. /** * Atto text editor integration version file. * * @package atto_equation * @copyright 2013 Damyon Wiese * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Get the list of strings for this plugin. * @param string $elementid */ function atto_equation_strings_for_js() { global $PAGE; $PAGE->requires->strings_for_js(array('saveequation', 'editequation', 'preview', 'cursorinfo', 'update', 'librarygroup1', 'librarygroup2', 'librarygroup3', 'librarygroup4'), 'atto_equation'); } /** * Set params for this plugin. * * @param string $elementid * @param stdClass $options - the options for the editor, including the context. * @param stdClass $fpoptions - unused. */ function atto_equation_params_for_js($elementid, $options, $fpoptions) { $texexample = '$$\pi$$'; // Format a string with the active filter set. // If it is modified - we assume that some sort of text filter is working in this context. $result = format_text($texexample, true, $options); $texfilteractive = ($texexample !== $result); $context = $options['context']; if (!$context) { $context = context_system::instance(); } // Tex example librarys. $library = array( 'group1' => array( 'groupname' => 'librarygroup1', 'elements' => get_config('atto_equation', 'librarygroup1'), ), 'group2' => array( 'groupname' => 'librarygroup2', 'elements' => get_config('atto_equation', 'librarygroup2'), ), 'group3' => array( 'groupname' => 'librarygroup3', 'elements' => get_config('atto_equation', 'librarygroup3'), ), 'group4' => array( 'groupname' => 'librarygroup4', 'elements' => get_config('atto_equation', 'librarygroup4'), )); return array('texfilteractive' => $texfilteractive, 'contextid' => $context->id, 'library' => $library, 'texdocsurl' => get_docs_url('Using_TeX_Notation')); }