TEMPLATE = lib CONFIG += plugin QT += quick TARGET = $$qtLibraryTarget(Box2D) TARGETPATH = Box2D API_VER=2.0 MOC_DIR = .moc OBJECTS_DIR = .obj contains(QT_CONFIG, reduce_exports): CONFIG += hide_symbols # Uncomment the line below to compile qml-box2d plugin with Box2D library, installed in OS # or pass the variable to qmake in command line: # qmake DEFINES+=BOX2D_SYSTEM # Warning: Box2D library must be already installed in system, for example in Debian it could be done with: # sudo apt-get install libbox2d-dev #DEFINES += BOX2D_SYSTEM include(box2d_lib.pri) include(examples/examples.pri) importPath = $$[QT_INSTALL_QML]/$$replace(TARGETPATH, \\., /).$$API_VER target.path = $${importPath} qmldir.path = $${importPath} qmldir.files += $$PWD/qmldir INSTALLS += target qmldir