= System Administration Tools = * attr # will move to base if we go to selinux * quota * backuppc # RobertCollins * debian-goodies * whois # FabioMassimoDiNitto * cu # super-basic serial access * john # detects weak passwords, might be needed in desktop * libpam-cracklib # enables weak password checking during password change, should it be in desktop? * xinetd # JamesTroup, from hoglet * mknbi # for creating etherboot images for LTSP * fbset * libcap-bin * libpam-opie * opie-client * opie-server * sasl2-bin * libsasl2-modules-sql * autofs * awstats * acct * authbind * siege * bonnie++ * aptitude-doc-en * sqlite3 # CLI utility, libs in main. nijaba * policyrcd-script-zg2 # helps with chroot administration * pastebinit * upstart-monitor # upstart events CLI+GUI tool