. /** * Strings for component 'atto_table', language 'en'. * * @package atto_table * @copyright 2013 Damyon Wiese * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['addcolumnafter'] = 'Insert column after'; $string['addrowafter'] = 'Insert row after'; $string['all'] = 'Around each cell'; $string['allowbackgroundcolour'] = 'Allow background colour'; $string['allowborder'] = 'Allow border styling'; $string['allowborder_desc'] = 'If enabled, table and cell borders can be customised.'; $string['allowwidth'] = 'Allow width'; $string['appearance'] = 'Appearance'; $string['backgroundcolour'] = 'Background colour'; $string['both'] = 'Both'; $string['bordercolour'] = 'Border colour'; $string['borders'] = 'Borders'; $string['bordersize'] = 'Size of borders'; $string['borderstyles'] = 'Style of borders'; $string['caption'] = 'Caption'; $string['captionposition'] = 'Caption position'; $string['columns'] = 'Columns'; $string['createtable'] = 'Create table'; $string['deletecolumn'] = 'Delete column'; $string['deleterow'] = 'Delete row'; $string['dashed'] = 'Dashed'; $string['dotted'] = 'Dotted'; $string['edittable'] = 'Edit table'; $string['headers'] = 'Define headers on'; $string['movecolumnleft'] = 'Move column left'; $string['movecolumnright'] = 'Move column right'; $string['moverowdown'] = 'Move row down'; $string['moverowup'] = 'Move row up'; $string['noborder'] = 'No border'; $string['none'] = 'None'; $string['numberofcolumns'] = 'Number of columns'; $string['numberofrows'] = 'Number of rows'; $string['outer'] = 'Around table'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Table'; $string['rows'] = 'Rows'; $string['settings'] = 'Table settings'; $string['solid'] = 'Solid'; $string['themedefault'] = 'Theme default'; $string['transparent'] = 'Transparent'; $string['updatetable'] = 'Update table'; $string['width'] = 'Table width (in %)';