* @homepage * @package ARC2 */ class ARC2_Class { function __construct($a, &$caller) { $this->a = is_array($a) ? $a : array(); $this->caller = $caller; $this->__init(); } function __init() {/* base, time_limit */ if (!$_POST && isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'])) parse_str($GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'], $_POST); /* php5 bug */ $this->inc_path = ARC2::getIncPath(); $this->ns_count = 0; $rdf = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#'; $this->nsp = array($rdf => 'rdf'); $this->used_ns = array($rdf); $this->ns = array_merge(array('rdf' => $rdf), $this->v('ns', array(), $this->a)); $this->base = $this->v('base', ARC2::getRequestURI(), $this->a); $this->errors = array(); $this->warnings = array(); $this->adjust_utf8 = $this->v('adjust_utf8', 0, $this->a); $this->max_errors = $this->v('max_errors', 25, $this->a); $this->has_pcre_unicode = @preg_match('/\pL/u', 'test');/* \pL = block/point which is a Letter */ } /* */ function v($name, $default = false, $o = false) {/* value if set */ if ($o === false) $o = $this; if (is_array($o)) { return isset($o[$name]) ? $o[$name] : $default; } return isset($o->$name) ? $o->$name : $default; } function v1($name, $default = false, $o = false) {/* value if 1 (= not empty) */ if ($o === false) $o = $this; if (is_array($o)) { return (isset($o[$name]) && $o[$name]) ? $o[$name] : $default; } return (isset($o->$name) && $o->$name) ? $o->$name : $default; } function m($name, $a = false, $default = false, $o = false) {/* call method */ if ($o === false) $o = $this; return method_exists($o, $name) ? $o->$name($a) : $default; } /* */ function camelCase($v, $lc_first = 0, $keep_boundaries = 0) { $r = ucfirst($v); while (preg_match('/^(.*)[^a-z0-9](.*)$/si', $r, $m)) { /* don't fuse 2 upper-case chars */ if ($keep_boundaries && $m[1]) { $boundary = substr($m[1], -1); if (strtoupper($boundary) == $boundary) $m[1] .= 'CAMELCASEBOUNDARY'; } $r = $m[1] . ucfirst($m[2]); } $r = str_replace('CAMELCASEBOUNDARY', '_', $r); if ((strlen($r) > 1) && $lc_first && !preg_match('/[A-Z]/', $r[1])) $r = strtolower($r[0]) . substr($r, 1); return $r; } function deCamelCase($v, $uc_first = 0) { $r = str_replace('_', ' ', $v); $r = preg_replace('/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/e', '"\\1 " . strtolower("\\2")', $r); return $uc_first ? ucfirst($r) : $r; } /** * Tries to extract a somewhat human-readable label from a URI. */ function extractTermLabel($uri, $loops = 0) { list($ns, $r) = $this->splitURI($uri); /* encode apostrophe + s */ $r = str_replace('%27s', '_apostrophes_', $r); /* normalize */ $r = $this->deCamelCase($this->camelCase($r, 1, 1)); /* decode apostrophe + s */ $r = str_replace(' apostrophes ', "'s ", $r); /* typical RDF non-info URI */ if (($loops < 1) && preg_match('/^(self|it|this|me)$/i', $r)) { return $this->extractTermLabel(preg_replace('/\#.+$/', '', $uri), $loops + 1); } /* trailing hash or slash */ if ($uri && !$r && ($loops < 2)) { return $this->extractTermLabel(preg_replace('/[\#\/]$/', '', $uri), $loops + 1); } /* a de-camel-cased URL (will look like "www example com") */ if (preg_match('/^www (.+ [a-z]{2,4})$/', $r, $m)) { return $this->getPrettyURL($uri); } return $r; } /** * Generates a less ugly in-your-face URL. */ function getPrettyURL($r) { $r = rtrim($r, '/'); $r = preg_replace('/^https?\:\/\/(www\.)?/', '', $r); return $r; } /* */ function addError($v) { if (!in_array($v, $this->errors)) { $this->errors[] = $v; } if ($this->caller && method_exists($this->caller, 'addError')) { $glue = strpos($v, ' in ') ? ' via ' : ' in '; $this->caller->addError($v . $glue . get_class($this)); } if (count($this->errors) > $this->max_errors) { die('Too many errors (limit: ' . $this->max_errors . '): ' . print_r($this->errors, 1)); } return false; } function getErrors() { return $this->errors; } function getWarnings() { return $this->warnings; } function resetErrors() { $this->errors = array(); if ($this->caller && method_exists($this->caller, 'resetErrors')) { $this->caller->resetErrors(); } } /* */ function splitURI($v) { return ARC2::splitURI($v); } /* */ function getPName($v, $connector = ':') { /* is already a pname */ $ns = $this->getPNameNamespace($v, $connector); if ($ns) { if (!in_array($ns, $this->used_ns)) $this->used_ns[] = $ns; return $v; } /* new pname */ $parts = $this->splitURI($v); if ($parts) { /* known prefix */ foreach ($this->ns as $prefix => $ns) { if ($parts[0] == $ns) { if (!in_array($ns, $this->used_ns)) $this->used_ns[] = $ns; return $prefix . $connector . $parts[1]; } } /* new prefix */ $prefix = $this->getPrefix($parts[0]); return $prefix . $connector . $parts[1]; } return $v; } function getPNameNamespace($v, $connector = ':') { $re = '/^([a-z0-9\_\-]+)\:([a-z0-9\_\-\.\%]+)$/i'; if ($connector != ':') { $connectors = array('\:', '\-', '\_', '\.'); $chars = join('', array_diff($connectors, array($connector))); $re = '/^([a-z0-9' . $chars . ']+)\\' . $connector . '([a-z0-9\_\-\.\%]+)$/i'; } if (!preg_match($re, $v, $m)) return 0; if (!isset($this->ns[$m[1]])) return 0; return $this->ns[$m[1]]; } function setPrefix($prefix, $ns) { $this->ns[$prefix] = $ns; $this->nsp[$ns] = $prefix; return $this; } function getPrefix($ns) { if (!isset($this->nsp[$ns])) { $this->ns['ns' . $this->ns_count] = $ns; $this->nsp[$ns] = 'ns' . $this->ns_count; $this->ns_count++; } if (!in_array($ns, $this->used_ns)) $this->used_ns[] = $ns; return $this->nsp[$ns]; } function expandPName($v, $connector = ':') { $re = '/^([a-z0-9\_\-]+)\:([a-z0-9\_\-\.\%]+)$/i'; if ($connector != ':') { $connectors = array(':', '-', '_', '.'); $chars = '\\' . join('\\', array_diff($connectors, array($connector))); $re = '/^([a-z0-9' . $chars . ']+)\\' . $connector . '([a-z0-9\_\-\.\%]+)$/Ui'; } if (preg_match($re, $v, $m) && isset($this->ns[$m[1]])) { return $this->ns[$m[1]] . $m[2]; } return $v; } function expandPNames($index) { $r = array(); foreach ($index as $s => $ps) { $s = $this->expandPName($s); $r[$s] = array(); foreach ($ps as $p => $os) { $p = $this->expandPName($p); if (!is_array($os)) $os = array($os); foreach ($os as $i => $o) { if (!is_array($o)) { $o_val = $this->expandPName($o); $o_type = preg_match('/^[a-z]+\:[^\s\<\>]+$/si', $o_val) ? 'uri' : 'literal'; $o = array('value' => $o_val, 'type' => $o_type); } $os[$i] = $o; } $r[$s][$p] = $os; } } return $r; } /* */ function calcURI($path, $base = "") { /* quick check */ if (preg_match("/^[a-z0-9\_]+\:/i", $path)) {/* abs path or bnode */ return $path; } if (preg_match('/^\$\{.*\}/', $path)) {/* placeholder, assume abs URI */ return $path; } if (preg_match("/^\/\//", $path)) {/* net path, assume http */ return 'http:' . $path; } /* other URIs */ $base = $base ? $base : $this->base; $base = preg_replace('/\#.*$/', '', $base); if ($path === true) {/* empty (but valid) URIref via turtle parser: <> */ return $base; } $path = preg_replace("/^\.\//", '', $path); $root = preg_match('/(^[a-z0-9]+\:[\/]{1,3}[^\/]+)[\/|$]/i', $base, $m) ? $m[1] : $base; /* w/o trailing slash */ $base .= ($base == $root) ? '/' : ''; if (preg_match('/^\//', $path)) {/* leading slash */ return $root . $path; } if (!$path) { return $base; } if (preg_match('/^([\#\?])/', $path, $m)) { return preg_replace('/\\' .$m[1]. '.*$/', '', $base) . $path; } if (preg_match('/^(\&)(.*)$/', $path, $m)) {/* not perfect yet */ return preg_match('/\?/', $base) ? $base . $m[1] . $m[2] : $base . '?' . $m[2]; } if (preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]+\:/i", $path)) {/* abs path */ return $path; } /* rel path: remove stuff after last slash */ $base = substr($base, 0, strrpos($base, '/')+1); /* resolve ../ */ while (preg_match('/^(\.\.\/)(.*)$/', $path, $m)) { $path = $m[2]; $base = ($base == $root.'/') ? $base : preg_replace('/^(.*\/)[^\/]+\/$/', '\\1', $base); } return $base . $path; } /* */ function calcBase($path) { $r = $path; $r = preg_replace('/\#.*$/', '', $r);/* remove hash */ $r = preg_replace('/^\/\//', 'http://', $r);/* net path (//), assume http */ if (preg_match('/^[a-z0-9]+\:/', $r)) {/* scheme, abs path */ while (preg_match('/^(.+\/)(\.\.\/.*)$/U', $r, $m)) { $r = $this->calcURI($m[1], $m[2]); } return $r; } return 'file://' . realpath($r);/* real path */ } /* */ function getResource($uri, $store_or_props = '') { $res = ARC2::getResource($this->a); $res->setURI($uri); if (is_array($store_or_props)) { $res->setProps($store_or_props); } else { $res->setStore($store_or_props); } return $res; } function toIndex($v) { if (is_array($v)) { if (isset($v[0]) && isset($v[0]['s'])) return ARC2::getSimpleIndex($v, 0); return $v; } $parser = ARC2::getRDFParser($this->a); if ($v && !preg_match('/\s/', $v)) {/* assume graph URI */ $parser->parse($v); } else { $parser->parse('', $v); } return $parser->getSimpleIndex(0); } function toTriples($v) { if (is_array($v)) { if (isset($v[0]) && isset($v[0]['s'])) return $v; return ARC2::getTriplesFromIndex($v); } $parser = ARC2::getRDFParser($this->a); if ($v && !preg_match('/\s/', $v)) {/* assume graph URI */ $parser->parse($v); } else { $parser->parse('', $v); } return $parser->getTriples(); } /* */ function toNTriples($v, $ns = '', $raw = 0) { ARC2::inc('NTriplesSerializer'); if (!$ns) $ns = isset($this->a['ns']) ? $this->a['ns'] : array(); $ser = new ARC2_NTriplesSerializer(array_merge($this->a, array('ns' => $ns)), $this); return (isset($v[0]) && isset($v[0]['s'])) ? $ser->getSerializedTriples($v, $raw) : $ser->getSerializedIndex($v, $raw); } function toTurtle($v, $ns = '', $raw = 0) { ARC2::inc('TurtleSerializer'); if (!$ns) $ns = isset($this->a['ns']) ? $this->a['ns'] : array(); $ser = new ARC2_TurtleSerializer(array_merge($this->a, array('ns' => $ns)), $this); return (isset($v[0]) && isset($v[0]['s'])) ? $ser->getSerializedTriples($v, $raw) : $ser->getSerializedIndex($v, $raw); } function toRDFXML($v, $ns = '', $raw = 0) { ARC2::inc('RDFXMLSerializer'); if (!$ns) $ns = isset($this->a['ns']) ? $this->a['ns'] : array(); $ser = new ARC2_RDFXMLSerializer(array_merge($this->a, array('ns' => $ns)), $this); return (isset($v[0]) && isset($v[0]['s'])) ? $ser->getSerializedTriples($v, $raw) : $ser->getSerializedIndex($v, $raw); } function toRDFJSON($v, $ns = '') { ARC2::inc('RDFJSONSerializer'); if (!$ns) $ns = isset($this->a['ns']) ? $this->a['ns'] : array(); $ser = new ARC2_RDFJSONSerializer(array_merge($this->a, array('ns' => $ns)), $this); return (isset($v[0]) && isset($v[0]['s'])) ? $ser->getSerializedTriples($v) : $ser->getSerializedIndex($v); } function toRSS10($v, $ns = '') { ARC2::inc('RSS10Serializer'); if (!$ns) $ns = isset($this->a['ns']) ? $this->a['ns'] : array(); $ser = new ARC2_RSS10Serializer(array_merge($this->a, array('ns' => $ns)), $this); return (isset($v[0]) && isset($v[0]['s'])) ? $ser->getSerializedTriples($v) : $ser->getSerializedIndex($v); } function toLegacyXML($v, $ns = '') { ARC2::inc('LegacyXMLSerializer'); if (!$ns) $ns = isset($this->a['ns']) ? $this->a['ns'] : array(); $ser = new ARC2_LegacyXMLSerializer(array_merge($this->a, array('ns' => $ns)), $this); return $ser->getSerializedArray($v); } function toLegacyJSON($v, $ns = '') { ARC2::inc('LegacyJSONSerializer'); if (!$ns) $ns = isset($this->a['ns']) ? $this->a['ns'] : array(); $ser = new ARC2_LegacyJSONSerializer(array_merge($this->a, array('ns' => $ns)), $this); return $ser->getSerializedArray($v); } function toLegacyHTML($v, $ns = '') { ARC2::inc('LegacyHTMLSerializer'); if (!$ns) $ns = isset($this->a['ns']) ? $this->a['ns'] : array(); $ser = new ARC2_LegacyHTMLSerializer(array_merge($this->a, array('ns' => $ns)), $this); return $ser->getSerializedArray($v); } function toHTML($v, $ns = '', $label_store = '') { ARC2::inc('MicroRDFSerializer'); if (!$ns) $ns = isset($this->a['ns']) ? $this->a['ns'] : array(); $conf = array_merge($this->a, array('ns' => $ns)); if ($label_store) $conf['label_store'] = $label_store; $ser = new ARC2_MicroRDFSerializer($conf, $this); return (isset($v[0]) && isset($v[0]['s'])) ? $ser->getSerializedTriples($v) : $ser->getSerializedIndex($v); } /* */ function getFilledTemplate($t, $vals, $g = '') { $parser = ARC2::getTurtleParser(); $parser->parse($g, $this->getTurtleHead() . $t); return $parser->getSimpleIndex(0, $vals); } function getTurtleHead() { $r = ''; $ns = $this->v('ns', array(), $this->a); foreach ($ns as $k => $v) { $r .= "@prefix " . $k . ": <" .$v. "> .\n"; } return $r; } function completeQuery($q, $ns = '') { if (!$ns) $ns = isset($this->a['ns']) ? $this->a['ns'] : array(); $added_prefixes = array(); $prologue = ''; foreach ($ns as $k => $v) { $k = rtrim($k, ':'); if (in_array($k, $added_prefixes)) continue; if (preg_match('/(^|\s)' . $k . ':/s', $q) && !preg_match('/PREFIX\s+' . $k . '\:/is', $q)) { $prologue .= "\n" . 'PREFIX ' . $k . ': <' . $v . '>'; } $added_prefixes[] = $k; } return $prologue . "\n" . $q; } /* */ function toUTF8($str) { return $this->adjust_utf8 ? ARC2::toUTF8($str) : $str; } function toDataURI($str) { return 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' . rawurlencode($str); } function fromDataURI($str) { return str_replace('data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,', '', rawurldecode($str)); } /* prevent SQL injections via SPARQL REGEX */ function checkRegex($str) { return addslashes($str); // @@todo extend } /* Microdata methods */ function getMicrodataAttrs($id, $type = '') { $type = $type ? $this->expandPName($type) : $this->expandPName('owl:Thing'); return 'itemscope="" itemtype="' . htmlspecialchars($type) . '" itemid="' . htmlspecialchars($id) . '"'; } function mdAttrs($id, $type = '') { return $this->getMicrodataAttrs($id, $type); } /* central DB query hook */ function queryDB($sql, $con, $log_errors = 0) { $t1 = ARC2::mtime(); $r = mysql_query($sql, $con); if (0) { $t2 = ARC2::mtime() - $t1; $call_obj = $this; $call_path = ''; while ($call_obj) { $call_path = get_class($call_obj) . ' / ' . $call_path; $call_obj = isset($call_obj->caller) ? $call_obj->caller : false; } echo "\n" . $call_path . " needed " . $t2 . ' secs for ' . str_replace("\n" , ' ', $sql);; } if ($log_errors && ($er = mysql_error($con))) $this->addError($er); return $r; } /** * Shortcut method to create an RDF/XML backup dump from an RDF Store object. */ function backupStoreData($store, $target_path, $offset = 0) { $limit = 10; $q = ' SELECT DISTINCT ?s WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . } ORDER BY ?s LIMIT ' . $limit . ' ' . ($offset ? 'OFFSET ' . $offset : '') . ' '; $rows = $store->query($q, 'rows'); $tc = count($rows); $full_tc = $tc + $offset; $mode = $offset ? 'ab' : 'wb'; $fp = fopen($target_path, $mode); foreach ($rows as $row) { $index = $store->query('DESCRIBE <' . $row['s'] . '>', 'raw'); if ($index) { $doc = $this->toRDFXML($index); fwrite($fp, $doc . "\n\n"); } } fclose($fp); if ($tc == 10) { set_time_limit(300); $this->backupStoreData($store, $target_path, $offset + $limit); } return $full_tc; } }