dashboard_modules = $dashboard_modules; if(!count($this->dashboard_modules)){ $this->load_all_modules(); } $this->check_authorization(); } public function render(){ //On a la liste des modules... On récupère les tableaux de bord... $this->dashboards =array(); foreach($this->dashboard_modules as $module_name){ $dashboard_classname = "dashboard_module_".$module_name; $this->dashboards[] = new $dashboard_classname(); } //les différents tableaux $this->dasboard_to_print = $context = array(); foreach($this->dashboards as $dashboard){ if ($dashboard->module == "dashboard"){ $context['quick_actions'] = $dashboard->get_quick_params_form(); } $this->dasboard_to_print = array_merge($this->dasboard_to_print,$dashboard->render_infos()); } //on charge le layout ! $template = $this->load_layout(); $context['dashboards'] = $this->dasboard_to_print; return h2o($template)->render($context); } private function render_alerts(){ foreach($this->dashboards as $dashboard){ } } private function check_authorization(){ global $class_path; $authorized_modules = array(); foreach($this->dashboard_modules as $module){ switch($module){ case "fichier" : global $fiches_active; if(SESSrights & DEMANDES_AUTH && $fiches_active && file_exists($class_path."/dashboard/dashboard_module_".$module.".class.php")) $authorized_modules[] = $module; break; case "demandes" : global $demandes_active; if(SESSrights & DEMANDES_AUTH && $demandes_active && file_exists($class_path."/dashboard/dashboard_module_".$module.".class.php")) $authorized_modules[] = $module; break; case "acquisition" : global $acquisition_active; if(SESSrights & ACQUISITION_AUTH && $acquisition_active && file_exists($class_path."/dashboard/dashboard_module_".$module.".class.php")) $authorized_modules[] = $module; break; case "catalog" : if(SESSrights & CATALOGAGE_AUTH && file_exists($class_path."/dashboard/dashboard_module_".$module.".class.php")) $authorized_modules[] = $module; break; case "circ" : if(SESSrights & CIRCULATION_AUTH && file_exists($class_path."/dashboard/dashboard_module_".$module.".class.php")) $authorized_modules[] = $module; break; case "dashboard" : if(file_exists($class_path."/dashboard/dashboard_module_".$module.".class.php")) $authorized_modules[] = $module; break; case "autorites" : if(SESSrights & AUTORITES_AUTH && file_exists($class_path."/dashboard/dashboard_module_".$module.".class.php")) $authorized_modules[] = $module; break; case "cms" : global $cms_active; if(SESSrights & CMS_AUTH && $cms_active && file_exists($class_path."/dashboard/dashboard_module_".$module.".class.php")) $authorized_modules[] = $module; break; case "dsi" : global $dsi_active; if(SESSrights & DSI_AUTH && $dsi_active && file_exists($class_path."/dashboard/dashboard_module_".$module.".class.php")) $authorized_modules[] = $module; break; case "edit" : if(SESSrights & EDIT_AUTH && file_exists($class_path."/dashboard/dashboard_module_".$module.".class.php")) $authorized_modules[] = $module; break; } } $this->dashboard_modules = $authorized_modules; } private function load_all_modules(){ $this->dashboard_modules = array(); $this->dashboard_modules[] = "dashboard"; $this->dashboard_modules[] = "circ"; $this->dashboard_modules[] = "catalog"; $this->dashboard_modules[] = "admin"; $this->dashboard_modules[] = "demandes"; $this->dashboard_modules[] = "acquisition"; $this->dashboard_modules[] = "fichier"; $this->dashboard_modules[] = "edit"; $this->dashboard_modules[] = "cms"; $this->dashboard_modules[] = "dsi"; $this->dashboard_modules[] = "autorites"; } private function choose_layout(){ $nb_elem = count($this->dasboard_to_print); switch ($nb_elem){ case 1 : $this->layout ="layout"; break; case 2 : $this->layout ="layout2"; break; default : if($nb_elem>=10 || $nb_elem%4 == 0){ $this->layout= "layout4"; }else if ($nb_elem%3 == 0){ $this->layout= "layout3"; }else if($nb_elem%4 >= $nb_elem%3){ $this->layout= "layout4"; }else{ $this->layout= "layout3"; } break; } // $this->layout = "layout3"; } private function load_layout(){ global $include_path; global $lang; $this->choose_layout(); $filepath = $include_path."/dashboard/layouts/".$this->layout; if(file_exists($filepath."_subst.xml")){ $filepath.="_subst"; } $template = ""; if(file_exists($filepath.".xml")){ $xml = new DOMDocument(); $xml->load($filepath.".xml"); //langue de référence $default_lang = ""; $xml_template = $xml->getElementsByTagName("template")->item(0); if($xml_template->hasAttributes()){ $attributes = $xml_template->attributes; for($i=0 ; $i<$attributes->length ; $i++){ if($attributes->item($i)->nodeName == "default_lang"){ //dom retourne de l'utf-8 à tous les coups... $default_lang = $this->charset_normalize($attributes->item($i)->nodeValue,"utf-8"); break; } } } //on cherche le template qui va bien... $html_templates = $xml_template->getElementsByTagName("content"); for($i=0 ; $i<$html_templates->length ; $i++){ if($i == 0 || $html_templates->length == 1){ $template = $this->charset_normalize($html_templates->item($i)->nodeValue,"utf-8"); } $attributes = $html_templates->item($i)->attributes; for($j=0 ; $j<$attributes->length ; $j++){ if($attributes->item($j)->nodeName == "lang"){ $current_lang = $this->charset_normalize($attributes->item($j)->nodeValue,"utf-8"); if($current_lang == $lang){ $template = $this->charset_normalize($html_templates->item($i)->nodeValue,"utf-8"); break(2); } } if($attributes->item($j)->nodeName == "default_lang"){ $current_lang = $this->charset_normalize($attributes->item($j)->nodeValue,"utf-8"); if($current_lang == $lang){ $template = $this->charset_normalize($html_templates->item($i)->nodeValue,"utf-8"); break; } } } } } return $template; } protected static function charset_normalize($elem,$input_charset){ global $charset; if(is_array($elem)){ foreach ($elem as $key =>$value){ $elem[$key] = self::charset_normalize($value,$input_charset); } }else{ //PMB dans un autre charset, on converti la chaine... $elem = self::clean_cp1252($elem, $input_charset); if($charset != $input_charset){ $elem = iconv($input_charset,$charset,$elem); } } return $elem; } protected static function clean_cp1252($str,$charset){ switch($charset){ case "utf-8" : $cp1252_map = array( "\x80" => "EUR", /* EURO SIGN */ "\x82" => "\xab", /* SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK */ "\x83" => "\x66", /* LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK */ "\x84" => "\xab", /* DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK */ "\x85" => "...", /* HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS */ "\x86" => "?", /* DAGGER */ "\x87" => "?", /* DOUBLE DAGGER */ "\x88" => "?", /* MODIFIER LETTER CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT */ "\x89" => "?", /* PER MILLE SIGN */ "\x8a" => "S", /* LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON */ "\x8b" => "\x3c", /* SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION */ "\x8c" => "OE", /* LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE */ "\x8e" => "Z", /* LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON */ "\xe2\x80\x98" => "\x27", /* LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK */ "\xe2\x80\x99" => "\x27", /* RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK */ "\x93" => "\x22", /* LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK */ "\x94" => "\x22", /* RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK */ "\x95" => "\b7", /* BULLET */ "\x96" => "\x20", /* EN DASH */ "\x97" => "\x20\x20", /* EM DASH */ "\x98" => "\x7e", /* SMALL TILDE */ "\x99" => "?", /* TRADE MARK SIGN */ "\x9a" => "S", /* LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON */ "\x9b" => "\x3e;", /* SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION*/ "\x9c" => "oe", /* LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE */ "\x9e" => "Z", /* LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON */ "\x9f" => "Y" /* LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS*/ ); break; case "iso8859-1" : $cp1252_map = array( "\x80" => "EUR", /* EURO SIGN */ "\x82" => "\xab", /* SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK */ "\x83" => "\x66", /* LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK */ "\x84" => "\xab", /* DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK */ "\x85" => "...", /* HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS */ "\x86" => "?", /* DAGGER */ "\x87" => "?", /* DOUBLE DAGGER */ "\x88" => "?", /* MODIFIER LETTER CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT */ "\x89" => "?", /* PER MILLE SIGN */ "\x8a" => "S", /* LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON */ "\x8b" => "\x3c", /* SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION */ "\x8c" => "OE", /* LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE */ "\x8e" => "Z", /* LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON */ "\x91" => "\x27", /* LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK */ "\x92" => "\x27", /* RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK */ "\x93" => "\x22", /* LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK */ "\x94" => "\x22", /* RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK */ "\x95" => "\b7", /* BULLET */ "\x96" => "\x20", /* EN DASH */ "\x97" => "\x20\x20", /* EM DASH */ "\x98" => "\x7e", /* SMALL TILDE */ "\x99" => "?", /* TRADE MARK SIGN */ "\x9a" => "S", /* LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON */ "\x9b" => "\x3e;", /* SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION*/ "\x9c" => "oe", /* LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE */ "\x9e" => "Z", /* LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON */ "\x9f" => "Y" /* LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS*/ ); break; } return strtr($str, $cp1252_map); } }