/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2015 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ /* DEBUG: section 49 SNMP Interface */ #include "squid.h" #include "base/TextException.h" #include "ipc/TypedMsgHdr.h" #include "snmp/Session.h" #include "tools.h" Snmp::Session::Session() { clear(); } Snmp::Session::Session(const Session& session) { assign(session); } Snmp::Session::~Session() { free(); } Snmp::Session& Snmp::Session::operator = (const Session& session) { free(); assign(session); return *this; } void Snmp::Session::clear() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); } void Snmp::Session::free() { if (community_len > 0) { Must(community != NULL); xfree(community); } if (peername != NULL) xfree(peername); clear(); } void Snmp::Session::assign(const Session& session) { memcpy(this, &session, sizeof(*this)); if (session.community != NULL) { community = (u_char*)xstrdup((char*)session.community); Must(community != NULL); } if (session.peername != NULL) { peername = xstrdup(session.peername); Must(peername != NULL); } } void Snmp::Session::pack(Ipc::TypedMsgHdr& msg) const { msg.putPod(Version); msg.putInt(community_len); if (community_len > 0) { Must(community != NULL); msg.putFixed(community, community_len); } msg.putPod(retries); msg.putPod(timeout); int len = peername != NULL ? strlen(peername) : 0; msg.putInt(len); if (len > 0) msg.putFixed(peername, len); msg.putPod(remote_port); msg.putPod(local_port); } void Snmp::Session::unpack(const Ipc::TypedMsgHdr& msg) { free(); msg.getPod(Version); community_len = msg.getInt(); if (community_len > 0) { community = static_cast(xmalloc(community_len + 1)); Must(community != NULL); msg.getFixed(community, community_len); community[community_len] = 0; } msg.getPod(retries); msg.getPod(timeout); int len = msg.getInt(); if (len > 0) { peername = static_cast(xmalloc(len + 1)); Must(peername != NULL); msg.getFixed(peername, len); peername[len] = 0; } msg.getPod(remote_port); msg.getPod(local_port); }