Copyright 2004 Matthew A. Nicholson. License same as open use logo. The "source" for this image is nicholson.xcf.gz. Here's how to recreate nicholson.rle from it: 1. Load splash.xcf.gz in the gimp. (These instructions for version 1.3) 2. Image -> Flatten Image 3. Image -> Mode -> Indexed 4. Tell it to use 16 colors. 5. Tell it to use "Positioned" dithering 6. Save as a nicholson.bmp 7. bmptoppm < nicholson.bmp | ppmtolss16 #DFE1DE=7 > nicholson.rle Note that DFE1DE is the color used for the "Debian" in the logo, assigning it to color 7 will make it also be used by the syslinux boot prompt.