# dh_pkexec(1) ## SYNOPSIS dh_pkexec ## DESCRIPTION Generate and install policykit files from configuration file. On this file set command to launch with pkexec, prefix and nameaction needed by polkit ( work as identifier ), auths definitions, default auth and if this application require X server to work. Auths definition is a list of dictionaries. Fields are : * "type": valid values are "group" or user. Define type of members * "members": list of members of auth * "any": authentication for users from other client ( SSH, XDMCP, ...) * "inactive": * "active": autentication required for user on active X session has been display. Values for "any", "inactive" and "active" fields has been indicated on polkit manpage If you don't config neither "auths" not "default_auths", auths by default are "yes" for all values. If don't config default_auth but auths has been writed, default_auth for all config will be "no" Can see example on "FILES" section ## FILES debian/package.pkexec JSON similar to: [ { "cmd": "/usr/bin/zero-center", "prefix": "net.lliurex.zero-center", "nameaction": "zero-center", "icon": "valentin", "auths": [ { "type":"group", "members": ["students"], "any":"no", "inactive":"no", "active":"yes"}, { "type":"user", "members": ["alu01"], "any":"no", "inactive":"no", "active":"yes"} ], "default_auth" :{"any":"no", "inactive":"no", "active":"no" }, "requiredx": True }, { "cmd": "/usr/bin/zero-center-super", "prefix": "net.lliurex.zero-center", "nameaction": "zero-center", "icon": "valentin", "auths": [ { "type":"group", "members": ["students,teachers"], "any":"yes", "inactive":"no"}, { "type":"user", "members": ["alu01,alu02,alu03"], "any":"yes"}, { "type":"user", "members": ["alu04,alu05,alu06"], "inactive":"no"} ], "default_auth" :{"any":"no", "inactive":"no", "active":"yes" } } ] debian/package.polkit.rules/uniquename This file will be installed by package on rules.d polkit path debian/package.polkit.action/uniquename This file will be installed by package on action.d polkit path