#!/usr/bin/gnuplot set terminal png large set xdata time set format x "%m\n%y" set xlabel "date" set data style boxes set style fill solid 0.5 set key left set pointsize 0.25 set multiplot set title "" set timefmt "%Y-%m" set ylabel "number of commits" set origin 0,0 set size 1,0.5 plot \ 'commits' using 1:2 title "total commits per month", \ 'commits' using 1:3 title "translator commits per month" # 'commits' using 1:($2-$3) title "developer commits per month", \ # committers set title "" set ylabel "number of committers" set timefmt "%Y-%m" set origin 0,0.5 set size 1,0.5 plot \ 'committers' using 1:2 title "total committers each month", \ 'committers' using 1:($2-$3) title "translators committing each month" # 'committers' using 1:3 title "developers committing each month", \ set nomultiplot