/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2015 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ /* DEBUG: section 55 HTTP Header */ #include "squid.h" #include "base64.h" #include "globals.h" #include "HttpHdrCc.h" #include "HttpHdrContRange.h" #include "HttpHdrSc.h" #include "HttpHeader.h" #include "HttpHeaderFieldInfo.h" #include "HttpHeaderStat.h" #include "HttpHeaderTools.h" #include "MemBuf.h" #include "mgr/Registration.h" #include "profiler/Profiler.h" #include "rfc1123.h" #include "SquidConfig.h" #include "SquidString.h" #include "StatHist.h" #include "Store.h" #include "StrList.h" #include "TimeOrTag.h" #include /* XXX: the whole set of API managing the entries vector should be rethought * after the parse4r-ng effort is complete. */ /* * On naming conventions: * * HTTP/1.1 defines message-header as * * message-header = field-name ":" [ field-value ] CRLF * field-name = token * field-value = *( field-content | LWS ) * * HTTP/1.1 does not give a name name a group of all message-headers in a message. * Squid 1.1 seems to refer to that group _plus_ start-line as "headers". * * HttpHeader is an object that represents all message-headers in a message. * HttpHeader does not manage start-line. * * HttpHeader is implemented as a collection of header "entries". * An entry is a (field_id, field_name, field_value) triplet. */ /* * local constants and vars */ /* * A table with major attributes for every known field. * We calculate name lengths and reorganize this array on start up. * After reorganization, field id can be used as an index to the table. */ static const HttpHeaderFieldAttrs HeadersAttrs[] = { {"Accept", HDR_ACCEPT, ftStr}, {"Accept-Charset", HDR_ACCEPT_CHARSET, ftStr}, {"Accept-Encoding", HDR_ACCEPT_ENCODING, ftStr}, {"Accept-Language", HDR_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, ftStr}, {"Accept-Ranges", HDR_ACCEPT_RANGES, ftStr}, {"Age", HDR_AGE, ftInt}, {"Allow", HDR_ALLOW, ftStr}, {"Alternate-Protocol", HDR_ALTERNATE_PROTOCOL, ftStr}, {"Authorization", HDR_AUTHORIZATION, ftStr}, /* for now */ {"Cache-Control", HDR_CACHE_CONTROL, ftPCc}, {"Connection", HDR_CONNECTION, ftStr}, {"Content-Base", HDR_CONTENT_BASE, ftStr}, {"Content-Disposition", HDR_CONTENT_DISPOSITION, ftStr}, /* for now */ {"Content-Encoding", HDR_CONTENT_ENCODING, ftStr}, {"Content-Language", HDR_CONTENT_LANGUAGE, ftStr}, {"Content-Length", HDR_CONTENT_LENGTH, ftInt64}, {"Content-Location", HDR_CONTENT_LOCATION, ftStr}, {"Content-MD5", HDR_CONTENT_MD5, ftStr}, /* for now */ {"Content-Range", HDR_CONTENT_RANGE, ftPContRange}, {"Content-Type", HDR_CONTENT_TYPE, ftStr}, {"Cookie", HDR_COOKIE, ftStr}, {"Cookie2", HDR_COOKIE2, ftStr}, {"Date", HDR_DATE, ftDate_1123}, {"ETag", HDR_ETAG, ftETag}, {"Expect", HDR_EXPECT, ftStr}, {"Expires", HDR_EXPIRES, ftDate_1123}, {"Forwarded", HDR_FORWARDED, ftStr}, {"From", HDR_FROM, ftStr}, {"Host", HDR_HOST, ftStr}, {"HTTP2-Settings", HDR_HTTP2_SETTINGS, ftStr}, /* for now */ {"If-Match", HDR_IF_MATCH, ftStr}, /* for now */ {"If-Modified-Since", HDR_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, ftDate_1123}, {"If-None-Match", HDR_IF_NONE_MATCH, ftStr}, /* for now */ {"If-Range", HDR_IF_RANGE, ftDate_1123_or_ETag}, {"If-Unmodified-Since", HDR_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE, ftDate_1123}, {"Keep-Alive", HDR_KEEP_ALIVE, ftStr}, {"Key", HDR_KEY, ftStr}, {"Last-Modified", HDR_LAST_MODIFIED, ftDate_1123}, {"Link", HDR_LINK, ftStr}, {"Location", HDR_LOCATION, ftStr}, {"Max-Forwards", HDR_MAX_FORWARDS, ftInt64}, {"Mime-Version", HDR_MIME_VERSION, ftStr}, /* for now */ {"Negotiate", HDR_NEGOTIATE, ftStr}, {"Origin", HDR_ORIGIN, ftStr}, {"Pragma", HDR_PRAGMA, ftStr}, {"Proxy-Authenticate", HDR_PROXY_AUTHENTICATE, ftStr}, {"Proxy-Authentication-Info", HDR_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_INFO, ftStr}, {"Proxy-Authorization", HDR_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, ftStr}, {"Proxy-Connection", HDR_PROXY_CONNECTION, ftStr}, {"Proxy-support", HDR_PROXY_SUPPORT, ftStr}, {"Public", HDR_PUBLIC, ftStr}, {"Range", HDR_RANGE, ftPRange}, {"Referer", HDR_REFERER, ftStr}, {"Request-Range", HDR_REQUEST_RANGE, ftPRange}, /* usually matches HDR_RANGE */ {"Retry-After", HDR_RETRY_AFTER, ftStr}, /* for now (ftDate_1123 or ftInt!) */ {"Server", HDR_SERVER, ftStr}, {"Set-Cookie", HDR_SET_COOKIE, ftStr}, {"Set-Cookie2", HDR_SET_COOKIE2, ftStr}, {"TE", HDR_TE, ftStr}, {"Title", HDR_TITLE, ftStr}, {"Trailer", HDR_TRAILER, ftStr}, {"Transfer-Encoding", HDR_TRANSFER_ENCODING, ftStr}, {"Translate", HDR_TRANSLATE, ftStr}, /* for now. may need to crop */ {"Unless-Modified-Since", HDR_UNLESS_MODIFIED_SINCE, ftStr}, /* for now ignore. may need to crop */ {"Upgrade", HDR_UPGRADE, ftStr}, /* for now */ {"User-Agent", HDR_USER_AGENT, ftStr}, {"Vary", HDR_VARY, ftStr}, /* for now */ {"Via", HDR_VIA, ftStr}, /* for now */ {"Warning", HDR_WARNING, ftStr}, /* for now */ {"WWW-Authenticate", HDR_WWW_AUTHENTICATE, ftStr}, {"Authentication-Info", HDR_AUTHENTICATION_INFO, ftStr}, {"X-Cache", HDR_X_CACHE, ftStr}, {"X-Cache-Lookup", HDR_X_CACHE_LOOKUP, ftStr}, {"X-Forwarded-For", HDR_X_FORWARDED_FOR, ftStr}, {"X-Request-URI", HDR_X_REQUEST_URI, ftStr}, {"X-Squid-Error", HDR_X_SQUID_ERROR, ftStr}, #if X_ACCELERATOR_VARY {"X-Accelerator-Vary", HDR_X_ACCELERATOR_VARY, ftStr}, #endif #if USE_ADAPTATION {"X-Next-Services", HDR_X_NEXT_SERVICES, ftStr}, #endif {"Surrogate-Capability", HDR_SURROGATE_CAPABILITY, ftStr}, {"Surrogate-Control", HDR_SURROGATE_CONTROL, ftPSc}, {"Front-End-Https", HDR_FRONT_END_HTTPS, ftStr}, {"FTP-Command", HDR_FTP_COMMAND, ftStr}, {"FTP-Arguments", HDR_FTP_ARGUMENTS, ftStr}, {"FTP-Pre", HDR_FTP_PRE, ftStr}, {"FTP-Status", HDR_FTP_STATUS, ftInt}, {"FTP-Reason", HDR_FTP_REASON, ftStr}, {"Other:", HDR_OTHER, ftStr} /* ':' will not allow matches */ }; static HttpHeaderFieldInfo *Headers = NULL; http_hdr_type &operator++ (http_hdr_type &aHeader) { int tmp = (int)aHeader; aHeader = (http_hdr_type)(++tmp); return aHeader; } /* * headers with field values defined as #(values) in HTTP/1.1 * Headers that are currently not recognized, are commented out. */ static HttpHeaderMask ListHeadersMask; /* set run-time using ListHeadersArr */ static http_hdr_type ListHeadersArr[] = { HDR_ACCEPT, HDR_ACCEPT_CHARSET, HDR_ACCEPT_ENCODING, HDR_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, HDR_ACCEPT_RANGES, HDR_ALLOW, HDR_CACHE_CONTROL, HDR_CONTENT_ENCODING, HDR_CONTENT_LANGUAGE, HDR_CONNECTION, HDR_EXPECT, HDR_IF_MATCH, HDR_IF_NONE_MATCH, HDR_KEY, HDR_LINK, HDR_PRAGMA, HDR_PROXY_CONNECTION, HDR_PROXY_SUPPORT, HDR_TRANSFER_ENCODING, HDR_UPGRADE, HDR_VARY, HDR_VIA, HDR_WARNING, HDR_WWW_AUTHENTICATE, HDR_AUTHENTICATION_INFO, HDR_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_INFO, /* HDR_TE, HDR_TRAILER */ #if X_ACCELERATOR_VARY HDR_X_ACCELERATOR_VARY, #endif #if USE_ADAPTATION HDR_X_NEXT_SERVICES, #endif HDR_SURROGATE_CAPABILITY, HDR_SURROGATE_CONTROL, HDR_FORWARDED, HDR_X_FORWARDED_FOR }; /* general-headers */ static http_hdr_type GeneralHeadersArr[] = { HDR_CACHE_CONTROL, HDR_CONNECTION, HDR_DATE, HDR_FORWARDED, HDR_X_FORWARDED_FOR, HDR_MIME_VERSION, HDR_PRAGMA, HDR_PROXY_CONNECTION, HDR_TRANSFER_ENCODING, HDR_UPGRADE, /* HDR_TRAILER, */ HDR_VIA, }; /* entity-headers */ static http_hdr_type EntityHeadersArr[] = { HDR_ALLOW, HDR_CONTENT_BASE, HDR_CONTENT_ENCODING, HDR_CONTENT_LANGUAGE, HDR_CONTENT_LENGTH, HDR_CONTENT_LOCATION, HDR_CONTENT_MD5, HDR_CONTENT_RANGE, HDR_CONTENT_TYPE, HDR_ETAG, HDR_EXPIRES, HDR_LAST_MODIFIED, HDR_LINK, HDR_OTHER }; /* request-only headers */ static HttpHeaderMask RequestHeadersMask; /* set run-time using RequestHeaders */ static http_hdr_type RequestHeadersArr[] = { HDR_ACCEPT, HDR_ACCEPT_CHARSET, HDR_ACCEPT_ENCODING, HDR_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, HDR_AUTHORIZATION, HDR_EXPECT, HDR_FROM, HDR_HOST, HDR_HTTP2_SETTINGS, HDR_IF_MATCH, HDR_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, HDR_IF_NONE_MATCH, HDR_IF_RANGE, HDR_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE, HDR_MAX_FORWARDS, HDR_ORIGIN, HDR_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, HDR_RANGE, HDR_REFERER, HDR_REQUEST_RANGE, HDR_TE, HDR_USER_AGENT, HDR_SURROGATE_CAPABILITY }; /* reply-only headers */ static HttpHeaderMask ReplyHeadersMask; /* set run-time using ReplyHeaders */ static http_hdr_type ReplyHeadersArr[] = { HDR_ACCEPT_ENCODING, HDR_ACCEPT_RANGES, HDR_AGE, HDR_KEY, HDR_LOCATION, HDR_PROXY_AUTHENTICATE, HDR_PUBLIC, HDR_RETRY_AFTER, HDR_SERVER, HDR_SET_COOKIE, HDR_SET_COOKIE2, HDR_VARY, HDR_WARNING, HDR_WWW_AUTHENTICATE, HDR_X_CACHE, HDR_X_CACHE_LOOKUP, HDR_X_REQUEST_URI, #if X_ACCELERATOR_VARY HDR_X_ACCELERATOR_VARY, #endif #if USE_ADAPTATION HDR_X_NEXT_SERVICES, #endif HDR_X_SQUID_ERROR, HDR_SURROGATE_CONTROL }; /* hop-by-hop headers */ static HttpHeaderMask HopByHopHeadersMask; static http_hdr_type HopByHopHeadersArr[] = { HDR_ALTERNATE_PROTOCOL, HDR_CONNECTION, HDR_HTTP2_SETTINGS, HDR_KEEP_ALIVE, /*HDR_PROXY_AUTHENTICATE, // removal handled specially for peer login */ HDR_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, HDR_TE, HDR_TRAILER, HDR_TRANSFER_ENCODING, HDR_UPGRADE, HDR_PROXY_CONNECTION }; /* header accounting */ static HttpHeaderStat HttpHeaderStats[] = { {"all"}, #if USE_HTCP {"HTCP reply"}, #endif {"request"}, {"reply"} }; static int HttpHeaderStatCount = countof(HttpHeaderStats); static int HeaderEntryParsedCount = 0; /* * forward declarations and local routines */ class StoreEntry; #define assert_eid(id) assert((id) >= 0 && (id) < HDR_ENUM_END) static void httpHeaderNoteParsedEntry(http_hdr_type id, String const &value, int error); static void httpHeaderStatInit(HttpHeaderStat * hs, const char *label); static void httpHeaderStatDump(const HttpHeaderStat * hs, StoreEntry * e); /** store report about current header usage and other stats */ static void httpHeaderStoreReport(StoreEntry * e); /* * Module initialization routines */ static void httpHeaderRegisterWithCacheManager(void) { Mgr::RegisterAction("http_headers", "HTTP Header Statistics", httpHeaderStoreReport, 0, 1); } void httpHeaderInitModule(void) { int i; /* check that we have enough space for masks */ assert(8 * sizeof(HttpHeaderMask) >= HDR_ENUM_END); /* all headers must be described */ assert(countof(HeadersAttrs) == HDR_ENUM_END); if (!Headers) Headers = httpHeaderBuildFieldsInfo(HeadersAttrs, HDR_ENUM_END); /* create masks */ httpHeaderMaskInit(&ListHeadersMask, 0); httpHeaderCalcMask(&ListHeadersMask, ListHeadersArr, countof(ListHeadersArr)); httpHeaderMaskInit(&ReplyHeadersMask, 0); httpHeaderCalcMask(&ReplyHeadersMask, ReplyHeadersArr, countof(ReplyHeadersArr)); httpHeaderCalcMask(&ReplyHeadersMask, GeneralHeadersArr, countof(GeneralHeadersArr)); httpHeaderCalcMask(&ReplyHeadersMask, EntityHeadersArr, countof(EntityHeadersArr)); httpHeaderMaskInit(&RequestHeadersMask, 0); httpHeaderCalcMask(&RequestHeadersMask, RequestHeadersArr, countof(RequestHeadersArr)); httpHeaderCalcMask(&RequestHeadersMask, GeneralHeadersArr, countof(GeneralHeadersArr)); httpHeaderCalcMask(&RequestHeadersMask, EntityHeadersArr, countof(EntityHeadersArr)); httpHeaderMaskInit(&HopByHopHeadersMask, 0); httpHeaderCalcMask(&HopByHopHeadersMask, HopByHopHeadersArr, countof(HopByHopHeadersArr)); /* init header stats */ assert(HttpHeaderStatCount == hoReply + 1); for (i = 0; i < HttpHeaderStatCount; ++i) httpHeaderStatInit(HttpHeaderStats + i, HttpHeaderStats[i].label); HttpHeaderStats[hoRequest].owner_mask = &RequestHeadersMask; HttpHeaderStats[hoReply].owner_mask = &ReplyHeadersMask; #if USE_HTCP HttpHeaderStats[hoHtcpReply].owner_mask = &ReplyHeadersMask; #endif /* init dependent modules */ httpHdrCcInitModule(); httpHdrScInitModule(); httpHeaderRegisterWithCacheManager(); } void httpHeaderCleanModule(void) { httpHeaderDestroyFieldsInfo(Headers, HDR_ENUM_END); Headers = NULL; httpHdrCcCleanModule(); httpHdrScCleanModule(); } static void httpHeaderStatInit(HttpHeaderStat * hs, const char *label) { assert(hs); assert(label); memset(hs, 0, sizeof(HttpHeaderStat)); hs->label = label; hs->hdrUCountDistr.enumInit(32); /* not a real enum */ hs->fieldTypeDistr.enumInit(HDR_ENUM_END); hs->ccTypeDistr.enumInit(CC_ENUM_END); hs->scTypeDistr.enumInit(SC_ENUM_END); } /* * HttpHeader Implementation */ HttpHeader::HttpHeader() : owner (hoNone), len (0), conflictingContentLength_(false) { httpHeaderMaskInit(&mask, 0); } HttpHeader::HttpHeader(const http_hdr_owner_type anOwner): owner(anOwner), len(0), conflictingContentLength_(false) { assert(anOwner > hoNone && anOwner < hoEnd); debugs(55, 7, "init-ing hdr: " << this << " owner: " << owner); httpHeaderMaskInit(&mask, 0); } HttpHeader::HttpHeader(const HttpHeader &other): owner(other.owner), len(other.len), conflictingContentLength_(false) { httpHeaderMaskInit(&mask, 0); update(&other, NULL); // will update the mask as well } HttpHeader::~HttpHeader() { clean(); } HttpHeader & HttpHeader::operator =(const HttpHeader &other) { if (this != &other) { // we do not really care, but the caller probably does assert(owner == other.owner); clean(); update(&other, NULL); // will update the mask as well len = other.len; conflictingContentLength_ = other.conflictingContentLength_; } return *this; } void HttpHeader::clean() { assert(owner > hoNone && owner < hoEnd); debugs(55, 7, "cleaning hdr: " << this << " owner: " << owner); PROF_start(HttpHeaderClean); if (owner <= hoReply) { /* * An unfortunate bug. The entries array is initialized * such that count is set to zero. httpHeaderClean() seems to * be called both when 'hdr' is created, and destroyed. Thus, * we accumulate a large number of zero counts for 'hdr' before * it is ever used. Can't think of a good way to fix it, except * adding a state variable that indicates whether or not 'hdr' * has been used. As a hack, just never count zero-sized header * arrays. */ if (!entries.empty()) HttpHeaderStats[owner].hdrUCountDistr.count(entries.size()); ++ HttpHeaderStats[owner].destroyedCount; HttpHeaderStats[owner].busyDestroyedCount += entries.size() > 0; } // if (owner <= hoReply) for (std::vector::iterator i = entries.begin(); i != entries.end(); ++i) { HttpHeaderEntry *e = *i; if (e == NULL) continue; if (e->id < 0 || e->id >= HDR_ENUM_END) { debugs(55, DBG_CRITICAL, "BUG: invalid entry (" << e->id << "). Ignored."); } else { if (owner <= hoReply) HttpHeaderStats[owner].fieldTypeDistr.count(e->id); delete e; } } entries.clear(); httpHeaderMaskInit(&mask, 0); len = 0; conflictingContentLength_ = false; PROF_stop(HttpHeaderClean); } /* append entries (also see httpHeaderUpdate) */ void HttpHeader::append(const HttpHeader * src) { const HttpHeaderEntry *e; HttpHeaderPos pos = HttpHeaderInitPos; assert(src); assert(src != this); debugs(55, 7, "appending hdr: " << this << " += " << src); while ((e = src->getEntry(&pos))) { addEntry(e->clone()); } } /* use fresh entries to replace old ones */ void httpHeaderUpdate(HttpHeader * old, const HttpHeader * fresh, const HttpHeaderMask * denied_mask) { assert (old); old->update (fresh, denied_mask); } void HttpHeader::update (HttpHeader const *fresh, HttpHeaderMask const *denied_mask) { const HttpHeaderEntry *e; HttpHeaderPos pos = HttpHeaderInitPos; assert(fresh); assert(this != fresh); while ((e = fresh->getEntry(&pos))) { /* deny bad guys (ok to check for HDR_OTHER) here */ if (denied_mask && CBIT_TEST(*denied_mask, e->id)) continue; if (e->id != HDR_OTHER) delById(e->id); else delByName(e->name.termedBuf()); } pos = HttpHeaderInitPos; while ((e = fresh->getEntry(&pos))) { /* deny bad guys (ok to check for HDR_OTHER) here */ if (denied_mask && CBIT_TEST(*denied_mask, e->id)) continue; debugs(55, 7, "Updating header '" << HeadersAttrs[e->id].name << "' in cached entry"); addEntry(e->clone()); } } /* just handy in parsing: resets and returns false */ int HttpHeader::reset() { clean(); return 0; } int HttpHeader::parse(const char *header_start, const char *header_end) { const char *field_ptr = header_start; HttpHeaderEntry *e, *e2; int warnOnError = (Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser <= 0 ? DBG_IMPORTANT : 2); PROF_start(HttpHeaderParse); assert(header_start && header_end); debugs(55, 7, "parsing hdr: (" << this << ")" << std::endl << getStringPrefix(header_start, header_end)); ++ HttpHeaderStats[owner].parsedCount; char *nulpos; if ((nulpos = (char*)memchr(header_start, '\0', header_end - header_start))) { debugs(55, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: HTTP header contains NULL characters {" << getStringPrefix(header_start, nulpos) << "}\nNULL\n{" << getStringPrefix(nulpos+1, header_end)); PROF_stop(HttpHeaderParse); return reset(); } /* common format headers are ":[ws]" lines delimited by . * continuation lines start with a (single) space or tab */ while (field_ptr < header_end) { const char *field_start = field_ptr; const char *field_end; do { const char *this_line = field_ptr; field_ptr = (const char *)memchr(field_ptr, '\n', header_end - field_ptr); if (!field_ptr) { // missing PROF_stop(HttpHeaderParse); return reset(); } field_end = field_ptr; ++field_ptr; /* Move to next line */ if (field_end > this_line && field_end[-1] == '\r') { --field_end; /* Ignore CR LF */ if (owner == hoRequest && field_end > this_line) { bool cr_only = true; for (const char *p = this_line; p < field_end && cr_only; ++p) { if (*p != '\r') cr_only = false; } if (cr_only) { debugs(55, DBG_IMPORTANT, "SECURITY WARNING: Rejecting HTTP request with a CR+ " "header field to prevent request smuggling attacks: {" << getStringPrefix(header_start, header_end) << "}"); PROF_stop(HttpHeaderParse); return reset(); } } } /* Barf on stray CR characters */ if (memchr(this_line, '\r', field_end - this_line)) { debugs(55, warnOnError, "WARNING: suspicious CR characters in HTTP header {" << getStringPrefix(field_start, field_end) << "}"); if (Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser) { char *p = (char *) this_line; /* XXX Warning! This destroys original header content and violates specifications somewhat */ while ((p = (char *)memchr(p, '\r', field_end - p)) != NULL) { *p = ' '; ++p; } } else { PROF_stop(HttpHeaderParse); return reset(); } } if (this_line + 1 == field_end && this_line > field_start) { debugs(55, warnOnError, "WARNING: Blank continuation line in HTTP header {" << getStringPrefix(header_start, header_end) << "}"); PROF_stop(HttpHeaderParse); return reset(); } } while (field_ptr < header_end && (*field_ptr == ' ' || *field_ptr == '\t')); if (field_start == field_end) { if (field_ptr < header_end) { debugs(55, warnOnError, "WARNING: unparseable HTTP header field near {" << getStringPrefix(field_start, header_end) << "}"); PROF_stop(HttpHeaderParse); return reset(); } break; /* terminating blank line */ } if ((e = HttpHeaderEntry::parse(field_start, field_end)) == NULL) { debugs(55, warnOnError, "WARNING: unparseable HTTP header field {" << getStringPrefix(field_start, field_end) << "}"); debugs(55, warnOnError, " in {" << getStringPrefix(header_start, header_end) << "}"); if (Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser) continue; PROF_stop(HttpHeaderParse); return reset(); } // XXX: RFC 7230 Section 3.3.3 item #4 requires sending a 502 error in // several cases that we do not yet cover. TODO: Rewrite to cover more. if (e->id == HDR_CONTENT_LENGTH && (e2 = findEntry(e->id)) != NULL) { if (e->value != e2->value) { int64_t l1, l2; debugs(55, warnOnError, "WARNING: found two conflicting content-length headers in {" << getStringPrefix(header_start, header_end) << "}"); if (!Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser) { delete e; PROF_stop(HttpHeaderParse); return reset(); } if (!httpHeaderParseOffset(e->value.termedBuf(), &l1)) { debugs(55, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: Unparseable content-length '" << e->value << "'"); delete e; continue; } else if (!httpHeaderParseOffset(e2->value.termedBuf(), &l2)) { debugs(55, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: Unparseable content-length '" << e2->value << "'"); delById(e2->id); } else { if (l1 != l2) conflictingContentLength_ = true; delete e; continue; } } else { debugs(55, warnOnError, "NOTICE: found double content-length header"); delete e; if (Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser) continue; PROF_stop(HttpHeaderParse); return reset(); } } if (e->id == HDR_OTHER && stringHasWhitespace(e->name.termedBuf())) { debugs(55, warnOnError, "WARNING: found whitespace in HTTP header name {" << getStringPrefix(field_start, field_end) << "}"); if (!Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser) { delete e; PROF_stop(HttpHeaderParse); return reset(); } } addEntry(e); } if (chunked()) { // RFC 2616 section 4.4: ignore Content-Length with Transfer-Encoding delById(HDR_CONTENT_LENGTH); // RFC 7230 section 3.3.3 #4: ignore Content-Length conflicts with Transfer-Encoding conflictingContentLength_ = false; } else if (conflictingContentLength_) { // ensure our callers do not see the conflicting Content-Length value delById(HDR_CONTENT_LENGTH); } PROF_stop(HttpHeaderParse); return 1; /* even if no fields where found, it is a valid header */ } /* packs all the entries using supplied packer */ void HttpHeader::packInto(Packer * p, bool mask_sensitive_info) const { HttpHeaderPos pos = HttpHeaderInitPos; const HttpHeaderEntry *e; assert(p); debugs(55, 7, this << " into " << p << (mask_sensitive_info ? " while masking" : "")); /* pack all entries one by one */ while ((e = getEntry(&pos))) { if (!mask_sensitive_info) { e->packInto(p); continue; } bool maskThisEntry = false; switch (e->id) { case HDR_AUTHORIZATION: case HDR_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION: maskThisEntry = true; break; case HDR_FTP_ARGUMENTS: if (const HttpHeaderEntry *cmd = findEntry(HDR_FTP_COMMAND)) maskThisEntry = (cmd->value == "PASS"); break; default: break; } if (maskThisEntry) { packerAppend(p, e->name.rawBuf(), e->name.size()); packerAppend(p, ": ** NOT DISPLAYED **\r\n", 23); } else { e->packInto(p); } } /* Pack in the "special" entries */ /* Cache-Control */ } /* returns next valid entry */ HttpHeaderEntry * HttpHeader::getEntry(HttpHeaderPos * pos) const { assert(pos); assert(*pos >= HttpHeaderInitPos && *pos < static_cast(entries.size())); for (++(*pos); *pos < static_cast(entries.size()); ++(*pos)) { if (entries[*pos]) return static_cast(entries[*pos]); } return NULL; } /* * returns a pointer to a specified entry if any * note that we return one entry so it does not make much sense to ask for * "list" headers */ HttpHeaderEntry * HttpHeader::findEntry(http_hdr_type id) const { HttpHeaderPos pos = HttpHeaderInitPos; HttpHeaderEntry *e; assert_eid(id); assert(!CBIT_TEST(ListHeadersMask, id)); /* check mask first */ if (!CBIT_TEST(mask, id)) return NULL; /* looks like we must have it, do linear search */ while ((e = getEntry(&pos))) { if (e->id == id) return e; } /* hm.. we thought it was there, but it was not found */ assert(0); return NULL; /* not reached */ } /* * same as httpHeaderFindEntry */ HttpHeaderEntry * HttpHeader::findLastEntry(http_hdr_type id) const { HttpHeaderPos pos = HttpHeaderInitPos; HttpHeaderEntry *e; HttpHeaderEntry *result = NULL; assert_eid(id); assert(!CBIT_TEST(ListHeadersMask, id)); /* check mask first */ if (!CBIT_TEST(mask, id)) return NULL; /* looks like we must have it, do linear search */ while ((e = getEntry(&pos))) { if (e->id == id) result = e; } assert(result); /* must be there! */ return result; } /* * deletes all fields with a given name if any, returns #fields deleted; */ int HttpHeader::delByName(const char *name) { int count = 0; HttpHeaderPos pos = HttpHeaderInitPos; HttpHeaderEntry *e; httpHeaderMaskInit(&mask, 0); /* temporal inconsistency */ debugs(55, 9, "deleting '" << name << "' fields in hdr " << this); while ((e = getEntry(&pos))) { if (!e->name.caseCmp(name)) delAt(pos, count); else CBIT_SET(mask, e->id); } return count; } /* deletes all entries with a given id, returns the #entries deleted */ int HttpHeader::delById(http_hdr_type id) { int count = 0; HttpHeaderPos pos = HttpHeaderInitPos; HttpHeaderEntry *e; debugs(55, 8, this << " del-by-id " << id); assert_eid(id); assert(id != HDR_OTHER); /* does not make sense */ if (!CBIT_TEST(mask, id)) return 0; while ((e = getEntry(&pos))) { if (e->id == id) delAt(pos, count); } CBIT_CLR(mask, id); assert(count); return count; } /* * deletes an entry at pos and leaves a gap; leaving a gap makes it * possible to iterate(search) and delete fields at the same time * NOTE: Does not update the header mask. Caller must follow up with * a call to refreshMask() if headers_deleted was incremented. */ void HttpHeader::delAt(HttpHeaderPos pos, int &headers_deleted) { HttpHeaderEntry *e; assert(pos >= HttpHeaderInitPos && pos < static_cast(entries.size())); e = static_cast(entries[pos]); entries[pos] = NULL; /* decrement header length, allow for ": " and crlf */ len -= e->name.size() + 2 + e->value.size() + 2; assert(len >= 0); delete e; ++headers_deleted; } /* * Compacts the header storage */ void HttpHeader::compact() { // TODO: optimize removal, or possibly make it so that's not needed. std::vector::iterator newend; newend = std::remove(entries.begin(), entries.end(), static_cast(NULL)); entries.resize(newend-entries.begin()); } /* * Refreshes the header mask. Required after delAt() calls. */ void HttpHeader::refreshMask() { httpHeaderMaskInit(&mask, 0); debugs(55, 7, "refreshing the mask in hdr " << this); HttpHeaderPos pos = HttpHeaderInitPos; while (HttpHeaderEntry *e = getEntry(&pos)) { CBIT_SET(mask, e->id); } } /* appends an entry; * does not call e->clone() so one should not reuse "*e" */ void HttpHeader::addEntry(HttpHeaderEntry * e) { assert(e); assert_eid(e->id); assert(e->name.size()); debugs(55, 7, this << " adding entry: " << e->id << " at " << entries.size()); if (CBIT_TEST(mask, e->id)) ++ Headers[e->id].stat.repCount; else CBIT_SET(mask, e->id); entries.push_back(e); /* increment header length, allow for ": " and crlf */ len += e->name.size() + 2 + e->value.size() + 2; } /* inserts an entry; * does not call e->clone() so one should not reuse "*e" */ void HttpHeader::insertEntry(HttpHeaderEntry * e) { assert(e); assert_eid(e->id); debugs(55, 7, this << " adding entry: " << e->id << " at " << entries.size()); if (CBIT_TEST(mask, e->id)) ++ Headers[e->id].stat.repCount; else CBIT_SET(mask, e->id); entries.insert(entries.begin(),e); /* increment header length, allow for ": " and crlf */ len += e->name.size() + 2 + e->value.size() + 2; } bool HttpHeader::getList(http_hdr_type id, String *s) const { HttpHeaderEntry *e; HttpHeaderPos pos = HttpHeaderInitPos; debugs(55, 9, this << " joining for id " << id); /* only fields from ListHeaders array can be "listed" */ assert(CBIT_TEST(ListHeadersMask, id)); if (!CBIT_TEST(mask, id)) return false; while ((e = getEntry(&pos))) { if (e->id == id) strListAdd(s, e->value.termedBuf(), ','); } /* * note: we might get an empty (size==0) string if there was an "empty" * header. This results in an empty length String, which may have a NULL * buffer. */ /* temporary warning: remove it? (Is it useful for diagnostics ?) */ if (!s->size()) debugs(55, 3, "empty list header: " << Headers[id].name << "(" << id << ")"); else debugs(55, 6, this << ": joined for id " << id << ": " << s); return true; } /* return a list of entries with the same id separated by ',' and ws */ String HttpHeader::getList(http_hdr_type id) const { HttpHeaderEntry *e; HttpHeaderPos pos = HttpHeaderInitPos; debugs(55, 9, this << "joining for id " << id); /* only fields from ListHeaders array can be "listed" */ assert(CBIT_TEST(ListHeadersMask, id)); if (!CBIT_TEST(mask, id)) return String(); String s; while ((e = getEntry(&pos))) { if (e->id == id) strListAdd(&s, e->value.termedBuf(), ','); } /* * note: we might get an empty (size==0) string if there was an "empty" * header. This results in an empty length String, which may have a NULL * buffer. */ /* temporary warning: remove it? (Is it useful for diagnostics ?) */ if (!s.size()) debugs(55, 3, "empty list header: " << Headers[id].name << "(" << id << ")"); else debugs(55, 6, this << ": joined for id " << id << ": " << s); return s; } /* return a string or list of entries with the same id separated by ',' and ws */ String HttpHeader::getStrOrList(http_hdr_type id) const { HttpHeaderEntry *e; if (CBIT_TEST(ListHeadersMask, id)) return getList(id); if ((e = findEntry(id))) return e->value; return String(); } /* * Returns the value of the specified header and/or an undefined String. */ String HttpHeader::getByName(const char *name) const { String result; // ignore presence: return undefined string if an empty header is present (void)getByNameIfPresent(name, result); return result; } bool HttpHeader::getByNameIfPresent(const char *name, String &result) const { http_hdr_type id; HttpHeaderPos pos = HttpHeaderInitPos; HttpHeaderEntry *e; assert(name); /* First try the quick path */ id = httpHeaderIdByNameDef(name, strlen(name)); if (id != -1) { if (!has(id)) return false; result = getStrOrList(id); return true; } /* Sorry, an unknown header name. Do linear search */ bool found = false; while ((e = getEntry(&pos))) { if (e->id == HDR_OTHER && e->name.caseCmp(name) == 0) { found = true; strListAdd(&result, e->value.termedBuf(), ','); } } return found; } /* * Returns a the value of the specified list member, if any. */ String HttpHeader::getByNameListMember(const char *name, const char *member, const char separator) const { String header; const char *pos = NULL; const char *item; int ilen; int mlen = strlen(member); assert(name); header = getByName(name); String result; while (strListGetItem(&header, separator, &item, &ilen, &pos)) { if (strncmp(item, member, mlen) == 0 && item[mlen] == '=') { result.append(item + mlen + 1, ilen - mlen - 1); break; } } return result; } /* * returns a the value of the specified list member, if any. */ String HttpHeader::getListMember(http_hdr_type id, const char *member, const char separator) const { String header; const char *pos = NULL; const char *item; int ilen; int mlen = strlen(member); assert(id >= 0); header = getStrOrList(id); String result; while (strListGetItem(&header, separator, &item, &ilen, &pos)) { if (strncmp(item, member, mlen) == 0 && item[mlen] == '=') { result.append(item + mlen + 1, ilen - mlen - 1); break; } } header.clean(); return result; } /* test if a field is present */ int HttpHeader::has(http_hdr_type id) const { assert_eid(id); assert(id != HDR_OTHER); debugs(55, 9, this << " lookup for " << id); return CBIT_TEST(mask, id); } void HttpHeader::putInt(http_hdr_type id, int number) { assert_eid(id); assert(Headers[id].type == ftInt); /* must be of an appropriate type */ assert(number >= 0); addEntry(new HttpHeaderEntry(id, NULL, xitoa(number))); } void HttpHeader::putInt64(http_hdr_type id, int64_t number) { assert_eid(id); assert(Headers[id].type == ftInt64); /* must be of an appropriate type */ assert(number >= 0); addEntry(new HttpHeaderEntry(id, NULL, xint64toa(number))); } void HttpHeader::putTime(http_hdr_type id, time_t htime) { assert_eid(id); assert(Headers[id].type == ftDate_1123); /* must be of an appropriate type */ assert(htime >= 0); addEntry(new HttpHeaderEntry(id, NULL, mkrfc1123(htime))); } void HttpHeader::insertTime(http_hdr_type id, time_t htime) { assert_eid(id); assert(Headers[id].type == ftDate_1123); /* must be of an appropriate type */ assert(htime >= 0); insertEntry(new HttpHeaderEntry(id, NULL, mkrfc1123(htime))); } void HttpHeader::putStr(http_hdr_type id, const char *str) { assert_eid(id); assert(Headers[id].type == ftStr); /* must be of an appropriate type */ assert(str); addEntry(new HttpHeaderEntry(id, NULL, str)); } void HttpHeader::putAuth(const char *auth_scheme, const char *realm) { assert(auth_scheme && realm); httpHeaderPutStrf(this, HDR_WWW_AUTHENTICATE, "%s realm=\"%s\"", auth_scheme, realm); } void HttpHeader::putCc(const HttpHdrCc * cc) { MemBuf mb; Packer p; assert(cc); /* remove old directives if any */ delById(HDR_CACHE_CONTROL); /* pack into mb */ mb.init(); packerToMemInit(&p, &mb); cc->packInto(&p); /* put */ addEntry(new HttpHeaderEntry(HDR_CACHE_CONTROL, NULL, mb.buf)); /* cleanup */ packerClean(&p); mb.clean(); } void HttpHeader::putContRange(const HttpHdrContRange * cr) { MemBuf mb; Packer p; assert(cr); /* remove old directives if any */ delById(HDR_CONTENT_RANGE); /* pack into mb */ mb.init(); packerToMemInit(&p, &mb); httpHdrContRangePackInto(cr, &p); /* put */ addEntry(new HttpHeaderEntry(HDR_CONTENT_RANGE, NULL, mb.buf)); /* cleanup */ packerClean(&p); mb.clean(); } void HttpHeader::putRange(const HttpHdrRange * range) { MemBuf mb; Packer p; assert(range); /* remove old directives if any */ delById(HDR_RANGE); /* pack into mb */ mb.init(); packerToMemInit(&p, &mb); range->packInto(&p); /* put */ addEntry(new HttpHeaderEntry(HDR_RANGE, NULL, mb.buf)); /* cleanup */ packerClean(&p); mb.clean(); } void HttpHeader::putSc(HttpHdrSc *sc) { MemBuf mb; Packer p; assert(sc); /* remove old directives if any */ delById(HDR_SURROGATE_CONTROL); /* pack into mb */ mb.init(); packerToMemInit(&p, &mb); sc->packInto(&p); /* put */ addEntry(new HttpHeaderEntry(HDR_SURROGATE_CONTROL, NULL, mb.buf)); /* cleanup */ packerClean(&p); mb.clean(); } void HttpHeader::putWarning(const int code, const char *const text) { char buf[512]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%i %s \"%s\"", code, visible_appname_string, text); putStr(HDR_WARNING, buf); } /* add extension header (these fields are not parsed/analyzed/joined, etc.) */ void HttpHeader::putExt(const char *name, const char *value) { assert(name && value); debugs(55, 8, this << " adds ext entry " << name << " : " << value); addEntry(new HttpHeaderEntry(HDR_OTHER, name, value)); } int HttpHeader::getInt(http_hdr_type id) const { assert_eid(id); assert(Headers[id].type == ftInt); /* must be of an appropriate type */ HttpHeaderEntry *e; if ((e = findEntry(id))) return e->getInt(); return -1; } int64_t HttpHeader::getInt64(http_hdr_type id) const { assert_eid(id); assert(Headers[id].type == ftInt64); /* must be of an appropriate type */ HttpHeaderEntry *e; if ((e = findEntry(id))) return e->getInt64(); return -1; } time_t HttpHeader::getTime(http_hdr_type id) const { HttpHeaderEntry *e; time_t value = -1; assert_eid(id); assert(Headers[id].type == ftDate_1123); /* must be of an appropriate type */ if ((e = findEntry(id))) { value = parse_rfc1123(e->value.termedBuf()); httpHeaderNoteParsedEntry(e->id, e->value, value < 0); } return value; } /* sync with httpHeaderGetLastStr */ const char * HttpHeader::getStr(http_hdr_type id) const { HttpHeaderEntry *e; assert_eid(id); assert(Headers[id].type == ftStr); /* must be of an appropriate type */ if ((e = findEntry(id))) { httpHeaderNoteParsedEntry(e->id, e->value, 0); /* no errors are possible */ return e->value.termedBuf(); } return NULL; } /* unusual */ const char * HttpHeader::getLastStr(http_hdr_type id) const { HttpHeaderEntry *e; assert_eid(id); assert(Headers[id].type == ftStr); /* must be of an appropriate type */ if ((e = findLastEntry(id))) { httpHeaderNoteParsedEntry(e->id, e->value, 0); /* no errors are possible */ return e->value.termedBuf(); } return NULL; } HttpHdrCc * HttpHeader::getCc() const { if (!CBIT_TEST(mask, HDR_CACHE_CONTROL)) return NULL; PROF_start(HttpHeader_getCc); String s; getList(HDR_CACHE_CONTROL, &s); HttpHdrCc *cc=new HttpHdrCc(); if (!cc->parse(s)) { delete cc; cc = NULL; } ++ HttpHeaderStats[owner].ccParsedCount; if (cc) httpHdrCcUpdateStats(cc, &HttpHeaderStats[owner].ccTypeDistr); httpHeaderNoteParsedEntry(HDR_CACHE_CONTROL, s, !cc); PROF_stop(HttpHeader_getCc); return cc; } HttpHdrRange * HttpHeader::getRange() const { HttpHdrRange *r = NULL; HttpHeaderEntry *e; /* some clients will send "Request-Range" _and_ *matching* "Range" * who knows, some clients might send Request-Range only; * this "if" should work correctly in both cases; * hopefully no clients send mismatched headers! */ if ((e = findEntry(HDR_RANGE)) || (e = findEntry(HDR_REQUEST_RANGE))) { r = HttpHdrRange::ParseCreate(&e->value); httpHeaderNoteParsedEntry(e->id, e->value, !r); } return r; } HttpHdrSc * HttpHeader::getSc() const { if (!CBIT_TEST(mask, HDR_SURROGATE_CONTROL)) return NULL; String s; (void) getList(HDR_SURROGATE_CONTROL, &s); HttpHdrSc *sc = httpHdrScParseCreate(s); ++ HttpHeaderStats[owner].ccParsedCount; if (sc) sc->updateStats(&HttpHeaderStats[owner].scTypeDistr); httpHeaderNoteParsedEntry(HDR_SURROGATE_CONTROL, s, !sc); return sc; } HttpHdrContRange * HttpHeader::getContRange() const { HttpHdrContRange *cr = NULL; HttpHeaderEntry *e; if ((e = findEntry(HDR_CONTENT_RANGE))) { cr = httpHdrContRangeParseCreate(e->value.termedBuf()); httpHeaderNoteParsedEntry(e->id, e->value, !cr); } return cr; } const char * HttpHeader::getAuth(http_hdr_type id, const char *auth_scheme) const { const char *field; int l; assert(auth_scheme); field = getStr(id); if (!field) /* no authorization field */ return NULL; l = strlen(auth_scheme); if (!l || strncasecmp(field, auth_scheme, l)) /* wrong scheme */ return NULL; field += l; if (!xisspace(*field)) /* wrong scheme */ return NULL; /* skip white space */ for (; field && xisspace(*field); ++field); if (!*field) /* no authorization cookie */ return NULL; static char decodedAuthToken[8192]; const int decodedLen = base64_decode(decodedAuthToken, sizeof(decodedAuthToken)-1, field); decodedAuthToken[decodedLen] = '\0'; return decodedAuthToken; } ETag HttpHeader::getETag(http_hdr_type id) const { ETag etag = {NULL, -1}; HttpHeaderEntry *e; assert(Headers[id].type == ftETag); /* must be of an appropriate type */ if ((e = findEntry(id))) etagParseInit(&etag, e->value.termedBuf()); return etag; } TimeOrTag HttpHeader::getTimeOrTag(http_hdr_type id) const { TimeOrTag tot; HttpHeaderEntry *e; assert(Headers[id].type == ftDate_1123_or_ETag); /* must be of an appropriate type */ memset(&tot, 0, sizeof(tot)); if ((e = findEntry(id))) { const char *str = e->value.termedBuf(); /* try as an ETag */ if (etagParseInit(&tot.tag, str)) { tot.valid = tot.tag.str != NULL; tot.time = -1; } else { /* or maybe it is time? */ tot.time = parse_rfc1123(str); tot.valid = tot.time >= 0; tot.tag.str = NULL; } } assert(tot.time < 0 || !tot.tag.str); /* paranoid */ return tot; } /* * HttpHeaderEntry */ HttpHeaderEntry::HttpHeaderEntry(http_hdr_type anId, const char *aName, const char *aValue) { assert_eid(anId); id = anId; if (id != HDR_OTHER) name = Headers[id].name; else name = aName; value = aValue; ++ Headers[id].stat.aliveCount; debugs(55, 9, "created HttpHeaderEntry " << this << ": '" << name << " : " << value ); } HttpHeaderEntry::~HttpHeaderEntry() { assert_eid(id); debugs(55, 9, "destroying entry " << this << ": '" << name << ": " << value << "'"); /* clean name if needed */ if (id == HDR_OTHER) name.clean(); value.clean(); assert(Headers[id].stat.aliveCount); -- Headers[id].stat.aliveCount; id = HDR_BAD_HDR; } /* parses and inits header entry, returns true/false */ HttpHeaderEntry * HttpHeaderEntry::parse(const char *field_start, const char *field_end) { /* note: name_start == field_start */ const char *name_end = (const char *)memchr(field_start, ':', field_end - field_start); int name_len = name_end ? name_end - field_start :0; const char *value_start = field_start + name_len + 1; /* skip ':' */ /* note: value_end == field_end */ ++ HeaderEntryParsedCount; /* do we have a valid field name within this field? */ if (!name_len || name_end > field_end) return NULL; if (name_len > 65534) { /* String must be LESS THAN 64K and it adds a terminating NULL */ debugs(55, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: ignoring header name of " << name_len << " bytes"); return NULL; } if (Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser && xisspace(field_start[name_len - 1])) { debugs(55, Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser <= 0 ? 1 : 2, "NOTICE: Whitespace after header name in '" << getStringPrefix(field_start, field_end) << "'"); while (name_len > 0 && xisspace(field_start[name_len - 1])) --name_len; if (!name_len) return NULL; } /* now we know we can parse it */ debugs(55, 9, "parsing HttpHeaderEntry: near '" << getStringPrefix(field_start, field_end) << "'"); /* is it a "known" field? */ http_hdr_type id = httpHeaderIdByName(field_start, name_len, Headers, HDR_ENUM_END); String name; String value; if (id < 0) id = HDR_OTHER; assert_eid(id); /* set field name */ if (id == HDR_OTHER) name.limitInit(field_start, name_len); else name = Headers[id].name; /* trim field value */ while (value_start < field_end && xisspace(*value_start)) ++value_start; while (value_start < field_end && xisspace(field_end[-1])) --field_end; if (field_end - value_start > 65534) { /* String must be LESS THAN 64K and it adds a terminating NULL */ debugs(55, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: ignoring '" << name << "' header of " << (field_end - value_start) << " bytes"); if (id == HDR_OTHER) name.clean(); return NULL; } /* set field value */ value.limitInit(value_start, field_end - value_start); ++ Headers[id].stat.seenCount; debugs(55, 9, "parsed HttpHeaderEntry: '" << name << ": " << value << "'"); return new HttpHeaderEntry(id, name.termedBuf(), value.termedBuf()); } HttpHeaderEntry * HttpHeaderEntry::clone() const { return new HttpHeaderEntry(id, name.termedBuf(), value.termedBuf()); } void HttpHeaderEntry::packInto(Packer * p) const { assert(p); packerAppend(p, name.rawBuf(), name.size()); packerAppend(p, ": ", 2); packerAppend(p, value.rawBuf(), value.size()); packerAppend(p, "\r\n", 2); } int HttpHeaderEntry::getInt() const { assert_eid (id); assert (Headers[id].type == ftInt); int val = -1; int ok = httpHeaderParseInt(value.termedBuf(), &val); httpHeaderNoteParsedEntry(id, value, !ok); /* XXX: Should we check ok - ie * return ok ? -1 : value; */ return val; } int64_t HttpHeaderEntry::getInt64() const { assert_eid (id); assert (Headers[id].type == ftInt64); int64_t val = -1; int ok = httpHeaderParseOffset(value.termedBuf(), &val); httpHeaderNoteParsedEntry(id, value, !ok); /* XXX: Should we check ok - ie * return ok ? -1 : value; */ return val; } static void httpHeaderNoteParsedEntry(http_hdr_type id, String const &context, int error) { ++ Headers[id].stat.parsCount; if (error) { ++ Headers[id].stat.errCount; debugs(55, 2, "cannot parse hdr field: '" << Headers[id].name << ": " << context << "'"); } } /* * Reports */ /* tmp variable used to pass stat info to dumpers */ extern const HttpHeaderStat *dump_stat; /* argh! */ const HttpHeaderStat *dump_stat = NULL; void httpHeaderFieldStatDumper(StoreEntry * sentry, int idx, double val, double size, int count) { const int id = (int) val; const int valid_id = id >= 0 && id < HDR_ENUM_END; const char *name = valid_id ? Headers[id].name.termedBuf() : "INVALID"; int visible = count > 0; /* for entries with zero count, list only those that belong to current type of message */ if (!visible && valid_id && dump_stat->owner_mask) visible = CBIT_TEST(*dump_stat->owner_mask, id); if (visible) storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "%2d\t %-20s\t %5d\t %6.2f\n", id, name, count, xdiv(count, dump_stat->busyDestroyedCount)); } static void httpHeaderFldsPerHdrDumper(StoreEntry * sentry, int idx, double val, double size, int count) { if (count) storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "%2d\t %5d\t %5d\t %6.2f\n", idx, (int) val, count, xpercent(count, dump_stat->destroyedCount)); } static void httpHeaderStatDump(const HttpHeaderStat * hs, StoreEntry * e) { assert(hs && e); dump_stat = hs; storeAppendPrintf(e, "\nHeader Stats: %s\n", hs->label); storeAppendPrintf(e, "\nField type distribution\n"); storeAppendPrintf(e, "%2s\t %-20s\t %5s\t %6s\n", "id", "name", "count", "#/header"); hs->fieldTypeDistr.dump(e, httpHeaderFieldStatDumper); storeAppendPrintf(e, "\nCache-control directives distribution\n"); storeAppendPrintf(e, "%2s\t %-20s\t %5s\t %6s\n", "id", "name", "count", "#/cc_field"); hs->ccTypeDistr.dump(e, httpHdrCcStatDumper); storeAppendPrintf(e, "\nSurrogate-control directives distribution\n"); storeAppendPrintf(e, "%2s\t %-20s\t %5s\t %6s\n", "id", "name", "count", "#/sc_field"); hs->scTypeDistr.dump(e, httpHdrScStatDumper); storeAppendPrintf(e, "\nNumber of fields per header distribution\n"); storeAppendPrintf(e, "%2s\t %-5s\t %5s\t %6s\n", "id", "#flds", "count", "%total"); hs->hdrUCountDistr.dump(e, httpHeaderFldsPerHdrDumper); storeAppendPrintf(e, "\n"); dump_stat = NULL; } void httpHeaderStoreReport(StoreEntry * e) { int i; http_hdr_type ht; assert(e); HttpHeaderStats[0].parsedCount = HttpHeaderStats[hoRequest].parsedCount + HttpHeaderStats[hoReply].parsedCount; HttpHeaderStats[0].ccParsedCount = HttpHeaderStats[hoRequest].ccParsedCount + HttpHeaderStats[hoReply].ccParsedCount; HttpHeaderStats[0].destroyedCount = HttpHeaderStats[hoRequest].destroyedCount + HttpHeaderStats[hoReply].destroyedCount; HttpHeaderStats[0].busyDestroyedCount = HttpHeaderStats[hoRequest].busyDestroyedCount + HttpHeaderStats[hoReply].busyDestroyedCount; for (i = 1; i < HttpHeaderStatCount; ++i) { httpHeaderStatDump(HttpHeaderStats + i, e); } /* field stats for all messages */ storeAppendPrintf(e, "\nHttp Fields Stats (replies and requests)\n"); storeAppendPrintf(e, "%2s\t %-25s\t %5s\t %6s\t %6s\n", "id", "name", "#alive", "%err", "%repeat"); for (ht = (http_hdr_type)0; ht < HDR_ENUM_END; ++ht) { HttpHeaderFieldInfo *f = Headers + ht; storeAppendPrintf(e, "%2d\t %-25s\t %5d\t %6.3f\t %6.3f\n", f->id, f->name.termedBuf(), f->stat.aliveCount, xpercent(f->stat.errCount, f->stat.parsCount), xpercent(f->stat.repCount, f->stat.seenCount)); } storeAppendPrintf(e, "Headers Parsed: %d + %d = %d\n", HttpHeaderStats[hoRequest].parsedCount, HttpHeaderStats[hoReply].parsedCount, HttpHeaderStats[0].parsedCount); storeAppendPrintf(e, "Hdr Fields Parsed: %d\n", HeaderEntryParsedCount); } http_hdr_type httpHeaderIdByName(const char *name, size_t name_len, const HttpHeaderFieldInfo * info, int end) { if (name_len > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < end; ++i) { if (name_len != info[i].name.size()) continue; if (!strncasecmp(name, info[i].name.rawBuf(), name_len)) return info[i].id; } } return HDR_BAD_HDR; } http_hdr_type httpHeaderIdByNameDef(const char *name, int name_len) { if (!Headers) Headers = httpHeaderBuildFieldsInfo(HeadersAttrs, HDR_ENUM_END); return httpHeaderIdByName(name, name_len, Headers, HDR_ENUM_END); } const char * httpHeaderNameById(int id) { if (!Headers) Headers = httpHeaderBuildFieldsInfo(HeadersAttrs, HDR_ENUM_END); assert(id >= 0 && id < HDR_ENUM_END); return Headers[id].name.termedBuf(); } int HttpHeader::hasListMember(http_hdr_type id, const char *member, const char separator) const { int result = 0; const char *pos = NULL; const char *item; int ilen; int mlen = strlen(member); assert(id >= 0); String header (getStrOrList(id)); while (strListGetItem(&header, separator, &item, &ilen, &pos)) { if (strncasecmp(item, member, mlen) == 0 && (item[mlen] == '=' || item[mlen] == separator || item[mlen] == ';' || item[mlen] == '\0')) { result = 1; break; } } return result; } int HttpHeader::hasByNameListMember(const char *name, const char *member, const char separator) const { int result = 0; const char *pos = NULL; const char *item; int ilen; int mlen = strlen(member); assert(name); String header (getByName(name)); while (strListGetItem(&header, separator, &item, &ilen, &pos)) { if (strncasecmp(item, member, mlen) == 0 && (item[mlen] == '=' || item[mlen] == separator || item[mlen] == ';' || item[mlen] == '\0')) { result = 1; break; } } return result; } void HttpHeader::removeHopByHopEntries() { removeConnectionHeaderEntries(); const HttpHeaderEntry *e; HttpHeaderPos pos = HttpHeaderInitPos; int headers_deleted = 0; while ((e = getEntry(&pos))) { int id = e->id; if (CBIT_TEST(HopByHopHeadersMask, id)) { delAt(pos, headers_deleted); CBIT_CLR(mask, id); } } } void HttpHeader::removeConnectionHeaderEntries() { if (has(HDR_CONNECTION)) { /* anything that matches Connection list member will be deleted */ String strConnection; (void) getList(HDR_CONNECTION, &strConnection); const HttpHeaderEntry *e; HttpHeaderPos pos = HttpHeaderInitPos; /* * think: on-average-best nesting of the two loops (hdrEntry * and strListItem) @?@ */ /* * maybe we should delete standard stuff ("keep-alive","close") * from strConnection first? */ int headers_deleted = 0; while ((e = getEntry(&pos))) { if (strListIsMember(&strConnection, e->name.termedBuf(), ',')) delAt(pos, headers_deleted); } if (headers_deleted) refreshMask(); } }