'Windows', '/windows nt 6.3/i' => 'Windows', '/windows nt 6.2/i' => 'Windows', '/windows nt 6.1/i' => 'Windows', '/windows nt 6.0/i' => 'Windows', '/windows nt 5.2/i' => 'Windows', '/windows nt 5.1/i' => 'Windows', '/windows xp/i' => 'Windows', '/windows nt 5.0/i' => 'Windows 2000', '/windows me/i' => 'Windows ME', '/win98/i' => 'Windows 98', '/win95/i' => 'Windows 95', '/win16/i' => 'Windows 3.11', '/macintosh|mac os x/i' => 'Mac OS X', '/mac_powerpc/i' => 'Mac OS 9', '/linux/i' => 'Linux', '/ubuntu/i' => 'Ubuntu', '/iphone/i' => 'iPhone', '/ipod/i' => 'iPod', '/ipad/i' => 'iPad', '/android/i' => 'Android', '/blackberry/i' => 'BlackBerry', '/webos/i' => 'Mobile' ); foreach ($os_array as $regex => $value) { if (preg_match($regex, $server_data)) { $os_platform = $value; } } return $os_platform; } /* * Returns an array with [0] name of voices found locally [1] true if there was an error * [2] error message [3] error code */ public function getLocalVoices() { $user_agent = $this->getOS(); $voices = array(); $error = false; $errorcode = 0; $errormessage = null; switch ($user_agent) { // [LLX]: Getting local Voices for Linux (needs some work for lliurex-tts) case "Linux": case "Ubuntu": $voices=["en", "de", "es", "fr", "it", "ca"]; $error=false; break; // [END LLX] case "Mac OS X": try { // Llistat de veus $cmdresponse = shell_exec("say --voice=?"); // Partim pels espais d'abans de la definició de l'idioma de format xX_xX // fins al salt de línia $voices = preg_split( '/[\s]+..[_-][a-zA-Z]+[\s]+#[^\r\n]*(\r\n|\r|\n)/', $cmdresponse); // eliminem l'últim element que és buit array_pop($voices); } catch (Exception $ex) { $error = true; $errormessage = "Error. Unable to access your Mac OS X voices. Try activating your system" . "voices. Otherwise, your OS X may not be compatible with the 'say' command."; $errorcode = 101; } if (!$error && count($voices) < 1) { $error = true; $errormessage = "Error. No installed voices found. Activate your system" . "voices or install external voices for Mac OS X (i.e. Acapela voices)."; $errorcode = 102; } break; case "Windows": // error de Microsoft Speech Platform $errorMSP = false; $errorMSPtmp = null; try { // Recollim els objectes de les llibreries Speech de Microsoft que necessitem $msVoice = new COM('Speech.SpVoice'); $numvoices = $msVoice->GetVoices()->Count; // agafem les veus, la descripció la farem servir per buscar els idiomes // de cada una d'elles, idealment són les que s'haurien de llistar // a la interfície de l'usuari for ($i=0; $i<$numvoices; $i++) { $voices[] = $msVoice->GetVoices()->Item($i)->GetDescription; } // DEBUG // print_r($voices); } catch (Exception $ex) { $errorMSP = true; $errorMSPtmp = "Error. Unable to access Microsoft Speech Platform."; } // error de SAPI $errorSAPI = false; $errorSAPItmp = null; try { // Recollim els objectes de les llibreries SAPI que necessitem $msSAPIVoice = new COM('SAPI.SpVoice'); $numvoicesSAPI = $msSAPIVoice->GetVoices()->Count; // agafem les veus, la descripció la farem servir per buscar els idiomes // de cada una d'elles, idealment són les que s'haurien de llistar // a la interfície de l'usuari for ($i=0; $i<$numvoicesSAPI; $i++) { $voices[] = $msSAPIVoice->GetVoices()->Item($i)->GetDescription; } // DEBUG // print_r($voices); } catch (Exception $ex) { $errorSAPI = true; $errorSAPItmp = "Error. Unable to access SAPI voices."; } if ($errorMSP && $errorSAPI) { $error = true; $errormessage = "Error. Unable to access your Windows voices. " . "Install Microsoft Speech Platform (MSP) or SAPI voices. Otherwise, " . "your Windows may not be compatible with MSP or SAPI."; $errorcode = 103; } else if (count($voices) < 1) { $error = true; $errormessage = "Error. No installed voices found. " . "Install Microsoft Speech Platform or SAPI voices."; $errorcode = 104; } break; default: $error = true; $errormessage = "Error. Your OS is not compatible with the offline version of this app."; $errorcode = 105; break; } $output = array( 0 => $voices, 1 => $error, 2 => $errormessage, 3 => $errorcode ); return $output; } /** * @param bool $online parameter that says if online voices need to be added * (for the Interface voices, there will only be two default online voices for each language) * @return array $output Description: $output[0] an array of the available voices for the interface, * for each voice we have voiceName and voiceType * NOTE: calling function should check for returned errors in $output[1], * errormessage in $output[2] errorcode in $output[3] */ public function listInterfaceVoices($online) { $output = array(); $output[1] = false; $output[2] = null; $output[3] = 0; $arrayVoices = array(); if ($online) { $arrayVoices = array( 0 => array( 'voiceName' => 'DEFAULT (fem)', 'voiceType' => 'online' ), 1 => array( 'voiceName' => 'DEFAULT (masc)', 'voiceType' => 'online' ) ); } // we add the voices in the local CPU if the app is running locally if ($this->AppLocalOrServer() == 'local') { $auxresponse = $this->getLocalVoices(); $localvoices = $auxresponse[0]; $output[1] = $auxresponse[1]; $output[2] = $auxresponse[2]; $output[3] = $auxresponse[3]; for ($i=0; $iload->model('Audio_model'); $output = array(); $output[1] = false; $output[2] = null; $output[3] = 0; $arrayVoices = array(); if ($online) { $arrayVoices = $CI->Audio_model->getOnlineVoices(0); } // we add the voices in the local CPU if the app is running locally if ($this->AppLocalOrServer() == 'local') { $auxresponse = $this->getLocalVoices(); $localvoices = $auxresponse[0]; $output[1] = $auxresponse[1]; $output[2] = $auxresponse[2]; $output[3] = $auxresponse[3]; for ($i=0; $iload->model('Audio_model'); $output = array(); $output[1] = false; // error $output[2] = null; // error message $output[3] = 0; // error code // the name of the fetched (from the database) or the generated audio file // it will be in output[0] $filename = null; // all the info related to the voices and the languages from the user $applocal = $this->AppLocalOrServer(); $userinfo = $CI->Audio_model->getUserInfo($idusu); // echo "Info USUARI:
"; // print_r($userinfo); // echo "

"; $interfacelanguage = $userinfo->ID_ULanguage; $interfacegender = $userinfo->cfgInterfaceVoiceMascFem; $expansionlanguage = $userinfo->cfgExpansionLanguage; $rate = $userinfo->cfgVoiceOfflineRate; $md5 = ""; if ($interface) { // Encoded file name: #INTERFACE@IdInterfaceLanguage#(masc|fem)$string $key = "#INTERFACE@".$interfacelanguage."#".$interfacegender."$".$text; $md5 = md5($key); $isindb = $CI->Audio_model->isAudioInDatabase($md5); // if it's already in the database if ($isindb) $filename = $isindb; else { $voice = ""; $type = ""; // if the app is run locally if ($applocal == "local") { // if it has internet connection if ($this->isOnline()) { $voice = $userinfo->cfgInterfaceVoiceOnline; // if it uses the default online voices for the interface if (preg_match("/DEFAULT \(/i", $voice)) { $type = "online"; } else $type = "offline"; } // no internet connection else { $voice = $userinfo->cfgInterfaceVoiceOffline; $type = "offline"; } } // if the app is run from the server else { $voice = $userinfo->cfgInterfaceVoiceOnline; $type = "online"; } $auxresponse = $this->synthesizeAudio($md5, $text, $voice, $type, $interfacelanguage, $rate); $filename = $auxresponse[0]; $output[1] = $auxresponse[1]; $output[2] = $auxresponse[2]; $output[3] = $auxresponse[3]; } } // string from the expansion system else { // Encoded file name: #EXPANSION@(VoiceName|VoiceIdForOnlineVoices)#VoiceType$string $key = "#EXPANSION@"; $voice = ""; $type = ""; // if the app is run locally if ($applocal == "local") { // if it has internet connection if ($this->isOnline()) { $voice = $userinfo->cfgExpansionVoiceOnline; $type = $userinfo->cfgExpansionVoiceOnlineType; } // no internet connection else { $voice = $userinfo->cfgExpansionVoiceOffline; $type = "offline"; } } // if the app is run from the server else { $voice = $userinfo->cfgExpansionVoiceOnline; $type = "online"; } $key .= $voice."#".$type."$".$text; $md5 = md5($key); $isindb = $CI->Audio_model->isAudioInDatabase($md5); // if it's already in the database if ($isindb) $filename = $isindb; else { $auxresponse = $this->synthesizeAudio($md5, $text, $voice, $type, $expansionlanguage, $rate); $filename = $auxresponse[0]; $output[1] = $auxresponse[1]; $output[2] = $auxresponse[2]; $output[3] = $auxresponse[3]; } } $output[0] = $filename; return $output; } /** * * It generates the audio and saves it to the database and into an audio file * @param string $md5 filename without the extension * @param string $text string to synthesize * @param string $voice voice name for offline voices or id for online voices (except * for DEFAULT online interface voices) * @param string $type online or offline * @param int $language id of the language of the string to synthetize * @param type $rate rate of speech speed of offline voices * @return array $output[0] Name of the generated audio file with the extension * NOTE: calling function should check for returned errors in $output[1], * errormessage in $output[2] errorcode in $output[3] */ function synthesizeAudio($md5, $text, $voice, $type, $language, $rate) { // DEBUG // echo "T: ".$text."; V: ".$voice."; Ty: ".$type."; L: ".$language; $CI = &get_instance(); $CI->load->model('Audio_model'); $output = array(); $error = false; $errormessage = null; $errorcode = 0; $filename = null; $extension = "mp3"; // if it's an online voice if ($type == "online") { // default voice ES masc (Jorge) $vocalwareLID = 2; $vocalwareVID = 6; // if it's a default interface voice if (preg_match("/DEFAULT \(/i", $voice)) { $isfem = true; if (preg_match("/DEFAULT \(masc\)/i", $voice)) $isfem = false; // get default values for the interface voice in each language switch ($language) { // CA case 1: $vocalwareLID = 5; if ($isfem) $vocalwareVID = 1; else $vocalwareVID = 2; break; // ES case 2: $vocalwareLID = 2; if ($isfem) $vocalwareVID = 1; else $vocalwareVID = 6; break; // EN case 3: $vocalwareLID = 1; if ($isfem) $vocalwareVID = 1; else $vocalwareVID = 2; break; default: $error = true; $errormessage = "Error. Default voice not found for this language."; $errorcode = 106; break; } } // the voice is the id of the voice in the database else { // we get the info of the voice from the database $auxrow = $CI->Audio_model->getOnlineVoices((int) $voice); $voiceinfo = $auxrow[0]; $vocalwareLID = $voiceinfo->vocalwareIdLang; $vocalwareVID = $voiceinfo->vocalwareVoiceId; } if (!$error) { $auxresponse = $this->synthesizeOnline($vocalwareLID, $vocalwareVID, $text, $md5); // if there was an error if ($auxresponse[0]) { $error = true; $errormessage = $auxresponse[1]; $errorcode = $auxresponse[2]; } } } // si la veu és offline else { $user_agent = $this->getOS(); switch ($user_agent) { case "Mac OS X": $extension = "m4a"; $auxresponse = $this->synthesizeMacOSX($voice, $text, $md5, $rate); // if there was an error if ($auxresponse[0]) { $error = true; $errormessage = $auxresponse[1]; $errorcode = $auxresponse[2]; } break; case "Windows": $auxresponse = $this->synthesizeWindows($voice, $text, $md5); // if there was an error if ($auxresponse[0]) { $error = true; $errormessage = $auxresponse[1]; $errorcode = $auxresponse[2]; } break; // [LLX]: Manages call to syntesizeLliureX case "Linux": case "Ubuntu": // Prepared for LliureX OS. Depends on lliurex-tts package. // it can be found on ppa:llxdev/xenial $auxresponse = $this->synthesizeLliureX($voice, $text, $md5, $rate); //if there was an error if ($auxresponse[0]) { $error = true; $errormessage = $auxresponse[1]; $errorcode = $auxresponse[2]; } break; // [LLX] End Managing call to syntesizeLliureX default: $error = true; $errormessage = "Error. Your OS is not compatible with offline voices. " . "Change your voices in your user configuration settings."; $errorcode = 107; break; } } if (!$error) { $filename = $md5.".".$extension; $CI->Audio_model->saveAudioFileToDatabase($text, $md5, $filename); } $output[0] = $filename; $output[1] = $error; $output[2] = $errormessage; $output[3] = $errorcode; return $output; } /** * THIS FUNCTION WILL NOT WORK WITHOUT A VALID VOCALWARE ACCOUNT * Requests and saves audio file from online voice service * @param type $vocalwareLID * @param type $vocalwareVID * @param type $text * @param type $filename (without extension) * @return array $output calling function should check for returned errors in $output[0], * errormessage in $output[1] errorcode in $output[2] */ function synthesizeOnline($vocalwareLID, $vocalwareVID, $text, $filename) { $error = false; $errormessage = null; $errorcode = 0; $output = array(); $curl = curl_init(); // A Vocalware account is needed $url = ""; $secret_phrase = ""; // Vocalware API identification is required $data = array( 'EID' => '2', 'LID' => $vocalwareLID, 'VID' => $vocalwareVID, 'TXT' => $text, 'EXT' => 'mp3', 'ACC' => '', // required 'API' => '' // required ); $data['CS'] = md5($data['EID'].$data['LID'].$data['VID'].$data['TXT'].$data['EXT'].$data['ACC'].$data['API'].$secret_phrase); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $result = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); // if no error occurred (we assume there's an error if the mp3 data is less than 1000 characters) if ($result && !strpos($result, "Error: ") && (strlen($result) > 1000)) { try { $filenamewrite = "mp3/".$filename.".mp3"; $fitxertxtwrite = fopen($filenamewrite,"w+b"); if (flock($fitxertxtwrite, LOCK_EX)) { fwrite($fitxertxtwrite, $result); flock($fitxertxtwrite, LOCK_UN); fclose($fitxertxtwrite); } } catch (Exception $ex) { $error = true; $errormessage = "Error. An error occurred while writing the audio file."; $errorcode = 108; } } // if there was an error else { $error = true; $errormessage = "Error. An error occurred while contacting the online voice service. Try again."; $errorcode = 109; } $output[0] = $error; $output[1] = $errormessage; $output[2] = $errorcode; return $output; } /** * Requests and saves audio file from online voice service * @param type $voice * @param type $text * @param type $filename (without extension) * @param type $rate rate of speech speed of offline Mac OS X voices * @return array $output calling function should check for returned errors in $output[0], * errormessage in $output[1] errorcode in $output[2] */ function synthesizeMacOSX($voice, $text, $filename, $rate) { $error = false; $errormessage = null; $errorcode = 0; $output = array(); try { $concatveus = ""; if ($rate > 0) $concatveus .= "-r ".$rate." "; $concatveus .= "-v '".$voice."' "; $concatveus .= "-o mp3/".$filename.".m4a --data-format=aach "; $cmd="say ".$concatveus.'"'.$text.'" > /dev/null 2>&1 &'; shell_exec($cmd); } catch (Exception $ex) { $error = true; $errormessage = "Error. Unable to access your selected Mac OS X voice due to unkown circumstances. " . "Try changing your voices in your user configuration settings. " . "Otherwise, your OS X may not be compatible with the 'say' command."; $errorcode = 110; } $output[0] = $error; $output[1] = $errormessage; $output[2] = $errorcode; return $output; } /** * Requests and saves audio file from online voice service * @param type $voice * @param type $text * @param type $filename (without extension) * @return array $output calling function should check for returned errors in $output[0], * errormessage in $output[1] errorcode in $output[2] */ function synthesizeWindows($voice, $text, $filename) { $error = false; $errormessage = null; $errorcode = 0; $output = array(); $chosenVoice = null; $msVoice = null; $isSAPIVoice = false; // error de Microsoft Speech Platform $errorMSP = false; $errorMSPtmp = null; try { // Recollim els objectes de les llibreries Speech de Microsoft que necessitem $msVoice = new COM('Speech.SpVoice'); $numvoices = $msVoice->GetVoices()->Count; // per cada veu miram si la descripció coincideix amb el nom de la veu // seleccionada per l'usuari for ($i=0; $i<$numvoices; $i++) { if ($voice == $msVoice->GetVoices()->Item($i)->GetDescription) { $chosenVoice = $msVoice->GetVoices()->Item($i); $isSAPIVoice = false; } } } catch (Exception $ex) { $errorMSP = true; $errorMSPtmp = "Error. Unable to access Microsoft Speech Platform."; } // error de SAPI $errorSAPI = false; $errorSAPItmp = null; try { // Recollim els objectes de les llibreries SAPI que necessitem $msVoice = new COM('SAPI.SpVoice'); $numvoicesSAPI = $msVoice->GetVoices()->Count; // per cada veu miram si la descripció coincideix amb el nom de la veu // seleccionada per l'usuari for ($i=0; $i<$numvoicesSAPI; $i++) { if ($voice == $msVoice->GetVoices()->Item($i)->GetDescription) { $chosenVoice = $msVoice->GetVoices()->Item($i); $isSAPIVoice = true; } } } catch (Exception $ex) { $errorSAPI = true; $errorSAPItmp = "Error. Unable to access SAPI voices."; } if ($errorMSP && $errorSAPI) { $error = true; $errormessage = "Error. Unable to access your selected Windows voice due to unkown circumstances. " . "Try changing your voices in your user configuration settings. " . "Otherwise, your Windows may not be compatible with MSP or SAPI."; $errorcode = 111; } // si no hi ha hagut cap error, procedim a generar l'audio else { try { $msFileStream = null; $msAudioFormat = null; if (!$isSAPIVoice) { $msFileStream = new COM('Speech.SpFileStream'); $msAudioFormat = new COM('Speech.SpAudioFormat'); } else { $msFileStream = new COM('SAPI.SpFileStream'); $msAudioFormat = new COM('SAPI.SpAudioFormat'); } // Path al fitxer on guardarem les veus $wavfile = "C:\\xampp\htdocs\mp3\\".$filename.".mp3"; // hem de triar la veu que vol l'usuari (trobada anteriorment) $msVoice->Voice = $chosenVoice; // passem la frase d'utf-8 a format de Windows perquè llegeixi bé // tots els caràcters $fraseconvertida = iconv("utf-8", "Windows-1252", $text); // guardarem el fitxer amb la menor qualitat possible, format 4 $msAudioFormat->Type = 4; $msFileStream->Format = $msAudioFormat; // obrim el fitxer on escriurem l'àudio en format CreateWrite $msFileStream->Open($wavfile, 3, 0); $msVoice->AudioOutputStream = $msFileStream; // es diu la frase de manera asíncrona $msVoice->Speak($fraseconvertida, 1); // esperem a que acabi, ja que si no talla la frase $msVoice->WaitUntilDone(-1); // tanquem el fitxer i alliberem la memòria dels objectes $msFileStream->Close(); $msAudioFormat = null; $msFileStream = null; $msVoice = null; } catch (Exception $e) { $error = true; $errormessage = "Error. An error occurred while writing your Windows audio file."; $errorcode = 112; } } $output[0] = $error; $output[1] = $errormessage; $output[2] = $errorcode; return $output; } // [LLX]: Function syntesizeLliureX /* * Invokes system simple-google-tts command from lliurex-tts package */ function synthesizeLliureX($voice, $text, $filename, $rate){ /// Assuming DocumentRoot is in /var/www/html (most in Ubuntu, but not in lliureX -we'll create a link- ) //$apachepath="/var/www/html/jocomunico/mp3/"; $apachepath="/var/www/jocomunico/mp3/"; // Catalan voice is better in local Festival than in Google... $forceFestival=" "; if ($voice=="ca") $forceFestival=" -p "; $output=shell_exec('simple-google-tts'.$forceFestival.'-s -w '.$apachepath.$filename.'.mp3 '.$voice.' "'.$text.'"'); return $output; } // [LLX END] SyntesizeLliureX function /** * * It generates the audio for the dropdown voices' menus in the user configuration of the app * and saves it to the database and into an audio file * @param string $idusu user id * @param string $text string to synthesize * @param string $voice voice name for offline voices or id for online voices (except * for DEFAULT online interface voices) * @param string $type online or offline * @param int $language id of the language of the string to synthetize * @param type $rate rate of speech speed of offline voices * @return array $output[0] Name of the generated audio file with the extension * NOTE: calling function should check for returned errors in $output[1], * errormessage in $output[2] errorcode in $output[3] */ public function selectedVoiceAudio($idusu, $text, $voice, $type, $language, $rate) { $CI = &get_instance(); $CI->load->model('Audio_model'); $output = array(); $output[1] = false; // error $output[2] = null; // error message $output[3] = 0; // error code // the name of the fetched (from the database) or the generated audio file // it will be in output[0] $filename = null; $key = ""; // Encoded file name: #INTERFACE@IdInterfaceLanguage#(masc|fem)$string if ($type == "online") $key = "#INTERFACEVOICE@".$language."#".$voice."(".$type.")"."$".$text; else $key = "#INTERFACEVOICE_USU".$idusu."@".$language."#".$voice."(".$type.")"."$".$text; $md5 = md5($key); $isindb = $CI->Audio_model->isAudioInDatabase($md5); // if it's already in the database if ($isindb) $filename = $isindb; else { $auxresponse = $this->synthesizeAudio($md5, $text, $voice, $type, $language, $rate); $filename = $auxresponse[0]; $output[1] = $auxresponse[1]; $output[2] = $auxresponse[2]; $output[3] = $auxresponse[3]; } $output[0] = $filename; return $output; } /** * If there is no error, waits for the file to be available and frees it * @param type $file * @param type $error */ public function waitForFile($file, $error) { if (!$error) { $handle = fopen("mp3/".$file, "r"); if (is_resource($handle)) { fclose($handle); } else { $i = 0; while (!is_resource($handle) && $i<10) { $i++; $handle = fopen("mp3/".$file, "r"); usleep(100000); } fclose($handle); } } } } /* End of file Myaudio.php */