. /** * Strings for tool_behat * * @package tool_behat * @copyright 2012 David MonllaĆ³ * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['aim'] = 'This administration tool helps developers and test writers to create .feature files describing Moodle\'s functionalities and run them automatically. Step definitions available for use in .feature files are listed below.'; $string['allavailablesteps'] = 'All the available steps definitions'; $string['errorbehatcommand'] = 'Error running behat CLI command. Try running "{$a} --help" manually from CLI to find out more about the problem.'; $string['errorcomposer'] = 'Composer dependencies are not installed.'; $string['errordataroot'] = '$CFG->behat_dataroot is not set or is invalid.'; $string['errorsetconfig'] = '$CFG->behat_dataroot, $CFG->behat_prefix and $CFG->behat_wwwroot need to be set in config.php.'; $string['erroruniqueconfig'] = '$CFG->behat_dataroot, $CFG->behat_prefix and $CFG->behat_wwwroot values need to be different than $CFG->dataroot, $CFG->prefix, $CFG->wwwroot, $CFG->phpunit_dataroot and $CFG->phpunit_prefix values.'; $string['fieldvalueargument'] = 'Field value arguments'; $string['fieldvalueargument_help'] = 'This argument should be completed by a field value, there are many field types, simple ones like checkboxes, selects or textareas or complex ones like date selectors. You can check Field values to see the expected field value depending on the field type you provide.'; $string['giveninfo'] = 'Given. Processes to set up the environment'; $string['infoheading'] = 'Info'; $string['installinfo'] = 'Read {$a} for installation and tests execution info'; $string['newstepsinfo'] = 'Read {$a} for info about how to add new steps definitions'; $string['newtestsinfo'] = 'Read {$a} for info about how to write new tests'; $string['nostepsdefinitions'] = 'There aren\'t steps definitions matching this filters'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Acceptance testing'; $string['stepsdefinitionscomponent'] = 'Area'; $string['stepsdefinitionscontains'] = 'Contains'; $string['stepsdefinitionsfilters'] = 'Steps definitions'; $string['stepsdefinitionstype'] = 'Type'; $string['theninfo'] = 'Then. Checkings to ensure the outcomes are the expected ones'; $string['unknownexceptioninfo'] = 'There was a problem with Selenium or your browser. Please ensure you are using the latest version of Selenium. Error:'; $string['viewsteps'] = 'Filter'; $string['wheninfo'] = 'When. Actions that provokes an event'; $string['wrongbehatsetup'] = 'Something is wrong with the behat setup and so step definitions cannot be listed: {$a->errormsg}

Please check:';