language 0 0 672 430 0 0 Form Qt::Vertical 20 0 If you have Internet access, read the release notes for information on problems that may affect you. true You can try ${RELEASE} without making any changes to your system, or install alongside or instead of your current operating system. true Qt::Horizontal 294 20 0 0 Please choose the language to use for the install process. This language will be the default language for this computer. true false English Russian Spanish You get the point... Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Fixed 0 40 Qt::Horizontal 293 20 Qt::Horizontal 100 20 0 0 Try ${RELEASE} Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 40 20 0 0 Install ${RELEASE} Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon Qt::Horizontal 100 20 Qt::Horizontal Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Fixed 20 40 Welcome 0 Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Fixed 20 20 You are installing in system manufacturer mode. Please enter a unique name for this batch of systems. This name will be saved on the installed system and can be used to help with bug reports. true