/* GCompris - renewable_energy.qml * * Copyright (C) 2015 Sagar Chand Agarwal * * Authors: * Bruno Coudoin (GTK+ version) * Sagar Chand Agarwal (Qt Quick port) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . */ import QtQuick 2.1 import GCompris 1.0 import "../../core" ActivityBase { id: activity onStart: focus = true onStop: {} property string url: "qrc:/gcompris/src/activities/renewable_energy/resource/" property variant barAtStart property int oldWidth: width onWidthChanged: { oldWidth: width } property int oldHeight: height onHeightChanged: { oldHeight: height } pageComponent: Item { id: background anchors.fill: parent signal start signal stop Component.onCompleted: { activity.start.connect(start) activity.stop.connect(stop) } // Add here the QML items you need to access in javascript QtObject { id: items property Item main: activity.main property alias background: background property alias bar: bar property alias bonus: bonus property GCAudio audioEffects: activity.audioEffects property int currentLevel property int numberOfLevel: 3 property bool sunIsUp property color consumeColor: '#ffff8100' property color produceColor: '#ffffec00' property bool hasWon: false } onStart: { barAtStart = ApplicationSettings.isBarHidden; ApplicationSettings.isBarHidden = true; } onStop: { ApplicationSettings.isBarHidden = barAtStart; initLevel() } function initLevel() { residentSmallSwitch.on = false residentBigSwitch.on = false tuxSwitch.on = false stepDown.started = false hydro.item.stop() if(wind.item) wind.item.stop() if(solar.item) solar.item.stop() } function nextLevel() { if(items.numberOfLevel <= ++items.currentLevel ) { // Stay on the last level items.currentLevel = items.numberOfLevel - 1 } } function previousLevel() { if(--items.currentLevel < 0 ) { items.currentLevel = items.numberOfLevel - 1 } } function checkForNextLevel() { switch(items.currentLevel) { case 0: if(tuxSwitch.on) win() break case 1: if(tuxSwitch.on && residentSmallSwitch.on) win() break case 2: if(!items.hasWon && tuxSwitch.on && residentSmallSwitch.on && residentBigSwitch.on) { items.hasWon = true win() } break } } Loader { id: hydro anchors.fill: parent source: "Hydro.qml" } Loader { id: wind anchors.fill: parent source: items.currentLevel > 0 ? "Wind.qml" : "" } Loader { id: solar anchors.fill: parent source: items.currentLevel > 1 ? "Solar.qml" : "" } IntroMessage { id: message opacity: items.currentLevel == 0 ? 1 : start() anchors { top: parent.top topMargin: 10 right: parent.right rightMargin: 5 left: parent.left leftMargin: 5 } onIntroDone: { hydro.item.start() message.opacity = 0 } intro: [ qsTr("Tux has come back from fishing on his boat. " + "Bring the electrical system back up so he can have light in his home."), qsTr("Click on different active elements : sun, cloud, dam, solar array, " + "wind farm and transformers, in order to reactivate the entire electrical system."), qsTr("When the system is back up and Tux is in his home, push the light button for him. " + "To win you must switch on all the consumers while all the producers are up."), qsTr("Learn about an electrical system based on renewable energy. Enjoy.") ] Behavior on opacity { PropertyAnimation { duration: 200 } } } Rectangle { id: check opacity: 0 width: 400 * ApplicationInfo.ratio height: 200 * ApplicationInfo.ratio anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter z: 100 border.width: 2 radius: 5 color: "#d0f0f0" property bool shown: false GCText { id: warning anchors.fill: parent horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter text: qsTr( "It is not possible to consume more electricity " + "than what is produced. This is a key limitation in the " + "distribution of electricity, with minor exceptions, " + "electrical energy cannot be stored, and therefore it " + "must be generated as it is needed. A sophisticated " + "system of control is therefore required to ensure electric " + "generation very closely matches the demand. If supply and demand " + "are not in balance, generation plants and transmission equipment " + "can shut down which, in the worst cases, can lead to a major " + "regional blackout.") fontSizeMode: Text.Fit minimumPointSize: 10 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap fontSize: smallSize } Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation { duration: 200 } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent enabled: check.opacity > 0 onClicked: check.opacity = 0 } } Image { id: stepDown source: activity.url + (started ? "transformer.svg" : "transformer_off.svg") sourceSize.width: parent.width * 0.06 height: parent.height * 0.09 anchors { top: parent.top left: parent.left topMargin: parent.height * 0.41 leftMargin: parent.width * 0.72 } MouseArea { anchors.centerIn: parent // Size the area for a touch screen width: 70 * ApplicationInfo.ratio height: width onClicked: { onClicked: parent.started = !parent.started } } property bool started: false property int powerIn: started ? (hydro.item.power + (wind.item ? wind.item.power : 0) + (solar.item ? solar.item.power : 0)) : 0 property int powerOut: started ? (tux.powerConsumed + residentSmallLights.powerConsumed + residentBigLights.powerConsumed) : 0 onPowerInChanged: checkPower() // Check powerOut does not exceed powerIn. Cut some consumers in case. function checkPower() { if(powerOut > powerIn && residentBigSwitch.on) { residentBigSwitch.on = false if(!check.shown && powerIn) check.opacity = 1 } if(powerOut > powerIn && residentSmallSwitch.on) { residentSmallSwitch.on = false if(!check.shown && powerIn) check.opacity = 1 } if(powerOut > powerIn && tuxSwitch.on) { tuxSwitch.on = false if(!check.shown && powerIn) check.opacity = 1 } } } Image { source: activity.url + "right.svg" sourceSize.width: stepDown.width / 2 sourceSize.height: stepDown.height / 2 anchors { right: stepDown.left bottom: stepDown.bottom bottomMargin: parent.height * 0.03 } Rectangle { id: produceMeter width: pow.width * 1.1 height: pow.height * 1.1 border.color: "black" radius: 5 color: items.produceColor anchors { top: parent.top right: parent.left } GCText { id: pow anchors.centerIn: parent fontSize: smallSize * 0.5 text: stepDown.powerIn.toString() + "W" } } } Image { source: activity.url + "down.svg" sourceSize.width: stepDown.width / 2 sourceSize.height: stepDown.height / 2 anchors { left: stepDown.left top: stepDown.top topMargin: stepDown.height * 0.8 leftMargin: parent.width * 0.05 } Rectangle { id: consumeMeter width: stepdown_info.width * 1.1 height: stepdown_info.height * 1.1 border.color: "black" radius: 5 color: items.consumeColor anchors { top: parent.top topMargin: parent.height * 0.1 left: parent.right } GCText { id: stepdown_info anchors.centerIn: parent fontSize: smallSize * 0.5 text: stepDown.powerOut.toString() + "W" } } } Image { id: stepDownWire source: activity.url + "hydroelectric/stepdown.svg" sourceSize.width: parent.width anchors.fill: parent visible: power > 0 property int power: stepDown.powerIn } Image { id: residentSmallSwitch visible: items.currentLevel > 0 source: activity.url + (on ? "on.svg" : "off.svg") sourceSize.height: parent.height * 0.03 sourceSize.width: parent.height * 0.03 anchors { left: parent.left top: parent.top leftMargin: parent.width * 0.55 topMargin: parent.height * 0.65 } property bool on: false MouseArea { id: small_area visible: parent.visible anchors.centerIn: parent // Size the area for a touch screen width: 70 * ApplicationInfo.ratio height: width onClicked: { if(stepDown.powerIn - stepDown.powerOut >= residentSmallLights.power) parent.on = !parent.on else parent.on = false checkForNextLevel() } } } Image { id: residentSmallLights source: activity.url + "resident_smallon.svg" sourceSize.width: parent.width sourceSize.height: parent.height anchors.fill: parent visible: items.currentLevel > 0 && powerConsumed property int power: 1000 property int powerConsumed: on ? power : 0 property bool on: residentSmallSwitch.on } Rectangle { id: smallConsumeRect width: small_consume.width * 1.1 height: small_consume.height * 1.1 border.color: "black" radius: 5 color: items.consumeColor anchors { top: residentSmallSwitch.bottom left:residentSmallSwitch.left } GCText { id: small_consume anchors.centerIn: parent text: residentSmallLights.powerConsumed.toString() + "W" fontSize: smallSize * 0.5 } visible: items.currentLevel > 0 } Image { id: residentBigSwitch visible: items.currentLevel > 1 source: activity.url + (on ? "on.svg" : "off.svg") sourceSize.height: parent.height * 0.03 sourceSize.width: parent.height * 0.03 anchors { left: parent.left top: parent.top leftMargin: parent.width * 0.60 topMargin: parent.height * 0.65 } property bool on: false MouseArea { id: big_area visible: parent.visible anchors.centerIn: parent // Size the area for a touch screen width: 70 * ApplicationInfo.ratio height: width onClicked: { if(stepDown.powerIn - stepDown.powerOut >= residentBigLights.power) parent.on = !parent.on else parent.on = false checkForNextLevel() } } } Image { id: residentBigLights source: activity.url + "resident_bigon.svg" sourceSize.width: parent.width sourceSize.height: parent.height anchors.fill: parent visible: items.currentLevel > 0 && powerConsumed property int power: 2000 property int powerConsumed: on ? power : 0 property bool on: residentBigSwitch.on } Rectangle { id: bigConsumeRect width: bigConsume.width * 1.1 height: bigConsume.height * 1.1 border.color: "black" radius : 5 color: items.consumeColor anchors { top: residentBigSwitch.bottom left: residentBigSwitch.left } GCText { id: bigConsume anchors.centerIn: parent text: residentBigLights.powerConsumed.toString() + "W" fontSize: smallSize * 0.5 } visible: items.currentLevel > 1 } // Tux is visible when tuxboat animation stops // It's light can be activated after stepdown is on Image { id: tux source: activity.url + (on ? "lightson.svg" : "lightsoff.svg") sourceSize.height: parent.height * 0.2 sourceSize.width: parent.width * 0.15 anchors { bottom: parent.bottom right: parent.right bottomMargin: parent.height * 0.3 rightMargin: parent.width * 0.02 } visible: false property int power: 100 property int powerConsumed: on ? power : 0 property bool on: tuxSwitch.on Image { id: tuxSwitch source: activity.url + (on ? "on.svg" : "off.svg") sourceSize.height: parent.height*0.20 sourceSize.width: parent.height*0.20 property bool on: false anchors { right: tux.right top: tux.top rightMargin: tux.width * 0.20 topMargin: tux.height * 0.30 } MouseArea { id: off_area anchors.centerIn: parent // Size the area for a touch screen width: 70 * ApplicationInfo.ratio height: width onClicked: { if(stepDown.powerIn - stepDown.powerOut >= tux.power) parent.on = !parent.on else parent.on = false checkForNextLevel() } } } Rectangle { id: tuxMeter width: tuxConsume.width * 1.1 height: tuxConsume.height * 1.1 border.color: "black" radius : 5 color: items.consumeColor anchors { bottom: tuxSwitch.top left: tuxSwitch.left } GCText { id: tuxConsume anchors.centerIn: parent fontSize: smallSize * 0.5 text: tux.powerConsumed.toString() + "W" } visible: tux.visible } } function win() { items.bonus.good("flower") } DialogHelp { id: dialogHelp onClose: home() } Bar { id: bar content: BarEnumContent { value: help | home | level | reload } onHelpClicked: displayDialog(dialogHelp) onPreviousLevelClicked: previousLevel() onNextLevelClicked: nextLevel() onHomeClicked: activity.home() onReloadClicked: initLevel() level: items.currentLevel + 1 } Bonus { id: bonus Component.onCompleted: win.connect(nextLevel) } } }