/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2015 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ /* DEBUG: none Memory Allocation */ #define _SQUID_EXTERNNEW_ #include "squid.h" #ifdef __SUNPRO_CC #include void *operator new(size_t size) throw (std::bad_alloc) { return xmalloc(size); } void operator delete (void *address) throw() { xfree (address); } void *operator new[] (size_t size) throw (std::bad_alloc) { return xmalloc(size); } void operator delete[] (void *address) throw() { xfree (address); } #endif /* __SUNPRO_CC */