. /** * Moodle's Clean theme, an example of how to make a Bootstrap theme * * DO NOT MODIFY THIS THEME! * COPY IT FIRST, THEN RENAME THE COPY AND MODIFY IT INSTEAD. * * For full information about creating Moodle themes, see: * http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Themes_2.0 * * @package theme_clean * @copyright 2013 Moodle, moodle.org * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die; if ($ADMIN->fulltree) { // Invert Navbar to dark background. $name = 'theme_clean/invert'; $title = get_string('invert', 'theme_clean'); $description = get_string('invertdesc', 'theme_clean'); $setting = new admin_setting_configcheckbox($name, $title, $description, 0); $setting->set_updatedcallback('theme_reset_all_caches'); $settings->add($setting); // Logo file setting. $name = 'theme_clean/logo'; $title = get_string('logo','theme_clean'); $description = get_string('logodesc', 'theme_clean'); $setting = new admin_setting_configstoredfile($name, $title, $description, 'logo'); $setting->set_updatedcallback('theme_reset_all_caches'); $settings->add($setting); // Custom CSS file. $name = 'theme_clean/customcss'; $title = get_string('customcss', 'theme_clean'); $description = get_string('customcssdesc', 'theme_clean'); $default = ''; $setting = new admin_setting_configtextarea($name, $title, $description, $default); $setting->set_updatedcallback('theme_reset_all_caches'); $settings->add($setting); // Footnote setting. $name = 'theme_clean/footnote'; $title = get_string('footnote', 'theme_clean'); $description = get_string('footnotedesc', 'theme_clean'); $default = ''; $setting = new admin_setting_confightmleditor($name, $title, $description, $default); $setting->set_updatedcallback('theme_reset_all_caches'); $settings->add($setting); }