* @category Horde * @license http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21 LGPL 2.1 * @package Mime */ class Horde_Mime_Headers implements Serializable { /* Serialized version. */ const VERSION = 2; /* Constants for getValue(). */ const VALUE_STRING = 1; const VALUE_BASE = 2; const VALUE_PARAMS = 3; /** * The default charset to use when parsing text parts with no charset * information. * * @var string */ static public $defaultCharset = 'us-ascii'; /** * The internal headers array. * * Keys are the lowercase header name. * Values are: * - h: The case-sensitive header name. * - p: Parameters for this header. * - v: The value of the header. Values are stored in UTF-8. * * @var array */ protected $_headers = array(); /** * The sequence to use as EOL for the headers. * The default is currently to output the EOL sequence internally as * just "\n" instead of the canonical "\r\n" required in RFC 822 & 2045. * To be RFC complaint, the full EOL combination should be used * when sending a message. * * @var string */ protected $_eol = "\n"; /** * The User-Agent string to use. * * @var string */ protected $_agent = null; /** * List of single header fields. * * @var array */ protected $_singleFields = array( // Mail: RFC 5322 'to', 'from', 'cc', 'bcc', 'date', 'sender', 'reply-to', 'message-id', 'in-reply-to', 'references', 'subject', // MIME: RFC 1864 'content-md5', // MIME: RFC 2045 'mime-version', 'content-type', 'content-transfer-encoding', 'content-id', 'content-description', // MIME: RFC 2110 'content-base', // MIME: RFC 2183 'content-disposition', // MIME: RFC 2424 'content-duration', // MIME: RFC 2557 'content-location', // MIME: RFC 2912 [3] 'content-features', // MIME: RFC 3282 'content-language', // MIME: RFC 3297 'content-alternative', // Importance: See, e.g., RFC 4356 [] 'importance', // OTHER: X-Priority // See: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Emulate_Microsoft_email_clients 'x-priority' ); /** * Returns the internal header array in array format. * * @param array $opts Optional parameters: * - canonical: (boolean) Use canonical (RFC 822/2045) line endings? * DEFAULT: Uses $this->_eol * - charset: (string) Encodes the headers using this charset. If empty, * encodes using internal charset (UTF-8). * DEFAULT: No encoding. * - defserver: (string) The default domain to append to mailboxes. * DEFAULT: No default name. * - nowrap: (integer) Don't wrap the headers. * DEFAULT: Headers are wrapped. * * @return array The headers in array format. */ public function toArray(array $opts = array()) { $address_keys = $this->addressFields(); $charset = array_key_exists('charset', $opts) ? (empty($opts['charset']) ? 'UTF-8' : $opts['charset']) : null; $eol = empty($opts['canonical']) ? $this->_eol : "\r\n"; $mime = $this->mimeParamFields(); $ret = array(); foreach ($this->_headers as $header => $ob) { $val = is_array($ob['v']) ? $ob['v'] : array($ob['v']); foreach (array_keys($val) as $key) { if (in_array($header, $address_keys) ) { /* Address encoded headers. */ $rfc822 = new Horde_Mail_Rfc822(); $text = $rfc822->parseAddressList($val[$key], array( 'default_domain' => empty($opts['defserver']) ? null : $opts['defserver'] ))->writeAddress(array( 'encode' => $charset, 'idn' => true )); } elseif (in_array($header, $mime) && !empty($ob['p'])) { /* MIME encoded headers (RFC 2231). */ $text = $val[$key]; foreach ($ob['p'] as $name => $param) { foreach (Horde_Mime::encodeParam($name, $param, array('charset' => $charset, 'escape' => true)) as $name2 => $param2) { $text .= '; ' . $name2 . '=' . $param2; } } } else { $text = is_null($charset) ? $val[$key] : Horde_Mime::encode($val[$key], $charset); } if (empty($opts['nowrap'])) { /* Remove any existing linebreaks and wrap the line. */ $header_text = $ob['h'] . ': '; $text = ltrim(substr(wordwrap($header_text . strtr(trim($text), array("\r" => '', "\n" => '')), 76, $eol . ' '), strlen($header_text))); } $val[$key] = $text; } $ret[$ob['h']] = (count($val) == 1) ? reset($val) : $val; } return $ret; } /** * Returns the internal header array in string format. * * @param array $opts Optional parameters: * - canonical: (boolean) Use canonical (RFC 822/2045) line endings? * DEFAULT: Uses $this->_eol * - charset: (string) Encodes the headers using this charset. * DEFAULT: No encoding. * - defserver: (string) The default domain to append to mailboxes. * DEFAULT: No default name. * - nowrap: (integer) Don't wrap the headers. * DEFAULT: Headers are wrapped. * * @return string The headers in string format. */ public function toString(array $opts = array()) { $eol = empty($opts['canonical']) ? $this->_eol : "\r\n"; $text = ''; foreach ($this->toArray($opts) as $key => $val) { if (!is_array($val)) { $val = array($val); } foreach ($val as $entry) { $text .= $key . ': ' . $entry . $eol; } } return $text . $eol; } /** * Generate the 'Received' header for the Web browser->Horde hop * (attempts to conform to guidelines in RFC 5321 [4.4]). * * @param array $opts Additional opts: * - dns: (Net_DNS2_Resolver) Use the DNS resolver object to lookup * hostnames. * DEFAULT: Use gethostbyaddr() function. * - server: (string) Use this server name. * DEFAULT: Auto-detect using current PHP values. */ public function addReceivedHeader(array $opts = array()) { $old_error = error_reporting(0); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { /* This indicates the user is connecting through a proxy. */ $remote_path = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']); $remote_addr = $remote_path[0]; if (!empty($opts['dns'])) { $remote = $remote_addr; try { if ($response = $opts['dns']->query($remote_addr, 'PTR')) { foreach ($response->answer as $val) { if (isset($val->ptrdname)) { $remote = $val->ptrdname; break; } } } } catch (Net_DNS2_Exception $e) {} } else { $remote = gethostbyaddr($remote_addr); } } else { $remote_addr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if (empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'])) { if (!empty($opts['dns'])) { $remote = $remote_addr; try { if ($response = $opts['dns']->query($remote_addr, 'PTR')) { foreach ($response->answer as $val) { if (isset($val->ptrdname)) { $remote = $val->ptrdname; break; } } } } catch (Net_DNS2_Exception $e) {} } else { $remote = gethostbyaddr($remote_addr); } } else { $remote = $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST']; } } error_reporting($old_error); if (!empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_IDENT'])) { $remote_ident = $_SERVER['REMOTE_IDENT'] . '@' . $remote . ' '; } elseif ($remote != $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) { $remote_ident = $remote . ' '; } else { $remote_ident = ''; } if (!empty($opts['server'])) { $server_name = $opts['server']; } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { $server_name = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { $server_name = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } else { $server_name = 'unknown'; } $received = 'from ' . $remote . ' (' . $remote_ident . '[' . $remote_addr . ']) ' . 'by ' . $server_name . ' (Horde Framework) with HTTP; ' . date('r'); $this->addHeader('Received', $received); } /** * Generate the 'Message-ID' header. */ public function addMessageIdHeader() { $this->addHeader('Message-ID', Horde_Mime::generateMessageId()); } /** * Generate the user agent description header. */ public function addUserAgentHeader() { $this->addHeader('User-Agent', $this->getUserAgent()); } /** * Returns the user agent description header. * * @return string The user agent header. */ public function getUserAgent() { if (is_null($this->_agent)) { $this->_agent = 'Horde Application Framework 5'; } return $this->_agent; } /** * Explicitly sets the User-Agent string. * * @param string $agent The User-Agent string to use. */ public function setUserAgent($agent) { $this->_agent = $agent; } /** * Add a header to the header array. * * @param string $header The header name. * @param string $value The header value (UTF-8). * @param array $opts Additional options: * - params: (array) MIME parameters for Content-Type or * Content-Disposition. * DEFAULT: None * - sanity_check: (boolean) Do sanity-checking on header value? * DEFAULT: false */ public function addHeader($header, $value, array $opts = array()) { $header = trim($header); $lcHeader = Horde_String::lower($header); if (!isset($this->_headers[$lcHeader])) { $this->_headers[$lcHeader] = array( 'h' => $header ); } $ptr = &$this->_headers[$lcHeader]; if (!empty($opts['sanity_check'])) { $value = $this->_sanityCheck($value); } // Fields defined in RFC 2822 that contain address information if (in_array($lcHeader, $this->addressFields())) { $rfc822 = new Horde_Mail_Rfc822(); $addr_list = $rfc822->parseAddressList($value); switch ($lcHeader) { case 'bcc': case 'cc': case 'from': case 'to': /* Catch malformed undisclosed-recipients entries. */ if ((count($addr_list) == 1) && preg_match("/^\s*undisclosed-recipients:?\s*$/i", $addr_list[0]->bare_address)) { $addr_list = new Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List('undisclosed-recipients:;'); } break; } $value = strval($addr_list); } else { $value = Horde_Mime::decode($value); } if (isset($ptr['v'])) { if (!is_array($ptr['v'])) { $ptr['v'] = array($ptr['v']); } $ptr['v'][] = $value; } else { $ptr['v'] = $value; } if (!empty($opts['params'])) { $ptr['p'] = $opts['params']; } } /** * Remove a header from the header array. * * @param string $header The header name. */ public function removeHeader($header) { unset($this->_headers[Horde_String::lower(trim($header))]); } /** * Replace a value of a header. * * @param string $header The header name. * @param string $value The header value. * @param array $opts Additional options: * - params: (array) MIME parameters for Content-Type or * Content-Disposition. * DEFAULT: None * - sanity_check: (boolean) Do sanity-checking on header value? * DEFAULT: false */ public function replaceHeader($header, $value, array $opts = array()) { $this->removeHeader($header); $this->addHeader($header, $value, $opts); } /** * Attempts to return the header in the correct case. * * @param string $header The header to search for. * * @return string The value for the given header. * If the header is not found, returns null. */ public function getString($header) { $lcHeader = Horde_String::lower($header); return (isset($this->_headers[$lcHeader])) ? $this->_headers[$lcHeader]['h'] : null; } /** * Attempt to return the value for a given header. * The following header fields can only have 1 entry, so if duplicate * entries exist, the first value will be used: * * To, From, Cc, Bcc, Date, Sender, Reply-to, Message-ID, In-Reply-To, * References, Subject (RFC 2822 [3.6]) * * All List Headers (RFC 2369 [3]) * The values are not MIME encoded. * * @param string $header The header to search for. * @param integer $type The type of return: * - VALUE_STRING: Returns a string representation of the entire header. * - VALUE_BASE: Returns a string representation of the base value of * the header. If this is not a header that allows * parameters, this will be equivalent to VALUE_STRING. * - VALUE_PARAMS: Returns the list of parameters for this header. If * this is not a header that allows parameters, this * will be an empty array. * * @return mixed The value for the given header. * If the header is not found, returns null. */ public function getValue($header, $type = self::VALUE_STRING) { $header = Horde_String::lower($header); if (!isset($this->_headers[$header])) { return null; } $ptr = &$this->_headers[$header]; if (is_array($ptr['v']) && in_array($header, $this->singleFields(true))) { if (in_array($header, $this->addressFields())) { $base = str_replace(';,', ';', implode(', ', $ptr['v'])); } else { $base = $ptr['v'][0]; } } else { $base = $ptr['v']; } $params = isset($ptr['p']) ? $ptr['p'] : array(); switch ($type) { case self::VALUE_BASE: return $base; case self::VALUE_PARAMS: return $params; case self::VALUE_STRING: foreach ($params as $key => $val) { $base .= '; ' . $key . '=' . $val; } return $base; } } /** * Returns the list of RFC defined header fields that contain address * info. * * @return array The list of headers, in lowercase. */ static public function addressFields() { return array( 'from', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'reply-to', 'resent-to', 'resent-cc', 'resent-bcc', 'resent-from', 'sender' ); } /** * Returns the list of RFC defined header fields that can only contain * a single value. * * @param boolean $list Return list-related headers also? * * @return array The list of headers, in lowercase. */ public function singleFields($list = true) { return $list ? array_merge($this->_singleFields, array_keys($this->listHeaders())) : $this->_singleFields; } /** * Returns the list of RFC defined MIME header fields that may contain * parameter info. * * @return array The list of headers, in lowercase. */ static public function mimeParamFields() { return array('content-type', 'content-disposition'); } /** * Returns the list of valid mailing list headers. * * @deprecated Use Horde_ListHeaders#headers() instead. * * @return array The list of valid mailing list headers. */ static public function listHeaders() { return array( /* RFC 2369 */ 'list-help' => Horde_Mime_Translation::t("List-Help"), 'list-unsubscribe' => Horde_Mime_Translation::t("List-Unsubscribe"), 'list-subscribe' => Horde_Mime_Translation::t("List-Subscribe"), 'list-owner' => Horde_Mime_Translation::t("List-Owner"), 'list-post' => Horde_Mime_Translation::t("List-Post"), 'list-archive' => Horde_Mime_Translation::t("List-Archive"), /* RFC 2919 */ 'list-id' => Horde_Mime_Translation::t("List-Id") ); } /** * Do any mailing list headers exist? * * @return boolean True if any mailing list headers exist. */ public function listHeadersExist() { return (bool)count(array_intersect(array_keys($this->listHeaders()), array_keys($this->_headers))); } /** * Sets a new string to use for EOLs. * * @param string $eol The string to use for EOLs. */ public function setEOL($eol) { $this->_eol = $eol; } /** * Get the string to use for EOLs. * * @return string The string to use for EOLs. */ public function getEOL() { return $this->_eol; } /** * Returns an address object for a header. * * @param string $field The header to return as an object. * * @return Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List The object for the requested field. * Returns null if field doesn't exist. */ public function getOb($field) { if (($value = $this->getValue($field)) === null) { return null; } $rfc822 = new Horde_Mail_Rfc822(); return $rfc822->parseAddressList($value); } /** * Perform sanity checking on a raw header (e.g. handle 8-bit characters). * * @param string $data The header data. * * @return string The cleaned header data. */ protected function _sanityCheck($data) { $charset_test = array( 'windows-1252', self::$defaultCharset ); if (!Horde_String::validUtf8($data)) { /* Appears to be a PHP error with the internal String structure * which prevents accurate manipulation of the string. Copying * the data to a new variable fixes things. */ $data = substr($data, 0); /* Assumption: broken charset in headers is generally either * UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1/Windows-1252. Test these charsets * first before using default charset. This may be a * Western-centric approach, but it's better than nothing. */ foreach ($charset_test as $charset) { $tmp = Horde_String::convertCharset($data, $charset, 'UTF-8'); if (Horde_String::validUtf8($tmp)) { return $tmp; } } } return $data; } /* Static methods. */ /** * Builds a Horde_Mime_Headers object from header text. * * @param mixed $text A text string (or, as of 2.3.0, a Horde_Stream * object or stream resource) containing the headers. * * @return Horde_Mime_Headers A new Horde_Mime_Headers object. */ static public function parseHeaders($text) { $currheader = $currtext = null; $mime = self::mimeParamFields(); $to_process = array(); if ($text instanceof Horde_Stream) { $stream = $text; $stream->rewind(); } else { $stream = new Horde_Stream_Temp(); $stream->add($text, true); } while (!$stream->eof()) { if (!($val = rtrim($stream->getToChar("\n", false), "\r"))) { break; } if (($val[0] == ' ') || ($val[0] == "\t")) { $currtext .= ' ' . ltrim($val); } else { if (!is_null($currheader)) { $to_process[] = array($currheader, rtrim($currtext)); } $pos = strpos($val, ':'); $currheader = substr($val, 0, $pos); $currtext = ltrim(substr($val, $pos + 1)); } } if (!is_null($currheader)) { $to_process[] = array($currheader, $currtext); } $headers = new Horde_Mime_Headers(); reset($to_process); while (list(,$val) = each($to_process)) { /* Ignore empty headers. */ if (!strlen($val[1])) { continue; } if (in_array(Horde_String::lower($val[0]), $mime)) { $res = Horde_Mime::decodeParam($val[0], $val[1]); $headers->addHeader($val[0], $res['val'], array( 'params' => $res['params'], 'sanity_check' => true )); } else { $headers->addHeader($val[0], $val[1], array( 'sanity_check' => true )); } } return $headers; } /* Serializable methods. */ /** * Serialization. * * @return string Serialized data. */ public function serialize() { $data = array( // Serialized data ID. self::VERSION, $this->_headers, $this->_eol ); if (!is_null($this->_agent)) { $data[] = $this->_agent; } return serialize($data); } /** * Unserialization. * * @param string $data Serialized data. * * @throws Exception */ public function unserialize($data) { $data = @unserialize($data); if (!is_array($data) || !isset($data[0]) || ($data[0] != self::VERSION)) { throw new Horde_Mime_Exception('Cache version change'); } $this->_headers = $data[1]; $this->_eol = $data[2]; if (isset($data[3])) { $this->_agent = $data[3]; } } }