Index: assert.h =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/assert.h,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.3 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.3 *** assert.h 13 Jun 2001 19:30:38 -0000 --- assert.h 27 Jan 2006 14:16:50 -0000 1.3 *************** _CRTIMP void __cdecl _assert(void *, voi *** 63,68 **** } #endif ! #define assert(exp) (void)( (exp) || (_assert(#exp, __FILE__, __LINE__), 0) ) #endif /* NDEBUG */ --- 63,68 ---- } #endif ! #define assert(exp) ((void)0) #endif /* NDEBUG */ Index: complex =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/complex,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** complex 13 Jun 2001 19:30:43 -0000 --- complex 21 Oct 2007 19:06:49 -0000 1.2 *************** public: *** 56,61 **** --- 56,62 ---- {return (::sqrt((double)_X)); } }; // CLASS _Ctr + template<> class _CRTIMP _Ctr { public: typedef long double _Ty; *************** public: *** 91,96 **** --- 92,98 ---- {return (sqrtl(_X)); } }; // CLASS _Ctr + template<> class _CRTIMP _Ctr { public: typedef double _Ty; *************** public: *** 125,130 **** --- 127,133 ---- static _Ty sqrt(_Ty _X) {return (::sqrt(_X)); } }; + template<> class _CRTIMP _Ctr { public: typedef float _Ty; *************** protected: *** 200,205 **** --- 203,209 ---- // CLASS complex + template<> class _CRTIMP complex : public _Complex_base { public: typedef float _Ty; *************** public: *** 213,218 **** --- 217,223 ---- return (*this); } }; // CLASS complex + template<> class _CRTIMP complex : public _Complex_base { public: typedef double _Ty; *************** public: *** 226,231 **** --- 231,237 ---- return (*this); } }; // CLASS complex + template<> class _CRTIMP complex : public _Complex_base { public: typedef long double _Ty; *************** public: *** 261,268 **** complex(const complex<_U>& _X) : _Complex_base<_Ty>((_Ty)_X.real(), (_Ty)_X.imag()) {} complex<_Ty>& operator=(const complex<_U>& _X) ! {_Re = (_Ty)_X.real(); ! _Im = (_Ty)_X.imag(); return (*this); } }; // TEMPLATE complex OPERATORS --- 267,274 ---- complex(const complex<_U>& _X) : _Complex_base<_Ty>((_Ty)_X.real(), (_Ty)_X.imag()) {} complex<_Ty>& operator=(const complex<_U>& _X) ! {this->_Re = (_Ty)_X.real(); ! this->_Im = (_Ty)_X.imag(); return (*this); } }; // TEMPLATE complex OPERATORS Index: deque =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/deque,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.3 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.3 *** deque 13 Jun 2001 19:30:51 -0000 --- deque 21 Oct 2007 19:06:49 -0000 1.3 *************** template _Myt; typedef _A allocator_type; ! typedef _A::size_type size_type; ! typedef _A::difference_type difference_type; ! typedef _A::pointer _Tptr; ! typedef _A::const_pointer _Ctptr; typedef _POINTER_X(_Tptr, _A) _Mapptr; ! typedef _A::reference reference; ! typedef _A::const_reference const_reference; ! typedef _A::value_type value_type; // CLASS const_iterator class iterator; class const_iterator : public _Ranit<_Ty, difference_type> { --- 23,36 ---- public: typedef deque<_Ty, _A> _Myt; typedef _A allocator_type; ! typedef typename _A::size_type size_type; ! typedef typename _A::difference_type difference_type; ! typedef typename _A::pointer _Tptr; ! typedef typename _A::const_pointer _Ctptr; typedef _POINTER_X(_Tptr, _A) _Mapptr; ! typedef typename _A::reference reference; ! typedef typename _A::const_reference const_reference; ! typedef typename _A::value_type value_type; // CLASS const_iterator class iterator; class const_iterator : public _Ranit<_Ty, difference_type> { *************** public: *** 124,148 **** iterator(_Tptr _P, _Mapptr _M) : const_iterator(_P, _M) {} reference operator*() const ! {return (*_Next); } _Tptr operator->() const {return (&**this); } iterator& operator++() ! {if (++_Next == _Last) {_First = *++_Map; _Last = _First + _DEQUESIZ; ! _Next = _First; } return (*this); } iterator operator++(int) {iterator _Tmp = *this; ++*this; return (_Tmp); } iterator& operator--() ! {if (_Next == _First) {_First = *--_Map; _Last = _First + _DEQUESIZ; ! _Next = _Last; } ! --_Next; return (*this); } iterator operator--(int) {iterator _Tmp = *this; --- 124,148 ---- iterator(_Tptr _P, _Mapptr _M) : const_iterator(_P, _M) {} reference operator*() const ! {return (*this->_Next); } _Tptr operator->() const {return (&**this); } iterator& operator++() ! {if (++this->_Next == _Last) {_First = *++_Map; _Last = _First + _DEQUESIZ; ! this->_Next = _First; } return (*this); } iterator operator++(int) {iterator _Tmp = *this; ++*this; return (_Tmp); } iterator& operator--() ! {if (this->_Next == _First) {_First = *--_Map; _Last = _First + _DEQUESIZ; ! this->_Next = _Last; } ! --this->_Next; return (*this); } iterator operator--(int) {iterator _Tmp = *this; *************** public: *** 160,177 **** {iterator _Tmp = *this; return (_Tmp -= _N); } difference_type operator-(const iterator& _X) const ! {return (_Map == _X._Map ? _Next - _X._Next : _DEQUESIZ * (_Map - _X._Map - 1) ! + (_Next - _First) + (_X._Last - _X._Next)); } reference operator[](difference_type _N) const {return (*(*this + _N)); } bool operator==(const iterator& _X) const ! {return (_Next == _X._Next); } bool operator!=(const iterator& _X) const {return (!(*this == _X)); } bool operator<(const iterator& _X) const {return (_Map < _X._Map ! || _Map == _X._Map && _Next < _X._Next); } bool operator<=(const iterator& _X) const {return (!(_X < *this)); } bool operator>(const iterator& _X) const --- 160,177 ---- {iterator _Tmp = *this; return (_Tmp -= _N); } difference_type operator-(const iterator& _X) const ! {return (_Map == _X._Map ? this->_Next - _X._Next : _DEQUESIZ * (_Map - _X._Map - 1) ! + (this->_Next - _First) + (_X._Last - _X._Next)); } reference operator[](difference_type _N) const {return (*(*this + _N)); } bool operator==(const iterator& _X) const ! {return (this->_Next == _X._Next); } bool operator!=(const iterator& _X) const {return (!(*this == _X)); } bool operator<(const iterator& _X) const {return (_Map < _X._Map ! || _Map == _X._Map && this->_Next < _X._Next); } bool operator<=(const iterator& _X) const {return (!(_X < *this)); } bool operator>(const iterator& _X) const Index: fstream =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/fstream,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.4 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.4 *** fstream 13 Jun 2001 19:30:57 -0000 --- fstream 21 Oct 2007 19:06:49 -0000 1.4 *************** inline bool _Ungetc(char _C, _Filet *_Fi *** 62,73 **** inline bool _Ungetc(wchar_t _C, _Filet *_Fi) {return (ungetwc(_C, _Fi) != WEOF); } // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_filebuf ! template > class basic_filebuf : public basic_streambuf<_E, _Tr> { public: typedef basic_filebuf<_E, _Tr> _Myt; typedef basic_streambuf<_E, _Tr> _Mysb; ! typedef codecvt<_E, char, _Tr::state_type> _Cvt; basic_filebuf(_Filet *_F = 0) : _Loc(), _Mysb() {_Init(_F, _Newfl); } basic_filebuf(_Uninitialized) --- 62,76 ---- inline bool _Ungetc(wchar_t _C, _Filet *_Fi) {return (ungetwc(_C, _Fi) != WEOF); } // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_filebuf ! template class basic_filebuf : public basic_streambuf<_E, _Tr> { public: typedef basic_filebuf<_E, _Tr> _Myt; typedef basic_streambuf<_E, _Tr> _Mysb; ! typedef typename _Mysb::int_type int_type; ! typedef typename _Mysb::pos_type pos_type; ! typedef typename _Mysb::off_type off_type; ! typedef codecvt<_E, char, typename _Tr::state_type> _Cvt; basic_filebuf(_Filet *_F = 0) : _Loc(), _Mysb() {_Init(_F, _Newfl); } basic_filebuf(_Uninitialized) *************** protected: *** 98,105 **** virtual int_type overflow(int_type _C = _Tr::eof()) {if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) return (_Tr::not_eof(_C)); ! else if (pptr() != 0 && pptr() < epptr()) ! {*_Pninc() = _Tr::to_char_type(_C); return (_C); } else if (_File == 0) return (_Tr::eof()); --- 101,108 ---- virtual int_type overflow(int_type _C = _Tr::eof()) {if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) return (_Tr::not_eof(_C)); ! else if (this->pptr() != 0 && this->pptr() < this->epptr()) ! {*this->_Pninc() = _Tr::to_char_type(_C); return (_C); } else if (_File == 0) return (_Tr::eof()); *************** protected: *** 129,139 **** default: return (_Tr::eof()); }}}} virtual int_type pbackfail(int_type _C = _Tr::eof()) ! {if (gptr() != 0 && eback() < gptr() && (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C) ! || _Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::to_int_type(gptr()[-1]), _C))) ! {_Gndec(); return (_Tr::not_eof(_C)); } else if (_File == 0 || _Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) return (_Tr::eof()); --- 132,142 ---- default: return (_Tr::eof()); }}}} virtual int_type pbackfail(int_type _C = _Tr::eof()) ! {if (this->gptr() != 0 && this->eback() < this->gptr() && (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C) ! || _Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::to_int_type(this->gptr()[-1]), _C))) ! {this->_Gndec(); return (_Tr::not_eof(_C)); } else if (_File == 0 || _Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) return (_Tr::eof()); *************** protected: *** 148,160 **** else return (_Tr::eof()); } virtual int_type underflow() ! {if (gptr() != 0 && gptr() < egptr()) ! return (_Tr::to_int_type(*gptr())); else return (pbackfail(uflow())); } virtual int_type uflow() ! {if (gptr() != 0 && gptr() < egptr()) ! return (_Tr::to_int_type(*_Gninc())); else if (_File == 0) return (_Tr::eof()); else if (_Pcvt == 0) --- 151,163 ---- else return (_Tr::eof()); } virtual int_type underflow() ! {if (this->gptr() != 0 && this->gptr() < this->egptr()) ! return (_Tr::to_int_type(*this->gptr())); else return (pbackfail(uflow())); } virtual int_type uflow() ! {if (this->gptr() != 0 && this->gptr() < this->egptr()) ! return (_Tr::to_int_type(*this->_Gninc())); else if (_File == 0) return (_Tr::eof()); else if (_Pcvt == 0) *************** protected: *** 210,216 **** virtual int sync() {return (_File == 0 || 0 <= fflush(_File) ? 0 : -1); } void _Init(_Filet *_Fp, _Initfl _Which) ! {static _Tr::state_type _Stinit; _Closef = _Which == _Openfl; if (_Which == _Newfl) {_Loc.locale::~locale(); --- 213,219 ---- virtual int sync() {return (_File == 0 || 0 <= fflush(_File) ? 0 : -1); } void _Init(_Filet *_Fp, _Initfl _Which) ! {static typename _Tr::state_type _Stinit; _Closef = _Which == _Openfl; if (_Which == _Newfl) {_Loc.locale::~locale(); *************** protected: *** 227,233 **** _State0 = _Stinit; _Pcvt = 0; } void _Initcvt() ! {_Pcvt = (_Cvt *)&_USE(getloc(), _Cvt); _Loc = _ADDFAC(_Loc, _Pcvt); if (_Pcvt->always_noconv()) _Pcvt = 0; --- 230,236 ---- _State0 = _Stinit; _Pcvt = 0; } void _Initcvt() ! {_Pcvt = (_Cvt *)&_USE(this->getloc(), _Cvt); _Loc = _ADDFAC(_Loc, _Pcvt); if (_Pcvt->always_noconv()) _Pcvt = 0; *************** protected: *** 235,242 **** _Str = new string; } private: _Cvt *_Pcvt; ! _Tr::state_type _State0; ! _Tr::state_type _State; string *_Str; bool _Closef; locale _Loc; --- 238,245 ---- _Str = new string; } private: _Cvt *_Pcvt; ! typename _Tr::state_type _State0; ! typename _Tr::state_type _State; string *_Str; bool _Closef; locale _Loc; *************** extern template class _CRTIMP basic_file *** 251,257 **** #endif // _DLL // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_ifstream ! template > class basic_ifstream : public basic_istream<_E, _Tr> { public: typedef basic_ifstream<_E, _Tr> _Myt; --- 254,260 ---- #endif // _DLL // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_ifstream ! template class basic_ifstream : public basic_istream<_E, _Tr> { public: typedef basic_ifstream<_E, _Tr> _Myt; *************** public: *** 259,282 **** basic_ifstream() : basic_istream<_E, _Tr>(&_Fb) {} explicit basic_ifstream(const char *_S, ! ios_base::openmode _M = in) : basic_istream<_E, _Tr>(&_Fb) ! {if (, _M | in) == 0) ! setstate(failbit); } virtual ~basic_ifstream() {} _Myfb *rdbuf() const {return ((_Myfb *)&_Fb); } bool is_open() const {return (_Fb.is_open()); } ! void open(const char *_S, ios_base::openmode _M = in) ! {if (, _M | in) == 0) ! setstate(failbit); } void open(const char *_S, ios_base::open_mode _M) ! {open(_S, (openmode)_M); } void close() {if (_Fb.close() == 0) ! setstate(failbit); } private: _Myfb _Fb; }; --- 262,285 ---- basic_ifstream() : basic_istream<_E, _Tr>(&_Fb) {} explicit basic_ifstream(const char *_S, ! ios_base::openmode _M = ios_base::in) : basic_istream<_E, _Tr>(&_Fb) ! {if (, _M | ios_base::in) == 0) ! this->setstate(ios::failbit); } virtual ~basic_ifstream() {} _Myfb *rdbuf() const {return ((_Myfb *)&_Fb); } bool is_open() const {return (_Fb.is_open()); } ! void open(const char *_S, ios_base::openmode _M = ios_base::in) ! {if (, _M | ios_base::in) == 0) ! this->setstate(ios::failbit); } void open(const char *_S, ios_base::open_mode _M) ! {open(_S, (ios_base::openmode)_M); } void close() {if (_Fb.close() == 0) ! this->setstate(ios::failbit); } private: _Myfb _Fb; }; *************** extern template class _CRTIMP basic_ifst *** 289,295 **** #endif // _DLL // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_ofstream ! template > class basic_ofstream : public basic_ostream<_E, _Tr> { public: typedef basic_ofstream<_E, _Tr> _Myt; --- 292,298 ---- #endif // _DLL // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_ofstream ! template class basic_ofstream : public basic_ostream<_E, _Tr> { public: typedef basic_ofstream<_E, _Tr> _Myt; *************** public: *** 297,320 **** basic_ofstream() : basic_ostream<_E, _Tr>(&_Fb) {} explicit basic_ofstream(const char *_S, ! ios_base::openmode _M = out | trunc) : basic_ostream<_E, _Tr>(&_Fb) ! {if (, _M | out) == 0) ! setstate(failbit); } virtual ~basic_ofstream() {} _Myfb *rdbuf() const {return ((_Myfb *)&_Fb); } bool is_open() const {return (_Fb.is_open()); } ! void open(const char *_S, ios_base::openmode _M = out | trunc) ! {if (, _M | out) == 0) ! setstate(failbit); } void open(const char *_S, ios_base::open_mode _M) ! {open(_S, (openmode)_M); } void close() {if (_Fb.close() == 0) ! setstate(failbit); } private: _Myfb _Fb; }; --- 300,323 ---- basic_ofstream() : basic_ostream<_E, _Tr>(&_Fb) {} explicit basic_ofstream(const char *_S, ! ios_base::openmode _M = ios_base::out | ios_base::trunc) : basic_ostream<_E, _Tr>(&_Fb) ! {if (, _M | ios_base::out) == 0) ! this->setstate(ios_base::failbit); } virtual ~basic_ofstream() {} _Myfb *rdbuf() const {return ((_Myfb *)&_Fb); } bool is_open() const {return (_Fb.is_open()); } ! void open(const char *_S, ios_base::openmode _M = ios_base::out | ios_base::trunc) ! {if (, _M | ios_base::out) == 0) ! this->setstate(ios_base::failbit); } void open(const char *_S, ios_base::open_mode _M) ! {open(_S, (ios_base::openmode)_M); } void close() {if (_Fb.close() == 0) ! this->setstate(ios_base::failbit); } private: _Myfb _Fb; }; *************** extern template class _CRTIMP basic_ofst *** 328,357 **** // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_fstream ! template > class basic_fstream : public basic_iostream<_E, _Tr> { public: basic_fstream() : basic_iostream<_E, _Tr>(&_Fb) {} explicit basic_fstream(const char *_S, ! ios_base::openmode _M = in | out) : basic_iostream<_E, _Tr>(&_Fb) {if (, _M) == 0) ! setstate(failbit); } virtual ~basic_fstream() {} basic_filebuf<_E, _Tr> *rdbuf() const {return ((basic_filebuf<_E, _Tr> *)&_Fb); } bool is_open() const {return (_Fb.is_open()); } ! void open(const char *_S, ios_base::openmode _M = in | out) {if (, _M) == 0) ! setstate(failbit); } void open(const char *_S, ios_base::open_mode _M) ! {open(_S, (openmode)_M); } void close() {if (_Fb.close() == 0) ! setstate(failbit); } private: basic_filebuf<_E, _Tr> _Fb; }; --- 331,360 ---- // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_fstream ! template class basic_fstream : public basic_iostream<_E, _Tr> { public: basic_fstream() : basic_iostream<_E, _Tr>(&_Fb) {} explicit basic_fstream(const char *_S, ! ios_base::openmode _M = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) : basic_iostream<_E, _Tr>(&_Fb) {if (, _M) == 0) ! this->setstate(ios::failbit); } virtual ~basic_fstream() {} basic_filebuf<_E, _Tr> *rdbuf() const {return ((basic_filebuf<_E, _Tr> *)&_Fb); } bool is_open() const {return (_Fb.is_open()); } ! void open(const char *_S, ios_base::openmode _M = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) {if (, _M) == 0) ! this->setstate(ios::failbit); } void open(const char *_S, ios_base::open_mode _M) ! {open(_S, (ios_base::openmode)_M); } void close() {if (_Fb.close() == 0) ! this->setstate(ios::failbit); } private: basic_filebuf<_E, _Tr> _Fb; }; Index: functional =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/functional,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.4 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.4 *** functional 13 Jun 2001 19:30:57 -0000 --- functional 21 Oct 2007 19:06:49 -0000 1.4 *************** template *** 118,128 **** // TEMPLATE CLASS unary_negate template class unary_negate ! : public unary_function<_Ufn::argument_type, bool> { public: explicit unary_negate(const _Ufn& _X) : _Fn(_X) {} ! bool operator()(const _Ufn::argument_type& _X) const {return (!_Fn(_X)); } protected: _Ufn _Fn; --- 118,128 ---- // TEMPLATE CLASS unary_negate template class unary_negate ! : public unary_function { public: explicit unary_negate(const _Ufn& _X) : _Fn(_X) {} ! bool operator()(const typename _Ufn::argument_type& _X) const {return (!_Fn(_X)); } protected: _Ufn _Fn; *************** template inline *** 134,146 **** // TEMPLATE CLASS binary_negate template class binary_negate ! : public binary_function<_Bfn::first_argument_type, ! _Bfn::second_argument_type, bool> { public: explicit binary_negate(const _Bfn& _X) : _Fn(_X) {} ! bool operator()(const _Bfn::first_argument_type& _X, ! const _Bfn::second_argument_type& _Y) const {return (!_Fn(_X, _Y)); } protected: _Bfn _Fn; --- 134,146 ---- // TEMPLATE CLASS binary_negate template class binary_negate ! : public binary_function { public: explicit binary_negate(const _Bfn& _X) : _Fn(_X) {} ! bool operator()(const typename _Bfn::first_argument_type& _X, ! const typename _Bfn::second_argument_type& _Y) const {return (!_Fn(_X, _Y)); } protected: _Bfn _Fn; *************** template inline *** 152,168 **** // TEMPLATE CLASS binder1st template class binder1st ! : public unary_function<_Bfn::second_argument_type, ! _Bfn::result_type> { public: binder1st(const _Bfn& _X, ! const _Bfn::first_argument_type& _Y) : op(_X), value(_Y) {} result_type operator()(const argument_type& _X) const {return (op(value, _X)); } protected: _Bfn op; ! _Bfn::first_argument_type value; }; // TEMPLATE FUNCTION bind1st template inline --- 152,172 ---- // TEMPLATE CLASS binder1st template class binder1st ! : public unary_function { public: + typedef typename unary_function::argument_type argument_type; + typedef typename unary_function::result_type result_type; binder1st(const _Bfn& _X, ! const typename _Bfn::first_argument_type& _Y) : op(_X), value(_Y) {} result_type operator()(const argument_type& _X) const {return (op(value, _X)); } protected: _Bfn op; ! typename _Bfn::first_argument_type value; }; // TEMPLATE FUNCTION bind1st template inline *************** template inline *** 172,188 **** // TEMPLATE CLASS binder2nd template class binder2nd ! : public unary_function<_Bfn::first_argument_type, ! _Bfn::result_type> { public: binder2nd(const _Bfn& _X, ! const _Bfn::second_argument_type& _Y) : op(_X), value(_Y) {} result_type operator()(const argument_type& _X) const {return (op(_X, value)); } protected: _Bfn op; ! _Bfn::second_argument_type value; }; // TEMPLATE FUNCTION bind2nd template inline --- 176,196 ---- // TEMPLATE CLASS binder2nd template class binder2nd ! : public unary_function { public: + typedef typename unary_function::argument_type argument_type; + typedef typename unary_function::result_type result_type; binder2nd(const _Bfn& _X, ! const typename _Bfn::second_argument_type& _Y) : op(_X), value(_Y) {} result_type operator()(const argument_type& _X) const {return (op(_X, value)); } protected: _Bfn op; ! typename _Bfn::second_argument_type value; }; // TEMPLATE FUNCTION bind2nd template inline *************** public: *** 199,205 **** _R operator()(_A _X) const {return (_Fn(_X)); } protected: ! _R (__cdecl *_Fn)(_A); }; // TEMPLATE CLASS pointer_to_binary_function template --- 207,214 ---- _R operator()(_A _X) const {return (_Fn(_X)); } protected: ! typedef _R (__cdecl *_FnType)(_A); ! _FnType _Fn; }; // TEMPLATE CLASS pointer_to_binary_function template *************** public: *** 212,218 **** _R operator()(_A1 _X, _A2 _Y) const {return (_Fn(_X, _Y)); } protected: ! _R (__cdecl *_Fn)(_A1, _A2); }; // TEMPLATE FUNCTION ptr_fun template inline --- 221,228 ---- _R operator()(_A1 _X, _A2 _Y) const {return (_Fn(_X, _Y)); } protected: ! typedef _R (__cdecl *_FnType)(_A1, _A2); ! _FnType _Fn; }; // TEMPLATE FUNCTION ptr_fun template inline Index: ios =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/ios,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** ios 13 Jun 2001 19:31:04 -0000 --- ios 13 Jun 2001 21:16:23 -0000 1.2 *************** *** 13,19 **** #endif /* _MSC_VER */ _STD_BEGIN // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_ios ! template > class basic_ios : public ios_base { public: typedef basic_ios<_E, _Tr> _Myt; --- 13,19 ---- #endif /* _MSC_VER */ _STD_BEGIN // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_ios ! template class basic_ios : public ios_base { public: typedef basic_ios<_E, _Tr> _Myt; *************** public: *** 28,36 **** {} typedef _E char_type; typedef _Tr traits_type; ! typedef _Tr::int_type int_type; ! typedef _Tr::pos_type pos_type; ! typedef _Tr::off_type off_type; void clear(iostate _St = goodbit, bool _Ex = false) {ios_base::clear(_Sb == 0 ? (int)_St | (int)badbit : (int)_St, _Ex); } --- 28,36 ---- {} typedef _E char_type; typedef _Tr traits_type; ! typedef typename _Tr::int_type int_type; ! typedef typename _Tr::pos_type pos_type; ! typedef typename _Tr::off_type off_type; void clear(iostate _St = goodbit, bool _Ex = false) {ios_base::clear(_Sb == 0 ? (int)_St | (int)badbit : (int)_St, _Ex); } Index: istream =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/istream,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.3 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.3 *** istream 13 Jun 2001 19:31:05 -0000 --- istream 21 Oct 2007 19:06:49 -0000 1.3 *************** *** 13,19 **** #endif /* _MSC_VER */ _STD_BEGIN // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_istream ! template > class basic_istream : virtual public basic_ios<_E, _Tr> { public: typedef basic_istream<_E, _Tr> _Myt; --- 13,19 ---- #endif /* _MSC_VER */ _STD_BEGIN // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_istream ! template class basic_istream : virtual public basic_ios<_E, _Tr> { public: typedef basic_istream<_E, _Tr> _Myt; *************** public: *** 22,31 **** typedef istreambuf_iterator<_E, _Tr> _Iter; typedef ctype<_E> _Ctype; typedef num_get<_E, _Iter> _Nget; explicit basic_istream(_Mysb *_S, bool _Isstd = false) : _Chcount(0) {init(_S, _Isstd); } basic_istream(_Uninitialized) ! {_Addstd(); } virtual ~basic_istream() {} class sentry { --- 22,35 ---- typedef istreambuf_iterator<_E, _Tr> _Iter; typedef ctype<_E> _Ctype; typedef num_get<_E, _Iter> _Nget; + typedef typename _Myios::pos_type pos_type; + typedef typename _Myios::off_type off_type; + typedef typename _Myios::iostate iostate; + typedef typename _Myios::int_type int_type; explicit basic_istream(_Mysb *_S, bool _Isstd = false) : _Chcount(0) {init(_S, _Isstd); } basic_istream(_Uninitialized) ! {this->_Addstd(); } virtual ~basic_istream() {} class sentry { *************** public: *** 38,58 **** bool _Ok; }; bool ipfx(bool _Noskip = false) ! {if (good()) ! {if (tie() != 0) ! tie()->flush(); ! if (!_Noskip && flags() & skipws) ! {const _Ctype& _Fac = _USE(getloc(), _Ctype); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! int_type _C = rdbuf()->sgetc(); while (!_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C) &&, _Tr::to_char_type(_C))) ! _C = rdbuf()->snextc(); _CATCH_IO_END } ! if (good()) return (true); } ! setstate(failbit); return (false); } void isfx() {} --- 42,62 ---- bool _Ok; }; bool ipfx(bool _Noskip = false) ! {if (this->good()) ! {if (this->tie() != 0) ! this->tie()->flush(); ! if (!_Noskip && this->flags() & ios_base::skipws) ! {const _Ctype& _Fac = _USE(this->getloc(), _Ctype); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! int_type _C = this->rdbuf()->sgetc(); while (!_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C) &&, _Tr::to_char_type(_C))) ! _C = this->rdbuf()->snextc(); _CATCH_IO_END } ! if (this->good()) return (true); } ! this->setstate(ios_base::failbit); return (false); } void isfx() {} *************** public: *** 65,199 **** {(*_F)(*(ios_base *)this); return (*this); } _Myt& operator>>(_Bool& _X) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nget& _Fac = _USE(getloc(), _Nget); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! _Fac.get(_Iter(rdbuf()), _Iter(0), *this, _St, _X); _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator>>(short& _X) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) {long _Y; ! const _Nget& _Fac = _USE(getloc(), _Nget); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! _Fac.get(_Iter(rdbuf()), _Iter(0), *this, _St, _Y); _CATCH_IO_END ! if (_St & failbit || _Y < SHRT_MIN || SHRT_MAX < _Y) ! _St |= failbit; else _X = (short)_Y; } setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator>>(unsigned short& _X) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nget& _Fac = _USE(getloc(), _Nget); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! _Fac.get(_Iter(rdbuf()), _Iter(0), *this, _St, _X); _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator>>(int& _X) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) {long _Y; ! const _Nget& _Fac = _USE(getloc(), _Nget); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! _Fac.get(_Iter(rdbuf()), _Iter(0), *this, _St, _Y); _CATCH_IO_END ! if (_St & failbit || _Y < INT_MIN || INT_MAX < _Y) ! _St |= failbit; else _X = _Y; } setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator>>(unsigned int& _X) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nget& _Fac = _USE(getloc(), _Nget); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! _Fac.get(_Iter(rdbuf()), _Iter(0), *this, _St, _X); _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator>>(long& _X) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nget& _Fac = _USE(getloc(), _Nget); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! _Fac.get(_Iter(rdbuf()), _Iter(0), *this, _St, _X); _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator>>(unsigned long& _X) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nget& _Fac = _USE(getloc(), _Nget); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! _Fac.get(_Iter(rdbuf()), _Iter(0), *this, _St, _X); _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator>>(float& _X) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nget& _Fac = _USE(getloc(), _Nget); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! _Fac.get(_Iter(rdbuf()), _Iter(0), *this, _St, _X); _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator>>(double& _X) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nget& _Fac = _USE(getloc(), _Nget); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! _Fac.get(_Iter(rdbuf()), _Iter(0), *this, _St, _X); _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator>>(long double& _X) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nget& _Fac = _USE(getloc(), _Nget); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! _Fac.get(_Iter(rdbuf()), _Iter(0), *this, _St, _X); _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator>>(void *& _X) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nget& _Fac = _USE(getloc(), _Nget); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! _Fac.get(_Iter(rdbuf()), _Iter(0), *this, _St, _X); _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator>>(_Mysb *_Pb) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; bool _Copied = false; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok && _Pb != 0) {_TRY_IO_BEGIN ! int_type _C = rdbuf()->sgetc(); ! for (; ; _C = rdbuf()->snextc()) if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) ! {_St |= eofbit; break; } else {_TRY_BEGIN --- 69,203 ---- {(*_F)(*(ios_base *)this); return (*this); } _Myt& operator>>(_Bool& _X) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nget& _Fac = _USE(this->getloc(), _Nget); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! _Fac.get(_Iter(this->rdbuf()), _Iter(0), *this, _St, _X); _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator>>(short& _X) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) {long _Y; ! const _Nget& _Fac = _USE(this->getloc(), _Nget); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! _Fac.get(_Iter(this->rdbuf()), _Iter(0), *this, _St, _Y); _CATCH_IO_END ! if (_St & ios_base::failbit || _Y < SHRT_MIN || SHRT_MAX < _Y) ! _St |= ios_base::failbit; else _X = (short)_Y; } setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator>>(unsigned short& _X) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nget& _Fac = _USE(this->getloc(), _Nget); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! _Fac.get(_Iter(this->rdbuf()), _Iter(0), *this, _St, _X); _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator>>(int& _X) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) {long _Y; ! const _Nget& _Fac = _USE(this->getloc(), _Nget); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! _Fac.get(_Iter(this->rdbuf()), _Iter(0), *this, _St, _Y); _CATCH_IO_END ! if (_St & ios_base::failbit || _Y < INT_MIN || INT_MAX < _Y) ! _St |= ios_base::failbit; else _X = _Y; } setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator>>(unsigned int& _X) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nget& _Fac = _USE(this->getloc(), _Nget); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! _Fac.get(_Iter(this->rdbuf()), _Iter(0), *this, _St, _X); _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator>>(long& _X) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nget& _Fac = _USE(this->getloc(), _Nget); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! _Fac.get(_Iter(this->rdbuf()), _Iter(0), *this, _St, _X); _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator>>(unsigned long& _X) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nget& _Fac = _USE(this->getloc(), _Nget); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! _Fac.get(_Iter(this->rdbuf()), _Iter(0), *this, _St, _X); _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator>>(float& _X) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nget& _Fac = _USE(this->getloc(), _Nget); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! _Fac.get(_Iter(this->rdbuf()), _Iter(0), *this, _St, _X); _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator>>(double& _X) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nget& _Fac = _USE(this->getloc(), _Nget); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! _Fac.get(_Iter(this->rdbuf()), _Iter(0), *this, _St, _X); _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator>>(long double& _X) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nget& _Fac = _USE(this->getloc(), _Nget); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! _Fac.get(_Iter(this->rdbuf()), _Iter(0), *this, _St, _X); _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator>>(void *& _X) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nget& _Fac = _USE(this->getloc(), _Nget); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! _Fac.get(_Iter(this->rdbuf()), _Iter(0), *this, _St, _X); _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator>>(_Mysb *_Pb) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; bool _Copied = false; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok && _Pb != 0) {_TRY_IO_BEGIN ! int_type _C = this->rdbuf()->sgetc(); ! for (; ; _C = this->rdbuf()->snextc()) if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) ! {_St |= ios_base::eofbit; break; } else {_TRY_BEGIN *************** public: *** 205,248 **** _CATCH_END _Copied = true; } _CATCH_IO_END } ! setstate(!_Copied ? _St | failbit : _St); return (*this); } int_type get() {int_type _C; ! iostate _St = goodbit; _Chcount = 0; const sentry _Ok(*this, true); if (!_Ok) _C = _Tr::eof(); else {_TRY_IO_BEGIN ! _C = rdbuf()->sbumpc(); if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) ! _St |= eofbit | failbit; else ++_Chcount; _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (_C); } _Myt& get(_E *_S, streamsize _N) ! {return (get(_S, _N, widen('\n'))); } _Myt& get(_E *_S, streamsize _N, _E _D) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; _Chcount = 0; const sentry _Ok(*this, true); if (_Ok && 0 < _N) {_TRY_IO_BEGIN ! int_type _C = rdbuf()->sgetc(); ! for (; 0 < --_N; _C = rdbuf()->snextc()) if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) ! {_St |= eofbit; break; } else if (_Tr::to_char_type(_C) == _D) break; else *_S++ = _Tr::to_char_type(_C), ++_Chcount; _CATCH_IO_END } ! setstate(_Chcount == 0 ? _St | failbit : _St); *_S = _E(0); return (*this); } _Myt& get(_E& _X) --- 209,252 ---- _CATCH_END _Copied = true; } _CATCH_IO_END } ! setstate(!_Copied ? _St | ios_base::failbit : _St); return (*this); } int_type get() {int_type _C; ! iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; _Chcount = 0; const sentry _Ok(*this, true); if (!_Ok) _C = _Tr::eof(); else {_TRY_IO_BEGIN ! _C = this->rdbuf()->sbumpc(); if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) ! _St |= ios_base::eofbit | ios_base::failbit; else ++_Chcount; _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (_C); } _Myt& get(_E *_S, streamsize _N) ! {return (get(_S, _N, this->widen('\n'))); } _Myt& get(_E *_S, streamsize _N, _E _D) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; _Chcount = 0; const sentry _Ok(*this, true); if (_Ok && 0 < _N) {_TRY_IO_BEGIN ! int_type _C = this->rdbuf()->sgetc(); ! for (; 0 < --_N; _C = this->rdbuf()->snextc()) if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) ! {_St |= ios_base::eofbit; break; } else if (_Tr::to_char_type(_C) == _D) break; else *_S++ = _Tr::to_char_type(_C), ++_Chcount; _CATCH_IO_END } ! setstate(_Chcount == 0 ? _St | ios_base::failbit : _St); *_S = _E(0); return (*this); } _Myt& get(_E& _X) *************** public: *** 251,267 **** _X = _Tr::to_char_type(_C); return (*this); } _Myt& get(_Mysb& _Sb) ! {return (get(_Sb, widen('\n'))); } _Myt& get(_Mysb& _Sb, _E _D) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; _Chcount = 0; const sentry _Ok(*this, true); if (_Ok) {_TRY_IO_BEGIN ! int_type _C = rdbuf()->sgetc(); ! for (; ; _C = rdbuf()->snextc()) if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) ! {_St |= eofbit; break; } else {_TRY_BEGIN --- 255,271 ---- _X = _Tr::to_char_type(_C); return (*this); } _Myt& get(_Mysb& _Sb) ! {return (get(_Sb, this->widen('\n'))); } _Myt& get(_Mysb& _Sb, _E _D) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; _Chcount = 0; const sentry _Ok(*this, true); if (_Ok) {_TRY_IO_BEGIN ! int_type _C = this->rdbuf()->sgetc(); ! for (; ; _C = this->rdbuf()->snextc()) if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) ! {_St |= ios_base::eofbit; break; } else {_TRY_BEGIN *************** public: *** 276,314 **** ++_Chcount; } _CATCH_IO_END } if (_Chcount == 0) ! _St |= failbit; setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& getline(_E *_S, streamsize _N) ! {return (getline(_S, _N, widen('\n'))); } _Myt& getline(_E *_S, streamsize _N, _E _D) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; _Chcount = 0; const sentry _Ok(*this, true); if (_Ok && 0 < _N) {int_type _Di = _Tr::to_int_type(_D); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! int_type _C = rdbuf()->sgetc(); ! for (; ; _C = rdbuf()->snextc()) if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) ! {_St |= eofbit; break; } else if (_C == _Di) {++_Chcount; ! rdbuf()->stossc(); break; } else if (--_N <= 0) ! {_St |= failbit; break; } else {++_Chcount; *_S++ = _Tr::to_char_type(_C); } _CATCH_IO_END } *_S = _E(0); ! setstate(_Chcount == 0 ? _St | failbit : _St); return (*this); } _Myt& ignore(streamsize _N = 1, int_type _Di = _Tr::eof()) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; _Chcount = 0; const sentry _Ok(*this, true); if (_Ok && 0 < _N) --- 280,318 ---- ++_Chcount; } _CATCH_IO_END } if (_Chcount == 0) ! _St |= ios_base::failbit; setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& getline(_E *_S, streamsize _N) ! {return (getline(_S, _N, this->widen('\n'))); } _Myt& getline(_E *_S, streamsize _N, _E _D) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; _Chcount = 0; const sentry _Ok(*this, true); if (_Ok && 0 < _N) {int_type _Di = _Tr::to_int_type(_D); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! int_type _C = this->rdbuf()->sgetc(); ! for (; ; _C = this->rdbuf()->snextc()) if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) ! {_St |= ios_base::eofbit; break; } else if (_C == _Di) {++_Chcount; ! this->rdbuf()->stossc(); break; } else if (--_N <= 0) ! {_St |= ios_base::failbit; break; } else {++_Chcount; *_S++ = _Tr::to_char_type(_C); } _CATCH_IO_END } *_S = _E(0); ! setstate(_Chcount == 0 ? _St | ios_base::failbit : _St); return (*this); } _Myt& ignore(streamsize _N = 1, int_type _Di = _Tr::eof()) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; _Chcount = 0; const sentry _Ok(*this, true); if (_Ok && 0 < _N) *************** public: *** 318,325 **** if (_N != INT_MAX && --_N < 0) break; else if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), ! _C = rdbuf()->sbumpc())) ! {_St |= eofbit; break; } else {++_Chcount; --- 322,329 ---- if (_N != INT_MAX && --_N < 0) break; else if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), ! _C = this->rdbuf()->sbumpc())) ! {_St |= ios_base::eofbit; break; } else {++_Chcount; *************** public: *** 329,360 **** setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& read(_E *_S, streamsize _N) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; _Chcount = 0; const sentry _Ok(*this, true); if (_Ok) {_TRY_IO_BEGIN ! const streamsize _M = rdbuf()->sgetn(_S, _N); _Chcount += _M; if (_M != _N) ! _St |= eofbit | failbit; _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (*this); } streamsize readsome(_E *_S, streamsize _N) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; _Chcount = 0; int _M; ! if (rdbuf() == 0) ! _St |= failbit; ! else if ((_M = rdbuf()->in_avail()) < 0) ! _St |= eofbit; else if (0 < _M) read(_S, _M < _N ? _M : _N); setstate(_St); return (gcount()); } int_type peek() ! {iostate _St = goodbit; _Chcount = 0; int_type _C; const sentry _Ok(*this, true); --- 333,364 ---- setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& read(_E *_S, streamsize _N) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; _Chcount = 0; const sentry _Ok(*this, true); if (_Ok) {_TRY_IO_BEGIN ! const streamsize _M = this->rdbuf()->sgetn(_S, _N); _Chcount += _M; if (_M != _N) ! _St |= ios_base::eofbit | ios_base::failbit; _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (*this); } streamsize readsome(_E *_S, streamsize _N) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; _Chcount = 0; int _M; ! if (this->rdbuf() == 0) ! _St |= this->ios_base::failbit; ! else if ((_M = this->rdbuf()->in_avail()) < 0) ! _St |= ios_base::eofbit; else if (0 < _M) read(_S, _M < _N ? _M : _N); setstate(_St); return (gcount()); } int_type peek() ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; _Chcount = 0; int_type _C; const sentry _Ok(*this, true); *************** public: *** 363,421 **** else {_TRY_IO_BEGIN if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), ! _C = rdbuf()->sgetc())) ! _St |= eofbit; _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (_C); } _Myt& putback(_E _X) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; _Chcount = 0; const sentry _Ok(*this, true); if (_Ok) {_TRY_IO_BEGIN if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), ! rdbuf()->sputbackc(_X))) ! _St |= badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& unget() ! {iostate _St = goodbit; _Chcount = 0; const sentry _Ok(*this, true); if (_Ok) {_TRY_IO_BEGIN if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), ! rdbuf()->sungetc())) ! _St |= badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (*this); } streamsize gcount() const {return (_Chcount); } int sync() ! {iostate _St = goodbit; int _Ans; ! if (rdbuf() == 0) _Ans = -1; ! else if (rdbuf()->pubsync() == -1) ! _St |= badbit, _Ans = -1; else _Ans = 0; setstate(_St); return (_Ans); } _Myt& seekg(pos_type _P) ! {if (!fail()) ! rdbuf()->pubseekpos(_P, in); return (*this); } _Myt& seekg(off_type _O, ios_base::seekdir _W) ! {if (!fail()) ! rdbuf()->pubseekoff(_O, _W, in); return (*this); } pos_type tellg() ! {if (!fail()) ! return (rdbuf()->pubseekoff(0, cur, in)); else return (streampos(_BADOFF)); } private: --- 367,425 ---- else {_TRY_IO_BEGIN if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), ! _C = this->rdbuf()->sgetc())) ! _St |= ios_base::eofbit; _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (_C); } _Myt& putback(_E _X) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; _Chcount = 0; const sentry _Ok(*this, true); if (_Ok) {_TRY_IO_BEGIN if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), ! this->rdbuf()->sputbackc(_X))) ! _St |= ios_base::badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& unget() ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; _Chcount = 0; const sentry _Ok(*this, true); if (_Ok) {_TRY_IO_BEGIN if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), ! this->rdbuf()->sungetc())) ! _St |= ios_base::badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } setstate(_St); return (*this); } streamsize gcount() const {return (_Chcount); } int sync() ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; int _Ans; ! if (this->rdbuf() == 0) _Ans = -1; ! else if (this->rdbuf()->pubsync() == -1) ! _St |= ios_base::badbit, _Ans = -1; else _Ans = 0; setstate(_St); return (_Ans); } _Myt& seekg(pos_type _P) ! {if (!this->fail()) ! this->rdbuf()->pubseekpos(_P, ios_base::in); return (*this); } _Myt& seekg(off_type _O, ios_base::seekdir _W) ! {if (!this->fail()) ! this->rdbuf()->pubseekoff(_O, _W, ios_base::in); return (*this); } pos_type tellg() ! {if (!this->fail()) ! return (this->rdbuf()->pubseekoff(0, ios_base::cur, ios_base::in)); else return (streampos(_BADOFF)); } private: *************** extern template class _CRTIMP basic_istr *** 430,436 **** #endif // _DLL // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_iostream ! template > class basic_iostream : public basic_istream<_E, _Tr>, public basic_ostream<_E, _Tr> { public: --- 434,440 ---- #endif // _DLL // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_iostream ! template class basic_iostream : public basic_istream<_E, _Tr>, public basic_ostream<_E, _Tr> { public: *************** template inline *** 458,469 **** typedef ctype<_E> _Ctype; ios_base::iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; _E *_S = _X; ! const _Myis::sentry _Ok(_I); if (_Ok) {const _Ctype& _Fac = _USE(_I.getloc(), _Ctype); _TRY_IO_BEGIN int _N = 0 < _I.width() ? _I.width() : INT_MAX; ! _Myis::int_type _C = _I.rdbuf()->sgetc(); for (; 0 < --_N; _C = _I.rdbuf()->snextc()) if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) {_St |= ios_base::eofbit; --- 462,473 ---- typedef ctype<_E> _Ctype; ios_base::iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; _E *_S = _X; ! const typename _Myis::sentry _Ok(_I); if (_Ok) {const _Ctype& _Fac = _USE(_I.getloc(), _Ctype); _TRY_IO_BEGIN int _N = 0 < _I.width() ? _I.width() : INT_MAX; ! typename _Myis::int_type _C = _I.rdbuf()->sgetc(); for (; 0 < --_N; _C = _I.rdbuf()->snextc()) if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) {_St |= ios_base::eofbit; *************** template inline *** 482,490 **** basic_istream<_E, _Tr>& __cdecl operator>>( basic_istream<_E, _Tr>& _I, _E& _X) {typedef basic_istream<_E, _Tr> _Myis; ! _Myis::int_type _C; ! ios_base::iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; ! const _Myis::sentry _Ok(_I); if (_Ok) {_TRY_IO_BEGIN _C = _I.rdbuf()->sbumpc(); --- 486,494 ---- basic_istream<_E, _Tr>& __cdecl operator>>( basic_istream<_E, _Tr>& _I, _E& _X) {typedef basic_istream<_E, _Tr> _Myis; ! typename _Myis::int_type _C; ! typename ios_base::iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; ! const typename _Myis::sentry _Ok(_I); if (_Ok) {_TRY_IO_BEGIN _C = _I.rdbuf()->sbumpc(); *************** template inline *** 521,531 **** {typedef basic_istream<_E, _Tr> _Myis; typedef ctype<_E> _Ctype; ios_base::iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; ! const _Myis::sentry _Ok(_I, true); if (_Ok) {const _Ctype& _Fac = _USE(_I.getloc(), _Ctype); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! for (_Tr::int_type _C = _I.rdbuf()->sgetc(); ; _C = _I.rdbuf()->snextc()) if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) {_St |= ios_base::eofbit; --- 525,535 ---- {typedef basic_istream<_E, _Tr> _Myis; typedef ctype<_E> _Ctype; ios_base::iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; ! const typename _Myis::sentry _Ok(_I, true); if (_Ok) {const _Ctype& _Fac = _USE(_I.getloc(), _Ctype); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! for (typename _Tr::int_type _C = _I.rdbuf()->sgetc(); ; _C = _I.rdbuf()->snextc()) if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) {_St |= ios_base::eofbit; Index: iterator =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/iterator,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** iterator 13 Jun 2001 19:31:05 -0000 --- iterator 13 Jun 2001 21:16:23 -0000 1.2 *************** template *** 74,80 **** : public iterator { public: typedef _C container_type; ! typedef _C::value_type value_type; explicit back_insert_iterator(_C& _X) : container(_X) {} back_insert_iterator<_C>& operator=( --- 74,80 ---- : public iterator { public: typedef _C container_type; ! typedef typename _C::value_type value_type; explicit back_insert_iterator(_C& _X) : container(_X) {} back_insert_iterator<_C>& operator=( *************** template *** 99,105 **** : public iterator { public: typedef _C container_type; ! typedef _C::value_type value_type; explicit front_insert_iterator(_C& _X) : container(_X) {} front_insert_iterator<_C>& operator=( --- 99,105 ---- : public iterator { public: typedef _C container_type; ! typedef typename _C::value_type value_type; explicit front_insert_iterator(_C& _X) : container(_X) {} front_insert_iterator<_C>& operator=( *************** template *** 124,131 **** : public iterator { public: typedef _C container_type; ! typedef _C::value_type value_type; ! insert_iterator(_C& _X, _C::iterator _I) : container(_X), iter(_I) {} insert_iterator<_C>& operator=( const value_type& _V) --- 124,131 ---- : public iterator { public: typedef _C container_type; ! typedef typename _C::value_type value_type; ! insert_iterator(_C& _X, typename _C::iterator _I) : container(_X), iter(_I) {} insert_iterator<_C>& operator=( const value_type& _V) *************** public: *** 140,146 **** {return (*this); } protected: _C& container; ! _C::iterator iter; }; template inline insert_iterator<_C> inserter(_C& _X, _XI _I) --- 140,146 ---- {return (*this); } protected: _C& container; ! typename _C::iterator iter; }; template inline insert_iterator<_C> inserter(_C& _X, _XI _I) Index: limits =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/limits,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** limits 13 Jun 2001 19:31:07 -0000 --- limits 21 Oct 2007 19:06:49 -0000 1.2 *************** struct _CRTIMP _Num_base { *** 53,64 **** _STCONS(int, min_exponent10, 0); _STCONS(int, radix, 0); }; // TEMPLATE CLASS numeric_limits template class numeric_limits : public _Num_base { public: ! static _Ty (__cdecl min)() _THROW0() {return (_Ty(0)); } ! static _Ty (__cdecl max)() _THROW0() {return (_Ty(0)); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (_Ty(0)); } --- 53,65 ---- _STCONS(int, min_exponent10, 0); _STCONS(int, radix, 0); }; + #define __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION // TEMPLATE CLASS numeric_limits template class numeric_limits : public _Num_base { public: ! static _Ty __cdecl min __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (_Ty(0)); } ! static _Ty __cdecl max __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (_Ty(0)); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (_Ty(0)); } *************** struct _CRTIMP _Num_float_base : public *** 102,113 **** _STCONS(int, radix, FLT_RADIX); }; // CLASS numeric_limits class _CRTIMP numeric_limits : public _Num_int_base { public: typedef char _Ty; ! static _Ty (__cdecl min)() _THROW0() {return (CHAR_MIN); } ! static _Ty (__cdecl max)() _THROW0() {return (CHAR_MAX); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (0); } --- 103,115 ---- _STCONS(int, radix, FLT_RADIX); }; // CLASS numeric_limits + template <> class _CRTIMP numeric_limits : public _Num_int_base { public: typedef char _Ty; ! static _Ty __cdecl min __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (CHAR_MIN); } ! static _Ty __cdecl max __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (CHAR_MAX); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (0); } *************** public: *** 127,138 **** * 301L / 1000); }; // CLASS numeric_limits<_Bool> class _CRTIMP numeric_limits<_Bool> : public _Num_int_base { public: typedef bool _Ty; ! static _Ty (__cdecl min)() _THROW0() {return (false); } ! static _Ty (__cdecl max)() _THROW0() {return (true); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (0); } --- 129,141 ---- * 301L / 1000); }; // CLASS numeric_limits<_Bool> + template<> class _CRTIMP numeric_limits<_Bool> : public _Num_int_base { public: typedef bool _Ty; ! static _Ty __cdecl min __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (false); } ! static _Ty __cdecl max __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (true); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (0); } *************** public: *** 151,162 **** _STCONS(int, digits10, 0); }; // CLASS numeric_limits class _CRTIMP numeric_limits : public _Num_int_base { public: typedef signed char _Ty; ! static _Ty (__cdecl min)() _THROW0() {return (SCHAR_MIN); } ! static _Ty (__cdecl max)() _THROW0() {return (SCHAR_MAX); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (0); } --- 154,166 ---- _STCONS(int, digits10, 0); }; // CLASS numeric_limits + template<> class _CRTIMP numeric_limits : public _Num_int_base { public: typedef signed char _Ty; ! static _Ty __cdecl min __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (SCHAR_MIN); } ! static _Ty __cdecl max __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (SCHAR_MAX); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (0); } *************** public: *** 175,186 **** _STCONS(int, digits10, (CHAR_BIT - 1) * 301L / 1000); }; // CLASS numeric_limits class _CRTIMP numeric_limits : public _Num_int_base { public: typedef unsigned char _Ty; ! static _Ty (__cdecl min)() _THROW0() {return (0); } ! static _Ty (__cdecl max)() _THROW0() {return (UCHAR_MAX); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (0); } --- 179,191 ---- _STCONS(int, digits10, (CHAR_BIT - 1) * 301L / 1000); }; // CLASS numeric_limits + template<> class _CRTIMP numeric_limits : public _Num_int_base { public: typedef unsigned char _Ty; ! static _Ty __cdecl min __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (0); } ! static _Ty __cdecl max __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (UCHAR_MAX); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (0); } *************** public: *** 199,210 **** _STCONS(int, digits10, (CHAR_BIT) * 301L / 1000); }; // CLASS numeric_limits class _CRTIMP numeric_limits : public _Num_int_base { public: typedef short _Ty; ! static _Ty (__cdecl min)() _THROW0() {return (SHRT_MIN); } ! static _Ty (__cdecl max)() _THROW0() {return (SHRT_MAX); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (0); } --- 204,216 ---- _STCONS(int, digits10, (CHAR_BIT) * 301L / 1000); }; // CLASS numeric_limits + template<> class _CRTIMP numeric_limits : public _Num_int_base { public: typedef short _Ty; ! static _Ty __cdecl min __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (SHRT_MIN); } ! static _Ty __cdecl max __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (SHRT_MAX); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (0); } *************** public: *** 224,235 **** * 301L / 1000); }; // CLASS numeric_limits class _CRTIMP numeric_limits : public _Num_int_base { public: typedef unsigned short _Ty; ! static _Ty (__cdecl min)() _THROW0() {return (0); } ! static _Ty (__cdecl max)() _THROW0() {return (USHRT_MAX); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (0); } --- 230,242 ---- * 301L / 1000); }; // CLASS numeric_limits + template<> class _CRTIMP numeric_limits : public _Num_int_base { public: typedef unsigned short _Ty; ! static _Ty __cdecl min __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (0); } ! static _Ty __cdecl max __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (USHRT_MAX); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (0); } *************** public: *** 249,260 **** * 301L / 1000); }; // CLASS numeric_limits class _CRTIMP numeric_limits : public _Num_int_base { public: typedef int _Ty; ! static _Ty (__cdecl min)() _THROW0() {return (INT_MIN); } ! static _Ty (__cdecl max)() _THROW0() {return (INT_MAX); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (0); } --- 256,268 ---- * 301L / 1000); }; // CLASS numeric_limits + template<> class _CRTIMP numeric_limits : public _Num_int_base { public: typedef int _Ty; ! static _Ty __cdecl min __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (INT_MIN); } ! static _Ty __cdecl max __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (INT_MAX); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (0); } *************** public: *** 274,285 **** * 301L / 1000); }; // CLASS numeric_limits class _CRTIMP numeric_limits : public _Num_int_base { public: typedef unsigned int _Ty; ! static _Ty (__cdecl min)() _THROW0() {return (0); } ! static _Ty (__cdecl max)() _THROW0() {return (UINT_MAX); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (0); } --- 282,294 ---- * 301L / 1000); }; // CLASS numeric_limits + template<> class _CRTIMP numeric_limits : public _Num_int_base { public: typedef unsigned int _Ty; ! static _Ty __cdecl min __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (0); } ! static _Ty __cdecl max __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (UINT_MAX); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (0); } *************** public: *** 299,310 **** * 301L / 1000); }; // CLASS numeric_limits class _CRTIMP numeric_limits : public _Num_int_base { public: typedef long _Ty; ! static _Ty (__cdecl min)() _THROW0() {return (LONG_MIN); } ! static _Ty (__cdecl max)() _THROW0() {return (LONG_MAX); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (0); } --- 308,320 ---- * 301L / 1000); }; // CLASS numeric_limits + template<> class _CRTIMP numeric_limits : public _Num_int_base { public: typedef long _Ty; ! static _Ty __cdecl min __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (LONG_MIN); } ! static _Ty __cdecl max __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (LONG_MAX); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (0); } *************** public: *** 324,335 **** * 301L / 1000); }; // CLASS numeric_limits class _CRTIMP numeric_limits : public _Num_int_base { public: typedef unsigned long _Ty; ! static _Ty (__cdecl min)() _THROW0() {return (0); } ! static _Ty (__cdecl max)() _THROW0() {return (ULONG_MAX); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (0); } --- 334,346 ---- * 301L / 1000); }; // CLASS numeric_limits + template<> class _CRTIMP numeric_limits : public _Num_int_base { public: typedef unsigned long _Ty; ! static _Ty __cdecl min __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (0); } ! static _Ty __cdecl max __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (ULONG_MAX); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (0); } *************** public: *** 349,360 **** * 301L / 1000); }; // CLASS numeric_limits class _CRTIMP numeric_limits : public _Num_float_base { public: typedef float _Ty; ! static _Ty (__cdecl min)() _THROW0() {return (FLT_MIN); } ! static _Ty (__cdecl max)() _THROW0() {return (FLT_MAX); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (FLT_EPSILON); } --- 360,372 ---- * 301L / 1000); }; // CLASS numeric_limits + template<> class _CRTIMP numeric_limits : public _Num_float_base { public: typedef float _Ty; ! static _Ty __cdecl min __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (FLT_MIN); } ! static _Ty __cdecl max __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (FLT_MAX); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (FLT_EPSILON); } *************** public: *** 376,387 **** _STCONS(int, min_exponent10, FLT_MIN_10_EXP); }; // CLASS numeric_limits class _CRTIMP numeric_limits : public _Num_float_base { public: typedef double _Ty; ! static _Ty (__cdecl min)() _THROW0() {return (DBL_MIN); } ! static _Ty (__cdecl max)() _THROW0() {return (DBL_MAX); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (DBL_EPSILON); } --- 388,400 ---- _STCONS(int, min_exponent10, FLT_MIN_10_EXP); }; // CLASS numeric_limits + template<> class _CRTIMP numeric_limits : public _Num_float_base { public: typedef double _Ty; ! static _Ty __cdecl min __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (DBL_MIN); } ! static _Ty __cdecl max __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (DBL_MAX); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (DBL_EPSILON); } *************** public: *** 403,414 **** _STCONS(int, min_exponent10, DBL_MIN_10_EXP); }; // CLASS numeric_limits class _CRTIMP numeric_limits : public _Num_float_base { public: typedef long double _Ty; ! static _Ty (__cdecl min)() _THROW0() {return (LDBL_MIN); } ! static _Ty (__cdecl max)() _THROW0() {return (LDBL_MAX); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (LDBL_EPSILON); } --- 416,428 ---- _STCONS(int, min_exponent10, DBL_MIN_10_EXP); }; // CLASS numeric_limits + template<> class _CRTIMP numeric_limits : public _Num_float_base { public: typedef long double _Ty; ! static _Ty __cdecl min __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (LDBL_MIN); } ! static _Ty __cdecl max __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() _THROW0() {return (LDBL_MAX); } static _Ty __cdecl epsilon() _THROW0() {return (LDBL_EPSILON); } Index: list =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/list,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.3 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.3 *** list 13 Jun 2001 19:31:07 -0000 --- list 21 Oct 2007 19:06:49 -0000 1.3 *************** *** 18,29 **** #endif /* _MSC_VER */ _STD_BEGIN // TEMPLATE CLASS list ! template > class list { protected: struct _Node; friend struct _Node; ! typedef _POINTER_X(_Node, _A) _Nodeptr; struct _Node { _Nodeptr _Next, _Prev; _Ty _Value; --- 18,29 ---- #endif /* _MSC_VER */ _STD_BEGIN // TEMPLATE CLASS list ! template > class list { protected: struct _Node; friend struct _Node; ! typedef _POINTER_X(_Node, _AL) _Nodeptr; struct _Node { _Nodeptr _Next, _Prev; _Ty _Value; *************** protected: *** 31,38 **** struct _Acc; friend struct _Acc; struct _Acc { ! typedef _REFERENCE_X(_Nodeptr, _A) _Nodepref; ! typedef _A::reference _Vref; static _Nodepref _Next(_Nodeptr _P) {return ((_Nodepref)(*_P)._Next); } static _Nodepref _Prev(_Nodeptr _P) --- 31,38 ---- struct _Acc; friend struct _Acc; struct _Acc { ! typedef _REFERENCE_X(_Nodeptr, _AL) _Nodepref; ! typedef typename _AL::reference _Vref; static _Nodepref _Next(_Nodeptr _P) {return ((_Nodepref)(*_P)._Next); } static _Nodepref _Prev(_Nodeptr _P) *************** protected: *** 41,55 **** {return ((_Vref)(*_P)._Value); } }; public: ! typedef list<_Ty, _A> _Myt; ! typedef _A allocator_type; ! typedef _A::size_type size_type; ! typedef _A::difference_type difference_type; ! typedef _A::pointer _Tptr; ! typedef _A::const_pointer _Ctptr; ! typedef _A::reference reference; ! typedef _A::const_reference const_reference; ! typedef _A::value_type value_type; // CLASS const_iterator class iterator; class const_iterator; --- 41,55 ---- {return ((_Vref)(*_P)._Value); } }; public: ! typedef list<_Ty, _AL> _Myt; ! typedef _AL allocator_type; ! typedef typename _AL::size_type size_type; ! typedef typename _AL::difference_type difference_type; ! typedef typename _AL::pointer _Tptr; ! typedef typename _AL::const_pointer _Ctptr; ! typedef typename _AL::reference reference; ! typedef typename _AL::const_reference const_reference; ! typedef typename _AL::value_type value_type; // CLASS const_iterator class iterator; class const_iterator; *************** public: *** 98,122 **** iterator(_Nodeptr _P) : const_iterator(_P) {} reference operator*() const ! {return (_Acc::_Value(_Ptr)); } _Tptr operator->() const {return (&**this); } iterator& operator++() ! {_Ptr = _Acc::_Next(_Ptr); return (*this); } iterator operator++(int) {iterator _Tmp = *this; ++*this; return (_Tmp); } iterator& operator--() ! {_Ptr = _Acc::_Prev(_Ptr); return (*this); } iterator operator--(int) {iterator _Tmp = *this; --*this; return (_Tmp); } bool operator==(const iterator& _X) const ! {return (_Ptr == _X._Ptr); } bool operator!=(const iterator& _X) const {return (!(*this == _X)); } }; --- 98,122 ---- iterator(_Nodeptr _P) : const_iterator(_P) {} reference operator*() const ! {return (_Acc::_Value(this->_Ptr)); } _Tptr operator->() const {return (&**this); } iterator& operator++() ! {this->_Ptr = _Acc::_Next(this->_Ptr); return (*this); } iterator operator++(int) {iterator _Tmp = *this; ++*this; return (_Tmp); } iterator& operator--() ! {this->_Ptr = _Acc::_Prev(this->_Ptr); return (*this); } iterator operator--(int) {iterator _Tmp = *this; --*this; return (_Tmp); } bool operator==(const iterator& _X) const ! {return (this->_Ptr == _X._Ptr); } bool operator!=(const iterator& _X) const {return (!(*this == _X)); } }; *************** public: *** 126,136 **** typedef reverse_bidirectional_iterator const_reverse_iterator; ! explicit list(const _A& _Al = _A()) : allocator(_Al), _Head(_Buynode()), _Size(0) {} explicit list(size_type _N, const _Ty& _V = _Ty(), ! const _A& _Al = _A()) : allocator(_Al), _Head(_Buynode()), _Size(0) {insert(begin(), _N, _V); } --- 126,136 ---- typedef reverse_bidirectional_iterator const_reverse_iterator; ! explicit list(const _AL& _Al = _AL()) : allocator(_Al), _Head(_Buynode()), _Size(0) {} explicit list(size_type _N, const _Ty& _V = _Ty(), ! const _AL& _Al = _AL()) : allocator(_Al), _Head(_Buynode()), _Size(0) {insert(begin(), _N, _V); } *************** public: *** 138,149 **** : allocator(_X.allocator), _Head(_Buynode()), _Size(0) {insert(begin(), _X.begin(), _X.end()); } ! list(const _Ty *_F, const _Ty *_L, const _A& _Al = _A()) : allocator(_Al), _Head(_Buynode()), _Size(0) {insert(begin(), _F, _L); } typedef const_iterator _It; ! list(_It _F, _It _L, const _A& _Al = _A()) : allocator(_Al), _Head(_Buynode()), _Size(0) {insert(begin(), _F, _L); } --- 138,149 ---- : allocator(_X.allocator), _Head(_Buynode()), _Size(0) {insert(begin(), _X.begin(), _X.end()); } ! list(const _Ty *_F, const _Ty *_L, const _AL& _Al = _AL()) : allocator(_Al), _Head(_Buynode()), _Size(0) {insert(begin(), _F, _L); } typedef const_iterator _It; ! list(_It _F, _It _L, const _AL& _Al = _AL()) : allocator(_Al), _Head(_Buynode()), _Size(0) {insert(begin(), _F, _L); } *************** public: *** 190,196 **** {return (allocator.max_size()); } bool empty() const {return (size() == 0); } ! _A get_allocator() const {return (allocator); } reference front() {return (*begin()); } --- 190,196 ---- {return (allocator.max_size()); } bool empty() const {return (size() == 0); } ! _AL get_allocator() const {return (allocator); } reference front() {return (*begin()); } *************** protected: *** 409,415 **** _X.erase(_F, _L); }} void _Xran() const {_THROW(out_of_range, "invalid list subscript"); } ! _A allocator; _Nodeptr _Head; size_type _Size; }; --- 409,415 ---- _X.erase(_F, _L); }} void _Xran() const {_THROW(out_of_range, "invalid list subscript"); } ! _AL allocator; _Nodeptr _Head; size_type _Size; }; Index: map =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/map,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.3 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.3 *** map 13 Jun 2001 19:31:08 -0000 --- map 21 Oct 2007 19:06:49 -0000 1.3 *************** public: *** 41,56 **** typedef _Ty referent_type; typedef _Pr key_compare; typedef _A allocator_type; ! typedef _A::reference _Tref; typedef _Tree<_K, value_type, _Kfn, _Pr, _A> _Imp; ! typedef _Imp::size_type size_type; ! typedef _Imp::difference_type difference_type; ! typedef _Imp::reference reference; ! typedef _Imp::const_reference const_reference; ! typedef _Imp::iterator iterator; ! typedef _Imp::const_iterator const_iterator; ! typedef _Imp::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator; ! typedef _Imp::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator; typedef pair _Pairib; typedef pair _Pairii; typedef pair _Paircc; --- 41,56 ---- typedef _Ty referent_type; typedef _Pr key_compare; typedef _A allocator_type; ! typedef typename _A::reference _Tref; typedef _Tree<_K, value_type, _Kfn, _Pr, _A> _Imp; ! typedef typename _Imp::size_type size_type; ! typedef typename _Imp::difference_type difference_type; ! typedef typename _Imp::reference reference; ! typedef typename _Imp::const_reference const_reference; ! typedef typename _Imp::iterator iterator; ! typedef typename _Imp::const_iterator const_iterator; ! typedef typename _Imp::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator; ! typedef typename _Imp::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator; typedef pair _Pairib; typedef pair _Pairii; typedef pair _Paircc; *************** public: *** 93,110 **** {iterator _P = insert(value_type(_Kv, _Ty())).first; return ((*_P).second); } _Pairib insert(const value_type& _X) ! {_Imp::_Pairib _Ans = _Tr.insert(_X); return (_Pairib(_Ans.first, _Ans.second)); } iterator insert(iterator _P, const value_type& _X) ! {return (_Tr.insert((_Imp::iterator&)_P, _X)); } void insert(_It _F, _It _L) {for (; _F != _L; ++_F) _Tr.insert(*_F); } iterator erase(iterator _P) ! {return (_Tr.erase((_Imp::iterator&)_P)); } iterator erase(iterator _F, iterator _L) ! {return (_Tr.erase((_Imp::iterator&)_F, ! (_Imp::iterator&)_L)); } size_type erase(const _K& _Kv) {return (_Tr.erase(_Kv)); } void clear() --- 93,110 ---- {iterator _P = insert(value_type(_Kv, _Ty())).first; return ((*_P).second); } _Pairib insert(const value_type& _X) ! {typename _Imp::_Pairib _Ans = _Tr.insert(_X); return (_Pairib(_Ans.first, _Ans.second)); } iterator insert(iterator _P, const value_type& _X) ! {return (_Tr.insert((typename _Imp::iterator&)_P, _X)); } void insert(_It _F, _It _L) {for (; _F != _L; ++_F) _Tr.insert(*_F); } iterator erase(iterator _P) ! {return (_Tr.erase((typename _Imp::iterator&)_P)); } iterator erase(iterator _F, iterator _L) ! {return (_Tr.erase((typename _Imp::iterator&)_F, ! (typename _Imp::iterator&)_L)); } size_type erase(const _K& _Kv) {return (_Tr.erase(_Kv)); } void clear() *************** public: *** 193,206 **** typedef _Pr key_compare; typedef _A allocator_type; typedef _Tree<_K, value_type, _Kfn, _Pr, _A> _Imp; ! typedef _Imp::size_type size_type; ! typedef _Imp::difference_type difference_type; ! typedef _Imp::reference reference; ! typedef _Imp::const_reference const_reference; ! typedef _Imp::iterator iterator; ! typedef _Imp::const_iterator const_iterator; ! typedef _Imp::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator; ! typedef _Imp::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator; typedef pair _Pairii; typedef pair _Paircc; explicit multimap(const _Pr& _Pred = _Pr(), --- 193,206 ---- typedef _Pr key_compare; typedef _A allocator_type; typedef _Tree<_K, value_type, _Kfn, _Pr, _A> _Imp; ! typedef typename _Imp::size_type size_type; ! typedef typename _Imp::difference_type difference_type; ! typedef typename _Imp::reference reference; ! typedef typename _Imp::const_reference const_reference; ! typedef typename _Imp::iterator iterator; ! typedef typename _Imp::const_iterator const_iterator; ! typedef typename _Imp::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator; ! typedef typename _Imp::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator; typedef pair _Pairii; typedef pair _Paircc; explicit multimap(const _Pr& _Pred = _Pr(), *************** public: *** 242,256 **** iterator insert(const value_type& _X) {return (_Tr.insert(_X).first); } iterator insert(iterator _P, const value_type& _X) ! {return (_Tr.insert((_Imp::iterator&)_P, _X)); } void insert(_It _F, _It _L) {for (; _F != _L; ++_F) _Tr.insert(*_F); } iterator erase(iterator _P) ! {return (_Tr.erase((_Imp::iterator&)_P)); } iterator erase(iterator _F, iterator _L) ! {return (_Tr.erase((_Imp::iterator&)_F, ! (_Imp::iterator&)_L)); } size_type erase(const _K& _Kv = _K()) {return (_Tr.erase(_Kv)); } void clear() --- 242,256 ---- iterator insert(const value_type& _X) {return (_Tr.insert(_X).first); } iterator insert(iterator _P, const value_type& _X) ! {return (_Tr.insert((typename _Imp::iterator&)_P, _X)); } void insert(_It _F, _It _L) {for (; _F != _L; ++_F) _Tr.insert(*_F); } iterator erase(iterator _P) ! {return (_Tr.erase((typename _Imp::iterator&)_P)); } iterator erase(iterator _F, iterator _L) ! {return (_Tr.erase((typename _Imp::iterator&)_F, ! (typename _Imp::iterator&)_L)); } size_type erase(const _K& _Kv = _K()) {return (_Tr.erase(_Kv)); } void clear() Index: oaidl.h =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/oaidl.h,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** oaidl.h 13 Jun 2001 19:31:35 -0000 --- oaidl.h 3 Jul 2001 22:10:58 -0000 1.2 *************** struct tagVARIANT *** 416,422 **** FLOAT fltVal; DOUBLE dblVal; VARIANT_BOOL boolVal; ! _VARIANT_BOOL bool; SCODE scode; CY cyVal; DATE date; --- 416,422 ---- FLOAT fltVal; DOUBLE dblVal; VARIANT_BOOL boolVal; ! // _VARIANT_BOOL bool; SCODE scode; CY cyVal; DATE date; *************** struct tagVARIANT *** 430,436 **** FLOAT __RPC_FAR *pfltVal; DOUBLE __RPC_FAR *pdblVal; VARIANT_BOOL __RPC_FAR *pboolVal; ! _VARIANT_BOOL __RPC_FAR *pbool; SCODE __RPC_FAR *pscode; CY __RPC_FAR *pcyVal; DATE __RPC_FAR *pdate; --- 430,436 ---- FLOAT __RPC_FAR *pfltVal; DOUBLE __RPC_FAR *pdblVal; VARIANT_BOOL __RPC_FAR *pboolVal; ! // _VARIANT_BOOL __RPC_FAR *pbool; SCODE __RPC_FAR *pscode; CY __RPC_FAR *pcyVal; DATE __RPC_FAR *pdate; Index: objidl.h =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/objidl.h,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** objidl.h 13 Jun 2001 19:31:37 -0000 --- objidl.h 3 Jul 2001 22:10:58 -0000 1.2 *************** struct tagPROPVARIANT *** 8885,8891 **** /* [case()] */ short iVal; /* [case()] */ USHORT uiVal; /* [case()] */ VARIANT_BOOL boolVal; ! /* [case()] */ _VARIANT_BOOL bool; /* [case()] */ long lVal; /* [case()] */ ULONG ulVal; /* [case()] */ float fltVal; --- 8885,8891 ---- /* [case()] */ short iVal; /* [case()] */ USHORT uiVal; /* [case()] */ VARIANT_BOOL boolVal; ! // /* [case()] */ _VARIANT_BOOL bool; /* [case()] */ long lVal; /* [case()] */ ULONG ulVal; /* [case()] */ float fltVal; Index: ostream =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/ostream,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.4 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.4 *** ostream 13 Jun 2001 19:31:44 -0000 --- ostream 2 Nov 2007 19:15:19 -0000 1.4 *************** *** 14,25 **** // I/O exception macros #define _TRY_IO_BEGIN _TRY_BEGIN #define _CATCH_IO_END _CATCH_ALL \ ! setstate(ios_base::badbit, true); _CATCH_END #define _CATCH_IO_(x) _CATCH_ALL \ (x).setstate(ios_base::badbit, true); _CATCH_END _STD_BEGIN // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_ostream ! template > class basic_ostream : virtual public basic_ios<_E, _Tr> { public: typedef basic_ostream<_E, _Tr> _Myt; --- 14,25 ---- // I/O exception macros #define _TRY_IO_BEGIN _TRY_BEGIN #define _CATCH_IO_END _CATCH_ALL \ ! this->setstate(ios_base::badbit, true); _CATCH_END #define _CATCH_IO_(x) _CATCH_ALL \ (x).setstate(ios_base::badbit, true); _CATCH_END _STD_BEGIN // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_ostream ! template class basic_ostream : virtual public basic_ios<_E, _Tr> { public: typedef basic_ostream<_E, _Tr> _Myt; *************** public: *** 27,38 **** typedef basic_streambuf<_E, _Tr> _Mysb; typedef ostreambuf_iterator<_E, _Tr> _Iter; typedef num_put<_E, _Iter> _Nput; explicit basic_ostream(basic_streambuf<_E, _Tr> *_S, bool _Isstd = false, bool _Doinit = true) {if (_Doinit) init(_S, _Isstd); } basic_ostream(_Uninitialized) ! {_Addstd(); } virtual ~basic_ostream() {} class sentry { --- 27,43 ---- typedef basic_streambuf<_E, _Tr> _Mysb; typedef ostreambuf_iterator<_E, _Tr> _Iter; typedef num_put<_E, _Iter> _Nput; + typedef typename _Myios::pos_type pos_type; + typedef typename _Myios::off_type off_type; + typedef typename _Myios::iostate iostate; + typedef typename _Myios::fmtflags fmtflags; + typedef typename _Myios::int_type int_type; explicit basic_ostream(basic_streambuf<_E, _Tr> *_S, bool _Isstd = false, bool _Doinit = true) {if (_Doinit) init(_S, _Isstd); } basic_ostream(_Uninitialized) ! {this->_Addstd(); } virtual ~basic_ostream() {} class sentry { *************** public: *** 49,59 **** _Myt& _Ostr; }; bool opfx() ! {if (good() && tie() != 0) ! tie()->flush(); ! return (good()); } void osfx() ! {if (flags() & unitbuf) flush(); } _Myt& operator<<(_Myt& (__cdecl *_F)(_Myt&)) {return ((*_F)(*this)); } --- 54,64 ---- _Myt& _Ostr; }; bool opfx() ! {if (this->good() && this->tie() != 0) ! this->tie()->flush(); ! return (this->good()); } void osfx() ! {if (this->flags() & ios_base::unitbuf) flush(); } _Myt& operator<<(_Myt& (__cdecl *_F)(_Myt&)) {return ((*_F)(*this)); } *************** public: *** 64,208 **** {(*_F)(*(ios_base *)this); return (*this); } _Myt& operator<<(_Bool _X) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nput& _Fac = _USE(getloc(), _Nput); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! if (_Fac.put(_Iter(rdbuf()), *this, ! fill(), _X).failed()) ! _St |= badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } ! setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator<<(short _X) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nput& _Fac = _USE(getloc(), _Nput); ! fmtflags _Bfl = flags() & basefield; long _Y = (_Bfl == oct || _Bfl == hex) ? (long)(unsigned short)_X : (long)_X; _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! if (_Fac.put(_Iter(rdbuf()), *this, ! fill(), _Y).failed()) ! _St |= badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } ! setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator<<(unsigned short _X) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nput& _Fac = _USE(getloc(), _Nput); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! if (_Fac.put(_Iter(rdbuf()), *this, ! fill(), (unsigned long)_X).failed()) ! _St |= badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } ! setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator<<(int _X) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nput& _Fac = _USE(getloc(), _Nput); ! fmtflags _Bfl = flags() & basefield; ! long _Y = (_Bfl == oct || _Bfl == hex) ? (long)(unsigned int)_X : (long)_X; _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! if (_Fac.put(_Iter(rdbuf()), *this, ! fill(), _Y).failed()) ! _St |= badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } ! setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator<<(unsigned int _X) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nput& _Fac = _USE(getloc(), _Nput); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! if (_Fac.put(_Iter(rdbuf()), *this, ! fill(), (unsigned long)_X).failed()) ! _St |= badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } ! setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator<<(long _X) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nput& _Fac = _USE(getloc(), _Nput); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! if (_Fac.put(_Iter(rdbuf()), *this, ! fill(), _X).failed()) ! _St |= badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } ! setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator<<(unsigned long _X) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nput& _Fac = _USE(getloc(), _Nput); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! if (_Fac.put(_Iter(rdbuf()), *this, ! fill(), _X).failed()) ! _St |= badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } ! setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator<<(float _X) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nput& _Fac = _USE(getloc(), _Nput); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! if (_Fac.put(_Iter(rdbuf()), *this, ! fill(), (double)_X).failed()) ! _St |= badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } ! setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator<<(double _X) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nput& _Fac = _USE(getloc(), _Nput); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! if (_Fac.put(_Iter(rdbuf()), *this, ! fill(), _X).failed()) ! _St |= badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } ! setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator<<(long double _X) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nput& _Fac = _USE(getloc(), _Nput); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! if (_Fac.put(_Iter(rdbuf()), *this, ! fill(), _X).failed()) ! _St |= badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } ! setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator<<(const void *_X) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nput& _Fac = _USE(getloc(), _Nput); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! if (_Fac.put(_Iter(rdbuf()), *this, ! fill(), _X).failed()) ! _St |= badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } ! setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator<<(_Mysb *_Pb) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; bool _Copied = false; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok && _Pb != 0) --- 69,213 ---- {(*_F)(*(ios_base *)this); return (*this); } _Myt& operator<<(_Bool _X) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nput& _Fac = _USE(this->getloc(), _Nput); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! if (_Fac.put(_Iter(this->rdbuf()), *this, ! this->fill(), _X).failed()) ! _St |= ios_base::badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } ! this->setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator<<(short _X) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nput& _Fac = _USE(this->getloc(), _Nput); ! fmtflags _Bfl = this->flags() & ios_base::basefield; long _Y = (_Bfl == oct || _Bfl == hex) ? (long)(unsigned short)_X : (long)_X; _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! if (_Fac.put(_Iter(this->rdbuf()), *this, ! this->fill(), _Y).failed()) ! _St |= ios_base::badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } ! this->setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator<<(unsigned short _X) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nput& _Fac = _USE(this->getloc(), _Nput); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! if (_Fac.put(_Iter(this->rdbuf()), *this, ! this->fill(), (unsigned long)_X).failed()) ! _St |= ios_base::badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } ! this->setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator<<(int _X) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nput& _Fac = _USE(this->getloc(), _Nput); ! fmtflags _Bfl = this->flags() & this->basefield; ! long _Y = (_Bfl == ios::oct || _Bfl == ios::hex) ? (long)(unsigned int)_X : (long)_X; _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! if (_Fac.put(_Iter(this->rdbuf()), *this, ! this->fill(), _Y).failed()) ! _St |= ios_base::badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } ! this->setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator<<(unsigned int _X) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nput& _Fac = _USE(this->getloc(), _Nput); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! if (_Fac.put(_Iter(this->rdbuf()), *this, ! this->fill(), (unsigned long)_X).failed()) ! _St |= ios_base::badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } ! this->setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator<<(long _X) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nput& _Fac = _USE(this->getloc(), _Nput); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! if (_Fac.put(_Iter(this->rdbuf()), *this, ! this->fill(), _X).failed()) ! _St |= ios_base::badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } ! this->setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator<<(unsigned long _X) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nput& _Fac = _USE(this->getloc(), _Nput); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! if (_Fac.put(_Iter(this->rdbuf()), *this, ! this->fill(), _X).failed()) ! _St |= ios_base::badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } ! this->setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator<<(float _X) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nput& _Fac = _USE(this->getloc(), _Nput); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! if (_Fac.put(_Iter(this->rdbuf()), *this, ! this->fill(), (double)_X).failed()) ! _St |= ios_base::badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } ! this->setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator<<(double _X) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nput& _Fac = _USE(this->getloc(), _Nput); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! if (_Fac.put(_Iter(this->rdbuf()), *this, ! this->fill(), _X).failed()) ! _St |= ios_base::badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } ! this->setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator<<(long double _X) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nput& _Fac = _USE(this->getloc(), _Nput); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! if (_Fac.put(_Iter(this->rdbuf()), *this, ! this->fill(), _X).failed()) ! _St |= ios_base::badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } ! this->setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator<<(const void *_X) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok) ! {const _Nput& _Fac = _USE(this->getloc(), _Nput); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! if (_Fac.put(_Iter(this->rdbuf()), *this, ! this->fill(), _X).failed()) ! _St |= ios_base::badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } ! this->setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& operator<<(_Mysb *_Pb) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; bool _Copied = false; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (_Ok && _Pb != 0) *************** public: *** 211,272 **** _C = _Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C) ? _Pb->sgetc() : _Pb->snextc(); _CATCH_ALL ! setstate(failbit); _RERAISE; _CATCH_END if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(),_C)) break; _TRY_IO_BEGIN if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), ! rdbuf()->sputc(_Tr::to_char_type(_C)))) ! {_St |= badbit; break; } _CATCH_IO_END } ! width(0); ! setstate(!_Copied ? _St | failbit : _St); return (*this); } _Myt& put(_E _X) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (!_Ok) ! _St |= badbit; else {_TRY_IO_BEGIN if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), ! rdbuf()->sputc(_X))) ! _St |= badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } ! setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& write(const _E *_S, streamsize _N) ! {iostate _St = goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (!_Ok) ! _St |= badbit; else {_TRY_IO_BEGIN ! if (rdbuf()->sputn(_S, _N) != _N) ! _St |= badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } ! setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& flush() ! {iostate _St = goodbit; ! if (!fail() && rdbuf()->pubsync() == -1) ! _St |= badbit; ! setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& seekp(pos_type _P) ! {if (!fail()) ! rdbuf()->pubseekpos(_P, out); return (*this); } _Myt& seekp(off_type _O, ios_base::seekdir _W) ! {if (!fail()) ! rdbuf()->pubseekoff(_O, _W, out); return (*this); } pos_type tellp() ! {if (!fail()) ! return (rdbuf()->pubseekoff(0, cur, out)); else return (streampos(_BADOFF)); } }; --- 216,277 ---- _C = _Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C) ? _Pb->sgetc() : _Pb->snextc(); _CATCH_ALL ! this->setstate(ios_base::failbit); _RERAISE; _CATCH_END if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(),_C)) break; _TRY_IO_BEGIN if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), ! this->rdbuf()->sputc(_Tr::to_char_type(_C)))) ! {_St |= ios_base::badbit; break; } _CATCH_IO_END } ! this->width(0); ! this->setstate(!_Copied ? _St | ios_base::failbit : _St); return (*this); } _Myt& put(_E _X) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (!_Ok) ! _St |= ios_base::badbit; else {_TRY_IO_BEGIN if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), ! this->rdbuf()->sputc(_X))) ! _St |= ios_base::badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } ! this->setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& write(const _E *_S, streamsize _N) ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; const sentry _Ok(*this); if (!_Ok) ! _St |= ios_base::badbit; else {_TRY_IO_BEGIN ! if (this->rdbuf()->sputn(_S, _N) != _N) ! _St |= ios_base::badbit; _CATCH_IO_END } ! this->setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& flush() ! {iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; ! if (!this->fail() && this->rdbuf()->pubsync() == -1) ! _St |= ios_base::badbit; ! this->setstate(_St); return (*this); } _Myt& seekp(pos_type _P) ! {if (!this->fail()) ! this->rdbuf()->pubseekpos(_P, ios_base::out); return (*this); } _Myt& seekp(off_type _O, ios_base::seekdir _W) ! {if (!this->fail()) ! this->rdbuf()->pubseekoff(_O, _W, ios_base::out); return (*this); } pos_type tellp() ! {if (!this->fail()) ! return (this->rdbuf()->pubseekoff(0, ios_base::cur, ios_base::out)); else return (streampos(_BADOFF)); } }; *************** template inline *** 289,295 **** size_t _N = _Tr::length(_X); size_t _M = _O.width() <= 0 || _O.width() <= _N ? 0 : _O.width() - _N; ! const _Myos::sentry _Ok(_O); if (!_Ok) _St |= ios_base::badbit; else --- 294,300 ---- size_t _N = _Tr::length(_X); size_t _M = _O.width() <= 0 || _O.width() <= _N ? 0 : _O.width() - _N; ! const typename _Myos::sentry _Ok(_O); if (!_Ok) _St |= ios_base::badbit; else *************** template inline *** 319,325 **** basic_ostream<_E, _Tr>& _O, _E _C) {typedef basic_ostream<_E, _Tr> _Myos; ios_base::iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; ! const _Myos::sentry _Ok(_O); if (_Ok) {size_t _M = _O.width() <= 1 ? 0 : _O.width() - 1; _TRY_IO_BEGIN --- 324,330 ---- basic_ostream<_E, _Tr>& _O, _E _C) {typedef basic_ostream<_E, _Tr> _Myos; ios_base::iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; ! const typename _Myos::sentry _Ok(_O); if (_Ok) {size_t _M = _O.width() <= 1 ? 0 : _O.width() - 1; _TRY_IO_BEGIN Index: process.h =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/process.h,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.3 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.3 *** process.h 13 Jun 2001 19:31:45 -0000 --- process.h 1 Feb 2005 20:47:33 -0000 1.3 *************** _CRTIMP int __cdecl _wsystem(const wchar *** 183,189 **** */ int __cdecl _loaddll(char *); int __cdecl _unloaddll(int); ! int (__cdecl * __cdecl _getdllprocaddr(int, char *, int))(); /* --------- The preceding functions are OBSOLETE --------- */ --- 183,190 ---- */ int __cdecl _loaddll(char *); int __cdecl _unloaddll(int); ! typedef int (__cdecl * _getdllprocaddr_type)(); ! _getdllprocaddr_type __cdecl _getdllprocaddr(int, char *, int); /* --------- The preceding functions are OBSOLETE --------- */ Index: queue =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/queue,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.3 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.3 *** queue 13 Jun 2001 19:31:46 -0000 --- queue 14 Jun 2001 18:20:43 -0000 1.3 *************** _STD_BEGIN *** 19,27 **** template > class queue { public: ! typedef _C::allocator_type allocator_type; ! typedef _C::value_type value_type; ! typedef _C::size_type size_type; explicit queue(const allocator_type& _Al = allocator_type()) : c(_Al) {} allocator_type get_allocator() const --- 19,27 ---- template > class queue { public: ! typedef typename _C::allocator_type allocator_type; ! typedef typename _C::value_type value_type; ! typedef typename _C::size_type size_type; explicit queue(const allocator_type& _Al = allocator_type()) : c(_Al) {} allocator_type get_allocator() const *************** protected: *** 59,70 **** }; // TEMPLATE CLASS priority_queue template, ! class _Pr = less<_C::value_type> > class priority_queue { public: ! typedef _C::allocator_type allocator_type; ! typedef _C::value_type value_type; ! typedef _C::size_type size_type; explicit priority_queue(const _Pr& _X = _Pr(), const allocator_type& _Al = allocator_type()) : c(_Al), comp(_X) {} --- 59,70 ---- }; // TEMPLATE CLASS priority_queue template, ! class _Pr = less > class priority_queue { public: ! typedef typename _C::allocator_type allocator_type; ! typedef typename _C::value_type value_type; ! typedef typename _C::size_type size_type; explicit priority_queue(const _Pr& _X = _Pr(), const allocator_type& _Al = allocator_type()) : c(_Al), comp(_X) {} Index: set =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/set,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** set 13 Jun 2001 19:31:50 -0000 --- set 21 Oct 2007 19:06:49 -0000 1.2 *************** public: *** 30,43 **** typedef _Pr key_compare; typedef _A allocator_type; typedef _Tree<_K, value_type, _Kfn, _Pr, _A> _Imp; ! typedef _Imp::size_type size_type; ! typedef _Imp::difference_type difference_type; ! typedef _Imp::reference reference; ! typedef _Imp::const_reference const_reference; ! typedef _Imp::iterator iterator; ! typedef _Imp::const_iterator const_iterator; ! typedef _Imp::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator; ! typedef _Imp::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator; typedef pair _Pairib; typedef pair _Pairii; typedef pair _Paircc; --- 30,43 ---- typedef _Pr key_compare; typedef _A allocator_type; typedef _Tree<_K, value_type, _Kfn, _Pr, _A> _Imp; ! typedef typename _Imp::size_type size_type; ! typedef typename _Imp::difference_type difference_type; ! typedef typename _Imp::reference reference; ! typedef typename _Imp::const_reference const_reference; ! typedef typename _Imp::iterator iterator; ! typedef typename _Imp::const_iterator const_iterator; ! typedef typename _Imp::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator; ! typedef typename _Imp::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator; typedef pair _Pairib; typedef pair _Pairii; typedef pair _Paircc; *************** public: *** 77,94 **** _A get_allocator() const {return (_Tr.get_allocator()); } _Pairib insert(const value_type& _X) ! {_Imp::_Pairib _Ans = _Tr.insert(_X); return (_Pairib(_Ans.first, _Ans.second)); } iterator insert(iterator _P, const value_type& _X) ! {return (_Tr.insert((_Imp::iterator&)_P, _X)); } void insert(_It _F, _It _L) {for (; _F != _L; ++_F) _Tr.insert(*_F); } iterator erase(iterator _P) ! {return (_Tr.erase((_Imp::iterator&)_P)); } iterator erase(iterator _F, iterator _L) ! {return (_Tr.erase((_Imp::iterator&)_F, ! (_Imp::iterator&)_L)); } size_type erase(const _K& _Kv) {return (_Tr.erase(_Kv)); } void clear() --- 77,94 ---- _A get_allocator() const {return (_Tr.get_allocator()); } _Pairib insert(const value_type& _X) ! {typename _Imp::_Pairib _Ans = _Tr.insert(_X); return (_Pairib(_Ans.first, _Ans.second)); } iterator insert(iterator _P, const value_type& _X) ! {return (_Tr.insert((typename _Imp::iterator&)_P, _X)); } void insert(_It _F, _It _L) {for (; _F != _L; ++_F) _Tr.insert(*_F); } iterator erase(iterator _P) ! {return (_Tr.erase((typename _Imp::iterator&)_P)); } iterator erase(iterator _F, iterator _L) ! {return (_Tr.erase((typename _Imp::iterator&)_F, ! (typename _Imp::iterator&)_L)); } size_type erase(const _K& _Kv) {return (_Tr.erase(_Kv)); } void clear() *************** public: *** 165,178 **** typedef _Pr key_compare; typedef _A allocator_type; typedef _Tree<_K, value_type, _Kfn, _Pr, _A> _Imp; ! typedef _Imp::size_type size_type; ! typedef _Imp::difference_type difference_type; ! typedef _Imp::reference reference; ! typedef _Imp::const_reference const_reference; ! typedef _Imp::iterator iterator; ! typedef _Imp::const_iterator const_iterator; ! typedef _Imp::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator; ! typedef _Imp::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator; typedef pair _Pairii; typedef pair _Paircc; explicit multiset(const _Pr& _Pred = _Pr(), --- 165,178 ---- typedef _Pr key_compare; typedef _A allocator_type; typedef _Tree<_K, value_type, _Kfn, _Pr, _A> _Imp; ! typedef typename _Imp::size_type size_type; ! typedef typename _Imp::difference_type difference_type; ! typedef typename _Imp::reference reference; ! typedef typename _Imp::const_reference const_reference; ! typedef typename _Imp::iterator iterator; ! typedef typename _Imp::const_iterator const_iterator; ! typedef typename _Imp::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator; ! typedef typename _Imp::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator; typedef pair _Pairii; typedef pair _Paircc; explicit multiset(const _Pr& _Pred = _Pr(), *************** public: *** 214,228 **** iterator insert(const value_type& _X) {return (_Tr.insert(_X).first); } iterator insert(iterator _P, const value_type& _X) ! {return (_Tr.insert((_Imp::iterator&)_P, _X)); } void insert(_It _F, _It _L) {for (; _F != _L; ++_F) _Tr.insert(*_F); } iterator erase(iterator _P) ! {return (_Tr.erase((_Imp::iterator&)_P)); } iterator erase(iterator _F, iterator _L) ! {return (_Tr.erase((_Imp::iterator&)_F, ! (_Imp::iterator&)_L)); } size_type erase(const _K& _Kv) {return (_Tr.erase(_Kv)); } void clear() --- 214,228 ---- iterator insert(const value_type& _X) {return (_Tr.insert(_X).first); } iterator insert(iterator _P, const value_type& _X) ! {return (_Tr.insert((typename _Imp::iterator&)_P, _X)); } void insert(_It _F, _It _L) {for (; _F != _L; ++_F) _Tr.insert(*_F); } iterator erase(iterator _P) ! {return (_Tr.erase((typename _Imp::iterator&)_P)); } iterator erase(iterator _F, iterator _L) ! {return (_Tr.erase((typename _Imp::iterator&)_F, ! (typename _Imp::iterator&)_L)); } size_type erase(const _K& _Kv) {return (_Tr.erase(_Kv)); } void clear() Index: signal.h =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/signal.h,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** signal.h 13 Jun 2001 19:31:52 -0000 --- signal.h 17 May 2004 17:34:46 -0000 1.2 *************** extern void * _pxcptinfoptrs; *** 99,105 **** /* Function prototypes */ ! _CRTIMP void (__cdecl * __cdecl signal(int, void (__cdecl *)(int)))(int); _CRTIMP int __cdecl raise(int); --- 99,106 ---- /* Function prototypes */ ! typedef void (__cdecl * __signal_handler_t)(int); ! _CRTIMP __signal_handler_t __cdecl signal(int, __signal_handler_t); _CRTIMP int __cdecl raise(int); Index: sstream =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/sstream,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.4 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.4 *** sstream 13 Jun 2001 19:31:56 -0000 --- sstream 2 Nov 2007 19:15:19 -0000 1.4 *************** _BITMASK(__Strstate, _Strstate); *** 17,26 **** _BITMASK_OPS(__Strstate) // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_stringbuf template, ! class _A = allocator<_E> > class basic_stringbuf : public basic_streambuf<_E, _Tr> { public: typedef basic_string<_E, _Tr, _A> _Mystr; explicit basic_stringbuf( ios_base::openmode _W = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) --- 17,29 ---- _BITMASK_OPS(__Strstate) // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_stringbuf template class basic_stringbuf : public basic_streambuf<_E, _Tr> { public: + typedef typename basic_streambuf<_E, _Tr>::int_type int_type; + typedef typename basic_streambuf<_E, _Tr>::pos_type pos_type; + typedef typename basic_streambuf<_E, _Tr>::off_type off_type; typedef basic_string<_E, _Tr, _A> _Mystr; explicit basic_stringbuf( ios_base::openmode _W = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) *************** public: *** 31,42 **** virtual ~basic_stringbuf() {_Tidy(); } _Mystr str() const ! {if (!(_Strmode & _Constant) && pptr() != 0) ! {_Mystr _Str(pbase(), (_Seekhigh < pptr() ! ? pptr() : _Seekhigh) - pbase()); return (_Str); } ! else if (!(_Strmode & _Noread) && gptr() != 0) ! {_Mystr _Str(eback(), egptr() - eback()); return (_Str); } else {_Mystr _Nul; --- 34,45 ---- virtual ~basic_stringbuf() {_Tidy(); } _Mystr str() const ! {if (!(_Strmode & _Constant) && this->pptr() != 0) ! {_Mystr _Str(this->pbase(), (_Seekhigh < this->pptr() ! ? this->pptr() : _Seekhigh) - this->pbase()); return (_Str); } ! else if (!(_Strmode & _Noread) && this->gptr() != 0) ! {_Mystr _Str(this->eback(), this->egptr() - this->eback()); return (_Str); } else {_Mystr _Nul; *************** protected: *** 48,134 **** virtual int_type overflow(int_type _C = _Tr::eof()) {if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) return (_Tr::not_eof(_C)); ! else if (pptr() != 0 && pptr() < epptr()) ! {*_Pninc() = _Tr::to_char_type(_C); return (_C); } else if (_Strmode & _Constant) return (_Tr::eof()); else ! {size_t _Os = gptr() == 0 ? 0 : epptr() - eback(); size_t _Ns = _Os + _Alsize; _E *_P = _Al.allocate(_Ns, (void *)0); if (0 < _Os) ! _Tr::copy(_P, eback(), _Os); else if (_ALSIZE < _Alsize) _Alsize = _ALSIZE; if (_Strmode & _Allocated) ! _Al.deallocate(eback(), _Os); _Strmode |= _Allocated; if (_Os == 0) {_Seekhigh = _P; ! setp(_P, _P + _Ns); ! setg(_P, _P, _P); } else ! {_Seekhigh = _Seekhigh - eback() + _P; ! setp(pbase() - eback() + _P, ! pptr() - eback() + _P, _P + _Ns); if (_Strmode & _Noread) ! setg(_P, _P, _P); else ! setg(_P, gptr() - eback() + _P, pptr() + 1); } ! *_Pninc() = _Tr::to_char_type(_C); return (_C); }} virtual int_type pbackfail(int_type _C = _Tr::eof()) ! {if (gptr() == 0 || gptr() <= eback() || !_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C) ! && !_Tr::eq(_Tr::to_char_type(_C), gptr()[-1]) && _Strmode & _Constant) return (_Tr::eof()); else ! {gbump(-1); if (!_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) ! *gptr() = _Tr::to_char_type(_C); return (_Tr::not_eof(_C)); }} virtual int_type underflow() ! {if (gptr() == 0) return (_Tr::eof()); ! else if (gptr() < egptr()) ! return (_Tr::to_int_type(*gptr())); ! else if (_Strmode & _Noread || pptr() == 0 ! || pptr() <= gptr() && _Seekhigh <= gptr()) return (_Tr::eof()); else ! {if (_Seekhigh < pptr()) ! _Seekhigh = pptr(); ! setg(eback(), gptr(), _Seekhigh); ! return (_Tr::to_int_type(*gptr())); }} virtual pos_type seekoff(off_type _O, ios_base::seekdir _Way, ios_base::openmode _Which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) ! {if (pptr() != 0 && _Seekhigh < pptr()) ! _Seekhigh = pptr(); ! if (_Which & ios_base::in && gptr() != 0) {if (_Way == ios_base::end) ! _O += _Seekhigh - eback(); else if (_Way == ios_base::cur && !(_Which & ios_base::out)) ! _O += gptr() - eback(); else if (_Way != ios_base::beg) _O = _BADOFF; ! if (0 <= _O && _O <= _Seekhigh - eback()) ! {gbump(eback() - gptr() + _O); ! if (_Which & ios_base::out && pptr() != 0) ! setp(pbase(), gptr(), epptr()); } else _O = _BADOFF; } ! else if (_Which & ios_base::out && pptr() != 0) {if (_Way == ios_base::end) ! _O += _Seekhigh - eback(); else if (_Way == ios_base::cur) ! _O += pptr() - eback(); else if (_Way != ios_base::beg) _O = _BADOFF; ! if (0 <= _O && _O <= _Seekhigh - eback()) ! pbump(eback() - pptr() + _O); else _O = _BADOFF; } else --- 51,137 ---- virtual int_type overflow(int_type _C = _Tr::eof()) {if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) return (_Tr::not_eof(_C)); ! else if (this->pptr() != 0 && this->pptr() < this->epptr()) ! {*this->_Pninc() = _Tr::to_char_type(_C); return (_C); } else if (_Strmode & _Constant) return (_Tr::eof()); else ! {size_t _Os = this->gptr() == 0 ? 0 : this->epptr() - this->eback(); size_t _Ns = _Os + _Alsize; _E *_P = _Al.allocate(_Ns, (void *)0); if (0 < _Os) ! _Tr::copy(_P, this->eback(), _Os); else if (_ALSIZE < _Alsize) _Alsize = _ALSIZE; if (_Strmode & _Allocated) ! _Al.deallocate(this->eback(), _Os); _Strmode |= _Allocated; if (_Os == 0) {_Seekhigh = _P; ! this->setp(_P, _P + _Ns); ! this->setg(_P, _P, _P); } else ! {_Seekhigh = _Seekhigh - this->eback() + _P; ! this->setp(this->pbase() - this->eback() + _P, ! this->pptr() - this->eback() + _P, _P + _Ns); if (_Strmode & _Noread) ! this->setg(_P, _P, _P); else ! this->setg(_P, this->gptr() - this->eback() + _P, this->pptr() + 1); } ! *this->_Pninc() = _Tr::to_char_type(_C); return (_C); }} virtual int_type pbackfail(int_type _C = _Tr::eof()) ! {if (this->gptr() == 0 || this->gptr() <= this->eback() || !_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C) ! && !_Tr::eq(_Tr::to_char_type(_C), this->gptr()[-1]) && _Strmode & _Constant) return (_Tr::eof()); else ! {this->gbump(-1); if (!_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) ! *this->gptr() = _Tr::to_char_type(_C); return (_Tr::not_eof(_C)); }} virtual int_type underflow() ! {if (this->gptr() == 0) return (_Tr::eof()); ! else if (this->gptr() < this->egptr()) ! return (_Tr::to_int_type(*this->gptr())); ! else if (_Strmode & _Noread || this->pptr() == 0 ! || this->pptr() <= this->gptr() && _Seekhigh <= this->gptr()) return (_Tr::eof()); else ! {if (_Seekhigh < this->pptr()) ! _Seekhigh = this->pptr(); ! this->setg(this->eback(), this->gptr(), _Seekhigh); ! return (_Tr::to_int_type(*this->gptr())); }} virtual pos_type seekoff(off_type _O, ios_base::seekdir _Way, ios_base::openmode _Which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) ! {if (this->pptr() != 0 && _Seekhigh < this->pptr()) ! _Seekhigh = this->pptr(); ! if (_Which & ios_base::in && this->gptr() != 0) {if (_Way == ios_base::end) ! _O += _Seekhigh - this->eback(); else if (_Way == ios_base::cur && !(_Which & ios_base::out)) ! _O += this->gptr() - this->eback(); else if (_Way != ios_base::beg) _O = _BADOFF; ! if (0 <= _O && _O <= _Seekhigh - this->eback()) ! {this->gbump(this->eback() - this->gptr() + _O); ! if (_Which & ios_base::out && this->pptr() != 0) ! this->setp(this->pbase(), this->gptr(), this->epptr()); } else _O = _BADOFF; } ! else if (_Which & ios_base::out && this->pptr() != 0) {if (_Way == ios_base::end) ! _O += _Seekhigh - this->eback(); else if (_Way == ios_base::cur) ! _O += this->pptr() - this->eback(); else if (_Way != ios_base::beg) _O = _BADOFF; ! if (0 <= _O && _O <= _Seekhigh - this->eback()) ! this->pbump(this->eback() - this->pptr() + _O); else _O = _BADOFF; } else *************** protected: *** 137,156 **** virtual pos_type seekpos(pos_type _P, ios_base::openmode _Which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) {streamoff _O = (streamoff)_P; ! if (pptr() != 0 && _Seekhigh < pptr()) ! _Seekhigh = pptr(); if (_O == _BADOFF) ; ! else if (_Which & ios_base::in && gptr() != 0) ! {if (0 <= _O && _O <= _Seekhigh - eback()) ! {gbump(eback() - gptr() + _O); ! if (_Which & ios_base::out && pptr() != 0) ! setp(pbase(), gptr(), epptr()); } else _O = _BADOFF; } ! else if (_Which & ios_base::out && pptr() != 0) ! {if (0 <= _O && _O <= _Seekhigh - eback()) ! pbump(eback() - pptr() + _O); else _O = _BADOFF; } else --- 140,159 ---- virtual pos_type seekpos(pos_type _P, ios_base::openmode _Which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) {streamoff _O = (streamoff)_P; ! if (this->pptr() != 0 && _Seekhigh < this->pptr()) ! _Seekhigh = this->pptr(); if (_O == _BADOFF) ; ! else if (_Which & ios_base::in && this->gptr() != 0) ! {if (0 <= _O && _O <= _Seekhigh - this->eback()) ! {this->gbump(this->eback() - this->gptr() + _O); ! if (_Which & ios_base::out && this->pptr() != 0) ! this->setp(this->pbase(), this->gptr(), this->epptr()); } else _O = _BADOFF; } ! else if (_Which & ios_base::out && this->pptr() != 0) ! {if (0 <= _O && _O <= _Seekhigh - this->eback()) ! this->pbump(this->eback() - this->pptr() + _O); else _O = _BADOFF; } else *************** protected: *** 161,183 **** _Alsize = _MINSIZE, _Strmode = _M; if (_N == 0 || (_Strmode & (_Noread | _Constant)) == (_Noread | _Constant)) ! {setg(0, 0, 0); ! setp(0, 0); } else {_E *_P = _Al.allocate(_N, (void *)0); _Tr::copy(_P, _S, _N); _Seekhigh = _P + _N; if (!(_Strmode & _Noread)) ! setg(_P, _P, _P + _N); if (!(_Strmode & _Constant)) ! {setp(_P, _P + _N); ! if (gptr() == 0) ! setg(_P, _P, _P); } _Strmode |= _Allocated; }} void _Tidy() {if (_Strmode & _Allocated) ! _Al.deallocate(eback(), ! (pptr() != 0 ? epptr() : egptr()) - eback()); _Seekhigh = 0; _Strmode &= ~_Allocated; } private: --- 164,186 ---- _Alsize = _MINSIZE, _Strmode = _M; if (_N == 0 || (_Strmode & (_Noread | _Constant)) == (_Noread | _Constant)) ! {this->setg(0, 0, 0); ! this->setp(0, 0); } else {_E *_P = _Al.allocate(_N, (void *)0); _Tr::copy(_P, _S, _N); _Seekhigh = _P + _N; if (!(_Strmode & _Noread)) ! this->setg(_P, _P, _P + _N); if (!(_Strmode & _Constant)) ! {this->setp(_P, _P + _N); ! if (this->gptr() == 0) ! this->setg(_P, _P, _P); } _Strmode |= _Allocated; }} void _Tidy() {if (_Strmode & _Allocated) ! _Al.deallocate(this->eback(), ! (this->pptr() != 0 ? this->epptr() : this->egptr()) - this->eback()); _Seekhigh = 0; _Strmode &= ~_Allocated; } private: *************** private: *** 196,212 **** }; // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_istringstream template, ! class _A = allocator<_E> > class basic_istringstream : public basic_istream<_E, _Tr> { public: typedef basic_stringbuf<_E, _Tr, _A> _Mysb; typedef basic_string<_E, _Tr, _A> _Mystr; ! explicit basic_istringstream(openmode _M = in) ! : basic_istream<_E, _Tr>(&_Sb), _Sb(_M | in) {} explicit basic_istringstream(const _Mystr& _S, ! openmode _M = in) ! : basic_istream<_E, _Tr>(&_Sb), _Sb(_S, _M | in) {} virtual ~basic_istringstream() {} _Mysb *rdbuf() const --- 199,215 ---- }; // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_istringstream template class basic_istringstream : public basic_istream<_E, _Tr> { public: typedef basic_stringbuf<_E, _Tr, _A> _Mysb; typedef basic_string<_E, _Tr, _A> _Mystr; ! explicit basic_istringstream(ios_base::openmode _M = ios_base::in) ! : basic_istream<_E, _Tr>(&_Sb), _Sb(_M | ios_base::in) {} explicit basic_istringstream(const _Mystr& _S, ! ios_base::openmode _M = ios_base::in) ! : basic_istream<_E, _Tr>(&_Sb), _Sb(_S, _M | ios_base::in) {} virtual ~basic_istringstream() {} _Mysb *rdbuf() const *************** private: *** 220,236 **** }; // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_ostringstream template, ! class _A = allocator<_E> > class basic_ostringstream : public basic_ostream<_E, _Tr> { public: typedef basic_stringbuf<_E, _Tr, _A> _Mysb; typedef basic_string<_E, _Tr, _A> _Mystr; ! explicit basic_ostringstream(openmode _M = out) ! : basic_ostream<_E, _Tr>(&_Sb), _Sb(_M | out) {} explicit basic_ostringstream(const _Mystr& _S, ! openmode _M = out) ! : basic_ostream<_E, _Tr>(&_Sb), _Sb(_S, _M | out) {} virtual ~basic_ostringstream() {} _Mysb *rdbuf() const --- 223,239 ---- }; // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_ostringstream template class basic_ostringstream : public basic_ostream<_E, _Tr> { public: typedef basic_stringbuf<_E, _Tr, _A> _Mysb; typedef basic_string<_E, _Tr, _A> _Mystr; ! explicit basic_ostringstream(ios_base::openmode _M = ios_base::out) ! : basic_ostream<_E, _Tr>(&_Sb), _Sb(_M | ios_base::out) {} explicit basic_ostringstream(const _Mystr& _S, ! ios_base::openmode _M = ios_base::out) ! : basic_ostream<_E, _Tr>(&_Sb), _Sb(_S, _M | ios_base::out) {} virtual ~basic_ostringstream() {} _Mysb *rdbuf() const *************** private: *** 244,258 **** }; // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_stringstream template, ! class _A = allocator<_E> > class basic_stringstream : public basic_iostream<_E, _Tr> { public: typedef basic_string<_E, _Tr, _A> _Mystr; ! explicit basic_stringstream(openmode _W = in | out) : basic_iostream<_E, _Tr>(&_Sb), _Sb(_W) {} explicit basic_stringstream(const _Mystr& _S, ! openmode _W = in | out) : basic_iostream<_E, _Tr>(&_Sb), _Sb(_S, _W) {} virtual ~basic_stringstream() {} --- 247,261 ---- }; // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_stringstream template class basic_stringstream : public basic_iostream<_E, _Tr> { public: typedef basic_string<_E, _Tr, _A> _Mystr; ! explicit basic_stringstream(ios_base::openmode _W = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) : basic_iostream<_E, _Tr>(&_Sb), _Sb(_W) {} explicit basic_stringstream(const _Mystr& _S, ! ios_base::openmode _W = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) : basic_iostream<_E, _Tr>(&_Sb), _Sb(_S, _W) {} virtual ~basic_stringstream() {} Index: stack =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/stack,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** stack 13 Jun 2001 19:31:56 -0000 --- stack 13 Jun 2001 21:16:23 -0000 1.2 *************** _STD_BEGIN *** 16,24 **** template > class stack { public: ! typedef _C::allocator_type allocator_type; ! typedef _C::value_type value_type; ! typedef _C::size_type size_type; explicit stack(const allocator_type& _Al = allocator_type()) : c(_Al) {} allocator_type get_allocator() const --- 16,24 ---- template > class stack { public: ! typedef typename _C::allocator_type allocator_type; ! typedef typename _C::value_type value_type; ! typedef typename _C::size_type size_type; explicit stack(const allocator_type& _Al = allocator_type()) : c(_Al) {} allocator_type get_allocator() const Index: stddef.h =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/stddef.h,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** stddef.h 13 Jun 2001 19:31:56 -0000 --- stddef.h 9 Jan 2009 13:47:14 -0000 1.2 *************** extern "C" { *** 68,74 **** --- 68,77 ---- #endif + #define offsetof(s,m) ((size_t)__builtin_offsetof(s,m)) + #if 0 /* replaced for gccxml */ #define offsetof(s,m) (size_t)&(((s *)0)->m) + #endif /* 0 */ /* Declare reference to errno */ Index: streambuf =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/streambuf,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** streambuf 13 Jun 2001 19:31:57 -0000 --- streambuf 13 Jun 2001 21:16:23 -0000 1.2 *************** *** 13,19 **** #endif /* _MSC_VER */ _STD_BEGIN // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_streambuf ! template > class basic_streambuf { protected: basic_streambuf() --- 13,19 ---- #endif /* _MSC_VER */ _STD_BEGIN // TEMPLATE CLASS basic_streambuf ! template class basic_streambuf { protected: basic_streambuf() *************** public: *** 26,34 **** typedef _Tr traits_type; virtual ~basic_streambuf() {} ! typedef _Tr::int_type int_type; ! typedef _Tr::pos_type pos_type; ! typedef _Tr::off_type off_type; pos_type pubseekoff(off_type _O, ios_base::seekdir _W, ios_base::openmode _M = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) {return (seekoff(_O, _W, _M)); } --- 26,34 ---- typedef _Tr traits_type; virtual ~basic_streambuf() {} ! typedef typename _Tr::int_type int_type; ! typedef typename _Tr::pos_type pos_type; ! typedef typename _Tr::off_type off_type; pos_type pubseekoff(off_type _O, ios_base::seekdir _W, ios_base::openmode _M = ios_base::in | ios_base::out) {return (seekoff(_O, _W, _M)); } Index: string =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/string,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.3 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.3 *** string 13 Jun 2001 19:31:57 -0000 --- string 21 Oct 2007 19:06:49 -0000 1.3 *************** template *** 117,130 **** ios_base::iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; bool _Chg = false; _X.erase(); ! const _Myis::sentry _Ok(_I); if (_Ok) {const _Ctype& _Fac = _USE(_I.getloc(), _Ctype); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! _A::size_type _N = 0 < _I.width() && _I.width() < _X.max_size() ? _I.width() : _X.max_size(); ! _Tr::int_type _C = _I.rdbuf()->sgetc(); for (; 0 < --_N; _C = _I.rdbuf()->snextc()) if(_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) {_St |= ios_base::eofbit; --- 117,130 ---- ios_base::iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; bool _Chg = false; _X.erase(); ! const typename _Myis::sentry _Ok(_I); if (_Ok) {const _Ctype& _Fac = _USE(_I.getloc(), _Ctype); _TRY_IO_BEGIN ! typename _A::size_type _N = 0 < _I.width() && _I.width() < _X.max_size() ? _I.width() : _X.max_size(); ! typename _Tr::int_type _C = _I.rdbuf()->sgetc(); for (; 0 < --_N; _C = _I.rdbuf()->snextc()) if(_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) {_St |= ios_base::eofbit; *************** template *** 152,161 **** ios_base::iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; bool _Chg = false; _X.erase(); ! const _Myis::sentry _Ok(_I, true); if (_Ok) {_TRY_IO_BEGIN ! _Tr::int_type _C = _I.rdbuf()->sgetc(); for (; ; _C = _I.rdbuf()->snextc()) if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) {_St |= ios_base::eofbit; --- 152,161 ---- ios_base::iostate _St = ios_base::goodbit; bool _Chg = false; _X.erase(); ! const typename _Myis::sentry _Ok(_I, true); if (_Ok) {_TRY_IO_BEGIN ! typename _Tr::int_type _C = _I.rdbuf()->sgetc(); for (; ; _C = _I.rdbuf()->snextc()) if (_Tr::eq_int_type(_Tr::eof(), _C)) {_St |= ios_base::eofbit; Index: typeinfo =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/typeinfo,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.5 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.5 *** typeinfo 13 Jun 2001 19:32:04 -0000 --- typeinfo 3 Jun 2004 12:41:16 -0000 1.5 *************** *** 51,56 **** --- 51,57 ---- #pragma pack(push,8) #endif /* _MSC_VER */ + namespace std { class type_info { public: _CRTIMP virtual ~type_info(); *************** private: *** 65,71 **** type_info(const type_info& rhs); type_info& operator=(const type_info& rhs); }; ! // This include must occur below the definition of class type_info #include --- 66,73 ---- type_info(const type_info& rhs); type_info& operator=(const type_info& rhs); }; ! } ! using std::type_info; // This include must occur below the definition of class type_info #include Index: typeinfo.h =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/typeinfo.h,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** typeinfo.h 13 Jun 2001 19:32:04 -0000 --- typeinfo.h 17 May 2004 14:29:56 -0000 1.2 *************** *** 37,42 **** --- 37,43 ---- #endif /* _DLL */ #endif /* _CRTIMP */ + namespace std { class type_info { public: _CRTIMP virtual ~type_info(); *************** private: *** 51,56 **** --- 52,59 ---- type_info(const type_info& rhs); type_info& operator=(const type_info& rhs); }; + } + using std::type_info; // This include must occur below the definition of class type_info Index: utility =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/utility,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** utility 13 Jun 2001 19:32:05 -0000 --- utility 13 Jun 2001 21:16:23 -0000 1.2 *************** template *** 78,86 **** // TEMPLATE CLASS iterator_traits (from ) template struct iterator_traits { ! typedef _It::iterator_category iterator_category; ! typedef _It::value_type value_type; ! typedef _It::distance_type distance_type; }; // TEMPLATE FUNCTION _Iter_cat (from ) template inline --- 78,86 ---- // TEMPLATE CLASS iterator_traits (from ) template struct iterator_traits { ! typedef typename _It::iterator_category iterator_category; ! typedef typename _It::value_type value_type; ! typedef typename _It::distance_type distance_type; }; // TEMPLATE FUNCTION _Iter_cat (from ) template inline *************** template( _Y.base() - _N)); } // TEMPLATE CLASS istreambuf_iterator (from ) ! template > class istreambuf_iterator ! : public iterator { public: typedef istreambuf_iterator<_E, _Tr> _Myt; typedef _E char_type; typedef _Tr traits_type; ! typedef _Tr::int_type int_type; typedef basic_streambuf<_E, _Tr> streambuf_type; typedef basic_istream<_E, _Tr> istream_type; istreambuf_iterator(streambuf_type *_Sb = 0) _THROW0() --- 221,234 ---- {return (reverse_iterator<_RI, _Ty, _Rt, _Pt, _D>( _Y.base() - _N)); } // TEMPLATE CLASS istreambuf_iterator (from ) ! template class istreambuf_iterator ! : public iterator { public: typedef istreambuf_iterator<_E, _Tr> _Myt; typedef _E char_type; typedef _Tr traits_type; ! typedef typename _Tr::int_type int_type; typedef basic_streambuf<_E, _Tr> streambuf_type; typedef basic_istream<_E, _Tr> istream_type; istreambuf_iterator(streambuf_type *_Sb = 0) _THROW0() *************** template inline *** 286,292 **** const istreambuf_iterator<_E, _Tr>& _Y) {return (!(_X == _Y)); } // TEMPLATE CLASS ostreambuf_iterator (from ) ! template > class ostreambuf_iterator : public iterator { typedef ostreambuf_iterator<_E, _Tr> _Myt; --- 286,292 ---- const istreambuf_iterator<_E, _Tr>& _Y) {return (!(_X == _Y)); } // TEMPLATE CLASS ostreambuf_iterator (from ) ! template class ostreambuf_iterator : public iterator { typedef ostreambuf_iterator<_E, _Tr> _Myt; Index: valarray =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/valarray,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.3 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.3 *** valarray 13 Jun 2001 19:32:06 -0000 --- valarray 2 Nov 2007 19:15:19 -0000 1.3 *************** *** 8,13 **** --- 8,16 ---- #define _VALARRAY_ #include #include + #include + + #define __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma pack(push,8) *************** public: *** 101,113 **** for (size_t _I = 0; ++_I < size(); ) _Sum += _Ptr[_I]; return (_Sum); } ! _Ty min() const {_Ty _Min = _Ptr[0]; for (size_t _I = 0; ++_I < size(); ) if (_Ptr[_I] < _Min) _Min = _Ptr[_I]; return (_Min); } ! _Ty max() const {_Ty _Max = _Ptr[0]; for (size_t _I = 0; ++_I < size(); ) if (_Max < _Ptr[_I]) --- 104,116 ---- for (size_t _I = 0; ++_I < size(); ) _Sum += _Ptr[_I]; return (_Sum); } ! _Ty min __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() const {_Ty _Min = _Ptr[0]; for (size_t _I = 0; ++_I < size(); ) if (_Ptr[_I] < _Min) _Min = _Ptr[_I]; return (_Min); } ! _Ty max __GCCXML_AVOID_MACRO_EXPANSION() const {_Ty _Max = _Ptr[0]; for (size_t _I = 0; ++_I < size(); ) if (_Max < _Ptr[_I]) Index: vector =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/vector,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.3 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.3 *** vector 13 Jun 2001 19:32:07 -0000 --- vector 21 Oct 2007 19:06:49 -0000 1.3 *************** template _Myt; typedef _A allocator_type; ! typedef _A::size_type size_type; ! typedef _A::difference_type difference_type; ! typedef _A::pointer _Tptr; ! typedef _A::const_pointer _Ctptr; ! typedef _A::reference reference; ! typedef _A::const_reference const_reference; ! typedef _A::value_type value_type; typedef _Tptr iterator; typedef _Ctptr const_iterator; typedef reverse_iterator _Myt; typedef _A allocator_type; ! typedef typename _A::size_type size_type; ! typedef typename _A::difference_type difference_type; ! typedef typename _A::pointer _Tptr; ! typedef typename _A::const_pointer _Ctptr; ! typedef typename _A::reference reference; ! typedef typename _A::const_reference const_reference; ! typedef typename _A::value_type value_type; typedef _Tptr iterator; typedef _Ctptr const_iterator; typedef reverse_iterator _Bool_allocator; + template <> class vector<_Bool, _Bool_allocator> { public: typedef _Bool_allocator _A; Index: winnt.h =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/winnt.h,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** winnt.h 13 Jun 2001 19:32:16 -0000 --- winnt.h 3 Jul 2001 22:10:58 -0000 1.2 *************** typedef unsigned long POINTER_64_INT; *** 92,104 **** #if (defined(_M_MRX000) || defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_ALPHA) || defined(_M_PPC) || defined(_M_IA64)) && !defined(MIDL_PASS) ! #define DECLSPEC_IMPORT __declspec(dllimport) #else #define DECLSPEC_IMPORT #endif #if (_MSC_VER >= 1200) ! #define DECLSPEC_NORETURN __declspec(noreturn) #else #define DECLSPEC_NORETURN #endif --- 92,104 ---- #if (defined(_M_MRX000) || defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_ALPHA) || defined(_M_PPC) || defined(_M_IA64)) && !defined(MIDL_PASS) ! #define DECLSPEC_IMPORT #else #define DECLSPEC_IMPORT #endif #if (_MSC_VER >= 1200) ! #define DECLSPEC_NORETURN #else #define DECLSPEC_NORETURN #endif *************** Int64ShllMod32 ( *** 527,539 **** DWORD ShiftCount ) { - __asm { - mov ecx, ShiftCount - mov eax, dword ptr [Value] - mov edx, dword ptr [Value+4] - shld edx, eax, cl - shl eax, cl - } } __inline LONGLONG --- 527,532 ---- *************** Int64ShraMod32 ( *** 543,555 **** DWORD ShiftCount ) { - __asm { - mov ecx, ShiftCount - mov eax, dword ptr [Value] - mov edx, dword ptr [Value+4] - shrd eax, edx, cl - sar edx, cl - } } __inline ULONGLONG --- 536,541 ---- *************** Int64ShrlMod32 ( *** 559,571 **** DWORD ShiftCount ) { - __asm { - mov ecx, ShiftCount - mov eax, dword ptr [Value] - mov edx, dword ptr [Value+4] - shrd eax, edx, cl - shr edx, cl - } } #pragma warning(default:4035) --- 545,550 ---- *************** __jump_unwind ( *** 1516,1527 **** #if !defined(MIDL_PASS) && defined(_M_IX86) #pragma warning (disable:4035) // disable 4035 (function must return something) ! _inline PVOID GetFiberData( void ) { __asm { ! mov eax, fs:[0x10] ! mov eax,[eax] ! } ! } ! _inline PVOID GetCurrentFiber( void ) { __asm mov eax, fs:[0x10] } #pragma warning (default:4035) // Reenable it #endif --- 1495,1502 ---- #if !defined(MIDL_PASS) && defined(_M_IX86) #pragma warning (disable:4035) // disable 4035 (function must return something) ! _inline PVOID GetFiberData( void ) {} ! _inline PVOID GetCurrentFiber( void ) {} #pragma warning (default:4035) // Reenable it #endif Index: xlocale =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/xlocale,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.2 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2 *** xlocale 13 Jun 2001 19:32:20 -0000 --- xlocale 21 Oct 2007 19:06:49 -0000 1.2 *************** private: *** 293,298 **** --- 293,299 ---- template locale::id codecvt<_E, _To, _St>::id; // CLASS codecvt + template<> class _CRTIMP codecvt : public codecvt_base { public: typedef wchar_t _E; *************** template *** 516,521 **** --- 517,523 ---- locale::id ctype<_E>::id; // CLASS ctype + template <> class _CRTIMP ctype : public ctype_base { public: typedef char _E; Index: xstring =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/xstring,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.3 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.3 *** xstring 13 Jun 2001 19:32:20 -0000 --- xstring 21 Oct 2007 19:06:49 -0000 1.3 *************** template _Myt; ! typedef _A::size_type size_type; ! typedef _A::difference_type difference_type; ! typedef _A::pointer pointer; ! typedef _A::const_pointer const_pointer; ! typedef _A::reference reference; ! typedef _A::const_reference const_reference; ! typedef _A::value_type value_type; ! typedef _A::pointer iterator; ! typedef _A::const_pointer const_iterator; typedef reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator; --- 22,36 ---- class basic_string { public: typedef basic_string<_E, _Tr, _A> _Myt; ! typedef typename _A::size_type size_type; ! typedef typename _A::difference_type difference_type; ! typedef typename _A::pointer pointer; ! typedef typename _A::const_pointer const_pointer; ! typedef typename _A::reference reference; ! typedef typename _A::const_reference const_reference; ! typedef typename _A::value_type value_type; ! typedef typename _A::pointer iterator; ! typedef typename _A::const_pointer const_iterator; typedef reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator; *************** private: *** 596,602 **** size_type _Len, _Res; }; template ! const basic_string<_E, _Tr, _A>::size_type basic_string<_E, _Tr, _A>::npos = -1; #ifdef _DLL --- 596,602 ---- size_type _Len, _Res; }; template ! const typename basic_string<_E, _Tr, _A>::size_type basic_string<_E, _Tr, _A>::npos = -1; #ifdef _DLL Index: xtree =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/GxInclude/VcInclude/xtree,v retrieving revision retrieving revision 1.3 diff -c -3 -p -r1.1.1.1 -r1.3 *** xtree 13 Jun 2001 19:32:20 -0000 --- xtree 21 Oct 2007 19:06:49 -0000 1.3 *************** protected: *** 35,41 **** static _Rbref _Color(_Nodeptr _P) {return ((_Rbref)(*_P)._Color); } static _Keyref _Key(_Nodeptr _P) ! {return (_Kfn()(_Value(_P))); } static _Nodepref _Left(_Nodeptr _P) {return ((_Nodepref)(*_P)._Left); } static _Nodepref _Parent(_Nodeptr _P) --- 35,41 ---- static _Rbref _Color(_Nodeptr _P) {return ((_Rbref)(*_P)._Color); } static _Keyref _Key(_Nodeptr _P) ! {return ((_Kfn())(_Value(_P))); } static _Nodepref _Left(_Nodeptr _P) {return ((_Nodepref)(*_P)._Left); } static _Nodepref _Parent(_Nodeptr _P) *************** public: *** 48,55 **** typedef _Tree<_K, _Ty, _Kfn, _Pr, _A> _Myt; typedef _K key_type; typedef _Ty value_type; ! typedef _A::size_type size_type; ! typedef _A::difference_type difference_type; typedef _POINTER_X(_Ty, _A) _Tptr; typedef _POINTER_X(const _Ty, _A) _Ctptr; typedef _REFERENCE_X(_Ty, _A) reference; --- 48,55 ---- typedef _Tree<_K, _Ty, _Kfn, _Pr, _A> _Myt; typedef _K key_type; typedef _Ty value_type; ! typedef typename _A::size_type size_type; ! typedef typename _A::difference_type difference_type; typedef _POINTER_X(_Ty, _A) _Tptr; typedef _POINTER_X(const _Ty, _A) _Ctptr; typedef _REFERENCE_X(_Ty, _A) reference; *************** public: *** 122,146 **** iterator(_Nodeptr _P) : const_iterator(_P) {} reference operator*() const ! {return (_Value(_Ptr)); } _Tptr operator->() const {return (&**this); } iterator& operator++() ! {_Inc(); return (*this); } iterator operator++(int) {iterator _Tmp = *this; ++*this; return (_Tmp); } iterator& operator--() ! {_Dec(); return (*this); } iterator operator--(int) {iterator _Tmp = *this; --*this; return (_Tmp); } bool operator==(const iterator& _X) const ! {return (_Ptr == _X._Ptr); } bool operator!=(const iterator& _X) const {return (!(*this == _X)); } }; --- 122,146 ---- iterator(_Nodeptr _P) : const_iterator(_P) {} reference operator*() const ! {return (_Value(this->_Ptr)); } _Tptr operator->() const {return (&**this); } iterator& operator++() ! {this->_Inc(); return (*this); } iterator operator++(int) {iterator _Tmp = *this; ++*this; return (_Tmp); } iterator& operator--() ! {this->_Dec(); return (*this); } iterator operator--(int) {iterator _Tmp = *this; --*this; return (_Tmp); } bool operator==(const iterator& _X) const ! {return (this->_Ptr == _X._Ptr); } bool operator!=(const iterator& _X) const {return (!(*this == _X)); } }; *************** protected: *** 592,598 **** size_type _Size; }; template ! _Tree<_K, _Ty, _Kfn, _Pr, _A>::_Nodeptr _Tree<_K, _Ty, _Kfn, _Pr, _A>::_Nil = 0; template size_t _Tree<_K, _Ty, _Kfn, _Pr, _A>::_Nilrefs = 0; --- 592,598 ---- size_type _Size; }; template ! typename _Tree<_K, _Ty, _Kfn, _Pr, _A>::_Nodeptr _Tree<_K, _Ty, _Kfn, _Pr, _A>::_Nil = 0; template size_t _Tree<_K, _Ty, _Kfn, _Pr, _A>::_Nilrefs = 0;