_T("Could not extract filename from URL: %s\n"), url); } continue; } if( hash_algo.CmpNoCase(_T("sha512")) ) { continue; } unsigned long long l = 0; if( !sizestr.ToULongLong(&l) ) { if( COptions::Get()->GetOptionVal(OPTION_LOGGING_DEBUGLEVEL) == 4 ) { log_ += wxString::Format(_T("Could not parse size: %s"), sizestr); } continue; } b->url_ = url; b->size_ = l; b->hash_ = hash; // @translator: Two examples: Found new nightly 2014-04-03\n, Found new release\n log_ += wxString::Format(_("Found new %s %s\n"), type, b->version_); } } } version_information_.update_available(); COptions::Get()->SetOption( OPTION_UPDATECHECK_NEWVERSION, raw_version_information_ ); } void CUpdater::OnTimer(wxTimerEvent&) { AutoRunIfNeeded(); } bool CUpdater::VerifyChecksum(wxString const& file, int64_t size, wxString const& checksum) { if (file.empty() || checksum.empty()) { return false; } auto filesize = fz::local_filesys::get_size(fz::to_native(file)); if (filesize < 0 || filesize != size) { return false; } SHA512_State state; SHA512_Init(&state); { wxLogNull null; wxFile f; if (!f.Open(file)) { return false; } char buffer[65536]; ssize_t read; while ((read = f.Read(buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0) { SHA512_Bytes(&state, buffer, read); } if (read < 0) { return false; } } unsigned char raw_digest[64]; SHA512_Final(&state, raw_digest); wxString digest; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(raw_digest); ++i) { unsigned char l = raw_digest[i] >> 4; unsigned char r = raw_digest[i] & 0x0F; if (l > 9) digest += 'a' + l - 10; else digest += '0' + l; if (r > 9) digest += 'a' + r - 10; else digest += '0' + r; } if (checksum.CmpNoCase(digest)) { log_ += wxString::Format(_("Checksum mismatch on file %s\n"), file); return false; } log_ += wxString::Format(_("Checksum match on file %s\n"), file); return true; } wxString CUpdater::GetTempFile() const { wxASSERT( !version_information_.available_.hash_.empty() ); wxString ret = wxFileName::GetTempDir(); if (!ret.empty()) { if (ret.Last() != wxFileName::GetPathSeparator()) { ret += wxFileName::GetPathSeparator(); } ret += _T("fzupdate_") + version_information_.available_.hash_.Left(16) + _T(".tmp"); } return ret; } wxString CUpdater::GetFilename( wxString const& url) const { wxString ret; int pos = url.Find('/', true); if (pos != -1) { ret = url.Mid(pos + 1); } size_t p = ret.find_first_of(_T("?#")); if( p != std::string::npos ) { ret = ret.substr(0, p); } #ifdef __WXMSW__ ret.Replace(_T(":"), _T("_")); #endif return ret; } void CUpdater::SetState( UpdaterState s ) { if( s != state_ ) { state_ = s; if (s != UpdaterState::checking && s != UpdaterState::newversion_downloading) { pending_commands_.clear(); } build b = version_information_.available_; for (auto const& handler : handlers_ ) { if( handler ) { handler->UpdaterStateChanged( s, b ); } } } } wxString CUpdater::DownloadedFile() const { wxString ret; if( state_ == UpdaterState::newversion_ready ) { ret = local_file_; } return ret; } void CUpdater::AddHandler( CUpdateHandler& handler ) { for( auto const& h : handlers_ ) { if (h == &handler) { return; } } for( auto& h : handlers_ ) { if( !h ) { h = &handler; return; } } handlers_.push_back(&handler); } void CUpdater::RemoveHandler( CUpdateHandler& handler ) { for (auto& h : handlers_) { if (h == &handler) { // Set to 0 instead of removing from list to avoid issues with reentrancy. h = 0; return; } } } int64_t CUpdater::BytesDownloaded() const { int64_t ret{-1}; if (state_ == UpdaterState::newversion_ready) { if (!local_file_.empty()) { ret = fz::local_filesys::get_size(fz::to_native(local_file_)); } } else if( state_ == UpdaterState::newversion_downloading ) { wxString const temp = GetTempFile(); if( !temp.empty() ) { ret = fz::local_filesys::get_size(fz::to_native(temp)); } } return ret; } bool CUpdater::UpdatableBuild() const { return CBuildInfo::GetBuildType() == _T("nightly") || CBuildInfo::GetBuildType() == _T("official"); } #endif