. /** * Theme More lang file. * * @package theme_more * @copyright 2014 Frédéric Massart * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['backgroundfixed'] = 'Background fixed'; $string['backgroundfixed_desc'] = 'Use this setting to fix the background image to the page.'; $string['backgroundimage'] = 'Background image'; $string['backgroundimage_desc'] = 'The image to display as a background of the site.'; $string['backgroundposition'] = 'Background position'; $string['backgroundposition_desc'] = 'The position of the background image.'; $string['backgroundpositioncenterbottom'] = 'Center bottom'; $string['backgroundpositioncentercenter'] = 'Center center'; $string['backgroundpositioncentertop'] = 'Center top'; $string['backgroundpositionleftbottom'] = 'Left bottom'; $string['backgroundpositionleftcenter'] = 'Left center'; $string['backgroundpositionlefttop'] = 'Left top'; $string['backgroundpositionrightbottom'] = 'Right bottom'; $string['backgroundpositionrightcenter'] = 'Right center'; $string['backgroundpositionrighttop'] = 'Right top'; $string['backgroundrepeat'] = 'Background repeat'; $string['backgroundrepeat_desc'] = 'Defines the way the background image will be repeated.'; $string['backgroundrepeatnorepeat'] = 'No repeat'; $string['backgroundrepeatrepeat'] = 'Repeat'; $string['backgroundrepeatrepeatx'] = 'Repeat horizontally'; $string['backgroundrepeatrepeaty'] = 'Repeat vertically'; $string['bodybackground'] = 'Background colour'; $string['bodybackground_desc'] = 'The main colour to use for the background.'; $string['choosereadme'] = '
More is a theme that allows you to easily customise Moodle\'s look and feel directly from the web interface.
Visit the admin settings to change colours, add an image as a background, add your logo and more.
'; $string['configtitle'] = 'More'; $string['contentbackground'] = 'Main content background colour'; $string['contentbackground_desc'] = 'The background colour of the main content of the site, leave empty for none.'; $string['customcss'] = 'Custom CSS'; $string['customcssdesc'] = 'Whatever CSS rules you add to this textarea will be reflected in every page, making for easier customization of this theme.'; $string['footnote'] = 'Footnote'; $string['footnotedesc'] = 'Whatever you add to this textarea will be displayed in the footer throughout your Moodle site.'; $string['invert'] = 'Invert navbar'; $string['invertdesc'] = 'Swaps text and background for the navbar at the top of the page between black and white.'; $string['linkcolor'] = 'Link colour'; $string['linkcolor_desc'] = 'The colour of the links.'; $string['logo'] = 'Logo'; $string['logodesc'] = 'The logo is only displayed in the header of the front page and login page.