. //// SITE PRIVACY ///// /** * Site privacy: private */ define('HUB_SITENOTPUBLISHED', 'notdisplayed'); /** * Site privacy: public */ define('HUB_SITENAMEPUBLISHED', 'named'); /** * Site privacy: public and global */ define('HUB_SITELINKPUBLISHED', 'linked'); /** * * Site registration library * * @package course * @copyright 2010 Moodle Pty Ltd (http://moodle.com) * @author Jerome Mouneyrac * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class registration_manager { /** * Automatically update the registration on all hubs */ public function cron() { global $CFG; if (extension_loaded('xmlrpc')) { $function = 'hub_update_site_info'; require_once($CFG->dirroot . "/webservice/xmlrpc/lib.php"); // Update all hubs where the site is registered. $hubs = $this->get_registered_on_hubs(); if (empty($hubs)) { mtrace(get_string('registrationwarning', 'admin')); } foreach ($hubs as $hub) { // Update the registration. $siteinfo = $this->get_site_info($hub->huburl); $params = array('siteinfo' => $siteinfo); $serverurl = $hub->huburl . "/local/hub/webservice/webservices.php"; $xmlrpcclient = new webservice_xmlrpc_client($serverurl, $hub->token); try { $result = $xmlrpcclient->call($function, $params); $this->update_registeredhub($hub); // To update timemodified. mtrace(get_string('siteupdatedcron', 'hub', $hub->hubname)); } catch (Exception $e) { $errorparam = new stdClass(); $errorparam->errormessage = $e->getMessage(); $errorparam->hubname = $hub->hubname; mtrace(get_string('errorcron', 'hub', $errorparam)); } } } else { mtrace(get_string('errorcronnoxmlrpc', 'hub')); } } /** * Return the site secret for a given hub * site identifier is assigned to Mooch * each hub has a unique and personal site secret. * @param string $huburl * @return string site secret */ public function get_site_secret_for_hub($huburl) { global $DB; $existingregistration = $DB->get_record('registration_hubs', array('huburl' => $huburl)); if (!empty($existingregistration)) { return $existingregistration->secret; } if ($huburl == HUB_MOODLEORGHUBURL) { $siteidentifier = get_site_identifier(); } else { $siteidentifier = random_string(32) . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } return $siteidentifier; } /** * When the site register on a hub, he must call this function * @param object $hub where the site is registered on * @return integer id of the record */ public function add_registeredhub($hub) { global $DB; $hub->timemodified = time(); $id = $DB->insert_record('registration_hubs', $hub); return $id; } /** * When a site unregister from a hub, he must call this function * @param string $huburl the huburl to delete */ public function delete_registeredhub($huburl) { global $DB; $DB->delete_records('registration_hubs', array('huburl' => $huburl)); } /** * Get a hub on which the site is registered for a given url or token * Mostly use to check if the site is registered on a specific hub * @param string $huburl * @param string $token * @return object the hub */ public function get_registeredhub($huburl = null, $token = null) { global $DB; $params = array(); if (!empty($huburl)) { $params['huburl'] = $huburl; } if (!empty($token)) { $params['token'] = $token; } $params['confirmed'] = 1; $token = $DB->get_record('registration_hubs', $params); return $token; } /** * Get the hub which has not confirmed that the site is registered on, * but for which a request has been sent * @param string $huburl * @return object the hub */ public function get_unconfirmedhub($huburl) { global $DB; $params = array(); $params['huburl'] = $huburl; $params['confirmed'] = 0; $token = $DB->get_record('registration_hubs', $params); return $token; } /** * Update a registered hub (mostly use to update the confirmation status) * @param object $hub the hub */ public function update_registeredhub($hub) { global $DB; $hub->timemodified = time(); $DB->update_record('registration_hubs', $hub); } /** * Return all hubs where the site is registered */ public function get_registered_on_hubs() { global $DB; $hubs = $DB->get_records('registration_hubs', array('confirmed' => 1)); return $hubs; } /** * Return site information for a specific hub * @param string $huburl * @return array site info */ public function get_site_info($huburl) { global $CFG, $DB; $siteinfo = array(); $cleanhuburl = clean_param($huburl, PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT); $siteinfo['name'] = get_config('hub', 'site_name_' . $cleanhuburl); $siteinfo['description'] = get_config('hub', 'site_description_' . $cleanhuburl); $siteinfo['contactname'] = get_config('hub', 'site_contactname_' . $cleanhuburl); $siteinfo['contactemail'] = get_config('hub', 'site_contactemail_' . $cleanhuburl); $siteinfo['contactphone'] = get_config('hub', 'site_contactphone_' . $cleanhuburl); $siteinfo['imageurl'] = get_config('hub', 'site_imageurl_' . $cleanhuburl); $siteinfo['privacy'] = get_config('hub', 'site_privacy_' . $cleanhuburl); $siteinfo['street'] = get_config('hub', 'site_address_' . $cleanhuburl); $siteinfo['regioncode'] = get_config('hub', 'site_region_' . $cleanhuburl); $siteinfo['countrycode'] = get_config('hub', 'site_country_' . $cleanhuburl); $siteinfo['geolocation'] = get_config('hub', 'site_geolocation_' . $cleanhuburl); $siteinfo['contactable'] = get_config('hub', 'site_contactable_' . $cleanhuburl); $siteinfo['emailalert'] = get_config('hub', 'site_emailalert_' . $cleanhuburl); if (get_config('hub', 'site_coursesnumber_' . $cleanhuburl) == -1) { $coursecount = -1; } else { $coursecount = $DB->count_records('course') - 1; } $siteinfo['courses'] = $coursecount; if (get_config('hub', 'site_usersnumber_' . $cleanhuburl) == -1) { $usercount = -1; } else { $usercount = $DB->count_records('user', array('deleted' => 0)); } $siteinfo['users'] = $usercount; if (get_config('hub', 'site_roleassignmentsnumber_' . $cleanhuburl) == -1) { $roleassigncount = -1; } else { $roleassigncount = $DB->count_records('role_assignments'); } $siteinfo['enrolments'] = $roleassigncount; if (get_config('hub', 'site_postsnumber_' . $cleanhuburl) == -1) { $postcount = -1; } else { $postcount = $DB->count_records('forum_posts'); } $siteinfo['posts'] = $postcount; if (get_config('hub', 'site_questionsnumber_' . $cleanhuburl) == -1) { $questioncount = -1; } else { $questioncount = $DB->count_records('question'); } $siteinfo['questions'] = $questioncount; if (get_config('hub', 'site_resourcesnumber_' . $cleanhuburl) == -1) { $resourcecount = -1; } else { $resourcecount = $DB->count_records('resource'); } $siteinfo['resources'] = $resourcecount; // Badge statistics. require_once($CFG->libdir . '/badgeslib.php'); if (get_config('hub', 'site_badges_' . $cleanhuburl) == -1) { $badges = -1; } else { $badges = $DB->count_records_select('badge', 'status <> ' . BADGE_STATUS_ARCHIVED); } $siteinfo['badges'] = $badges; if (get_config('hub', 'site_issuedbadges_' . $cleanhuburl) == -1) { $issuedbadges = -1; } else { $issuedbadges = $DB->count_records('badge_issued'); } $siteinfo['issuedbadges'] = $issuedbadges; //TODO require_once($CFG->dirroot . "/course/lib.php"); if (get_config('hub', 'site_participantnumberaverage_' . $cleanhuburl) == -1) { $participantnumberaverage = -1; } else { $participantnumberaverage = average_number_of_participants(); } $siteinfo['participantnumberaverage'] = $participantnumberaverage; if (get_config('hub', 'site_modulenumberaverage_' . $cleanhuburl) == -1) { $modulenumberaverage = -1; } else { $modulenumberaverage = average_number_of_courses_modules(); } $siteinfo['modulenumberaverage'] = $modulenumberaverage; $siteinfo['language'] = get_config('hub', 'site_language_' . $cleanhuburl); $siteinfo['moodleversion'] = $CFG->version; $siteinfo['moodlerelease'] = $CFG->release; $siteinfo['url'] = $CFG->wwwroot; return $siteinfo; } /** * Retrieve the site privacy string matching the define value * @param string $privacy must match the define into moodlelib.php * @return string */ public function get_site_privacy_string($privacy) { switch ($privacy) { case HUB_SITENOTPUBLISHED: $privacystring = get_string('siteprivacynotpublished', 'hub'); break; case HUB_SITENAMEPUBLISHED: $privacystring = get_string('siteprivacypublished', 'hub'); break; case HUB_SITELINKPUBLISHED: $privacystring = get_string('siteprivacylinked', 'hub'); break; } if (empty($privacystring)) { throw new moodle_exception('unknownprivacy'); } return $privacystring; } } ?>