#include #include "filezillaapp.h" #include "verifycertdialog.h" #include "dialogex.h" #include "ipcmutex.h" #include "Options.h" #include "timeformatting.h" #include "xrc_helper.h" #include #include #include CVerifyCertDialog::CVerifyCertDialog() : m_xmlFile(wxGetApp().GetSettingsFile(_T("trustedcerts"))) { } CVerifyCertDialog::~CVerifyCertDialog() { for (auto iter = m_trustedCerts.begin(); iter != m_trustedCerts.end(); ++iter) delete [] iter->data; for (auto iter = m_sessionTrustedCerts.begin(); iter != m_sessionTrustedCerts.end(); ++iter) delete [] iter->data; } bool CVerifyCertDialog::DisplayCert(wxDialogEx* pDlg, const CCertificate& cert) { bool warning = false; if (cert.GetActivationTime().empty()) { if (cert.GetActivationTime() > fz::datetime::now()) { pDlg->SetChildLabel(XRCID("ID_ACTIVATION_TIME"), wxString::Format(_("%s - Not yet valid!"), CTimeFormat::Format(cert.GetActivationTime()))); xrc_call(*pDlg, "ID_ACTIVATION_TIME", &wxWindow::SetForegroundColour, wxColour(255, 0, 0)); warning = true; } else pDlg->SetChildLabel(XRCID("ID_ACTIVATION_TIME"), CTimeFormat::Format(cert.GetActivationTime())); } else { warning = true; pDlg->SetChildLabel(XRCID("ID_ACTIVATION_TIME"), _("Invalid date")); } if (cert.GetExpirationTime().empty()) { if (cert.GetExpirationTime() < fz::datetime::now()) { pDlg->SetChildLabel(XRCID("ID_EXPIRATION_TIME"), wxString::Format(_("%s - Certificate expired!"), CTimeFormat::Format(cert.GetExpirationTime()))); xrc_call(*pDlg, "ID_EXPIRATION_TIME", &wxWindow::SetForegroundColour, wxColour(255, 0, 0)); warning = true; } else pDlg->SetChildLabel(XRCID("ID_EXPIRATION_TIME"), CTimeFormat::Format(cert.GetExpirationTime())); } else { warning = true; pDlg->SetChildLabel(XRCID("ID_EXPIRATION_TIME"), _("Invalid date")); } if (!cert.GetSerial().empty()) pDlg->SetChildLabel(XRCID("ID_SERIAL"), cert.GetSerial()); else pDlg->SetChildLabel(XRCID("ID_SERIAL"), _("None")); pDlg->SetChildLabel(XRCID("ID_PKALGO"), wxString::Format(_("%s with %d bits"), cert.GetPkAlgoName(), cert.GetPkAlgoBits())); pDlg->SetChildLabel(XRCID("ID_SIGNALGO"), cert.GetSignatureAlgorithm()); wxString const& sha256 = cert.GetFingerPrintSHA256(); pDlg->SetChildLabel(XRCID("ID_FINGERPRINT_SHA256"), sha256.Left(sha256.size() / 2 + 1) + _T("\n") + sha256.Mid(sha256.size() / 2 + 1)); pDlg->SetChildLabel(XRCID("ID_FINGERPRINT_SHA1"), cert.GetFingerPrintSHA1()); ParseDN(XRCCTRL(*pDlg, "ID_ISSUER_BOX", wxStaticBox), cert.GetIssuer(), m_pIssuerSizer); auto subjectPanel = XRCCTRL(*pDlg, "ID_SUBJECT_PANEL", wxScrolledWindow); subjectPanel->Freeze(); ParseDN(subjectPanel, cert.GetSubject(), m_pSubjectSizer); auto const& altNames = cert.GetAltSubjectNames(); if (!altNames.empty()) { wxString str; for (auto const& altName : altNames) { str += altName + _T("\n"); } str.RemoveLast(); m_pSubjectSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(subjectPanel, wxID_ANY, wxPLURAL("Alternative name:", "Alternative names:", altNames.size()))); m_pSubjectSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(subjectPanel, wxID_ANY, str)); } m_pSubjectSizer->Fit(subjectPanel); wxSize min = m_pSubjectSizer->CalcMin(); int const maxHeight = (line_height_ + m_pDlg->ConvertDialogToPixels(wxPoint(0, 1)).y) * 15; if (min.y >= maxHeight) { min.y = maxHeight; min.x += wxSystemSettings::GetMetric(wxSYS_VSCROLL_X); } // Add extra safety margin to prevent squishing on OS X. min.x += 2; subjectPanel->SetMinSize(min); subjectPanel->Thaw(); return warning; } #include bool CVerifyCertDialog::DisplayAlgorithm(int controlId, wxString name, bool insecure) { if (insecure) { name += _T(" - "); name += _("Insecure algorithm!"); auto wnd = m_pDlg->FindWindow(controlId); if (wnd) { wnd->SetForegroundColour(wxColour(255, 0, 0)); } } m_pDlg->SetChildLabel(controlId, name); return insecure; } void CVerifyCertDialog::ShowVerificationDialog(CCertificateNotification& notification, bool displayOnly /*=false*/) { LoadTrustedCerts(); m_pDlg = new wxDialogEx; if (!m_pDlg->Load(0, _T("ID_VERIFYCERT"))) { wxBell(); delete m_pDlg; m_pDlg = 0; return; } if (displayOnly) { xrc_call(*m_pDlg, "ID_DESC", &wxWindow::Hide); xrc_call(*m_pDlg, "ID_ALWAYS_DESC", &wxWindow::Hide); xrc_call(*m_pDlg, "ID_ALWAYS", &wxWindow::Hide); xrc_call(*m_pDlg, "wxID_CANCEL", &wxWindow::Hide); m_pDlg->SetTitle(_T("Certificate details")); } else { m_pDlg->WrapText(m_pDlg, XRCID("ID_DESC"), 400); if (COptions::Get()->GetOptionVal(OPTION_DEFAULT_KIOSKMODE) == 2) XRCCTRL(*m_pDlg, "ID_ALWAYS", wxCheckBox)->Hide(); } m_certificates = notification.GetCertificates(); if (m_certificates.size() == 1) { XRCCTRL(*m_pDlg, "ID_CHAIN_DESC", wxStaticText)->Hide(); XRCCTRL(*m_pDlg, "ID_CHAIN", wxChoice)->Hide(); } else { wxChoice* pChoice = XRCCTRL(*m_pDlg, "ID_CHAIN", wxChoice); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_certificates.size(); ++i) { pChoice->Append(wxString::Format(_T("%d"), i)); } pChoice->SetSelection(0); pChoice->Connect(wxEVT_COMMAND_CHOICE_SELECTED, wxCommandEventHandler(CVerifyCertDialog::OnCertificateChoice), 0, this); } m_pDlg->SetChildLabel(XRCID("ID_HOST"), wxString::Format(_T("%s:%d"), notification.GetHost(), notification.GetPort())); line_height_ = XRCCTRL(*m_pDlg, "ID_SUBJECT_DUMMY", wxStaticText)->GetSize().y; m_pSubjectSizer = XRCCTRL(*m_pDlg, "ID_SUBJECT_DUMMY", wxStaticText)->GetContainingSizer(); m_pSubjectSizer->Clear(true); m_pIssuerSizer = XRCCTRL(*m_pDlg, "ID_ISSUER_DUMMY", wxStaticText)->GetContainingSizer(); m_pIssuerSizer->Clear(true); wxSize minSize(0, 0); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_certificates.size(); ++i) { DisplayCert(m_pDlg, m_certificates[i]); m_pDlg->Layout(); m_pDlg->GetSizer()->Fit(m_pDlg); minSize.IncTo(m_pDlg->GetSizer()->GetMinSize()); } m_pDlg->GetSizer()->SetMinSize(minSize); bool warning = DisplayCert(m_pDlg, m_certificates[0]); DisplayAlgorithm(XRCID("ID_PROTOCOL"), notification.GetProtocol(), (notification.GetAlgorithmWarnings() & CCertificateNotification::tlsver) != 0); DisplayAlgorithm(XRCID("ID_KEYEXCHANGE"), notification.GetKeyExchange(), (notification.GetAlgorithmWarnings() & CCertificateNotification::kex) != 0); DisplayAlgorithm(XRCID("ID_CIPHER"), notification.GetSessionCipher(), (notification.GetAlgorithmWarnings() & CCertificateNotification::cipher) != 0); DisplayAlgorithm(XRCID("ID_MAC"), notification.GetSessionMac(), (notification.GetAlgorithmWarnings() & CCertificateNotification::mac) != 0); if (notification.GetAlgorithmWarnings() != 0) { warning = true; } if (warning) { XRCCTRL(*m_pDlg, "ID_IMAGE", wxStaticBitmap)->SetBitmap(wxArtProvider::GetBitmap(wxART_WARNING)); XRCCTRL(*m_pDlg, "ID_ALWAYS", wxCheckBox)->Enable(false); } m_pDlg->GetSizer()->Fit(m_pDlg); m_pDlg->GetSizer()->SetSizeHints(m_pDlg); int res = m_pDlg->ShowModal(); if (!displayOnly) { if (res == wxID_OK) { wxASSERT(!IsTrusted(notification)); notification.m_trusted = true; if (!notification.GetAlgorithmWarnings()) { if (!warning && XRCCTRL(*m_pDlg, "ID_ALWAYS", wxCheckBox)->GetValue()) SetPermanentlyTrusted(notification); else { t_certData cert; cert.host = notification.GetHost(); cert.port = notification.GetPort(); const unsigned char* data = m_certificates[0].GetRawData(cert.len); cert.data = new unsigned char[cert.len]; memcpy(cert.data, data, cert.len); m_sessionTrustedCerts.push_back(cert); } } } else notification.m_trusted = false; } delete m_pDlg; m_pDlg = 0; } void CVerifyCertDialog::ParseDN(wxWindow* parent, const wxString& dn, wxSizer* pSizer) { pSizer->Clear(true); wxStringTokenizer tokens(dn, _T(",")); std::list tokenlist; while (tokens.HasMoreTokens()) tokenlist.push_back(tokens.GetNextToken()); ParseDN_by_prefix(parent, tokenlist, _T("CN"), _("Common name:"), pSizer); ParseDN_by_prefix(parent, tokenlist, _T("O"), _("Organization:"), pSizer); ParseDN_by_prefix(parent, tokenlist, _T(""), _("Business category:"), pSizer, true); ParseDN_by_prefix(parent, tokenlist, _T("OU"), _("Unit:"), pSizer); ParseDN_by_prefix(parent, tokenlist, _T("T"), _("Title:"), pSizer); ParseDN_by_prefix(parent, tokenlist, _T("C"), _("Country:"), pSizer); ParseDN_by_prefix(parent, tokenlist, _T("ST"), _("State or province:"), pSizer); ParseDN_by_prefix(parent, tokenlist, _T("L"), _("Locality:"), pSizer); ParseDN_by_prefix(parent, tokenlist, _T(""), _("Postal code:"), pSizer, true); ParseDN_by_prefix(parent, tokenlist, _T("postalCode"), _("Postal code:"), pSizer, true); ParseDN_by_prefix(parent, tokenlist, _T("STREET"), _("Street:"), pSizer); ParseDN_by_prefix(parent, tokenlist, _T("EMAIL"), _("E-Mail:"), pSizer); ParseDN_by_prefix(parent, tokenlist, _T("serialNumber"), _("Serial number:"), pSizer); ParseDN_by_prefix(parent, tokenlist, _T(""), _("Jurisdiction country:"), pSizer, true); ParseDN_by_prefix(parent, tokenlist, _T(""), _("Jurisdiction state or province:"), pSizer, true); ParseDN_by_prefix(parent, tokenlist, _T(""), _("Jurisdiction locality:"), pSizer, true); if (!tokenlist.empty()) { wxString value = tokenlist.front(); for (std::list::const_iterator iter = ++tokenlist.begin(); iter != tokenlist.end(); ++iter) value += _T(",") + *iter; pSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(parent, wxID_ANY, _("Other:"))); pSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(parent, wxID_ANY, value)); } } void CVerifyCertDialog::ParseDN_by_prefix(wxWindow* parent, std::list& tokens, wxString prefix, const wxString& name, wxSizer* pSizer, bool decode /*=false*/) { prefix += _T("="); int len = prefix.Length(); wxString value; bool append = false; auto iter = tokens.begin(); while (iter != tokens.end()) { if (!append) { if (iter->Left(len) != prefix) { ++iter; continue; } if (!value.empty()) value += _T("\n"); } else { append = false; value += _T(","); } value += iter->Mid(len); if (iter->Last() == '\\') { value.RemoveLast(); append = true; len = 0; } auto remove = iter++; tokens.erase(remove); } if (decode) value = DecodeValue(value); if (!value.empty()) { pSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(parent, wxID_ANY, name)); pSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(parent, wxID_ANY, value)); } } bool CVerifyCertDialog::IsTrusted(CCertificateNotification const& notification) { if (notification.GetAlgorithmWarnings() != 0) { // These certs are never trusted. return false; } LoadTrustedCerts(); unsigned int len; CCertificate cert = notification.GetCertificates()[0]; const unsigned char* data = cert.GetRawData(len); return IsTrusted(notification.GetHost(), notification.GetPort(), data, len, false); } bool CVerifyCertDialog::DoIsTrusted(const wxString& host, int port, const unsigned char* data, unsigned int len, std::list const& trustedCerts) { if( !data || !len ) { return false; } for ( auto const& cert : trustedCerts ) { if (host != cert.host) continue; if (port != cert.port) continue; if (cert.len != len) continue; if (!memcmp(cert.data, data, len)) return true; } return false; } bool CVerifyCertDialog::IsTrusted(const wxString& host, int port, const unsigned char* data, unsigned int len, bool permanentOnly) { bool trusted = DoIsTrusted(host, port, data, len, m_trustedCerts); if( !trusted && !permanentOnly ) { trusted = DoIsTrusted(host, port, data, len, m_sessionTrustedCerts); } return trusted; } wxString CVerifyCertDialog::ConvertHexToString(const unsigned char* data, unsigned int len) { wxString str; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) { const unsigned char& c = data[i]; const unsigned char low = c & 0x0F; const unsigned char high = (c & 0xF0) >> 4; if (high < 10) str += '0' + high; else str += 'A' + high - 10; if (low < 10) str += '0' + low; else str += 'A' + low - 10; } return str; } unsigned char* CVerifyCertDialog::ConvertStringToHex(const wxString& str, unsigned int &len) { if (str.size() % 2) { return 0; } len = str.size() / 2; unsigned char* data = new unsigned char[len]; unsigned int j = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i, ++j) { wxChar high = str[i++]; wxChar low = str[i]; if (high >= '0' && high <= '9') high -= '0'; else if (high >= 'A' && high <= 'F') high -= 'A' - 10; else { delete [] data; return 0; } if (low >= '0' && low <= '9') low -= '0'; else if (low >= 'A' && low <= 'F') low -= 'A' - 10; else { delete [] data; return 0; } data[j] = ((unsigned char)high << 4) + (unsigned char)low; } return data; } void CVerifyCertDialog::LoadTrustedCerts() { CReentrantInterProcessMutexLocker mutex(MUTEX_TRUSTEDCERTS); if (!m_xmlFile.Modified()) { return; } auto element = m_xmlFile.Load(); if (!element) { return; } m_trustedCerts.clear(); if (!(element = element.child("TrustedCerts"))) return; bool modified = false; auto cert = element.child("Certificate"); while (cert) { wxString value = GetTextElement(cert, "Data"); pugi::xml_node remove; t_certData data; if (value.empty() || !(data.data = ConvertStringToHex(value, data.len))) remove = cert; data.host = GetTextElement(cert, "Host"); data.port = GetTextElementInt(cert, "Port"); if (data.host.empty() || data.port < 1 || data.port > 65535) remove = cert; int64_t activationTime = GetTextElementInt(cert, "ActivationTime", 0); if (activationTime == 0 || activationTime > wxDateTime::GetTimeNow()) remove = cert; int64_t expirationTime = GetTextElementInt(cert, "ExpirationTime", 0); if (expirationTime == 0 || expirationTime < wxDateTime::GetTimeNow()) remove = cert; if (IsTrusted(data.host, data.port, data.data, data.len, true)) // Weed out duplicates remove = cert; if (!remove) m_trustedCerts.push_back(data); else delete [] data.data; cert = cert.next_sibling("Certificate"); if (remove) { modified = true; element.remove_child(remove); } } if (modified) m_xmlFile.Save(false); } void CVerifyCertDialog::SetPermanentlyTrusted(CCertificateNotification const& notification) { const CCertificate certificate = notification.GetCertificates()[0]; unsigned int len; const unsigned char* const data = certificate.GetRawData(len); CReentrantInterProcessMutexLocker mutex(MUTEX_TRUSTEDCERTS); LoadTrustedCerts(); if (IsTrusted(notification.GetHost(), notification.GetPort(), data, len, true)) { return; } t_certData cert; cert.host = notification.GetHost(); cert.port = notification.GetPort(); cert.len = len; cert.data = new unsigned char[len]; memcpy(cert.data, data, len); m_trustedCerts.push_back(cert); if (COptions::Get()->GetOptionVal(OPTION_DEFAULT_KIOSKMODE) == 2) { return; } auto element = m_xmlFile.GetElement(); if (!element) { return; } auto certs = element.child("TrustedCerts"); if (!certs) certs = element.append_child("TrustedCerts"); auto xCert = certs.append_child("Certificate"); AddTextElement(xCert, "Data", ConvertHexToString(data, len)); AddTextElement(xCert, "ActivationTime", static_cast(certificate.GetActivationTime().get_time_t())); AddTextElement(xCert, "ExpirationTime", static_cast(certificate.GetExpirationTime().get_time_t())); AddTextElement(xCert, "Host", notification.GetHost()); AddTextElement(xCert, "Port", notification.GetPort()); m_xmlFile.Save(true); } wxString CVerifyCertDialog::DecodeValue(const wxString& value) { // Decodes string in hex notation // #xxxx466F6F626172 -> Foobar // First two encoded bytes are ignored, some weird type information I don't care about // Only accepts ASCII for now. if (value.empty() || value[0] != '#') return value; unsigned int len = value.Len(); wxString out; for (unsigned int i = 5; i + 1 < len; i += 2) { wxChar c = value[i]; wxChar d = value[i + 1]; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') c -= '0'; else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') c -= 'a' - 10; else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') c -= 'A' - 10; else continue; //return value; if (d >= '0' && d <= '9') d -= '0'; else if (d >= 'a' && d <= 'z') d -= 'a' - 10; else if (d >= 'A' && d <= 'Z') d -= 'A' - 10; else continue; //return value; c = c * 16 + d; if (c > 127 || c < 32) continue; out += c; } return out; } void CVerifyCertDialog::OnCertificateChoice(wxCommandEvent& event) { int sel = event.GetSelection(); if (sel < 0 || sel > (int)m_certificates.size()) return; DisplayCert(m_pDlg, m_certificates[sel]); m_pDlg->Layout(); m_pDlg->GetSizer()->Fit(m_pDlg); m_pDlg->Refresh(); }