/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2015 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ /* DEBUG: section 20 Storage Manager Swapin Functions */ #include "squid.h" #include "globals.h" #include "StatCounters.h" #include "Store.h" #include "store_swapin.h" #include "StoreClient.h" static StoreIOState::STIOCB storeSwapInFileClosed; static StoreIOState::STFNCB storeSwapInFileNotify; void storeSwapInStart(store_client * sc) { StoreEntry *e = sc->entry; if (!EBIT_TEST(e->flags, ENTRY_VALIDATED)) { /* We're still reloading and haven't validated this entry yet */ return; } if (e->mem_status != NOT_IN_MEMORY) debugs(20, 3, HERE << "already IN_MEMORY"); debugs(20, 3, "storeSwapInStart: called for : " << e->swap_dirn << " " << std::hex << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << std::uppercase << e->swap_filen << " " << e->getMD5Text()); if (e->swap_status != SWAPOUT_WRITING && e->swap_status != SWAPOUT_DONE) { debugs(20, DBG_IMPORTANT, "storeSwapInStart: bad swap_status (" << swapStatusStr[e->swap_status] << ")"); return; } if (e->swap_filen < 0) { debugs(20, DBG_IMPORTANT, "storeSwapInStart: swap_filen < 0"); return; } assert(e->mem_obj != NULL); debugs(20, 3, "storeSwapInStart: Opening fileno " << std::hex << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << std::uppercase << e->swap_filen); sc->swapin_sio = storeOpen(e, storeSwapInFileNotify, storeSwapInFileClosed, sc); } static void storeSwapInFileClosed(void *data, int errflag, StoreIOState::Pointer self) { store_client *sc = (store_client *)data; debugs(20, 3, "storeSwapInFileClosed: sio=" << sc->swapin_sio.getRaw() << ", errflag=" << errflag); sc->swapin_sio = NULL; if (sc->_callback.pending()) { assert (errflag <= 0); sc->callback(0, errflag ? true : false); } ++statCounter.swap.ins; } static void storeSwapInFileNotify(void *data, int errflag, StoreIOState::Pointer self) { store_client *sc = (store_client *)data; StoreEntry *e = sc->entry; debugs(1, 3, "storeSwapInFileNotify: changing " << e->swap_filen << "/" << e->swap_dirn << " to " << sc->swapin_sio->swap_filen << "/" << sc->swapin_sio->swap_dirn); assert(e->swap_filen < 0); // if this fails, call SwapDir::disconnect(e) e->swap_filen = sc->swapin_sio->swap_filen; e->swap_dirn = sc->swapin_sio->swap_dirn; }