. /** * Strings for component 'assignsubmission_onlinetext', language 'en' * * @package assignsubmission_onlinetext * @copyright 2012 NetSpot {@link http://www.netspot.com.au} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['allowonlinetextsubmissions'] = 'Enabled'; $string['default'] = 'Enabled by default'; $string['default_help'] = 'If set, this submission method will be enabled by default for all new assignments.'; $string['enabled'] = 'Online text'; $string['enabled_help'] = 'If enabled, students are able to type rich text directly into an editor field for their submission.'; $string['eventassessableuploaded'] = 'An online text has been uploaded.'; $string['nosubmission'] = 'Nothing has been submitted for this assignment'; $string['onlinetext'] = 'Online text'; $string['onlinetextfilename'] = 'onlinetext.html'; $string['onlinetextsubmission'] = 'Allow online text submission'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Online text submissions'; $string['numwords'] = '({$a} words)'; $string['numwordsforlog'] = 'Submission word count: {$a} words'; $string['wordlimit'] = 'Word limit'; $string['wordlimit_help'] = 'If online text submissions are enabled, this is the maximum number ' . 'of words that each student will be allowed to submit.'; $string['wordlimitexceeded'] = 'The word limit for this assignment is {$a->limit} words and you ' . 'are attempting to submit {$a->count} words. Please review your submission and try again.';