version.php is required for all plugins but themes.
$plugin->version = 2011051000; $plugin->requires = 2010112400; $plugin->cron = 0; $plugin->component = 'plugintype_pluginname'; $plugin->maturity = MATURITY_STABLE; $plugin->release = '2.x (Build: 2011051000)'; $plugin->dependencies = array('mod_forum' => ANY_VERSION, 'mod_data' => 2010020300);Replace $plugin with $module for activity modules, as in
$module->version = 2012122400;version = 1; $plugin->component = 'old_foobar';//$plugin->component='commented'; $plugin->component = 'block_foobar'; $plugin->version = 2013010100; ////////$plugin->version = 0; /* for activity modules use: $module->version = 2014131300; ***/ $plugin->version = "2010091855"; // Do not use quotes here. $plugin->version = '2010091856.9'; // Do not use quotes here. $plugin->requires = /* 2012010100 */ 2012122401 ; $module->maturity = MATURITY_STABLE; $module->maturity = 50; // If both present, the constant wins (on contrary to what PHP would do) $module->maturity = 'MATURITY_BETA'; // Do not use quotes here. $plugin->maturity = 10; $plugin->maturity = MATURITY_ALPHA; $module->release = 2.3; $plugin->release = 'v2.4'; $module->release = "v2.3"; $plugin->release = 2.4;