CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.6.3 FATAL_ERROR) PROJECT(gccxml) # We are not using shared libraries. Skip any RPATH. SET(CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH 1) # Tell GCC_XML that we are providing gccxml_cc1plus for it. SET(GCCXML_NATIVE_CC1PLUS 1) # Place both gccxml_cc1plus and the GCC_XML executables next to each # other. SET(EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH "${gccxml_BINARY_DIR}/bin" CACHE PATH "Single output directory for all executables.") MARK_AS_ADVANCED(EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH) # Tell GCC and GCC-XML where to install relative to the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. SET(GCCXML_INSTALL_ROOT) # Installation component names for stand-alone GCC-XML. SET(GCCXML_INSTALL_COMPONENT_NAME_DOCUMENTATION Documentation) SET(GCCXML_INSTALL_COMPONENT_NAME_RUNTIME_EXECUTABLE RuntimeExecutable) SET(GCCXML_INSTALL_COMPONENT_NAME_RUNTIME_LIBRARY RuntimeLibrary) # Dashboard support INCLUDE(CTest) # Test GCC_XML. ENABLE_TESTING() SET(GCCXML_ADD_TESTS 1) # Build GCC and GCC_XML. ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(GCC) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(GCC_XML) # Debian tests SUBDIRS(debian/Testing) # Use CPack to build a redistributable installer INCLUDE("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/gccxmlCPack.cmake")