#set title "Startup times" set xlabel "Revision number" set ylabel "Startup time [seconds]" set term png size 1600,1200 set out 'startup-times.png' # start with y-xais on 0 set yrange [0:] set grid set multiplot # plot 1 set size 1, 0.3 set origin 0, 0.6 plot "startup-times-gnuplot.dat" using 1:2 smooth csplines \ with lines lt 3 title "Startup time trend" # plot 2 set size 1, 0.3 set origin 0, 0.3 plot "startup-times-gnuplot.dat" using 1:2:3:4 with yerrorbars linestyle 1\ title "Starteup time data (with error bars)" # plot 3 set size 1, 0.3 set origin 0, 0 plot "startup-times.dat" using 1:2 with dots\ title "Starteup time raw data"