. /** * Cohort enrolment sync functional test. * * @package enrol_cohort * @category test * @copyright 2015 Adrian Greeve * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/cohort/lib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/group/lib.php'); /** * Contains tests for the cohort library. * * @package enrol_cohort * @copyright 2015 Adrian Greeve * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class enrol_cohort_lib_testcase extends advanced_testcase { /** * Test that a new group with the name of the cohort is created. */ public function test_enrol_cohort_create_new_group() { global $DB; $this->resetAfterTest(); // Create a category. $category = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_category(); // Create two courses. $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array('category' => $category->id)); $course2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array('category' => $category->id)); // Create a cohort. $cohort = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_cohort(array('context' => context_coursecat::instance($category->id)->id)); // Run the function. $groupid = enrol_cohort_create_new_group($course->id, $cohort->id); // Check the results. $group = $DB->get_record('groups', array('id' => $groupid)); // The group name should match the cohort name. $this->assertEquals($cohort->name . ' cohort', $group->name); // Group course id should match the course id. $this->assertEquals($course->id, $group->courseid); // Create a group that will have the same name as the cohort. $groupdata = new stdClass(); $groupdata->courseid = $course2->id; $groupdata->name = $cohort->name . ' cohort'; groups_create_group($groupdata); // Create a group for the cohort in course 2. $groupid = enrol_cohort_create_new_group($course2->id, $cohort->id); $groupinfo = $DB->get_record('groups', array('id' => $groupid)); // Check that the group name has been changed. $this->assertEquals($cohort->name . ' cohort (2)', $groupinfo->name); // Create another group that will have the same name as a generated cohort. $groupdata = new stdClass(); $groupdata->courseid = $course2->id; $groupdata->name = $cohort->name . ' cohort (2)'; groups_create_group($groupdata); // Create a group for the cohort in course 2. $groupid = enrol_cohort_create_new_group($course2->id, $cohort->id); $groupinfo = $DB->get_record('groups', array('id' => $groupid)); // Check that the group name has been changed. $this->assertEquals($cohort->name . ' cohort (3)', $groupinfo->name); } }