. /** * The language strings for the MongoDB store plugin. * * @package cachestore_mongodb * @copyright 2012 Sam Hemelryk * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['database'] = 'Database'; $string['database_help'] = 'The name of the database to make use of.'; $string['extendedmode'] = 'Use extended keys'; $string['extendedmode_help'] = 'If enabled full key sets will be used when working with the plugin. This isn\'t used internally yet but would allow you to easily search and investigate the MongoDB plugin manually if you so choose. Turning this on will add an small overhead so should only be done if you require it.'; $string['password'] = 'Password'; $string['password_help'] = 'The password of the user being used for the connection.'; $string['pleaseupgrademongo'] = 'You are using an old version of the PHP Mongo extension (< 1.3). Support for old versions of the Mongo extension will be dropped in the future. Please consider upgrading.'; $string['pluginname'] = 'MongoDB'; $string['replicaset'] = 'Replica set'; $string['replicaset_help'] = 'The name of the replica set to connect to. If this is given the master will be determined by using the ismaster database command on the seeds, so the driver may end up connecting to a server that was not even listed.'; $string['server'] = 'Server'; $string['server_help'] = 'This is the connection string for the server you want to use. Multiple servers can be specified using a comma-separated list.'; $string['testserver'] = 'Test server'; $string['testserver_desc'] = 'The connection string for a server to use for testing. If a test server has been specified then MongoDB performance can be tested using the cache performance page in the administration block. As an example: mongodb://'; $string['username'] = 'Username'; $string['username_help'] = 'The username to use when making a connection.'; $string['usesafe'] = 'Use safe'; $string['usesafe_help'] = 'If enabled the usesafe option will be used during insert, get, and remove operations. If you\'ve specified a replica set this will be forced on anyway.'; $string['usesafevalue'] = 'Use safe value'; $string['usesafevalue_help'] = 'You can choose to provide a specific value for use safe. This will determine the number of servers that operations must be completed on before they are deemed to have been completed.';