/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2015 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ #include "squid.h" #define STUB_API "SBuf.cc" #include "tests/STUB.h" #include "SBuf.h" InstanceIdDefinitions(SBuf, "SBuf"); SBufStats SBuf::stats; const SBuf::size_type SBuf::npos; const SBuf::size_type SBuf::maxSize; SBufStats::SBufStats() {} std::ostream& SBufStats::dump(std::ostream &os) const STUB_RETVAL(os) SBufStats& SBufStats::operator +=(const SBufStats&) STUB_RETVAL(*this) SBuf::SBuf() {} SBuf::SBuf(const SBuf &S) {} SBuf::SBuf(const char *S, size_type n) {} SBuf::SBuf(const String &S) {} SBuf::SBuf(const std::string &s) {} SBuf::~SBuf() {} SBuf& SBuf::assign(const SBuf &S) STUB_RETVAL(*this) SBuf& SBuf::assign(const char *S, size_type n) STUB_RETVAL(*this) void clear() STUB SBuf& SBuf::append(const SBuf & S) STUB_RETVAL(*this) SBuf& SBuf::append(const char * S, size_type Ssize) STUB_RETVAL(*this) SBuf& Printf(const char *fmt, ...); SBuf& SBuf::appendf(const char *fmt, ...) STUB_RETVAL(*this) SBuf& SBuf::vappendf(const char *fmt, va_list vargs) STUB_RETVAL(*this) std::ostream& SBuf::print(std::ostream &os) const STUB_RETVAL(os) std::ostream& SBuf::dump(std::ostream &os) const STUB_RETVAL(os) void SBuf::setAt(size_type pos, char toset) STUB int SBuf::compare(const SBuf &S, const SBufCaseSensitive isCaseSensitive, const size_type n) const STUB_RETVAL(-1) int SBuf::compare(const char *s, const SBufCaseSensitive isCaseSensitive, const size_type n) const STUB_RETVAL(-1) bool SBuf::startsWith(const SBuf &S, const SBufCaseSensitive isCaseSensitive) const STUB_RETVAL(false) bool SBuf::operator ==(const SBuf & S) const STUB_RETVAL(false) bool SBuf::operator !=(const SBuf & S) const STUB_RETVAL(false) SBuf SBuf::consume(size_type n) STUB_RETVAL(*this) const SBufStats& SBuf::GetStats() STUB_RETVAL(SBuf::stats) SBuf::size_type SBuf::copy(char *dest, size_type n) const STUB_RETVAL(0) const char* SBuf::rawContent() const STUB_RETVAL(NULL) char *SBuf::rawSpace(size_type minSize) STUB_RETVAL(NULL) void SBuf::forceSize(size_type newSize) STUB const char* SBuf::c_str() STUB_RETVAL("") void SBuf::reserveCapacity(size_type minCapacity) STUB SBuf& SBuf::chop(size_type pos, size_type n) STUB_RETVAL(*this) SBuf& SBuf::trim(const SBuf &toRemove, bool atBeginning, bool atEnd) STUB_RETVAL(*this) SBuf SBuf::substr(size_type pos, size_type n) const STUB_RETVAL(*this) SBuf::size_type SBuf::find(char c, size_type startPos) const STUB_RETVAL(SBuf::npos) SBuf::size_type SBuf::find(const SBuf & str, size_type startPos) const STUB_RETVAL(SBuf::npos) SBuf::size_type SBuf::rfind(char c, size_type endPos) const STUB_RETVAL(SBuf::npos) SBuf::size_type SBuf::rfind(const SBuf &str, size_type endPos) const STUB_RETVAL(SBuf::npos) SBuf::size_type SBuf::findFirstOf(const CharacterSet &set, size_type startPos) const STUB_RETVAL(SBuf::npos) SBuf::size_type SBuf::findFirstNotOf(const CharacterSet &set, size_type startPos) const STUB_RETVAL(SBuf::npos) int SBuf::scanf(const char *format, ...) STUB_RETVAL(-1) void SBuf::toLower() STUB void SBuf::toUpper() STUB String SBuf::toString() const STUB_RETVAL(String(""))