#!/usr/bin/env python import os import os.path import re import copy import getpass LLIUREX_DEFAULTS="/usr/share/lliurex-mime-settings/mimeapps.list" SYSTEM_DIR="/usr/share/applications/" SYSTEM_DEFAULTS=SYSTEM_DIR + "mimeapps.list" class DefaultListManager: def __init__(self): self.system_keys={} if not os.path.exists(SYSTEM_DIR): os.makedirs(SYSTEM_DIR) #def init def read_file(self,path): dic={} dic["default"]={} dic["added"]={} dic["removed"]={} added_found=False removed_found=False if os.path.exists(path): f=open(path,'r') lines=f.readlines() f.close() for line in lines: line=line.strip("\n") if "Added Associations" in line: added_found=True if "Removed Associations" in line: removed_found=True if "=" in line: tmp=line.split("=") if not removed_found and not added_found: dic["default"][tmp[0]]=tmp[1] elif added_found and not removed_found: dic["added"][tmp[0]]=tmp[1] else: dic["removed"][tmp[0]]=tmp[1] return dic #def readFile def merge_dic(self,old_dic,new_dic): ret=copy.copy(old_dic) for key in new_dic["default"]: ret[key]=new_dic["default"][key] for key in new_dic["added"]: ret[key]=new_dic["added"][key] for key in new_dic["removed"]: ret[key]=new_dic["removed"][key] return ret def print_keys(self,dic): for key in dic: print "%s = %s"%(key,dic[key]) def write_file(self,path,dic): if dic != None: f=open(path,'w') f.write("\n[Default Applications]\n\n") for key in dic["default"]: f.write(key + " = " + dic["default"][key] + "\n") f.write("\n[Added Associations]\n\n") for key in dic["added"]: f.write(key + " = " + dic["added"][key] + "\n") f.write("\n[Removed Associations]\n\n") for key in dic["removed"]: f.write(key + " = " + dic["removed"][key] + "\n") f.close() #def write_file #class DefaultListManager if __name__=="__main__": if getpass.getuser()!="root": print "[!] You need to execute this program with root priviledges" else: print "Lliurex update mime..." try: dlm=DefaultListManager() system=dlm.read_file(SYSTEM_DEFAULTS) lliurex=dlm.read_file(LLIUREX_DEFAULTS) final=dlm.merge_dic(lliurex,system) dlm.write_file(SYSTEM_DEFAULTS,final) except Exception as e: print e