id){ $opac_view_class->set_parameters(); $opac_view_filter_class=$opac_view_class->opac_filters; $_SESSION["opac_view"]=$opac_view_class->id; if(!$opac_view_class->opac_view_wo_query) { $_SESSION['opac_view_query']=1; } }else{ $_SESSION["opac_view"]=0; } $css=$_SESSION["css"]=$opac_default_style; } $explnum_id+=0; //Pour les epubs if (isset($_SERVER["PATH_INFO"])) { $myPage=''; $tmpEpub = explode("/",trim($_SERVER["PATH_INFO"],"/")); $lvl = 'afficheur'; $driver = array_shift($tmpEpub); $explnum = array_shift($tmpEpub); $myPage = implode("/",$tmpEpub); }else{ if(!$myPage) $myPage=''; } switch($driver){ case "pmb_document" : require_once($visionneuse_path."/api/pmb/pmb_document.class.php"); if($lvl == "" || $lvl == "visionneuse"){ $lvl = "visionneuse"; $short_header= str_replace("!!liens_rss!!","",$short_header); print $short_header; } if($lvl!="ajax"){ $params = array( 'lvl' => $lvl, 'type' => $cms_type, 'num_type' => $num_type, 'id' => $id, 'explnum' => $explnum, 'explnum_id' => $explnum_id, 'user_query' => $user_query, 'position' => $position, "page" => $myPage ); }else{ $params = array( 'lvl' => $lvl, 'explnum_id' => $explnum_id, 'start' => true, 'action' => $action, 'method' => $method, ); } $visionneuse = new visionneuse($driver,$visionneuse_path,$lvl,$lang,$params); break; case "pmb" : default : require_once($visionneuse_path."/api/pmb/pmb.class.php"); if($lvl == "" || $lvl == "visionneuse"){ $lvl = "visionneuse"; $short_header= str_replace("!!liens_rss!!","",$short_header); print $short_header; $opac_allow_simili_search=0; $opac_notice_enrichment=0; print ""; } if (isset($_POST["position"])){ $position = $_POST["position"]; if ($lvl == "visionneuse"){ $start = false; }else{ $start = true; } }else{ $position = 0; $start = true; } if($lvl == "afficheur" || $lvl == "visionneuse"){ $params = array( "mode" => $mode, "user_query" => $user_query, "pert" => $pert, "join" => $join, "clause" => $clause, "clause_bull" => $clause_bull, "clause_bull_num_notice" => $clause_bull_num_notice, "tri" => $tri, "table" => $table, "user_code" => $_SESSION["user_code"], "idautorite" => $idautorite, "id" => $id, "idperio" => $idperio, "search" => (!is_array($search) ? $search : $serialized_search), //A vérifier, mais à mon avis ca sert à rien ce test "bulletin" => $bulletin, "explnum_id" => $explnum_id, "position" => $position, "start" => $start, "lvl" => $lvl, "explnum" => $explnum, "page" => $myPage, "bull_only" => $bull_only, "serialized_search"=> $serialized_search ); }else{ $params = array( 'explnum_id' => $explnum_id, 'start' => true, 'action' => $action, 'method' => $method, ); } $visionneuse = new visionneuse("pmb",$visionneuse_path,$lvl,$lang,$params); break; } if($lvl == "" || $lvl == "visionneuse"){ if($opac_visionneuse_alert) { $confirm_alert=false; if ($opac_visionneuse_alert_doctype) { $t_opac_visionneuse_alert_doctype=explode(',',$opac_visionneuse_alert_doctype); $q = 'select typdoc from explnum join notices on explnum_notice=notice_id and explnum_id='.$explnum_id.' '; $q.= 'union '; $q.= 'select typdoc from explnum join bulletins on explnum_bulletin=bulletin_id and explnum_id='.$explnum_id.' join notices on num_notice=notice_id '; $q.= 'union '; $q.= 'select typdoc from explnum join bulletins on explnum_bulletin=bulletin_id and explnum_id='.$explnum_id.' join notices on bulletin_notice=notice_id'; $r = pmb_mysql_query($q,$dbh); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($r)) { $typdoc = pmb_mysql_result($r,0,0); if (is_array($t_opac_visionneuse_alert_doctype) && in_array($typdoc,$t_opac_visionneuse_alert_doctype)) { $confirm_alert=true; } } } if ($confirm_alert) { print ""; } } print $short_footer; } if(($opac_parse_html)&&($lvl!="afficheur")&&($lvl!="ajax")){ $htmltoparse= parseHTML(ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); print $htmltoparse; } /*if ($cms_active) { require_once($base_path."/classes/cms/cms_build.class.php"); $cms=new cms_build(); $htmltoparse = $cms->transform_html($htmltoparse); }*/ ?>