get_query_members("catdef", "catdef.libelle_categorie", "catdef.index_categorie", "catdef.num_noeud"); $members_catlg = $aq->get_query_members("catlg", "catlg.libelle_categorie", "catlg.index_categorie", "catlg.num_noeud"); $requete_langue="select catlg.num_noeud as categ_id, noeuds.num_parent as categ_parent, noeuds.num_renvoi_voir as categ_see, noeuds.num_thesaurus, catlg.langue as langue, catlg.libelle_categorie as categ_libelle,catlg.index_categorie as index_categorie, catlg.note_application as categ_comment, (".$members_catlg["select"].") as pert from thesaurus left join noeuds on thesaurus.id_thesaurus = noeuds.num_thesaurus left join categories as catlg on noeuds.id_noeud = catlg.num_noeud and catlg.langue = '".$lang."' where catlg.libelle_categorie like '".addslashes($start)."%' and catlg.libelle_categorie not like '~%'"; $requete_defaut="select catdef.num_noeud as categ_id, noeuds.num_parent as categ_parent, noeuds.num_renvoi_voir as categ_see, noeuds.num_thesaurus, catdef.langue as langue, catdef.libelle_categorie as categ_libelle,catdef.index_categorie as index_categorie, catdef.note_application as categ_comment, (".$members_catdef["select"].") as pert from thesaurus left join noeuds on thesaurus.id_thesaurus = noeuds.num_thesaurus left join categories as catdef on noeuds.id_noeud = catdef.num_noeud and catdef.langue = thesaurus.langue_defaut where catdef.libelle_categorie like '".addslashes($start)."%' and catdef.libelle_categorie not like '~%'"; $requete="select * from (".$requete_langue." union ".$requete_defaut.") as sub1 group by categ_id order by pert desc,num_thesaurus, categ_libelle limit 20"; $res = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh) or die(pmb_mysql_error()."
$requete"); while(($categ=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res))) { $display_temp = "" ; $lib_simple=""; $tab_lib_categ=""; $temp = new categories($categ->categ_id, $categ->langue); if ($id_thes == -1) { $thes = new thesaurus($categ->num_thesaurus); $display_temp = htmlentities('['.$thes->libelle_thesaurus.'] ',ENT_QUOTES, $charset); } $id_categ_retenue = $categ->categ_id ; if($categ->categ_see) { $id_categ_retenue = $categ->categ_see ; $temp = new categories($categ->categ_see, $categ->langue); $display_temp.= $categ->categ_libelle." -> "; $lib_simple = $temp->libelle_categorie; if ($thesaurus_categories_show_only_last) $display_temp.= $temp->libelle_categorie; else $display_temp.= categories::listAncestorNames($categ->categ_see, $categ->langue); $display_temp.= "@"; } else { $lib_simple = $categ->categ_libelle; if ($thesaurus_categories_show_only_last) $display_temp.= $categ->categ_libelle; else $display_temp.= categories::listAncestorNames($categ->categ_id, $categ->langue); } $tab_lib_categ[$display_temp] = $lib_simple; $array_selector[$id_categ_retenue] = $display_temp; } // fin while $origine = "ARRAY" ; break; case 'categories_mul': $array_selector=array(); require_once("$class_path/thesaurus.class.php"); require_once("$class_path/categories.class.php"); if ($thesaurus_mode_pmb==1){ $id_thes=-1; }else{ $id_thes=$thesaurus_defaut; } if($att_id_filter!=0){ //forcage sur un thésaurus en particulié $id_thes=$att_id_filter; $linkfield=$att_id_filter; } if(preg_match("#^f_categ_id#",$autfield)){//Permet de savoir si l'on vient du formulaire de notice ou de recherche $from="notice";//Affichage complet du chemin de la catégorie }else{ $from="search";//Affichage que de la catégorie } $aq=new analyse_query($start); $members_catdef = $aq->get_query_members("catdef", "catdef.libelle_categorie", "catdef.index_categorie", "catdef.num_noeud"); $members_catlg = $aq->get_query_members("catlg", "catlg.libelle_categorie", "catlg.index_categorie", "catlg.num_noeud"); $thesaurus_requette=''; $thes_unique=0; if($thesaurus_mode_pmb==0){ $thesaurus_requette= " id_thesaurus='$thesaurus_defaut' and "; $thes_unique=$thesaurus_defaut; }elseif($linkfield){ if(!preg_match("#,#i",$linkfield)){ $thesaurus_requette= " id_thesaurus='$linkfield' and "; $thes_unique=$linkfield; }else{ $thesaurus_requette= " id_thesaurus in ($linkfield) and "; } } $requete_langue="select catlg.num_noeud as categ_id, noeuds.num_parent as categ_parent, noeuds.num_renvoi_voir as categ_see, noeuds.num_thesaurus, catlg.langue as langue, catlg.libelle_categorie as categ_libelle,catlg.index_categorie as index_categorie, catlg.note_application as categ_comment, noeuds.not_use_in_indexation as not_use_in_indexation, (".$members_catlg["select"].") as pert from thesaurus left join noeuds on thesaurus.id_thesaurus = noeuds.num_thesaurus left join categories as catlg on noeuds.id_noeud = catlg.num_noeud and catlg.langue = '".$lang."' where $thesaurus_requette catlg.libelle_categorie like '".addslashes($start)."%' and catlg.libelle_categorie not like '~%'"; $requete_defaut="select catdef.num_noeud as categ_id, noeuds.num_parent as categ_parent, noeuds.num_renvoi_voir as categ_see, noeuds.num_thesaurus, catdef.langue as langue, catdef.libelle_categorie as categ_libelle,catdef.index_categorie as index_categorie, catdef.note_application as categ_comment, noeuds.not_use_in_indexation as not_use_in_indexation, (".$members_catdef["select"].") as pert from thesaurus left join noeuds on thesaurus.id_thesaurus = noeuds.num_thesaurus left join categories as catdef on noeuds.id_noeud = catdef.num_noeud and catdef.langue = thesaurus.langue_defaut where $thesaurus_requette catdef.libelle_categorie like '".addslashes($start)."%' and catdef.libelle_categorie not like '~%'"; $requete="select * from (".$requete_langue." union ".$requete_defaut.") as sub1 group by categ_id order by pert desc,num_thesaurus, index_categorie limit 20"; $res = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh) or die(pmb_mysql_error()."
$requete"); while(($categ=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res))) { $display_temp = "" ; $lib_simple=""; $tab_lib_categ=""; $temp = new categories($categ->categ_id, $categ->langue); if ($id_thes == -1) {//Si mode multi-thésaurus $thes = new thesaurus($categ->num_thesaurus); if($from == "notice"){//Si saisi de notice $lib_simple = htmlentities('['.$thes->libelle_thesaurus.'] ',ENT_QUOTES, $charset); } } $id_categ_retenue = $categ->categ_id ; //Catégorie à ne pas utiliser en indexation $not_use_in_indexation=$categ->not_use_in_indexation; if($categ->categ_see) { $id_categ_retenue = $categ->categ_see ; //Catégorie à ne pas utiliser en indexation $category=new category($id_categ_retenue); $not_use_in_indexation=$category->not_use_in_indexation; $temp = new categories($categ->categ_see, $categ->langue); $display_temp= $categ->categ_libelle." -> "; $chemin=categories::listAncestorNames($categ->categ_see, $categ->langue); if ($thesaurus_categories_show_only_last){ $display_temp.= $temp->libelle_categorie; $lib_simple.= $temp->libelle_categorie; }else{ $display_temp.=$chemin; if($from == "notice"){ $lib_simple.= $chemin; }else{ $lib_simple.= $temp->libelle_categorie; } } $display_temp.= "@"; } else { $chemin=categories::listAncestorNames($categ->categ_id, $categ->langue); if ($thesaurus_categories_show_only_last){ $display_temp.= $categ->categ_libelle; $lib_simple.= $categ->categ_libelle; }else{ $display_temp.= $chemin; if($from == "notice"){ $lib_simple.= $chemin; }else{ $lib_simple.= $categ->categ_libelle; } } } if(!$not_use_in_indexation && !preg_match("#:~|^~#i",$chemin)){ $tab_lib_categ[$display_temp] = $lib_simple; $array_selector[$id_categ_retenue] = $tab_lib_categ; if(!$thes_unique){ $array_prefix[$id_categ_retenue] = array( 'id' => $categ->num_thesaurus, 'libelle' => htmlentities('['.$thes->libelle_thesaurus.'] ',ENT_QUOTES, $charset) ); }else{ $array_prefix[$id_categ_retenue] = array( 'id' => $categ->num_thesaurus, 'libelle' => "" ); } } } // fin while $origine = "ARRAY" ; break; case 'authors': if ($autexclude) $restrict = " AND author_id not in ($autexclude) "; $requete="select if(author_date!='',concat(if(author_rejete is not null and author_rejete!='',concat(author_name,', ',author_rejete),author_name),' (',author_date,')'),if(author_rejete is not null and author_rejete!='',concat(author_name,', ',author_rejete),author_name)) as author,author_id from authors where if(author_rejete is not null and author_rejete!='',concat(author_name,', ',author_rejete),author_name) like '".addslashes($start)."%' $restrict order by 1 limit 20"; $origine = "SQL" ; break; case 'authors_person': if ($autexclude) $restrict = " AND author_id not in ($autexclude) "; $requete="select if(author_date!='',concat(if(author_rejete is not null and author_rejete!='',concat(author_name,', ',author_rejete),author_name),' (',author_date,')'),if(author_rejete is not null and author_rejete!='',concat(author_name,', ',author_rejete),author_name)) as author,author_id from authors where author_type='70' and if(author_rejete is not null and author_rejete!='',concat(author_name,', ',author_rejete),author_name) like '".addslashes($start)."%' $restrict order by 1 limit 20"; $origine = "SQL" ; break; case 'congres_name': if ($autexclude) $restrict = " AND author_id not in ($autexclude) "; $requete="select distinct author_name from authors where author_type='72' and author_name like '".addslashes($start)."%' $restrict order by 1 limit 20"; $origine = "SQL" ; break; case 'collectivite_name': if ($autexclude) $restrict = " AND author_id not in ($autexclude) "; $requete="select distinct author_name from authors where author_type='71' and author_name like '".addslashes($start)."%' $restrict order by 1 limit 20"; $origine = "SQL" ; break; case 'publishers': if ($autexclude) $restrict = " AND ed_id not in ($autexclude) "; $requete="select concat( ed_name, if((ed_ville is not null and ed_ville!='') or (ed_pays is not null and ed_pays!=''),' (',''), if(ed_ville is not null and ed_ville!='',ed_ville,''), if(ed_ville is not null and ed_ville!='' and ed_pays is not null and ed_pays!='',' - ',''), if(ed_pays is not null and ed_pays!='',ed_pays,''), if((ed_ville is not null and ed_ville!='') or (ed_pays is not null and ed_pays!=''),')','') ) as ed,ed_id from publishers where concat( ed_name, if((ed_ville is not null and ed_ville!='') or (ed_pays is not null and ed_pays!=''),' (',''), if(ed_ville is not null and ed_ville!='',ed_ville,''), if(ed_ville is not null and ed_ville!='' and ed_pays is not null and ed_pays!='',' - ',''), if(ed_pays is not null and ed_pays!='',ed_pays,''), if((ed_ville is not null and ed_ville!='') or (ed_pays is not null and ed_pays!=''),')','') ) like '".addslashes($start)."%' $restrict order by 1 limit 20"; $origine = "SQL" ; break; case 'titre_uniforme': if ($autexclude) $restrict = " AND tu_id not in ($autexclude) "; $requete="select tu_name as titre_uniforme,tu_id from titres_uniformes where tu_name like '".addslashes($start)."%' $restrict order by 1 limit 20"; $origine = "SQL" ; break; case 'collections': if ($autexclude) $restrict = " AND collection_id not in ($autexclude) "; if ($linkfield) $restrict .= " AND collection_parent ='$linkfield' "; $requete="select if(collection_issn is not null and collection_issn!='',concat(collection_name,', ',collection_issn),collection_name) as coll,collection_id from collections where if(collection_issn is not null and collection_issn!='',concat(collection_name,', ',collection_issn),collection_name) like '".addslashes($start)."%' $restrict order by index_coll limit 20"; $origine = "SQL" ; break; case 'subcollections': if ($autexclude) $restrict = " AND sub_coll_id not in ($autexclude) "; if ($linkfield) $restrict .= " AND sub_coll_parent ='$linkfield' "; $requete="select if(sub_coll_issn is not null and sub_coll_issn!='',concat(sub_coll_name,', ',sub_coll_issn),sub_coll_name) as subcoll,sub_coll_id from sub_collections where if(sub_coll_issn is not null and sub_coll_issn!='',concat(sub_coll_name,', ',sub_coll_issn),sub_coll_name) like '".addslashes($start)."%' $restrict order by 1 limit 20"; $origine = "SQL" ; break; case 'indexint': if ($autexclude) $restrict = " AND indexint_id not in ($autexclude) "; if ($thesaurus_classement_mode_pmb != 0) { //classement indexation décimale autorisé en parametrage $requete="select if(indexint_comment is not null and indexint_comment!='',concat('[',name_pclass,'] ',indexint_name,' - ',indexint_comment), concat('[',name_pclass,'] ',indexint_name)) as indexint,indexint_id from indexint,pclassement where if(name_pclass is not null and indexint_comment is not null and indexint_comment!='',concat(indexint_name,' - ',indexint_comment),indexint_name) like '".addslashes($start)."%' $restrict and id_pclass = num_pclass and typedoc like '%$typdoc%' order by indexint_name, name_pclass limit 20"; } else $requete="select if(indexint_comment is not null and indexint_comment!='',concat(indexint_name,' - ',indexint_comment),indexint_name) as indexint,indexint_id from indexint where if(indexint_comment is not null and indexint_comment!='',concat(indexint_name,' - ',indexint_comment),indexint_name) like '".addslashes($start)."%' $restrict and num_pclass = '$thesaurus_classement_defaut' order by 1 limit 20"; $origine = "SQL" ; break; case 'indexint_mul': if ($autexclude) $restrict = " AND indexint_id not in ($autexclude) "; if ($thesaurus_classement_mode_pmb != 0) { //classement indexation décimale autorisé en parametrage $requete="select if(indexint_comment is not null and indexint_comment!='',concat('[',name_pclass,'] ',indexint_name,' - ',indexint_comment), concat('[',name_pclass,'] ',indexint_name)) as indexint,indexint_id, concat( indexint_name,' ',indexint_comment) as indexsimple from indexint,pclassement where if(name_pclass is not null and indexint_comment is not null and indexint_comment!='',concat(indexint_name,' - ',indexint_comment),indexint_name) like '".addslashes($start)."%' $restrict and id_pclass = num_pclass and typedoc like '%$typdoc%' order by indexint_name, name_pclass limit 20"; } else $requete="select if(indexint_comment is not null and indexint_comment!='',concat(indexint_name,' - ',indexint_comment),indexint_name) as indexint,indexint_id, concat( indexint_name,' ',indexint_comment) as indexsimple from indexint where if(indexint_comment is not null and indexint_comment!='',concat(indexint_name,' - ',indexint_comment),indexint_name) like '".addslashes($start)."%' $restrict and num_pclass = '$thesaurus_classement_defaut' order by 1 limit 20"; $origine = "SQL" ; break; case 'notice': require_once('./includes/'); if ($autexclude) $restrict = " AND notice_id not in ($autexclude) "; $requete = "select if(serie_name is not null,if(tnvol is not null,concat(serie_name,', ',tnvol,'. ',tit1),concat(serie_name,'. ',tit1)),tit1), notice_id from notices left join series on serie_id=tparent_id where (index_sew like ' ".addslashes(strip_empty_words($start))."%' or TRIM(index_wew) like '".addslashes($start)."%' or tit1 like '".addslashes($start)."%' or (code like '".traite_code_isbn(addslashes($start))."'"; if (isISBN(traite_code_isbn($start))) { if (strlen(traite_code_isbn($start))==13) $requete.=" or code like '".formatISBN(traite_code_isbn($start),13)."'"; else $requete.=" or code like '".formatISBN(traite_code_isbn($start),10)."'"; } $requete.=")) $restrict order by index_serie, tnvol, index_sew , code limit 20 "; $origine = "SQL" ; break; case 'serie': if ($autexclude) $restrict = " AND serie_id not in ($autexclude) "; $requete="select serie_name,serie_id from series where serie_name like '".addslashes($start)."%' $restrict order by 1 limit 20"; $origine = "SQL" ; break; case 'fonction': // récupération des codes de fonction if (!count($s_func )) { $s_func = new marc_list('function'); } $origine = "TABLEAU" ; break; case 'langue': // récupération des codes de langue if (!count($s_func )) { $s_func = new marc_list('lang'); } $origine = "TABLEAU" ; break; case 'synonyms': $array_selector=array(); //recherche des mots $rqt="select id_mot, mot from mots left join linked_mots on (num_mot=id_mot) where mot like '".addslashes($start)."%' and id_mot not in (select num_mot from linked_mots where linked_mots.num_linked_mot=0) group by id_mot"; $execute_query=pmb_mysql_query($rqt); while ($r=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($execute_query)) { $array_selector[$r->id_mot]=$r->mot; } pmb_mysql_free_result($execute_query); if (count($array_selector)) { //dédoublonnage du tableau final $array_selector=array_unique($array_selector); //tri alphanumérique du tableau asort($array_selector); } $origine = "ARRAY" ; break; case 'tags': require_once("$class_path/tags.class.php"); $tags = new tags(); $array_selector = $tags->get_array($start,$pos_cursor); $taille_search = $tags->get_taille_search(); $origine = "ARRAY"; break; case 'perio': $requete = "select tit1, notice_id from notices where niveau_biblio='s' and niveau_hierar='1' and tit1 like '".addslashes($start)."%' order by 1 limit 20"; $origine = "SQL"; break; case 'bull': $link_bull = " and bulletin_notice ='".$linkfield."'"; $requete = "select bulletin_numero, bulletin_id from bulletins where (bulletin_numero like '".addslashes($start)."%' or bulletin_titre like '".addslashes($start)."%') $link_bull order by 1 limit 20"; $origine = "SQL"; break; case 'expl_cote': if($pmb_prefill_cote_ajax){ include("./catalog/expl/ajax/$pmb_prefill_cote_ajax"); $array_selector = calculer_cote($start); $origine = "ARRAY"; } break; case 'fournisseur': $requete = "select raison_sociale as lib,id_entite as id from entites where type_entite='0' "; if ($linkfield) $requete.= "and num_bibli='".$linkfield."' "; $requete.= "and raison_sociale like '".addslashes($start)."%' order by 1 limit 20"; $origine = "SQL"; break; case 'origine': $requete = "select concat(nom,' ',prenom) as lib, concat(userid,',0') as id from users where nom like '".addslashes($start)."%' "; $requete.= "union select concat(empr_nom,' ',empr_prenom), concat(id_empr,',1') from empr where empr_nom like '".addslashes($start)."%' "; $requete.= "order by 1 limit 20"; $origine = "SQL"; break; case 'rubrique': $requete = "select concat('[',budgets.libelle,']',rubriques.libelle) as lib, id_rubrique as id, rubriques.libelle as lib2 from rubriques join budgets on num_budget=id_budget where autorisations like ' %".SESSuserid."% ' "; if ($linkfield) $requete.= "and num_exercice='".$linkfield."' "; $requete.= "and rubriques.libelle like '".addslashes($start)."%' "; $requete.= "order by lib limit 20"; $origine="SQL"; break; case 'rubriques': // $param1 : id_entite // $param2 : id_exercice require_once($class_path.'/rubriques.class.php'); $array_selector=array(); $requete = "select budgets.libelle as lib_bud, rubriques.* from budgets, rubriques left join rubriques as rubriques2 on rubriques.id_rubrique=rubriques2.num_parent "; $requete.= "where budgets.statut = '1' and budgets.num_entite = '".$param1."' and budgets.num_exercice = '".$param2."' and rubriques.num_budget = budgets.id_budget and rubriques2.num_parent is NULL "; $requete.= "and rubriques.autorisations like(' %".SESSuserid."% ') "; $requete.= "and rubriques.libelle like '".addslashes($start)."%' "; $requete.= "order by budgets.libelle, rubriques.id_rubrique "; $res=pmb_mysql_query($requete); while($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $tab_rub = rubriques::listAncetres($row->id_rubrique, true); $lib_rub = ''; foreach ($tab_rub as $dummykey=>$value) { $lib_rub.= htmlentities($value[1], ENT_QUOTES, $charset); if($value[0] != $row->id_rubrique) $lib_rub.= ":"; } $array_selector[$row->id_rubrique]=htmlentities($row->lib_bud, ENT_QUOTES, $charset).":".$lib_rub; } $origine="ARRAY"; break; case 'perso_notices': require_once($class_path.'/parametres_perso.class.php'); $p_perso = new parametres_perso('notices'); $array_selector=$p_perso->get_ajax_list($persofield,$start); $origine='ARRAY'; break; case 'perso_expl': require_once($class_path.'/parametres_perso.class.php'); $p_perso = new parametres_perso('notices'); $array_selector=$p_perso->get_ajax_list($persofield,$start); $origine='ARRAY'; break; case 'perso_empr': require_once($class_path.'/parametres_perso.class.php'); $p_perso = new parametres_perso('notices'); $array_selector=$p_perso->get_ajax_list($persofield,$start); $origine='ARRAY'; break; case 'perso_gestfic0': require_once($class_path.'/parametres_perso.class.php'); $p_perso = new parametres_perso('notices'); $array_selector=$p_perso->get_ajax_list($persofield,$start); $origine='ARRAY'; break; case 'perso_collstate': require_once($class_path.'/parametres_perso.class.php'); $p_perso = new parametres_perso('notices'); $array_selector=$p_perso->get_ajax_list($persofield,$start); $origine='ARRAY'; break; case 'types_produits': // $param1 : id_fournisseur $array_selector=array(); require_once($class_path.'/types_produits.class.php'); require_once($class_path.'/tva_achats.class.php'); require_once($class_path.'/offres_remises.class.php'); $q = types_produits::listTypes(); $res = pmb_mysql_query($q, $dbh); while($row=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $typ = $row->id_produit; $lib_typ = $row->libelle; $taux_tva = new tva_achats($row->num_tva_achat); $lib_tva = htmlentities($taux_tva->taux_tva, ENT_QUOTES, $charset); $offre = new offres_remises($linkfield, $row->id_produit); if ($offre->remise) { $lib_rem = htmlentities($offre->remise, ENT_QUOTES, $charset); } else $lib_rem = '0'; $array_selector[$typ.','.$lib_rem.','.$lib_tva]=htmlentities($lib_typ, ENT_QUOTES, $charset); } $origine="ARRAY"; break; case 'fournisseurs': // $param1 : id_bibli $array_selector=array(); require_once($class_path.'/entites.class.php'); $requete = "select raison_sociale, id_entite from entites where type_entite='0' "; $requete.= "and num_bibli='".$param1."' "; $requete.= "and raison_sociale like '".addslashes($start)."%' order by 1"; $res = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); while(($row=pmb_mysql_fetch_object($res))) { $adresse=""; $idAdresse=0; $coord = entites::get_coordonnees($row->id_entite, '1'); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($coord) != 0) { $coord = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($coord); $idAdresse=$coord->id_contact; if($coord->libelle != '') $adresse = htmlentities($coord->libelle, ENT_QUOTES, $charset)."\n"; if($coord->contact !='') $adresse.= htmlentities($coord->contact, ENT_QUOTES, $charset)."\n"; if($coord->adr1 != '') $adresse.= htmlentities($coord->adr1, ENT_QUOTES, $charset)."\n"; if($coord->adr2 != '') $adresse.= htmlentities($coord->adr2, ENT_QUOTES, $charset)."\n"; if($coord->cp !='') $adresse.= htmlentities($coord->cp, ENT_QUOTES, $charset).' '; if($coord->ville != '') $adresse.= htmlentities($coord->ville, ENT_QUOTES, $charset); } $array_selector[$row->id_entite.','.$idAdresse.','.$adresse]=htmlentities($row->raison_sociale, ENT_QUOTES, $charset); } $origine="ARRAY"; break; case 'onto': if(!is_object($autoloader)){ require_once($class_path."/autoloader.class.php"); $autoloader = new autoloader(); } $autoloader->add_register("onto_class",true); $onto_store_config = array( /* db */ 'db_name' => DATA_BASE, 'db_user' => USER_NAME, 'db_pwd' => USER_PASS, 'db_host' => SQL_SERVER, /* store */ 'store_name' => 'ontology', /* stop after 100 errors */ 'max_errors' => 100, 'store_strip_mb_comp_str' => 0 ); $data_store_config = array( /* db */ 'db_name' => DATA_BASE, 'db_user' => USER_NAME, 'db_pwd' => USER_PASS, 'db_host' => SQL_SERVER, /* store */ 'store_name' => 'rdfstore', /* stop after 100 errors */ 'max_errors' => 100, 'store_strip_mb_comp_str' => 0 ); $tab_namespaces=array( "skos" => "", "dc" => "", "dct" => "", "owl" => "", "rdf" => "", "rdfs" => "", "xsd" => "", "pmb" => "" ); $params=new onto_param( array( 'autexclude' => "", 'linkfield' => "", 'autfield' => "", 'typdoc' => "", 'att_id_filter' => "", 'listfield' => "", 'callback' => "", 'datas' => "", 'action'=>'ajax_selector' ) ); $onto_ui = new onto_ui($class_path."/rdf/skos_pmb.rdf", "arc2", $onto_store_config, "arc2", $data_store_config,$tab_namespaces,'',$params); $list_results = $onto_ui->proceed(); $array_prefix = $list_results['prefix']; $array_selector = $list_results['elements']; $origine='ONTO_ARRAY'; break; case 'instruments': // $param1 : id du pupitre préféré. si 0 on retourne tous les instruments // $param2 = 0: Instruments du pupitre préféré seulement // $param2 = 1: Instruments du pupitre préféré en premier, puis les autres if ($autexclude) $restrict = " AND id_instrument not in ($autexclude) "; if(strlen($start)==$pos_cursor){ $liste_mots=explode("/",$start); $start = array_pop($liste_mots); } else { $liste_mots = explode("/",substr($start,0,$pos_cursor)); $start = array_pop($liste_mots); } if ($param1 && !$param2){ // que ceux du pupitre $restrict .= " AND instrument_musicstand_num ='$param1' "; $requete=" select if(instrument_name is not null and instrument_name!='',concat(instrument_code,' - ',instrument_name),instrument_code) as instrument_lib, id_instrument, instrument_code from nomenclature_instruments where ( instrument_code like '".addslashes($start)."%' or instrument_name like '".addslashes($start)."%' ) $restrict order by 1 limit 20"; }elseif($param1 && $param2){// que ceux du pupitre en premier, puis les autres $restrict.= " AND instrument_musicstand_num ='$param1' "; $restrict2= $restrict." AND instrument_musicstand_num !='$param1' "; $requete="( select if(instrument_name is not null and instrument_name!='',concat(instrument_code,' - ',instrument_name),instrument_code) as instrument_lib, id_instrument, instrument_code from nomenclature_instruments where ( instrument_code like '".addslashes($start)."%' or instrument_name like '".addslashes($start)."%' ) $restrict order by 1 ) union ( select if(instrument_name is not null and instrument_name!='',concat(instrument_code,' - ',instrument_name),instrument_code) as instrument_lib, id_instrument, instrument_code from nomenclature_instruments where ( instrument_code like '".addslashes($start)."%' or instrument_name like '".addslashes($start)."%' ) $restrict2 order by 1 limit 20 ) "; }else{ // tous les instruments $requete=" select if(instrument_name is not null and instrument_name!='',concat(instrument_code,' - ',instrument_name),instrument_code) as instrument_lib, id_instrument, instrument_code from nomenclature_instruments where ( instrument_code like '".addslashes($start)."%' or instrument_name like '".addslashes($start)."%' ) $restrict order by 1 limit 20"; } $insert_between_separator = "/"; $origine = "SQL" ; break; case 'voices': if ($autexclude) $restrict = " AND id_voice not in ($autexclude) "; //On récupère toutes les voix $requete=" select if(voice_name is not null and voice_name!='',concat(voice_code,' - ',voice_name),voice_code) as voice_lib, id_voice, voice_code from nomenclature_voices where ( voice_code like '".addslashes($start)."%' or voice_name like '".addslashes($start)."%' ) $restrict order by 1 limit 20"; $insert_between_separator = "/"; $origine = "SQL" ; break; default: $p=explode('_', $completion); if(count ($p)){ switch ($p[0]){ case 'authperso': require_once($class_path.'/authperso.class.php'); $authperso = new authperso($p[1]); $array_selector=$authperso->get_ajax_list($start); $origine='ARRAY'; break; } } break; endswitch; switch ($origine): case 'SQL': $resultat=pmb_mysql_query($requete) or die(pmb_mysql_error()."
$requete") ; $i=1; while($r=@pmb_mysql_fetch_array($resultat)) { if($r[2]) echo ""; echo "
"; $i++; } break; case 'TABLEAU': $i=1; while(list($index, $value) = each($s_func->table)) { if (strtolower(substr($value,0,strlen($start)))==strtolower($start)) { echo "
"; $i++; } } break; case 'ARRAY': if (is_array($array_selector) && count($array_selector)) { $i=1; while(list($index, $value) = each($array_selector)) { $lib_liste=""; $thesaurus_lib = $array_prefix[$index]['libelle']; $thesaurus_id = $array_prefix[$index]['id']; if(is_array($value)){ foreach($value as $k=>$v){ $lib_liste = $k; echo ""; } } else $lib_liste=$value; echo "
".trim($thesaurus_lib." ".$lib_liste)."
"; $i++; } } break; case 'ONTO_ARRAY': if (is_array($array_selector) && count($array_selector)) { $i=1; while(list($index, $value) = each($array_selector)) { $lib_liste=""; $type_label = $array_prefix[$index]['libelle']; $type_uri= $array_prefix[$index]['id']; if(!$type_uri) $type_uri = $att_id_filter; if(is_array($value)){ foreach($value as $k=>$v){ $lib_liste = $k; echo ""; } } else $lib_liste=$value; echo "
".trim($type_label." ".$lib_liste)."
"; $i++; } } break; default: break; endswitch;