* @package ARC2 * @version 2010-11-16 * */ ARC2::inc('StoreQueryHandler'); class ARC2_StoreSelectQueryHandler extends ARC2_StoreQueryHandler { function __construct($a, &$caller) {/* caller has to be a store */ parent::__construct($a, $caller); } function __init() {/* db_con */ parent::__init(); $this->store = $this->caller; $con = $this->store->getDBCon(); $this->handler_type = 'select'; $this->engine_type = $this->v('store_engine_type', 'MyISAM', $this->a); $this->cache_results = $this->v('store_cache_results', 0, $this->a); } /* */ function runQuery($infos) { $con = $this->store->getDBCon(); $rf = $this->v('result_format', '', $infos); $this->infos = $infos; $this->infos['null_vars'] = array(); $this->indexes = array(); $this->pattern_order_offset = 0; $q_sql = $this->getSQL(); /* debug result formats */ if ($rf == 'sql') return $q_sql; if ($rf == 'structure') return $this->infos; if ($rf == 'index') return $this->indexes; /* create intermediate results (ID-based) */ $tmp_tbl = $this->createTempTable($q_sql); /* join values */ $r = $this->getFinalQueryResult($q_sql, $tmp_tbl); /* remove intermediate results */ if (!$this->cache_results) { $this->queryDB('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $tmp_tbl, $con); } return $r; } function getSQL() { $r = ''; $nl = "\n"; $this->buildInitialIndexes(); foreach ($this->indexes as $i => $index) { $this->index = array_merge($this->getEmptyIndex(), $index); $this->analyzeIndex($this->getPattern('0')); $sub_r = $this->getQuerySQL(); $r .= $r ? $nl . 'UNION' . $this->getDistinctSQL() . $nl : ''; $r .= $this->is_union_query ? '(' . $sub_r . ')' : $sub_r; $this->indexes[$i] = $this->index; } $r .= $this->is_union_query ? $this->getLIMITSQL() : ''; if ($this->v('order_infos', 0, $this->infos['query'])) { $r = preg_replace('/SELECT(\s+DISTINCT)?\s*/', 'SELECT\\1 NULL AS `_pos_`, ', $r); } $pd_count = $this->problematicDependencies(); if ($pd_count) { /* re-arranging the patterns sometimes reduces the LEFT JOIN dependencies */ $set_sql = 0; if (!$this->pattern_order_offset) $set_sql = 1; if (!$set_sql && ($pd_count < $this->opt_sql_pd_count)) $set_sql = 1; if (!$set_sql && ($pd_count == $this->opt_sql_pd_count) && (strlen($r) < strlen($this->opt_sql))) $set_sql = 1; if ($set_sql) { $this->opt_sql = $r; $this->opt_sql_pd_count = $pd_count; } $this->pattern_order_offset++; if ($this->pattern_order_offset > 5) { return $this->opt_sql; } return $this->getSQL(); } return $r; } function buildInitialIndexes() { $this->dependency_log = array(); $this->index = $this->getEmptyIndex(); $this->buildIndex($this->infos['query']['pattern'], 0); $tmp = $this->index; $this->analyzeIndex($this->getPattern('0')); $this->initial_index = $this->index; $this->index = $tmp; $this->is_union_query = $this->index['union_branches'] ? 1 : 0; $this->indexes = $this->is_union_query ? $this->getUnionIndexes($this->index) : array($this->index); } function createTempTable($q_sql) { $con = $this->store->getDBCon(); $v = $this->store->getDBVersion(); if ($this->cache_results) { $tbl = $this->store->getTablePrefix() . 'Q' . md5($q_sql); } else { $tbl = $this->store->getTablePrefix() . 'Q' . md5($q_sql . time() . uniqid(rand())); } if (strlen($tbl) > 64) $tbl = 'Q' . md5($tbl); $tmp_sql = 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ' . $tbl . ' ( ' . $this->getTempTableDef($tbl, $q_sql) . ') '; $tmp_sql .= (($v < '04-01-00') && ($v >= '04-00-18')) ? 'ENGINE' : (($v >= '04-01-02') ? 'ENGINE' : 'TYPE'); $tmp_sql .= '=' . $this->engine_type;/* HEAP doesn't support AUTO_INCREMENT, and MySQL breaks on MEMORY sometimes */ if (!$this->queryDB($tmp_sql, $con) && !$this->queryDB(str_replace('CREATE TEMPORARY', 'CREATE', $tmp_sql), $con)) { return $this->addError(mysql_error($con)); } mysql_unbuffered_query('INSERT INTO ' . $tbl . ' ' . "\n" . $q_sql, $con); if ($er = mysql_error($con)) $this->addError($er); return $tbl; } function getEmptyIndex() { return array( 'from' => array(), 'join' => array(), 'left_join' => array(), 'vars' => array(), 'graph_vars' => array(), 'graph_uris' => array(), 'bnodes' => array(), 'triple_patterns' => array(), 'sub_joins' => array(), 'constraints' => array(), 'union_branches'=> array(), 'patterns' => array(), 'havings' => array() ); } function getTempTableDef($tmp_tbl, $q_sql) { $col_part = preg_replace('/^SELECT\s*(DISTINCT)?(.*)FROM.*$/s', '\\2', $q_sql); $parts = explode(',', $col_part); $has_order_infos = $this->v('order_infos', 0, $this->infos['query']); $r = ''; $added = array(); foreach ($parts as $part) { if (preg_match('/\.?(.+)\s+AS\s+`(.+)`/U', trim($part), $m) && !isset($added[$m[2]])) { $col = $m[1]; $alias = $m[2]; if ($alias == '_pos_') continue; $r .= $r ? ',' : ''; $r .= "\n `" . $alias . "` int UNSIGNED"; $added[$alias] = 1; } } if ($has_order_infos) { $r = "\n" . '`_pos_` mediumint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, ' . $r; } return $r ? $r . "\n" : ''; } function getFinalQueryResult($q_sql, $tmp_tbl) { /* var names */ $vars = array(); $aggregate_vars = array(); foreach ($this->infos['query']['result_vars'] as $entry) { if ($entry['aggregate']) { $vars[] = $entry['alias']; $aggregate_vars[] = $entry['alias']; } else { $vars[] = $entry['var']; } } /* result */ $r = array('variables' => $vars); $v_sql = $this->getValueSQL($tmp_tbl, $q_sql); //echo "\n\n" . $v_sql; $t1 = ARC2::mtime(); $con = $this->store->getDBCon(); $rs = mysql_unbuffered_query($v_sql, $con); if ($er = mysql_error($con)) { $this->addError($er); } $t2 = ARC2::mtime(); $rows = array(); $types = array(0 => 'uri', 1 => 'bnode', 2 => 'literal'); if ($rs) { while ($pre_row = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) { $row = array(); foreach ($vars as $var) { if (isset($pre_row[$var])) { $row[$var] = $pre_row[$var]; $row[$var . ' type'] = isset($pre_row[$var . ' type']) ? $types[$pre_row[$var . ' type']] : (in_array($var, $aggregate_vars) ? 'literal' : 'uri'); if (isset($pre_row[$var . ' lang_dt']) && ($lang_dt = $pre_row[$var . ' lang_dt'])) { if (preg_match('/^([a-z]+(\-[a-z0-9]+)*)$/i', $lang_dt)) { $row[$var . ' lang'] = $lang_dt; } else { $row[$var . ' datatype'] = $lang_dt; } } } } if ($row || !$vars) { $rows[] = $row; } } } $r['rows'] = $rows; return $r; } /* */ function buildIndex($pattern, $id) { $pattern['id'] = $id; $type = $this->v('type', '', $pattern); if (($type == 'filter') && $this->v('constraint', 0, $pattern)) { $sub_pattern = $pattern['constraint']; $sub_pattern['parent_id'] = $id; $sub_id = $id . '_0'; $this->buildIndex($sub_pattern, $sub_id); $pattern['constraint'] = $sub_id; } else { $sub_patterns = $this->v('patterns', array(), $pattern); $keys = array_keys($sub_patterns); $spc = count($sub_patterns); if (($spc > 4) && $this->pattern_order_offset) { $keys = array(); for ($i = 0 ; $i < $spc; $i++) { $keys[$i] = $i + $this->pattern_order_offset; while ($keys[$i] >= $spc) $keys[$i] -= $spc; } } foreach ($keys as $i => $key) { $sub_pattern = $sub_patterns[$key]; $sub_pattern['parent_id'] = $id; $sub_id = $id . '_' . $key; $this->buildIndex($sub_pattern, $sub_id); $pattern['patterns'][$i] = $sub_id; if ($type == 'union') { $this->index['union_branches'][] = $sub_id; } } } $this->index['patterns'][$id] = $pattern; } /* */ function analyzeIndex($pattern) { $type = $this->v('type', '', $pattern); if (!$type) { //echo ''; return false; } $type = $pattern['type']; $id = $pattern['id']; /* triple */ if ($type == 'triple') { foreach (array('s', 'p', 'o') as $term) { if ($pattern[$term . '_type'] == 'var') { $val = $pattern[$term]; $this->index['vars'][$val] = array_merge($this->v($val, array(), $this->index['vars']), array(array('table' => $pattern['id'], 'col' =>$term))); } if ($pattern[$term . '_type'] == 'bnode') { $val = $pattern[$term]; $this->index['bnodes'][$val] = array_merge($this->v($val, array(), $this->index['bnodes']), array(array('table' => $pattern['id'], 'col' =>$term))); } } $this->index['triple_patterns'][] = $pattern['id']; /* joins */ if ($this->isOptionalPattern($id)) { $this->index['left_join'][] = $id; } elseif (!$this->index['from']) { $this->index['from'][] = $id; } elseif (!$this->getJoinInfos($id)) { $this->index['from'][] = $id; } else { $this->index['join'][] = $id; } /* graph infos, graph vars */ $this->index['patterns'][$id]['graph_infos'] = $this->getGraphInfos($id); foreach ($this->index['patterns'][$id]['graph_infos'] as $info) { if ($info['type'] == 'graph') { if ($info['var']) { $val = $info['var']['value']; $this->index['graph_vars'][$val] = array_merge($this->v($val, array(), $this->index['graph_vars']), array(array('table' => $id))); } elseif ($info['uri']) { $val = $info['uri']; $this->index['graph_uris'][$val] = array_merge($this->v($val, array(), $this->index['graph_uris']), array(array('table' => $id))); } } } } $sub_ids = $this->v('patterns', array(), $pattern); foreach ($sub_ids as $sub_id) { $this->analyzeIndex($this->getPattern($sub_id)); } } /* */ function getGraphInfos($id) { $r = array(); if ($id) { $pattern = $this->index['patterns'][$id]; $type = $pattern['type']; /* graph */ if ($type == 'graph') { $r[] = array('type' => 'graph', 'var' => $pattern['var'], 'uri' => $pattern['uri']); } $p_pattern = $this->index['patterns'][$pattern['parent_id']]; if (isset($p_pattern['graph_infos'])) { return array_merge($p_pattern['graph_infos'], $r); } return array_merge($this->getGraphInfos($pattern['parent_id']), $r); } /* FROM / FROM NAMED */ else { if (isset($this->infos['query']['dataset'])) { foreach ($this->infos['query']['dataset'] as $set) { $r[] = array_merge(array('type' => 'dataset'), $set); } } } return $r; } /* */ function getPattern($id) { if (is_array($id)) { return $id; } return $this->v($id, array(), $this->index['patterns']); } function getInitialPattern($id) { return $this->v($id, array(), $this->initial_index['patterns']); } /* */ function getUnionIndexes($pre_index) { $r = array(); $branches = array(); $min_depth = 1000; /* only process branches with minimum depth */ foreach ($pre_index['union_branches'] as $id) { $branches[$id] = count(preg_split('/\_/', $id)); $min_depth = min($min_depth, $branches[$id]); } foreach ($branches as $branch_id => $depth) { if ($depth == $min_depth) { $union_id = preg_replace('/\_[0-9]+$/', '', $branch_id); $index = array('keeping' => $branch_id, 'union_branches' => array(), 'patterns' => $pre_index['patterns']); $old_branches = $index['patterns'][$union_id]['patterns']; $skip_id = ($old_branches[0] == $branch_id) ? $old_branches[1] : $old_branches[0]; $index['patterns'][$union_id]['type'] = 'group'; $index['patterns'][$union_id]['patterns'] = array($branch_id); $has_sub_unions = 0; foreach ($index['patterns'] as $pattern_id => $pattern) { if (preg_match('/^' .$skip_id. '/', $pattern_id)) { unset($index['patterns'][$pattern_id]); } elseif ($pattern['type'] == 'union') { foreach ($pattern['patterns'] as $sub_union_branch_id) { $index['union_branches'][] = $sub_union_branch_id; } } } if ($index['union_branches']) { $r = array_merge($r, $this->getUnionIndexes($index)); } else { $r[] = $index; } } } return $r; } /* */ function isOptionalPattern($id) { $pattern = $this->getPattern($id); if ($this->v('type', '', $pattern) == 'optional') { return 1; } if ($this->v('parent_id', '0', $pattern) == '0') { return 0; } return $this->isOptionalPattern($pattern['parent_id']); } function getOptionalPattern($id) { $pn = $this->getPattern($id); do { $pn = $this->getPattern($pn['parent_id']); } while ($pn['parent_id'] && ($pn['type'] != 'optional')); return $pn['id']; } function sameOptional($id, $id2) { return $this->getOptionalPattern($id) == $this->getOptionalPattern($id2); } /* */ function isUnionPattern($id) { $pattern = $this->getPattern($id); if ($this->v('type', '', $pattern) == 'union') { return 1; } if ($this->v('parent_id', '0', $pattern) == '0') { return 0; } return $this->isUnionPattern($pattern['parent_id']); } /* */ function getValueTable($col) { return $this->store->getTablePrefix() . (preg_match('/^(s|o)$/', $col) ? $col . '2val' : 'id2val'); } function getGraphTable() { return $this->store->getTablePrefix() . 'g2t'; } /* */ function getQuerySQL() { $nl = "\n"; $where_sql = $this->getWHERESQL(); /* pre-fills $index['sub_joins'] $index['constraints'] */ $order_sql = $this->getORDERSQL(); /* pre-fills $index['sub_joins'] $index['constraints'] */ return '' . ($this->is_union_query ? 'SELECT' : 'SELECT' . $this->getDistinctSQL()) . $nl . $this->getResultVarsSQL() . $nl . /* fills $index['sub_joins'] */ $this->getFROMSQL() . $this->getAllJoinsSQL() . $this->getWHERESQL() . $this->getGROUPSQL() . $this->getORDERSQL() . ($this->is_union_query ? '' : $this->getLIMITSQL()) . $nl . ''; } /* */ function getDistinctSQL() { if ($this->is_union_query) { return ($this->v('distinct', 0, $this->infos['query']) || $this->v('reduced', 0, $this->infos['query'])) ? '' : ' ALL'; } return ($this->v('distinct', 0, $this->infos['query']) || $this->v('reduced', 0, $this->infos['query'])) ? ' DISTINCT' : ''; } /* */ function getResultVarsSQL() { $r = ''; $vars = $this->infos['query']['result_vars']; $nl = "\n"; $added = array(); foreach ($vars as $var) { $var_name = $var['var']; $tbl_alias = ''; if ($tbl_infos = $this->getVarTableInfos($var_name, 0)) { $tbl = $tbl_infos['table']; $col = $tbl_infos['col']; $tbl_alias = $tbl_infos['table_alias']; } elseif ($var_name == 1) {/* ASK query */ $r .= '1 AS `success`'; } else { $this->addError('Result variable "' .$var_name. '" not used in query.'); } if ($tbl_alias) { /* aggregate */ if ($var['aggregate']) { $conv_code = ''; if (strtolower($var['aggregate']) != 'count') { $tbl_alias = 'V_' . $tbl . '_' . $col . '.val'; $conv_code = '0 + '; } if (!isset($added[$var['alias']])) { $r .= $r ? ',' . $nl . ' ' : ' '; $distinct_code = (strtolower($var['aggregate']) == 'count') && $this->v('distinct', 0, $this->infos['query']) ? 'DISTINCT ' : ''; $r .= $var['aggregate'] . '(' . $conv_code . $distinct_code . $tbl_alias. ') AS `' . $var['alias'] . '`'; $added[$var['alias']] = 1; } } /* normal var */ else { if (!isset($added[$var_name])) { $r .= $r ? ',' . $nl . ' ' : ' '; $r .= $tbl_alias . ' AS `' . $var_name . '`'; $is_s = ($col == 's'); $is_p = ($col == 'p'); $is_o = ($col == 'o'); if ($tbl_alias == 'NULL') { /* type / add in UNION queries? */ if ($is_s || $is_o) { $r .= ', ' . $nl . ' NULL AS `' . $var_name . ' type`'; } /* lang_dt / always add it in UNION queries, the var may be used as s/p/o */ if ($is_o || $this->is_union_query) { $r .= ', ' . $nl . ' NULL AS `' . $var_name . ' lang_dt`'; } } else { /* type */ if ($is_s || $is_o) { $r .= ', ' . $nl . ' ' .$tbl_alias . '_type AS `' . $var_name . ' type`'; } /* lang_dt / always add it in UNION queries, the var may be used as s/p/o */ if ($is_o) { $r .= ', ' . $nl . ' ' .$tbl_alias . '_lang_dt AS `' . $var_name . ' lang_dt`'; } elseif ($this->is_union_query) { $r .= ', ' . $nl . ' NULL AS `' . $var_name . ' lang_dt`'; } } $added[$var_name] = 1; } } if (!in_array($tbl_alias, $this->index['sub_joins'])) { $this->index['sub_joins'][] = $tbl_alias; } } } return $r ? $r : '1 AS `success`'; } function getVarTableInfos($var, $ignore_initial_index = 1) { if ($var == '*') { return array('table' => '', 'col' => '', 'table_alias' => '*'); } if ($infos = $this->v($var, 0, $this->index['vars'])) { $infos[0]['table_alias'] = 'T_' . $infos[0]['table'] . '.' . $infos[0]['col']; return $infos[0]; } if ($infos = $this->v($var, 0, $this->index['graph_vars'])) { $infos[0]['col'] = 'g'; $infos[0]['table_alias'] = 'G_' . $infos[0]['table'] . '.' . $infos[0]['col']; return $infos[0]; } if ($this->is_union_query && !$ignore_initial_index) { if (($infos = $this->v($var, 0, $this->initial_index['vars'])) || ($infos = $this->v($var, 0, $this->initial_index['graph_vars']))) { if (!in_array($var, $this->infos['null_vars'])) { $this->infos['null_vars'][] = $var; } $infos[0]['table_alias'] = 'NULL'; $infos[0]['col'] = !isset($infos[0]['col']) ? '' : $infos[0]['col']; return $infos[0]; } } return 0; } /* */ function getFROMSQL() { $from_ids = $this->index['from']; $r = ''; foreach ($from_ids as $from_id) { $r .= $r ? ', ' : ''; $r .= $this->getTripleTable($from_id) . ' T_' . $from_id; } /* MySQL 5 requires parentheses in case of multiple tables */ /* MySQL >5.5 (?) does not allow parentheses in case of a single table anymore! */ $r = (count($from_ids) > 1) ? '(' . $r . ')' : $r; return $r ? 'FROM ' . $r : ''; } /* */ function getOrderedJoinIDs() { return array_merge($this->index['from'], $this->index['join'], $this->index['left_join']); } function getJoinInfos($id) { $r = array(); $tbl_ids = $this->getOrderedJoinIDs(); $pattern = $this->getPattern($id); foreach ($tbl_ids as $tbl_id) { $tbl_pattern = $this->getPattern($tbl_id); if ($tbl_id != $id) { foreach (array('s', 'p', 'o') as $tbl_term) { foreach (array('var', 'bnode', 'uri') as $term_type) { if ($tbl_pattern[$tbl_term . '_type'] == $term_type) { foreach (array('s', 'p', 'o') as $term) { if (($pattern[$term . '_type'] == $term_type) && ($tbl_pattern[$tbl_term] == $pattern[$term])) { $r[] = array('term' => $term, 'join_tbl' => $tbl_id, 'join_term' => $tbl_term); } } } } } } } return $r; } function getAllJoinsSQL() { $js = $this->getJoins(); $ljs = $this->getLeftJoins(); $entries = array_merge($js, $ljs); $id2code = array(); foreach ($entries as $entry) { if (preg_match('/([^\s]+) ON (.*)/s', $entry, $m)) { $id2code[$m[1]] = $entry; } } $deps = array(); foreach ($id2code as $id => $code) { $deps[$id]['rank'] = 0; foreach ($id2code as $other_id => $other_code) { $deps[$id]['rank'] += ($id != $other_id) && preg_match('/' . $other_id . '/', $code) ? 1 : 0; $deps[$id][$other_id] = ($id != $other_id) && preg_match('/' . $other_id . '/', $code) ? 1 : 0; } } $r = ''; do { /* get next 0-rank */ $next_id = 0; foreach ($deps as $id => $infos) { if ($infos['rank'] == 0) { $next_id = $id; break; } } if ($next_id) { $r .= "\n" . $id2code[$next_id]; unset($deps[$next_id]); foreach ($deps as $id => $infos) { $deps[$id]['rank'] = 0; unset($deps[$id][$next_id]); foreach ($infos as $k => $v) { if (!in_array($k, array('rank', $next_id))) { $deps[$id]['rank'] += $v; $deps[$id][$k] = $v; } } } } } while ($next_id); if ($deps) { $this->addError('Not all patterns could be rewritten to SQL JOINs'); } return $r; } function getJoins() { $r = array(); $nl = "\n"; foreach ($this->index['join'] as $id) { $sub_r = $this->getJoinConditionSQL($id); $r[] = 'JOIN ' . $this->getTripleTable($id) . ' T_' . $id . ' ON (' . $sub_r . $nl . ')'; } foreach (array_merge($this->index['from'], $this->index['join']) as $id) { if ($sub_r = $this->getRequiredSubJoinSQL($id)) { $r[] = $sub_r; } } return $r; } function getLeftJoins() { $r = array(); $nl = "\n"; foreach ($this->index['left_join'] as $id) { $sub_r = $this->getJoinConditionSQL($id); $r[] = 'LEFT JOIN ' . $this->getTripleTable($id) . ' T_' . $id . ' ON (' . $sub_r . $nl . ')'; } foreach ($this->index['left_join'] as $id) { if ($sub_r = $this->getRequiredSubJoinSQL($id, 'LEFT')) { $r[] = $sub_r; } } return $r; } function getJoinConditionSQL($id) { $r = ''; $nl = "\n"; $infos = $this->getJoinInfos($id); $pattern = $this->getPattern($id); $tbl = 'T_' . $id; /* core dependency */ $d_tbls = $this->getDependentJoins($id); foreach ($d_tbls as $d_tbl) { if (preg_match('/^T_([0-9\_]+)\.[spo]+/', $d_tbl, $m) && ($m[1] != $id)) { if ($this->isJoinedBefore($m[1], $id) && !in_array($m[1], array_merge($this->index['from'], $this->index['join']))) { $r .= $r ? $nl . ' AND ' : $nl . ' '; $r .= '(' . $d_tbl . ' IS NOT NULL)'; } $this->logDependency($id, $d_tbl); } } /* triple-based join info */ foreach ($infos as $info) { if ($this->isJoinedBefore($info['join_tbl'], $id) && $this->joinDependsOn($id, $info['join_tbl'])) { $r .= $r ? $nl . ' AND ' : $nl . ' '; $r .= '(' . $tbl . '.' . $info['term'] . ' = T_' . $info['join_tbl'] . '.' . $info['join_term'] . ')'; } } /* filters etc */ if ($sub_r = $this->getPatternSQL($pattern, 'join__T_' . $id)) { $r .= $r ? $nl . ' AND ' . $sub_r : $nl . ' ' . '(' . $sub_r . ')'; } return $r; } /** * A log of identified table join dependencies in getJoinConditionSQL * */ function logDependency($id, $tbl) { if (!isset($this->dependency_log[$id])) $this->dependency_log[$id] = array(); if (!in_array($tbl, $this->dependency_log[$id])) { $this->dependency_log[$id][] = $tbl; } } /** * checks whether entries in the dependecy log could perhaps be optimized * (triggers re-ordering of patterns */ function problematicDependencies() { foreach ($this->dependency_log as $id => $tbls) { if (count($tbls) > 1) return count($tbls); } return 0; } function isJoinedBefore($tbl_1, $tbl_2) { $tbl_ids = $this->getOrderedJoinIDs(); foreach ($tbl_ids as $id) { if ($id == $tbl_1) { return 1; } if ($id == $tbl_2) { return 0; } } } function joinDependsOn($id, $id2) { if (in_array($id2, array_merge($this->index['from'], $this->index['join']))) { return 1; } $d_tbls = $this->getDependentJoins($id2); //echo $id . ' :: ' . $id2 . '=>' . print_r($d_tbls, 1); foreach ($d_tbls as $d_tbl) { if (preg_match('/^T_' .$id. '\./', $d_tbl)) { return 1; } } return 0; } function getDependentJoins($id) { $r = array(); /* sub joins */ foreach ($this->index['sub_joins'] as $alias) { if (preg_match('/^(T|V|G)_' . $id . '/', $alias)) { $r[] = $alias; } } /* siblings in shared optional */ $o_id = $this->getOptionalPattern($id); foreach ($this->index['sub_joins'] as $alias) { if (preg_match('/^(T|V|G)_' . $o_id . '/', $alias) && !in_array($alias, $r)) { $r[] = $alias; } } foreach ($this->index['left_join'] as $alias) { if (preg_match('/^' . $o_id . '/', $alias) && !in_array($alias, $r)) { $r[] = 'T_' . $alias . '.s'; } } return $r; } /* */ function getRequiredSubJoinSQL($id, $prefix = '') {/* id is a triple pattern id. Optional FILTERS and GRAPHs are getting added to the join directly */ $nl = "\n"; $r = ''; foreach ($this->index['sub_joins'] as $alias) { if (preg_match('/^V_' . $id . '_([a-z\_]+)\.val$/', $alias, $m)) { $col = $m[1]; $sub_r = ''; if ($this->isOptionalPattern($id)) { $pattern = $this->getPattern($id); do { $pattern = $this->getPattern($pattern['parent_id']); } while ($pattern['parent_id'] && ($pattern['type'] != 'optional')); $sub_r = $this->getPatternSQL($pattern, 'sub_join__V_' . $id); } $sub_r = $sub_r ? $nl . ' AND (' . $sub_r . ')' : ''; /* lang dt only on literals */ if ($col == 'o_lang_dt') { $sub_sub_r = 'T_' . $id . '.o_type = 2'; $sub_r .= $nl . ' AND (' . $sub_sub_r . ')'; } //$cur_prefix = $prefix ? $prefix . ' ' : 'STRAIGHT_'; $cur_prefix = $prefix ? $prefix . ' ' : ''; if ($col == 'g') { $r .= trim($cur_prefix . 'JOIN '. $this->getValueTable($col) . ' V_' .$id . '_' . $col. ' ON (' .$nl. ' (G_' . $id . '.' . $col. ' = V_' . $id. '_' . $col. '.id) ' . $sub_r . $nl . ')'); } else { $r .= trim($cur_prefix . 'JOIN '. $this->getValueTable($col) . ' V_' .$id . '_' . $col. ' ON (' .$nl. ' (T_' . $id . '.' . $col. ' = V_' . $id. '_' . $col. '.id) ' . $sub_r . $nl . ')'); } } elseif (preg_match('/^G_' . $id . '\.g$/', $alias, $m)) { $pattern = $this->getPattern($id); $sub_r = $this->getPatternSQL($pattern, 'graph_sub_join__G_' . $id); $sub_r = $sub_r ? $nl . ' AND ' . $sub_r : ''; /* dataset restrictions */ $gi = $this->getGraphInfos($id); $sub_sub_r = ''; $added_gts = array(); foreach ($gi as $set) { if (isset($set['graph']) && !in_array($set['graph'], $added_gts)) { $sub_sub_r .= $sub_sub_r !== '' ? ',' : ''; $sub_sub_r .= $this->getTermID($set['graph'], 'g'); $added_gts[] = $set['graph']; } } $sub_r .= ($sub_sub_r !== '') ? $nl . ' AND (G_' . $id . '.g IN (' . $sub_sub_r . '))' : ''; // /* ' . str_replace('#' , '::', $set['graph']) . ' */'; /* other graph join conditions */ foreach ($this->index['graph_vars'] as $var => $occurs) { $occur_tbls = array(); foreach ($occurs as $occur) { $occur_tbls[] = $occur['table']; if ($occur['table'] == $id) break; } foreach($occur_tbls as $tbl) { if (($tbl != $id) && in_array($id, $occur_tbls) && $this->isJoinedBefore($tbl, $id)) { $sub_r .= $nl . ' AND (G_' .$id. '.g = G_' .$tbl. '.g)'; } } } //$cur_prefix = $prefix ? $prefix . ' ' : 'STRAIGHT_'; $cur_prefix = $prefix ? $prefix . ' ' : ''; $r .= trim($cur_prefix . 'JOIN '. $this->getGraphTable() . ' G_' .$id . ' ON (' .$nl. ' (T_' . $id . '.t = G_' .$id. '.t)' . $sub_r . $nl . ')'); } } return $r; } /* */ function getWHERESQL() { $r = ''; $nl = "\n"; /* standard constraints */ $sub_r = $this->getPatternSQL($this->getPattern('0'), 'where'); /* additional constraints */ foreach ($this->index['from'] as $id) { if ($sub_sub_r = $this->getConstraintSQL($id)) { $sub_r .= $sub_r ? $nl . ' AND ' . $sub_sub_r : $sub_sub_r; } } $r .= $sub_r ? $sub_r : ''; /* left join dependencies */ foreach ($this->index['left_join'] as $id) { $d_joins = $this->getDependentJoins($id); $added = array(); $d_aliases = array(); //echo $id . ' =>' . print_r($d_joins, 1); $id_alias = 'T_' . $id . '.s'; foreach ($d_joins as $alias) { if (preg_match('/^(T|V|G)_([0-9\_]+)(_[spo])?\.([a-z\_]+)/', $alias, $m)) { $tbl_type = $m[1]; $tbl_pattern_id = $m[2]; $suffix = $m[3]; if (($tbl_pattern_id >= $id) && $this->sameOptional($tbl_pattern_id, $id)) {/* get rid of dependency permutations and nested optionals */ if (!in_array($tbl_type . '_' . $tbl_pattern_id . $suffix, $added)) { $sub_r .= $sub_r ? ' AND ' : ''; $sub_r .= $alias . ' IS NULL'; $d_aliases[] = $alias; $added[] = $tbl_type . '_' . $tbl_pattern_id . $suffix; $id_alias = ($tbl_pattern_id == $id) ? $alias : $id_alias; } } } } if (count($d_aliases) > 2) {/* @@todo fix this! */ $sub_r1 = ' /* '.$id_alias.' dependencies */'; $sub_r2 = '((' . $id_alias . ' IS NULL) OR (CONCAT(' . join(', ', $d_aliases) . ') IS NOT NULL))'; $r .= $r ? $nl . $sub_r1 . $nl . ' AND ' .$sub_r2 : $sub_r1 . $nl . $sub_r2; } } return $r ? $nl . 'WHERE ' . $r : ''; } /* */ function addConstraintSQLEntry($id, $sql) { if (!isset($this->index['constraints'][$id])) { $this->index['constraints'][$id] = array(); } if (!in_array($sql, $this->index['constraints'][$id])) { $this->index['constraints'][$id][] = $sql; } } function getConstraintSQL($id) { $r = ''; $nl = "\n"; $constraints = $this->v($id, array(), $this->index['constraints']); foreach ($constraints as $constraint) { $r .= $r ? $nl . ' AND ' . $constraint : $constraint; } return $r; } /* */ function getPatternSQL($pattern, $context) { $type = $this->v('type', '', $pattern); if (!$type) { return ''; } $m = 'get' . ucfirst($type) . 'PatternSQL'; return method_exists($this, $m) ? $this->$m($pattern, $context) : $this->getDefaultPatternSQL($pattern, $context); } function getDefaultPatternSQL($pattern, $context) { $r = ''; $nl = "\n"; $sub_ids = $this->v('patterns', array(), $pattern); foreach ($sub_ids as $sub_id) { $sub_r = $this->getPatternSQL($this->getPattern($sub_id), $context); $r .= ($r && $sub_r) ? $nl . ' AND (' . $sub_r . ')' : ($sub_r ? $sub_r : ''); } return $r ? $r : ''; } function getTriplePatternSQL($pattern, $context) { $r = ''; $nl = "\n"; $id = $pattern['id']; /* s p o */ $vars = array(); foreach (array('s', 'p', 'o') as $term) { $sub_r = ''; $type = $pattern[$term . '_type']; if ($type == 'uri') { $term_id = $this->getTermID($pattern[$term], $term); $sub_r = '(T_' . $id . '.' . $term . ' = ' . $term_id . ') /* ' . preg_replace('/[\#\*\>]/' , '::', $pattern[$term]) . ' */'; } elseif ($type == 'literal') { $term_id = $this->getTermID($pattern[$term], $term); $sub_r = '(T_' . $id . '.' . $term . ' = ' . $term_id . ') /* ' . preg_replace('/[\#\n\*\>]/' , ' ', $pattern[$term]) . ' */'; if (($lang_dt = $this->v1($term . '_lang', '', $pattern)) || ($lang_dt = $this->v1($term . '_datatype', '', $pattern))) { $lang_dt_id = $this->getTermID($lang_dt); $sub_r .= $nl . ' AND (T_' . $id . '.' .$term. '_lang_dt = ' . $lang_dt_id . ') /* ' . preg_replace('/[\#\*\>]/' , '::', $lang_dt) . ' */'; } } elseif ($type == 'var') { $val = $pattern[$term]; if (isset($vars[$val])) {/* repeated var in pattern */ $sub_r = '(T_' . $id . '.' . $term . '=' . 'T_' . $id . '.' . $vars[$val] . ')'; } $vars[$val] = $term; if ($infos = $this->v($val, 0, $this->index['graph_vars'])) {/* graph var in triple pattern */ $sub_r .= $sub_r ? $nl . ' AND ' : ''; $tbl = $infos[0]['table']; $sub_r .= 'G_' . $tbl . '.g = T_' . $id . '.' . $term; } } if ($sub_r) { if (preg_match('/^(join)/', $context) || (preg_match('/^where/', $context) && in_array($id, $this->index['from']))) { $r .= $r ? $nl . ' AND ' . $sub_r : $sub_r; } } } /* g */ if ($infos = $pattern['graph_infos']) { $tbl_alias = 'G_' . $id . '.g'; if (!in_array($tbl_alias, $this->index['sub_joins'])) { $this->index['sub_joins'][] = $tbl_alias; } $sub_r = array('graph_var' => '', 'graph_uri' => '', 'from' => '', 'from_named' => ''); foreach ($infos as $info) { $type = $info['type']; if ($type == 'graph') { if ($info['uri']) { $term_id = $this->getTermID($info['uri'], 'g'); $sub_r['graph_uri'] .= $sub_r['graph_uri'] ? $nl . ' AND ' : ''; $sub_r['graph_uri'] .= '(' .$tbl_alias. ' = ' . $term_id . ') /* ' . preg_replace('/[\#\*\>]/' , '::', $info['uri']) . ' */'; } } } if ($sub_r['from'] && $sub_r['from_named']) { $sub_r['from_named'] = ''; } if (!$sub_r['from'] && !$sub_r['from_named']) { $sub_r['graph_var'] = ''; } if (preg_match('/^(graph_sub_join)/', $context)) { foreach ($sub_r as $g_type => $g_sql) { if ($g_sql) { $r .= $r ? $nl . ' AND ' . $g_sql : $g_sql; } } } } /* optional sibling filters? */ if (preg_match('/^(join|sub_join)/', $context) && $this->isOptionalPattern($id)) { $o_pattern = $pattern; do { $o_pattern = $this->getPattern($o_pattern['parent_id']); } while ($o_pattern['parent_id'] && ($o_pattern['type'] != 'optional')); if ($sub_r = $this->getPatternSQL($o_pattern, 'optional_filter' . preg_replace('/^(.*)(__.*)$/', '\\2', $context))) { $r .= $r ? $nl . ' AND ' . $sub_r : $sub_r; } /* created constraints */ if ($sub_r = $this->getConstraintSQL($id)) { $r .= $r ? $nl . ' AND ' . $sub_r : $sub_r; } } /* result */ if (preg_match('/^(where)/', $context) && $this->isOptionalPattern($id)) { return ''; } return $r; } /* */ function getFilterPatternSQL($pattern, $context) { $r = ''; $id = $pattern['id']; $constraint_id = $this->v1('constraint', '', $pattern); $constraint = $this->getPattern($constraint_id); $constraint_type = $constraint['type']; if ($constraint_type == 'built_in_call') { $r = $this->getBuiltInCallSQL($constraint, $context); } elseif ($constraint_type == 'expression') { $r = $this->getExpressionSQL($constraint, $context, '', 'filter'); } else { $m = 'get' . ucfirst($constraint_type) . 'ExpressionSQL'; if (method_exists($this, $m)) { $r = $this->$m($constraint, $context, '', 'filter'); } } if ($this->isOptionalPattern($id) && !preg_match('/^(join|optional_filter)/', $context)) { return ''; } /* unconnected vars in FILTERs eval to false */ $sub_r = $this->hasUnconnectedFilterVars($id); if ($sub_r) { if ($sub_r == 'alias') { if (!in_array($r, $this->index['havings'])) $this->index['havings'][] = $r; return ''; } elseif (preg_match('/^T([^\s]+\.)g (.*)$/s', $r, $m)) {/* graph filter */ return 'G' . $m[1] . 't ' . $m[2]; } elseif (preg_match('/^\(*V[^\s]+_g\.val .*$/s', $r, $m)) {/* graph value filter, @@improveMe */ //return $r; } else { return 'FALSE'; } } /* some really ugly tweaks */ /* empty language filter: FILTER ( lang(?v) = '' ) */ $r = preg_replace('/\(\/\* language call \*\/ ([^\s]+) = ""\)/s', '((\\1 = "") OR (\\1 LIKE "%:%"))', $r); return $r; } /** * Checks if vars in the given (filter) pattern are used within the filter's scope. */ function hasUnconnectedFilterVars($filter_pattern_id) { $scope_id = $this->getFilterScope($filter_pattern_id); $vars = $this->getFilterVars($filter_pattern_id); $r = 0; foreach ($vars as $var_name) { if ($this->isUsedTripleVar($var_name, $scope_id)) continue; if ($this->isAliasVar($var_name)) { $r = 'alias'; break; } $r = 1; break; } return $r; } /** * Returns the given filter pattern's scope (the id of the parent group pattern). */ function getFilterScope($filter_pattern_id) { $patterns = $this->initial_index['patterns']; $r = ''; foreach ($patterns as $id => $p) { /* the id has to be sub-part of the given filter id */ if (!preg_match('/^' . $id . '.+/', $filter_pattern_id)) continue; /* we are looking for a group or union */ if (!preg_match('/^(group|union)$/', $p['type'])) continue; /* we are looking for the longest/deepest match */ if (strlen($id) > strlen($r)) $r = $id; } return $r; } /** * Builds a list of vars used in the given (filter) pattern. */ function getFilterVars($filter_pattern_id) { $r = array(); $patterns = $this->initial_index['patterns']; /* find vars in the given filter (i.e. the given id is part of their pattern id) */ foreach ($patterns as $id => $p) { if (!preg_match('/^' . $filter_pattern_id . '.+/', $id)) continue; $var_name = ''; if ($p['type'] == 'var') { $var_name = $p['value']; } elseif (($p['type'] == 'built_in_call') && ($p['call'] == 'bound')) { $var_name = $p['args'][0]['value']; } if ($var_name && !in_array($var_name, $r)) { $r[] = $var_name; } } return $r; } /** * Checks if $var_name appears as result projection alias. */ function isAliasVar($var_name) { foreach ($this->infos['query']['result_vars'] as $r_var) { if ($r_var['alias'] == $var_name) return 1; } return 0; } /** * Checks if $var_name is used in a triple pattern in the given scope */ function isUsedTripleVar($var_name, $scope_id = '0') { $patterns = $this->initial_index['patterns']; foreach ($patterns as $id => $p) { if ($p['type'] != 'triple') continue; if (!preg_match('/^' . $scope_id . '.+/', $id)) continue; foreach (array('s', 'p', 'o') as $term) { if ($p[$term . '_type'] != 'var') continue; if ($p[$term] == $var_name) return 1; } } } /* */ function getExpressionSQL($pattern, $context, $val_type = '', $parent_type = '') { $r = ''; $nl = "\n"; $type = $this->v1('type', '', $pattern); $sub_type = $this->v1('sub_type', $type, $pattern); if (preg_match('/^(and|or)$/', $sub_type)) { foreach ($pattern['patterns'] as $sub_id) { $sub_pattern = $this->getPattern($sub_id); $sub_pattern_type = $sub_pattern['type']; if ($sub_pattern_type == 'built_in_call') { $sub_r = $this->getBuiltInCallSQL($sub_pattern, $context, '', $parent_type); } else { $sub_r = $this->getExpressionSQL($sub_pattern, $context, '', $parent_type); } if ($sub_r) { $r .= $r ? ' ' . strtoupper($sub_type). ' (' .$sub_r. ')' : '(' . $sub_r . ')'; } } } elseif ($sub_type == 'built_in_call') { $r = $this->getBuiltInCallSQL($pattern, $context, $val_type, $parent_type); } elseif (preg_match('/literal/', $sub_type)) { $r = $this->getLiteralExpressionSQL($pattern, $context, $val_type, $parent_type); } elseif ($sub_type) { $m = 'get' . ucfirst($sub_type) . 'ExpressionSQL'; if (method_exists($this, $m)) { $r = $this->$m($pattern, $context, '', $parent_type); } } /* skip expressions that reference non-yet-joined tables */ if (preg_match('/__(T|V|G)_(.+)$/', $context, $m)) { $context_pattern_id = $m[2]; $context_table_type = $m[1]; if (preg_match_all('/((T|V|G)(\_[0-9])+)/', $r, $m)) { $aliases = $m[1]; $keep = 1; foreach ($aliases as $alias) { if (preg_match('/(T|V|G)_(.*)$/', $alias, $m)) { $tbl_type = $m[1]; $tbl = $m[2]; if (!$this->isJoinedBefore($tbl, $context_pattern_id)) { $keep = 0; } elseif (($context_pattern_id == $tbl) && preg_match('/(TV)/', $context_table_type . $tbl_type)) { $keep = 0; } } } $r = $keep ? $r : ''; } } return $r ? '(' . $r . ')' : $r; } function detectExpressionValueType($pattern_ids) { foreach ($pattern_ids as $id) { $pattern = $this->getPattern($id); $type = $this->v('type', '', $pattern); if (($type == 'literal') && isset($pattern['datatype'])) { if (in_array($pattern['datatype'], array($this->xsd . 'integer', $this->xsd . 'float', $this->xsd . 'double'))) { return 'numeric'; } } } return ''; } /* */ function getRelationalExpressionSQL($pattern, $context, $val_type = '', $parent_type = '') { $r = ''; $val_type = $this->detectExpressionValueType($pattern['patterns']); $op = $pattern['operator']; foreach ($pattern['patterns'] as $sub_id) { $sub_pattern = $this->getPattern($sub_id); $sub_pattern['parent_op'] = $op; $sub_type = $sub_pattern['type']; $m = ($sub_type == 'built_in_call') ? 'getBuiltInCallSQL' : 'get' . ucfirst($sub_type) . 'ExpressionSQL'; $m = str_replace('ExpressionExpression', 'Expression', $m); $sub_r = method_exists($this, $m) ? $this->$m($sub_pattern, $context, $val_type, 'relational') : ''; $r .= $r ? ' ' . $op . ' ' . $sub_r : $sub_r; } return $r ? '(' . $r . ')' : $r; } function getAdditiveExpressionSQL($pattern, $context, $val_type = '', $parent_type = '') { $r = ''; $val_type = $this->detectExpressionValueType($pattern['patterns']); foreach ($pattern['patterns'] as $sub_id) { $sub_pattern = $this->getPattern($sub_id); $sub_type = $this->v('type', '', $sub_pattern); $m = ($sub_type == 'built_in_call') ? 'getBuiltInCallSQL' : 'get' . ucfirst($sub_type) . 'ExpressionSQL'; $m = str_replace('ExpressionExpression', 'Expression', $m); $sub_r = method_exists($this, $m) ? $this->$m($sub_pattern, $context, $val_type, 'additive') : ''; $r .= $r ? ' ' . $sub_r : $sub_r; } return $r; } function getMultiplicativeExpressionSQL($pattern, $context, $val_type = '', $parent_type = '') { $r = ''; $val_type = $this->detectExpressionValueType($pattern['patterns']); foreach ($pattern['patterns'] as $sub_id) { $sub_pattern = $this->getPattern($sub_id); $sub_type = $sub_pattern['type']; $m = ($sub_type == 'built_in_call') ? 'getBuiltInCallSQL' : 'get' . ucfirst($sub_type) . 'ExpressionSQL'; $m = str_replace('ExpressionExpression', 'Expression', $m); $sub_r = method_exists($this, $m) ? $this->$m($sub_pattern, $context, $val_type, 'multiplicative') : ''; $r .= $r ? ' ' . $sub_r : $sub_r; } return $r; } /* */ function getVarExpressionSQL($pattern, $context, $val_type = '', $parent_type = '') { $var = $pattern['value']; $info = $this->getVarTableInfos($var); if (!$tbl = $info['table']) { /* might be an aggregate var */ $vars = $this->infos['query']['result_vars']; foreach ($vars as $test_var) { if ($test_var['alias'] == $pattern['value']) { return '`' . $pattern['value'] . '`'; } } return ''; } $col = $info['col']; if (($context == 'order') && ($col == 'o')) { $tbl_alias = 'T_' . $tbl . '.o_comp'; } elseif ($context == 'sameterm') { $tbl_alias = 'T_' . $tbl . '.' . $col; } elseif (($parent_type == 'relational') && ($col == 'o') && (preg_match('/[\<\>]/', $this->v('parent_op', '', $pattern)))) { $tbl_alias = 'T_' . $tbl . '.o_comp'; } else { $tbl_alias = 'V_' . $tbl . '_' . $col . '.val'; if (!in_array($tbl_alias, $this->index['sub_joins'])) { $this->index['sub_joins'][] = $tbl_alias; } } $op = $this->v('operator', '', $pattern); if (preg_match('/^(filter|and)/', $parent_type)) { if ($op == '!') { $r = '(((' . $tbl_alias . ' = 0) AND (CONCAT("1", ' . $tbl_alias . ') != 1))'; /* 0 and no string */ $r .= ' OR (' . $tbl_alias . ' IN ("", "false")))'; /* or "", or "false" */ } else { $r = '((' . $tbl_alias . ' != 0)'; /* not null */ $r .= ' OR ((CONCAT("1", ' . $tbl_alias . ') = 1) AND (' . $tbl_alias . ' NOT IN ("", "false"))))'; /* string, and not "" or "false" */ } } else { $r = trim($op . ' ' . $tbl_alias); if ($val_type == 'numeric') { if (preg_match('/__(T|V|G)_(.+)$/', $context, $m)) { $context_pattern_id = $m[2]; $context_table_type = $m[1]; } else { $context_pattern_id = $pattern['id']; $context_table_type = 'T'; } if ($this->isJoinedBefore($tbl, $context_pattern_id)) { $add = ($tbl != $context_pattern_id) ? 1 : 0; $add = (!$add && ($context_table_type == 'V')) ? 1 : 0; if ($add) { $this->addConstraintSQLEntry($context_pattern_id, '(' .$r. ' = "0" OR ' . $r . '*1.0 != 0)'); } } } } return $r; } /* */ function getUriExpressionSQL($pattern, $context, $val_type = '') { $val = $pattern['uri']; $r = $pattern['operator']; $r .= is_numeric($val) ? ' ' . $val : ' "' . mysql_real_escape_string($val, $this->store->getDBCon()) . '"'; return $r; } /* */ function getLiteralExpressionSQL($pattern, $context, $val_type = '', $parent_type = '') { $val = $pattern['value']; $r = $pattern['operator']; if (is_numeric($val) && $this->v('datatype', 0, $pattern)) { $r .= ' ' . $val; } elseif (preg_match('/^(true|false)$/i', $val) && ($this->v1('datatype', '', $pattern) == 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean')) { $r .= ' ' . strtoupper($val); } elseif ($parent_type == 'regex') { $sub_r = mysql_real_escape_string($val, $this->store->getDBCon()); $r .= ' "' . preg_replace('/\x5c\x5c/', '\\', $sub_r) . '"'; } else { $r .= ' "' . mysql_real_escape_string($val, $this->store->getDBCon()) . '"'; } if (($lang_dt = $this->v1('lang', '', $pattern)) || ($lang_dt = $this->v1('datatype', '', $pattern))) { /* try table/alias via var in siblings */ if ($var = $this->findSiblingVarExpression($pattern['id'])) { if (isset($this->index['vars'][$var])) { $infos = $this->index['vars'][$var]; foreach ($infos as $info) { if ($info['col'] == 'o') { $tbl = $info['table']; $term_id = $this->getTermID($lang_dt); if ($pattern['operator'] != '!=') { if (preg_match('/__(T|V|G)_(.+)$/', $context, $m)) { $context_pattern_id = $m[2]; $context_table_type = $m[1]; } elseif ($context == 'where') { $context_pattern_id = $tbl; } else { $context_pattern_id = $pattern['id']; } if ($tbl == $context_pattern_id) {/* @todo better dependency check */ if ($term_id || ($lang_dt != 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer')) {/* skip if simple int, but no id */ $this->addConstraintSQLEntry($context_pattern_id, 'T_' . $tbl . '.o_lang_dt = ' . $term_id . ' /* ' . preg_replace('/[\#\*\>]/' , '::', $lang_dt) . ' */'); } } } break; } } } } } return trim($r); } function findSiblingVarExpression($id) { $pattern = $this->getPattern($id); do { $pattern = $this->getPattern($pattern['parent_id']); } while ($pattern['parent_id'] && ($pattern['type'] != 'expression')); $sub_patterns = $this->v('patterns', array(), $pattern); foreach ($sub_patterns as $sub_id) { $sub_pattern = $this->getPattern($sub_id); if ($sub_pattern['type'] == 'var') { return $sub_pattern['value']; } } return ''; } /* */ function getFunctionExpressionSQL($pattern, $context, $val_type = '', $parent_type = '') { $fnc_uri = $pattern['uri']; $op = $this->v('operator', '', $pattern); if ($op) $op .= ' '; if ($this->allow_extension_functions) { /* mysql functions */ if (preg_match('/^http\:\/\/web\-semantics\.org\/ns\/mysql\/(.*)$/', $fnc_uri, $m)) { $fnc_name = strtoupper($m[1]); $sub_r = ''; foreach ($pattern['args'] as $arg) { $sub_r .= $sub_r ? ', ' : ''; $sub_r .= $this->getExpressionSQL($arg, $context, $val_type, $parent_type); } return $op . $fnc_name . '(' . $sub_r . ')'; } /* any other: ignore */ } /* simple type conversions */ if (strpos($fnc_uri, 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#') === 0) { return $op . $this->getExpressionSQL($pattern['args'][0], $context, $val_type, $parent_type); } return ''; } /* */ function getBuiltInCallSQL($pattern, $context) { $call = $pattern['call']; $m = 'get' . ucfirst($call) . 'CallSQL'; if (method_exists($this, $m)) { return $this->$m($pattern, $context); } else { $this->addError('Unknown built-in call "' . $call . '"'); } return ''; } function getBoundCallSQL($pattern, $context) { $r = ''; $var = $pattern['args'][0]['value']; $info = $this->getVarTableInfos($var); if (!$tbl = $info['table']) { return ''; } $col = $info['col']; $tbl_alias = 'T_' . $tbl . '.' . $col; if ($pattern['operator'] == '!') { return $tbl_alias . ' IS NULL'; } return $tbl_alias . ' IS NOT NULL'; } function getHasTypeCallSQL($pattern, $context, $type) { $r = ''; $var = $pattern['args'][0]['value']; $info = $this->getVarTableInfos($var); if (!$tbl = $info['table']) { return ''; } $col = $info['col']; $tbl_alias = 'T_' . $tbl . '.' . $col . '_type'; return $tbl_alias . ' ' .$this->v('operator', '', $pattern) . '= ' . $type; } function getIsliteralCallSQL($pattern, $context) { return $this->getHasTypeCallSQL($pattern, $context, 2); } function getIsblankCallSQL($pattern, $context) { return $this->getHasTypeCallSQL($pattern, $context, 1); } function getIsiriCallSQL($pattern, $context) { return $this->getHasTypeCallSQL($pattern, $context, 0); } function getIsuriCallSQL($pattern, $context) { return $this->getHasTypeCallSQL($pattern, $context, 0); } function getStrCallSQL($pattern, $context) { $sub_pattern = $pattern['args'][0]; $sub_type = $sub_pattern['type']; $m = 'get' . ucfirst($sub_type) . 'ExpressionSQL'; if (method_exists($this, $m)) { return $this->$m($sub_pattern, $context); } } function getFunctionCallSQL($pattern, $context) { $f_uri = $pattern['uri']; if (preg_match('/(integer|double|float|string)$/', $f_uri)) {/* skip conversions */ $sub_pattern = $pattern['args'][0]; $sub_type = $sub_pattern['type']; $m = 'get' . ucfirst($sub_type) . 'ExpressionSQL'; if (method_exists($this, $m)) { return $this->$m($sub_pattern, $context); } } } function getLangDatatypeCallSQL($pattern, $context) { $r = ''; if (isset($pattern['patterns'])) { /* proceed with first argument only (assumed as base type for type promotion) */ $sub_pattern = array('args' => array($pattern['patterns'][0])); return $this->getLangDatatypeCallSQL($sub_pattern, $context); } if (!isset($pattern['args'])) { return 'FALSE'; } $sub_type = $pattern['args'][0]['type']; if ($sub_type != 'var') { return $this->getLangDatatypeCallSQL($pattern['args'][0], $context); } $var = $pattern['args'][0]['value']; $info = $this->getVarTableInfos($var); if (!$tbl = $info['table']) { return ''; } $col = 'o_lang_dt'; $tbl_alias = 'V_' . $tbl . '_' . $col . '.val'; if (!in_array($tbl_alias, $this->index['sub_joins'])) { $this->index['sub_joins'][] = $tbl_alias; } $op = $this->v('operator', '', $pattern); $r = trim($op . ' ' . $tbl_alias); return $r; } function getDatatypeCallSQL($pattern, $context) { return '/* datatype call */ ' . $this->getLangDatatypeCallSQL($pattern, $context); } function getLangCallSQL($pattern, $context) { return '/* language call */ ' . $this->getLangDatatypeCallSQL($pattern, $context); } function getLangmatchesCallSQL($pattern, $context) { if (count($pattern['args']) == 2) { $arg_1 = $pattern['args'][0]; $arg_2 = $pattern['args'][1]; $sub_r_1 = $this->getBuiltInCallSQL($arg_1, $context);/* adds value join */ $sub_r_2 = $this->getExpressionSQL($arg_2, $context); $op = $this->v('operator', '', $pattern); if (preg_match('/^([\"\'])([^\'\"]+)/', $sub_r_2, $m)) { if ($m[2] == '*') { $r = ($op == '!') ? 'NOT (' . $sub_r_1 . ' REGEXP "^[a-zA-Z\-]+$"' . ')' : $sub_r_1 . ' REGEXP "^[a-zA-Z\-]+$"'; } else { $r = ($op == '!') ? $sub_r_1 . ' NOT LIKE ' . $m[1] . $m[2] . '%' . $m[1] : $sub_r_1 . ' LIKE ' . $m[1] . $m[2] . '%' . $m[1]; } } else { $r = ($op == '!') ? $sub_r_1 . ' NOT LIKE CONCAT(' . $sub_r_2 . ', "%")' : $sub_r_1 . ' LIKE CONCAT(' . $sub_r_2 . ', "%")'; } return $r; } return ''; } function getSametermCallSQL($pattern, $context) { if (count($pattern['args']) == 2) { $arg_1 = $pattern['args'][0]; $arg_2 = $pattern['args'][1]; $sub_r_1 = $this->getExpressionSQL($arg_1, 'sameterm'); $sub_r_2 = $this->getExpressionSQL($arg_2, 'sameterm'); $op = $this->v('operator', '', $pattern); $r = $sub_r_1 . ' ' . $op . '= ' . $sub_r_2; return $r; } return ''; } function getRegexCallSQL($pattern, $context) { $ac = count($pattern['args']); if ($ac >= 2) { foreach ($pattern['args'] as $i => $arg) { $var = 'sub_r_' . ($i + 1); $$var = $this->getExpressionSQL($arg, $context, '', 'regex'); } $sub_r_3 = (isset($sub_r_3) && preg_match('/[\"\'](.+)[\"\']/', $sub_r_3, $m)) ? strtolower($m[1]) : ''; $op = ($this->v('operator', '', $pattern) == '!') ? ' NOT' : ''; if (!$sub_r_1 || !$sub_r_2) return ''; $is_simple_search = preg_match('/^[\(\"]+(\^)?([a-z0-9\_\-\s]+)(\$)?[\)\"]+$/is', $sub_r_2, $m); $is_simple_search = preg_match('/^[\(\"]+(\^)?([^\\\*\[\]\}\{\(\)\"\'\?\+\.]+)(\$)?[\)\"]+$/is', $sub_r_2, $m); $is_o_search = preg_match('/o\.val\)*$/', $sub_r_1); /* fulltext search (may have "|") */ if ($is_simple_search && $is_o_search && !$op && (strlen($m[2]) > 8) && $this->store->hasFulltextIndex()) { /* MATCH variations */ if (($val_parts = preg_split('/\|/', $m[2]))) { return 'MATCH(' . trim($sub_r_1, '()') . ') AGAINST("' . join(' ', $val_parts) . '")'; } else { return 'MATCH(' . trim($sub_r_1, '()') . ') AGAINST("' . $m[2] . '")'; } } if (preg_match('/\|/', $sub_r_2)) $is_simple_search = 0; /* LIKE */ if ($is_simple_search && ($sub_r_3 == 'i')) { $sub_r_2 = $m[1] ? $m[2] : '%' . $m[2]; $sub_r_2 .= isset($m[3]) && $m[3] ? '' : '%'; return $sub_r_1 . $op . ' LIKE "' . $sub_r_2 . '"'; } /* REGEXP */ $opt = ($sub_r_3 == 'i') ? '' : 'BINARY '; return $sub_r_1 . $op . ' REGEXP ' . $opt . $sub_r_2; } return ''; } /* */ function getGROUPSQL() { $r = ''; $nl = "\n"; $infos = $this->v('group_infos', array(), $this->infos['query']); foreach ($infos as $info) { $var = $info['value']; if ($tbl_infos = $this->getVarTableInfos($var, 0)) { $tbl_alias = $tbl_infos['table_alias']; $r .= $r ? ', ' : 'GROUP BY '; $r .= $tbl_alias; } } $hr = ''; foreach ($this->index['havings'] as $having) { $hr .= $hr ? ' AND' : ' HAVING'; $hr .= '(' . $having . ')'; } $r .= $hr; return $r ? $nl . $r : $r; } /* */ function getORDERSQL() { $r = ''; $nl = "\n"; $infos = $this->v('order_infos', array(), $this->infos['query']); foreach ($infos as $info) { $type = $info['type']; $ms = array('expression' => 'getExpressionSQL', 'built_in_call' => 'getBuiltInCallSQL', 'function_call' => 'getFunctionCallSQL'); $m = isset($ms[$type]) ? $ms[$type] : 'get' . ucfirst($type) . 'ExpressionSQL'; if (method_exists($this, $m)) { $sub_r = '(' . $this->$m($info, 'order') . ')'; $sub_r .= $this->v('direction', '', $info) == 'desc' ? ' DESC' : ''; $r .= $r ? ',' .$nl . $sub_r : $sub_r; } } return $r ? $nl . 'ORDER BY ' . $r : ''; } /* */ function getLIMITSQL() { $r = ''; $nl = "\n"; $limit = $this->v('limit', -1, $this->infos['query']); $offset = $this->v('offset', -1, $this->infos['query']); if ($limit != -1) { $offset = ($offset == -1) ? 0 : mysql_real_escape_string($offset, $this->store->getDBCon()); $r = 'LIMIT ' . $offset . ',' . $limit; } elseif ($offset != -1) { $r = 'LIMIT ' . mysql_real_escape_string($offset, $this->store->getDBCon()) . ',999999999999'; /* mysql doesn't support stand-alone offsets .. */ } return $r ? $nl . $r : ''; } /* */ function getValueSQL($q_tbl, $q_sql) { $r = ''; /* result vars */ $vars = $this->infos['query']['result_vars']; $nl = "\n"; $v_tbls = array('JOIN' => array(), 'LEFT JOIN' => array()); $vc = 1; foreach ($vars as $var) { $var_name = $var['var']; $r .= $r ? ',' . $nl . ' ' : ' '; $col = ''; $tbl = ''; if ($var_name != '*') { if (in_array($var_name, $this->infos['null_vars'])) { if (isset($this->initial_index['vars'][$var_name])) { $col = $this->initial_index['vars'][$var_name][0]['col']; $tbl = $this->initial_index['vars'][$var_name][0]['table']; } if (isset($this->initial_index['graph_vars'][$var_name])) { $col = 'g'; $tbl = $this->initial_index['graph_vars'][$var_name][0]['table']; } } elseif (isset($this->index['vars'][$var_name])) { $col = $this->index['vars'][$var_name][0]['col']; $tbl = $this->index['vars'][$var_name][0]['table']; } } if ($var['aggregate']) { $r .= 'TMP.`' . $var['alias'] . '`'; } else { $join_type = in_array($tbl, array_merge($this->index['from'], $this->index['join'])) ? 'JOIN' : 'LEFT JOIN';/* val may be NULL */ $v_tbls[$join_type][] = array('t_col' => $col, 'q_col' => $var_name, 'vc' => $vc); $r .= 'V' . $vc . '.val AS `' . $var_name . '`'; if (in_array($col, array('s', 'o'))) { if (strpos($q_sql, '`' . $var_name . ' type`')) { $r .= ', ' . $nl . ' TMP.`' . $var_name . ' type` AS `' . $var_name . ' type`'; //$r .= ', ' . $nl . ' CASE TMP.`' . $var_name . ' type` WHEN 2 THEN "literal" WHEN 1 THEN "bnode" ELSE "uri" END AS `' . $var_name . ' type`'; } else { $r .= ', ' . $nl . ' NULL AS `' . $var_name . ' type`'; } } $vc++; if ($col == 'o') { $v_tbls[$join_type][] = array('t_col' => 'id', 'q_col' => $var_name . ' lang_dt', 'vc' => $vc); if (strpos($q_sql, '`' . $var_name . ' lang_dt`')) { $r .= ', ' .$nl. ' V' . $vc . '.val AS `' . $var_name . ' lang_dt`'; $vc++; } else { $r .= ', ' .$nl. ' NULL AS `' . $var_name . ' lang_dt`'; } } } } if (!$r) $r = '*'; /* from */ $r .= $nl . 'FROM (' . $q_tbl . ' TMP)'; foreach (array('JOIN', 'LEFT JOIN') as $join_type) { foreach ($v_tbls[$join_type] as $v_tbl) { $tbl = $this->getValueTable($v_tbl['t_col']); $var_name = preg_replace('/^([^\s]+)(.*)$/', '\\1', $v_tbl['q_col']); $cur_join_type = in_array($var_name, $this->infos['null_vars']) ? 'LEFT JOIN' : $join_type; if (!strpos($q_sql, '`' . $v_tbl['q_col'].'`')) continue; $r .= $nl . ' ' . $cur_join_type . ' ' . $tbl . ' V' . $v_tbl['vc'] . ' ON ( (V' . $v_tbl['vc'] . '.id = TMP.`' . $v_tbl['q_col'].'`) )'; } } /* create pos columns, id needed */ if ($this->v('order_infos', array(), $this->infos['query'])) { $r .= $nl . ' ORDER BY _pos_'; } return 'SELECT' . $nl . $r; } /* */ }