# RepoMan API The API of repoman is mainly focused on RepoMan but it could be used from other projects that need to manipulate repositories in some way. ## list_default_repos() Lists the default repos from the included json ## list_sources() Reads the sources.list.d folder and merges it with RepoMan's own information returning a list with all available repos. ## add_repo(name,description,url) Adds a repo where: - name: The name that will be shown in RepoMan - description: As the name, it's for informational purposes only - url: The url for the repo. The library explores the content of the url and extracts the repository information from it. Valid urls are: * http://lliurex.net/xenial * http://lliurex.net/xenial xenial-updates * deb http://lliurex.net/xenial xenial-updates main * ppa:llxdev/xenial And so on... virtually any possible combination. ## update_repos() Updates the apt cache through policy kit ## write_repo(repo_data_dict) Writes the repo to a valid *list file. It takes a repo_data_dict as input. This dict must have the folowwing structure: {'name':{'desc':'optional description','url':['list','of',repository','valid','lines']}} ## write_repo_json(repo_data_dict) As write_repo but for generate the json with the info for RepoMan